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S.R. Crawford Quotes

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S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Sleep is simply a chemical change in our brain and body (melatonin) - It?s not a place we go, it is a state of being that we fall into."

Sleep is simply a chemical change in our brain and body (melatonin) - It?s not a place we go, it is a state of being that we fall into.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Usually, your personality doesn't come out on the cover of Vogue. If the photographer says, "Smile," you smile. You might not be in a good mood that day, but you're smiling anyway."

Usually, your personality doesn't come out on the cover of Vogue. If the photographer says, "Smile," you smile. You might not be in a good mood that day, but you're smiling anyway.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "The problem with lethargy is that doing nothing validates the fear that nothing can be done."

The problem with lethargy is that doing nothing validates the fear that nothing can be done.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon."

I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I just want to be a nice girl from the Midwest - I don't want to have to act like a heavy to be taken seriously, and I resent that I have to be so pushy and political sometimes just to do my job."

I just want to be a nice girl from the Midwest - I don't want to have to act like a heavy to be taken seriously, and I resent that I have to be so pushy and political sometimes just to do my job.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Fashion and style is just that. Fashion and style. It's not brain surgery."

Fashion and style is just that. Fashion and style. It's not brain surgery.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Creating a meaningful life has less to do with how we feel about our past than what we do about our future."

Creating a meaningful life has less to do with how we feel about our past than what we do about our future.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "When we engage people positively, we create a receptive platform for the ideas and information we wish to communicate."

When we engage people positively, we create a receptive platform for the ideas and information we wish to communicate.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Many of us go from being taken care of as children to taking care of others as adults. Shouldn't there be a time when we learn to take care of ourselves?"

Many of us go from being taken care of as children to taking care of others as adults. Shouldn't there be a time when we learn to take care of ourselves?

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I get a wild hair up my nose and I want to go."

I get a wild hair up my nose and I want to go.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I'm what you call a deathbed Catholic."

I'm what you call a deathbed Catholic.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I have a jaundiced eye but a young mind."

I have a jaundiced eye but a young mind.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life."

It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Richard doesn't really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can't help it."

Richard doesn't really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can't help it.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Every one minute you spend in planning will save you at least three minutes in execution."

Every one minute you spend in planning will save you at least three minutes in execution.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Jealousy is the forerunner of love, and often its awakener."

Jealousy is the forerunner of love, and often its awakener.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I remember most clearly when a teenage Christopher spat in my face. He said, "I hate you". It's pretty hard to overlook that. I couldn't."

I remember most clearly when a teenage Christopher spat in my face. He said, "I hate you". It's pretty hard to overlook that. I couldn't.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "There are only three things we 'have to' do in this world we have to be born, we have to die, and we have to live until we die. Everything else is a choice!"

There are only three things we 'have to' do in this world we have to be born, we have to die, and we have to live until we die. Everything else is a choice!

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Mr. Cukor is a hard task-master, a fine director and he took me over the coals giving me the roughest time I have ever had. And I am eternally grateful."

Mr. Cukor is a hard task-master, a fine director and he took me over the coals giving me the roughest time I have ever had. And I am eternally grateful.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "To change any aspect of our life we must be willing to change our mind... Unfortunately, that is the one thing most people are the least willing to do."

To change any aspect of our life we must be willing to change our mind... Unfortunately, that is the one thing most people are the least willing to do.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Problems occur when we tie our peace of mind to another's state of mind."

Problems occur when we tie our peace of mind to another's state of mind.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "If I weren't a Christian Scientist, and I saw "Trog" advertised on a marquee across the street, I'd think I'd contemplate suicide."

If I weren't a Christian Scientist, and I saw "Trog" advertised on a marquee across the street, I'd think I'd contemplate suicide.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I was always the second heavy."

I was always the second heavy.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "One key to successful relationships is learning to say "no" without guilt, so that you can say "yes" without resentment."

One key to successful relationships is learning to say "no" without guilt, so that you can say "yes" without resentment.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "My tears speak for me."

