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R.R. Hood Quotes

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R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I dislike Bush as much as probably anybody on earth could, but having said that... It's not like I'm going to change anybody's mind."

I dislike Bush as much as probably anybody on earth could, but having said that... It's not like I'm going to change anybody's mind.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I never want to be that guy spouting off my political views. I mean, they're pretty well known, and it certainly comes out."

I never want to be that guy spouting off my political views. I mean, they're pretty well known, and it certainly comes out.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "It's hard being part of a married couple in a band."

It's hard being part of a married couple in a band.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Songwriting can be cathartic, but then you just keep it private. If you're going to play out and have other people listen to you, then you need to make sure there's some point to what you're saying."

Songwriting can be cathartic, but then you just keep it private. If you're going to play out and have other people listen to you, then you need to make sure there's some point to what you're saying.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "What we need to do from God's perspective is that we need to reach out and understand each other."

What we need to do from God's perspective is that we need to reach out and understand each other.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I'm not there to impose my religious beliefs on anybody, or say 'this is the only way you should think'. It's up to you to decide, and God is a God of free will."

I'm not there to impose my religious beliefs on anybody, or say 'this is the only way you should think'. It's up to you to decide, and God is a God of free will.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "When there's fear people act out in desperate ways."

When there's fear people act out in desperate ways.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "The message has to go to the streets, it's imperative that we reach those who may not get to a church. We receive their questions, it's important that the world asks questions."

The message has to go to the streets, it's imperative that we reach those who may not get to a church. We receive their questions, it's important that the world asks questions.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I ask God in spirit and in truth 'what are we?'. It's the questions first."

I ask God in spirit and in truth 'what are we?'. It's the questions first.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "How bless'd the heart that has a friend. A sympathizing ear to lend."

How bless'd the heart that has a friend. A sympathizing ear to lend.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "A certain portion of the human race has certainly a taste for being diddled."

A certain portion of the human race has certainly a taste for being diddled.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "A man that's fond precociously of stirring , :;:; Must be a spoon."

A man that's fond precociously of stirring , :;:; Must be a spoon.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "My books kept me from the ring, the dog-pit, the tavern, and the saloon."

My books kept me from the ring, the dog-pit, the tavern, and the saloon.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Lives of great men oft remind us as we o'er their pages turn, That we too may leave behind us - Letters that we ought to burn."

Lives of great men oft remind us as we o'er their pages turn, That we too may leave behind us - Letters that we ought to burn.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Alas for the rarity Of Christian charity Under the sun!"

Alas for the rarity Of Christian charity Under the sun!

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "The Quaker loves an ample brim, A hat that bows to no salaam; And dear the beaver is to him As if it never made a dam."

The Quaker loves an ample brim, A hat that bows to no salaam; And dear the beaver is to him As if it never made a dam.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Our very hopes belied our fears, Our fears our hopes belied; We thought her dying when she slept, And sleeping when she died."

Our very hopes belied our fears, Our fears our hopes belied; We thought her dying when she slept, And sleeping when she died.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Bells are musics laughter."

Bells are musics laughter.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "O men with sisters dear, O men with mothers and wives, It is not linen you 're wearing out, But human creatures' lives!"

O men with sisters dear, O men with mothers and wives, It is not linen you 're wearing out, But human creatures' lives!

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "For man may pious texts repeat, And yet religion have no inward seat"

For man may pious texts repeat, And yet religion have no inward seat

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Experience enables me to depose to the comfort and blessing that literature can prove in seasons of sickness and sorrow."

Experience enables me to depose to the comfort and blessing that literature can prove in seasons of sickness and sorrow.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Well for the drones of the social hive that there are bees of an industrious turn, willing, for an infinitesimal share of the honey, to undertake the labor of its fabrication."

Well for the drones of the social hive that there are bees of an industrious turn, willing, for an infinitesimal share of the honey, to undertake the labor of its fabrication.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Fuss is the froth of business."

Fuss is the froth of business.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Pity it is to slay the meanest thing."

Pity it is to slay the meanest thing.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Oh would I were dead now, Or up in my bed now, To cover my head now, And have a good cry!"

Oh would I were dead now, Or up in my bed now, To cover my head now, And have a good cry!

