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Roger Ebert Quotes

Find the best Roger Ebert quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Roger Ebert quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "But the fact is, most people are not going to be rich someday."

But the fact is, most people are not going to be rich someday.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "If you find an occupation you love and spend your entire life working at it, is that enough?"

If you find an occupation you love and spend your entire life working at it, is that enough?

Roger Ebert Quotes: "When we're discussing who to invite to a dinner party, my wife Chaz and I sometimes use the shorthand, 'good value for money,' which indicates guests expected to be entertaining."

When we're discussing who to invite to a dinner party, my wife Chaz and I sometimes use the shorthand, 'good value for money,' which indicates guests expected to be entertaining.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I am informed that 5,000 cockroaches were used in the filming of Joe's Apartment. That depresses me, but not as much as the news that none of them were harmed during the production."

I am informed that 5,000 cockroaches were used in the filming of Joe's Apartment. That depresses me, but not as much as the news that none of them were harmed during the production.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "In Hollywood, 'under development' means 'all I have is the title.'"

In Hollywood, 'under development' means 'all I have is the title.'

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It is universally agreed that Jean Renoir was one of the greatest of all directors, and he was also one of the warmest and most entertaining."

It is universally agreed that Jean Renoir was one of the greatest of all directors, and he was also one of the warmest and most entertaining.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Samurai films, like westerns, need not be familiar genre stories. They can expand to contain stories of ethical challenges and human tragedy."

Samurai films, like westerns, need not be familiar genre stories. They can expand to contain stories of ethical challenges and human tragedy.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I felt it would to add a great deal to my legend for eccentricity."

I felt it would to add a great deal to my legend for eccentricity.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's easier to identify with loss than love, because we have had so much more experience of it."

It's easier to identify with loss than love, because we have had so much more experience of it.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Some of these people make my skin crawl."

Some of these people make my skin crawl.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I know aliens from other worlds are required to arrive in New Mexico, but why stay there?"

I know aliens from other worlds are required to arrive in New Mexico, but why stay there?

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Resentment is just a way of letting someone else use your mind rent-free."

Resentment is just a way of letting someone else use your mind rent-free.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "(Guy) Pearce, as the hero, makes the mistake of trying to give a good and realistic performance. (Jeremy) Irons at least knows what kind of movie he's in, and hams it up accordingly."

(Guy) Pearce, as the hero, makes the mistake of trying to give a good and realistic performance. (Jeremy) Irons at least knows what kind of movie he's in, and hams it up accordingly.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "In the world of bad movies, 'Death to Smoochy' is a towering achievement."

In the world of bad movies, 'Death to Smoochy' is a towering achievement.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Fight Club is a thrill ride masquerading as philosophy - the kind of ride where some people puke and others can't wait to get on again."

Fight Club is a thrill ride masquerading as philosophy - the kind of ride where some people puke and others can't wait to get on again.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Nobody looks perfect. We have to find peace with the way we look and get on with life."

Nobody looks perfect. We have to find peace with the way we look and get on with life.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "We are the playthings of the gods."

We are the playthings of the gods.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I find that when I am actually writing, I enter a zone of concentration too small to admit my troubles."

I find that when I am actually writing, I enter a zone of concentration too small to admit my troubles.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "'Marley' does what is probably the best possible job of documenting an important life."

'Marley' does what is probably the best possible job of documenting an important life.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Aren't you getting tired of people hating one another? What do they think they get out of it?"

Aren't you getting tired of people hating one another? What do they think they get out of it?

Roger Ebert Quotes: "We exist to have our wealth moved up the economic chain out of our reach."

We exist to have our wealth moved up the economic chain out of our reach.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "My lifetime’s memories are what I have brought home from the trip. I will require them for eternity no more than that little souvenir of the Eiffel Tower I brought home from Paris."

My lifetime’s memories are what I have brought home from the trip. I will require them for eternity no more than that little souvenir of the Eiffel Tower I brought home from Paris.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "One hopeful sign that the filmmakers can learn and grow is that the sequel does not contain a single pie, if you know what I mean."

One hopeful sign that the filmmakers can learn and grow is that the sequel does not contain a single pie, if you know what I mean.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "My newspaper job … is my identity."

My newspaper job … is my identity.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "A lot of first novels are written long before they're actually put down on paper."

A lot of first novels are written long before they're actually put down on paper.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' is a magnificent science-fiction film, all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn't have the answers."

Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' is a magnificent science-fiction film, all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn't have the answers.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "What every human being should do is eat a vegetarian diet based on whole foods. Period."

What every human being should do is eat a vegetarian diet based on whole foods. Period.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "What a terrible thing it would be to be the Pope! What unthinkable responsibilities to fall on your shoulders at an advanced age! No privacy. No seclusion. No sin."

What a terrible thing it would be to be the Pope! What unthinkable responsibilities to fall on your shoulders at an advanced age! No privacy. No seclusion. No sin.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "What in the world is a leave of presence? It means I am not going away."

What in the world is a leave of presence? It means I am not going away.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's not often a thriller keeps me wound up as well as 'Headhunters' did. I knew I was being manipulated and didn't care. It was a pleasure to see how well it was being done."

It's not often a thriller keeps me wound up as well as 'Headhunters' did. I knew I was being manipulated and didn't care. It was a pleasure to see how well it was being done.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Are vampires kinky? I didn't know."

Are vampires kinky? I didn't know.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's the same the world over. A Hollywood production comes to town, and the locals all turn movie crazy."

It's the same the world over. A Hollywood production comes to town, and the locals all turn movie crazy.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "A few actresses have all but set up shop as women of a certain age who attract younger lovers. I think of Susan Sarandon, Cameron Diaz and Isabelle Huppert."

A few actresses have all but set up shop as women of a certain age who attract younger lovers. I think of Susan Sarandon, Cameron Diaz and Isabelle Huppert.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I've never found kicks to the groin particularly funny, although recent work in the genre of the buddy movie suggests audience research must prove me wrong."

I've never found kicks to the groin particularly funny, although recent work in the genre of the buddy movie suggests audience research must prove me wrong.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I don't think Bush was legitimately elected President."

I don't think Bush was legitimately elected President.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I stopped taking notes on my Palm Pilot and started playing the little chess game."

I stopped taking notes on my Palm Pilot and started playing the little chess game.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Valentines Day is being marketed as a Date Movie. I think its more of a First-Date Movie. If your date likes it, do not date that person again. And if you like it, there may not be a second date."

Valentines Day is being marketed as a Date Movie. I think its more of a First-Date Movie. If your date likes it, do not date that person again. And if you like it, there may not be a second date.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make the DVD available to your patients; there may be an outbreak of bedpans thrown at TV screens."

I urgently advise hospitals: Do not make the DVD available to your patients; there may be an outbreak of bedpans thrown at TV screens.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "We live in a box of space and time. Movies are windows in its walls."

We live in a box of space and time. Movies are windows in its walls.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Nicholas Sparks recently went on record as saying he is a greater novelist than Cormac McCarthy. This is true in the same sense that I am a better novelist than William Shakespeare."

Nicholas Sparks recently went on record as saying he is a greater novelist than Cormac McCarthy. This is true in the same sense that I am a better novelist than William Shakespeare.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "If you plan to miss this movie, better miss it quickly; I doubt if it'll be around to miss for long."

If you plan to miss this movie, better miss it quickly; I doubt if it'll be around to miss for long.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's the worst kind of bad film: the kind that gets you all worked up and then lets you down, instead of just being lousy from the first shot."

It's the worst kind of bad film: the kind that gets you all worked up and then lets you down, instead of just being lousy from the first shot.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It is hard enough to be good at all, but to be good in comedy speaks for your character."

It is hard enough to be good at all, but to be good in comedy speaks for your character.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "If you can act as if something is true, in a sense that makes it true."

If you can act as if something is true, in a sense that makes it true.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It's like the high school production of something you saw at Steppenwolf, with the most gifted students in drama class playing the John Malkovich and Joan Allen roles."

It's like the high school production of something you saw at Steppenwolf, with the most gifted students in drama class playing the John Malkovich and Joan Allen roles.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Class is often invisible in America in the movies, and usually not the subject of the film."

Class is often invisible in America in the movies, and usually not the subject of the film.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "It has been said that the reason we establish relationships is to assure ourselves of a witness to our lives."

It has been said that the reason we establish relationships is to assure ourselves of a witness to our lives.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Many people believe the names of In 'n Out and Steak 'n Shake perfectly describe the contrast in bedroom techniques between the coast and the heartland."

Many people believe the names of In 'n Out and Steak 'n Shake perfectly describe the contrast in bedroom techniques between the coast and the heartland.

Roger Ebert Quotes: "Families and their problems go on and on, and they aren't solved, they're dealt with."

Families and their problems go on and on, and they aren't solved, they're dealt with.