My tears speak for me.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Sensitive husbands don't like second billing."

Sensitive husbands don't like second billing.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "You should forgive your enemies and if you haven't any, just forgive a few of your friends."

You should forgive your enemies and if you haven't any, just forgive a few of your friends.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "The problem with righteous indignation is that even when you're right, you're still left feeling indignant."

The problem with righteous indignation is that even when you're right, you're still left feeling indignant.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "The dumbest question I was ever asked by a sportswriter was whether I hit harder with red or white gloves. As a matter of fact, I hit harder with red."

The dumbest question I was ever asked by a sportswriter was whether I hit harder with red or white gloves. As a matter of fact, I hit harder with red.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Ever since he's been a little boo-aw."

Ever since he's been a little boo-aw.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "It's a good idea to pay attention to the world and try to understand how it works rather than how you would like it to work."

It's a good idea to pay attention to the world and try to understand how it works rather than how you would like it to work.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "To understand ourself, we must understand our "selves," or the parts of us that motivate our thoughts, decisions, and behaviors."

To understand ourself, we must understand our "selves," or the parts of us that motivate our thoughts, decisions, and behaviors.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "A soup so thick you could shake its hand and stroll with it before dinner."

A soup so thick you could shake its hand and stroll with it before dinner.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "In spite of Jean-Jacques and his school, men are not everywhere born free, any more than they are everywhere in chains, unless these be of their own individual making."

In spite of Jean-Jacques and his school, men are not everywhere born free, any more than they are everywhere in chains, unless these be of their own individual making.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Nobody in my family ever thought that I'd a be a model."

Nobody in my family ever thought that I'd a be a model.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Sometimes you learn more from failure than you do from success, and in some ways it's better to have failure at the beginning of your career, or your life."

Sometimes you learn more from failure than you do from success, and in some ways it's better to have failure at the beginning of your career, or your life.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar. Everything I earn, I spend."

I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar. Everything I earn, I spend.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "The truth does not reveal itself to idle spectators."

The truth does not reveal itself to idle spectators.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "You never want to tie your responsibility to another's irresponsibility."

You never want to tie your responsibility to another's irresponsibility.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I wasn't the most popular girl in school by any means."

I wasn't the most popular girl in school by any means.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "A joke isn't a joke until someone laughs."

A joke isn't a joke until someone laughs.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "What sort of personality does one need to have, as a twenty-first-century mechanic, to tolerate the layers of electronic bullshit that get piled on top of machines?"

What sort of personality does one need to have, as a twenty-first-century mechanic, to tolerate the layers of electronic bullshit that get piled on top of machines?

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Not that I believe you can have it all: I believe you can have it all, just not at the same time."

Not that I believe you can have it all: I believe you can have it all, just not at the same time.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I like to be like the old-school guys. They played hard, man, and they played from the heart. They didn't play to just get checks."

I like to be like the old-school guys. They played hard, man, and they played from the heart. They didn't play to just get checks.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Mike Keenan has been responsible for creating a lot of good things for coaches, like mid-season job openings."

Mike Keenan has been responsible for creating a lot of good things for coaches, like mid-season job openings.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Whatever happened in the past doesn't really matter anymore to us right now."

Whatever happened in the past doesn't really matter anymore to us right now.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I'd like to think every director I've worked with has fallen in love with me, I know Dorothy Arzner did."

I'd like to think every director I've worked with has fallen in love with me, I know Dorothy Arzner did.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "New York's a big playground. I have a bike, and I'm really into just being outside. Especially in the summertime."

New York's a big playground. I have a bike, and I'm really into just being outside. Especially in the summertime.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Out of the current confusion of ideals and confounding of career hopes, a calm recognition may yet emerge that productive labor is the foundation of all prosperity."

Out of the current confusion of ideals and confounding of career hopes, a calm recognition may yet emerge that productive labor is the foundation of all prosperity.