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "How widely its agencies vary,- To save, to ruin, to curse, to bless,- As even its minted coins express, Now stamp'd with the image of Good Queen Bess, And now of a Bloody Mary."

How widely its agencies vary,- To save, to ruin, to curse, to bless,- As even its minted coins express, Now stamp'd with the image of Good Queen Bess, And now of a Bloody Mary.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Boughs are daily rifled By the gusty thieves, And the book of Nature Getteth short of leaves."

Boughs are daily rifled By the gusty thieves, And the book of Nature Getteth short of leaves.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "And there is even a happiness That makes the heart afraid."

And there is even a happiness That makes the heart afraid.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Would you guys choose to walk away from possibly the most incredible encounter of your lifetime just because you had to let it go sooner then you wanted? Just because you knew that it would never be?"

Would you guys choose to walk away from possibly the most incredible encounter of your lifetime just because you had to let it go sooner then you wanted? Just because you knew that it would never be?

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Dying was misery. Death was that period at the end of the sentence."

Dying was misery. Death was that period at the end of the sentence.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "She promised him she would love him until she was physically unable to anymore and then after when all she could do was hold his photograph."

She promised him she would love him until she was physically unable to anymore and then after when all she could do was hold his photograph.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions"

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "A novel must show how the world truly is, how characters genuinely think, how events actually occur. A novel should somehow reveal the true source of our actions."

A novel must show how the world truly is, how characters genuinely think, how events actually occur. A novel should somehow reveal the true source of our actions.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "People expected something for nothing, that’s why they did nothing so beautifully these days."

People expected something for nothing, that’s why they did nothing so beautifully these days.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Never been more truthful then right now, looking at you fixes everything."

Never been more truthful then right now, looking at you fixes everything.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "It’s always funny watching something so beautiful not know how beautiful it really is. It’s sad even."

It’s always funny watching something so beautiful not know how beautiful it really is. It’s sad even.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "All I knew was, my Father was famous for being a loser, and a loser that wanted nothing to do with me, since the day I was born."

All I knew was, my Father was famous for being a loser, and a loser that wanted nothing to do with me, since the day I was born.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "If we became a pal to what scared us the most, we could find a simple way to ease all that bothered us, we would find peace, peace that we could live with."

If we became a pal to what scared us the most, we could find a simple way to ease all that bothered us, we would find peace, peace that we could live with.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "This is my heart on CRACK." Robin when she sees Creek"

This is my heart on CRACK." Robin when she sees Creek

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Maybe I am everything I knew that I would never be. I looked back at Jay and smiled."

Maybe I am everything I knew that I would never be. I looked back at Jay and smiled.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "He perched the bat on his shoulder, giving a nod that he understood I needed his help. With one loud yell and a couple swings of the bat, he cleared me another path."

He perched the bat on his shoulder, giving a nod that he understood I needed his help. With one loud yell and a couple swings of the bat, he cleared me another path.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Trust to some was placing all your insecurities and beliefs in one single person, and hoping he or she wouldn’t squash them."

Trust to some was placing all your insecurities and beliefs in one single person, and hoping he or she wouldn’t squash them.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Life is not kind. Who are you trying to kid, Kendall?” He sighed."

Life is not kind. Who are you trying to kid, Kendall?” He sighed.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "Impending doom, it was a familiar sweater, we all wore it and as scratchy as it felt against our skin, we kept it on."

Impending doom, it was a familiar sweater, we all wore it and as scratchy as it felt against our skin, we kept it on.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I was such a messed up person and he was still holding on."

I was such a messed up person and he was still holding on.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "When your demon was yourself, there really was no way to fight or get rid of it."

When your demon was yourself, there really was no way to fight or get rid of it.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "I wanted to play with death, like a child with a new toy, I wanted to push all the buttons and see what would happen."

I wanted to play with death, like a child with a new toy, I wanted to push all the buttons and see what would happen.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "We tend to get a little information before we off people. It’s not a play by ear sort of deal."

We tend to get a little information before we off people. It’s not a play by ear sort of deal.

R.R.  Hood Quotes: "You took life by the horns and tried to hold on tight, for fear of being ripped to shreds, left bloodied and battered."

You took life by the horns and tried to hold on tight, for fear of being ripped to shreds, left bloodied and battered.