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Robert Englund Quotes

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Robert Englund Quotes: "That's the thing with independent cinema: They all get good reviews, and they don't make money. Some of them are good. Some are great. And some are terrible."

That's the thing with independent cinema: They all get good reviews, and they don't make money. Some of them are good. Some are great. And some are terrible.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I make a star's salary when I do horror, because I can still open a movie in Italy or Spain or Germany."

I make a star's salary when I do horror, because I can still open a movie in Italy or Spain or Germany.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I'm doing a lot of boogie-boarding now. It's actually better exercise, I get a lot more waves, and if I'm out in big surf, I can duck under the waves much easier."

I'm doing a lot of boogie-boarding now. It's actually better exercise, I get a lot more waves, and if I'm out in big surf, I can duck under the waves much easier.

Robert Englund Quotes: "By the time I'm out of makeup, I'm ready to act."

By the time I'm out of makeup, I'm ready to act.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I do genre films because I like them, or because I need the money."

I do genre films because I like them, or because I need the money.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I love the fans, and I respect the fans, and I want them to go out and support movies."

I love the fans, and I respect the fans, and I want them to go out and support movies.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I loved horror since I was a kid."

I loved horror since I was a kid.

Robert Englund Quotes: "We have to open our minds and be ready for the changes."

We have to open our minds and be ready for the changes.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Everybody underestimated the universality of the concept of a nightmare or a bad dream."

Everybody underestimated the universality of the concept of a nightmare or a bad dream.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Because I am known in the horror genre now, I try and do at least one horror movie a year for my fans, my fans have been so good to me."

Because I am known in the horror genre now, I try and do at least one horror movie a year for my fans, my fans have been so good to me.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I know there really is someone out there for everyone."

I know there really is someone out there for everyone.

Robert Englund Quotes: "You have to get your hands dirty. You've got to really deliver the goods, and when you do, you can get something really special."

You have to get your hands dirty. You've got to really deliver the goods, and when you do, you can get something really special.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Doing a movie in Tel Aviv or London or South Africa or Mexico. It's this great second act to my career, and it's a real good time."

Doing a movie in Tel Aviv or London or South Africa or Mexico. It's this great second act to my career, and it's a real good time.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Sometimes we spend our money on something we think is gonna be great, and the titles shall remain nameless, but they're just a little disappointing."

Sometimes we spend our money on something we think is gonna be great, and the titles shall remain nameless, but they're just a little disappointing.

Robert Englund Quotes: "If you don't invest in the characters, you don't care if they get killed. It's more fun if you know them."

If you don't invest in the characters, you don't care if they get killed. It's more fun if you know them.

Robert Englund Quotes: "It's hard for young people to understand when you tell them how great relationships are."

It's hard for young people to understand when you tell them how great relationships are.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I love the idea of comedy in horror. I think this should be allowed."

I love the idea of comedy in horror. I think this should be allowed.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Who would know that by playing a nerdy alien and a child killer, I would have a 30-year career in Hollywood? I've outlasted so many people."

Who would know that by playing a nerdy alien and a child killer, I would have a 30-year career in Hollywood? I've outlasted so many people.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I'm of the opinion that you go where you're wanted."

I'm of the opinion that you go where you're wanted.

Robert Englund Quotes: "We used to take girls to scary movies all the time, I don't know about you, but that was the place we would go for dates."

We used to take girls to scary movies all the time, I don't know about you, but that was the place we would go for dates.

Robert Englund Quotes: "American Horror Story on cable now, it is terrific. There has to be room to re-invent."

American Horror Story on cable now, it is terrific. There has to be room to re-invent.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I'm kind of like a combination of a red herring and a fake-out."

I'm kind of like a combination of a red herring and a fake-out.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I am lucky. I am fortunate. I found the love of my life."

I am lucky. I am fortunate. I found the love of my life.

Robert Englund Quotes: "When you're on a sound stage and you're shooting a fire stunt, this weird thing happens where the fire eats up all the oxygen and everybody gets a little dingy."

When you're on a sound stage and you're shooting a fire stunt, this weird thing happens where the fire eats up all the oxygen and everybody gets a little dingy.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But there is always a time and a place for the subsets within genres."

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But there is always a time and a place for the subsets within genres.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Once you have a history together, it's just another love for life. Everything is easier. It is just easier to live."

Once you have a history together, it's just another love for life. Everything is easier. It is just easier to live.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Hollywood is tripping over its own feet."

Hollywood is tripping over its own feet.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I was quite a snob when I was a theatre actor earlier in my career."

I was quite a snob when I was a theatre actor earlier in my career.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I may be a B-movie star, but I work. I'm an actor."

I may be a B-movie star, but I work. I'm an actor.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I'm an actor. Actors are supposed to act."

I'm an actor. Actors are supposed to act.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I've watched people who were better actors than me disappear, and they're selling insurance now."

I've watched people who were better actors than me disappear, and they're selling insurance now.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I don't choose roles. I go where I'm wanted."

I don't choose roles. I go where I'm wanted.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage."

Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage.

Robert Englund Quotes: "I always serve the writer first because I'm English trained, even though I'm American."

I always serve the writer first because I'm English trained, even though I'm American.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Let's kill somebody to Sinatra! Or to early Elvis!"

Let's kill somebody to Sinatra! Or to early Elvis!

Robert Englund Quotes: "I love new questions."

I love new questions.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Fear has been good to yours truly."

Fear has been good to yours truly.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Death by plane crash scares me. I travel a lot, and when you hit turbulence, and post 9/11, that's in the back of my mind a bit."

Death by plane crash scares me. I travel a lot, and when you hit turbulence, and post 9/11, that's in the back of my mind a bit.

Robert Englund Quotes: "Halloween starts earlier and earlier, just like Christmas."

Halloween starts earlier and earlier, just like Christmas.

Robert Englund Quotes: "But mostly it's about pacing yourself when you do these movies."

But mostly it's about pacing yourself when you do these movies.