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S.R. Crawford Quotes

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S.R. Crawford Quotes: "It's hard to explain why I like Europe so much."

It's hard to explain why I like Europe so much.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I want to make someone walk straight, but I've left my sons nothing but wars."

I want to make someone walk straight, but I've left my sons nothing but wars.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I've made my peace with myself."

I've made my peace with myself.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I only go to mass when somebody asks me, but when I get in trouble I call for a priest."

I only go to mass when somebody asks me, but when I get in trouble I call for a priest.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Whenever I hit a ball in the gap, I'm thinking the extra bases. I never slow down. That's the only way you're going to get triples."

Whenever I hit a ball in the gap, I'm thinking the extra bases. I never slow down. That's the only way you're going to get triples.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I just want to become a great leadoff hitter."

I just want to become a great leadoff hitter.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I hate walking around known as a team that loses all the time."

I hate walking around known as a team that loses all the time.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I'm going to try to not put a lot of pressure on myself."

I'm going to try to not put a lot of pressure on myself.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I want to develop every base of my game-stealing bases, hitting, being a better fielder."

I want to develop every base of my game-stealing bases, hitting, being a better fielder.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "This is totally unexpected. I thought I'd be in the NBA or the NFL. I never thought baseball. It's kind of like a surprise. I'm happy it happened."

This is totally unexpected. I thought I'd be in the NBA or the NFL. I never thought baseball. It's kind of like a surprise. I'm happy it happened.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "You get older and more mature ... you just kind of go with the flow."

You get older and more mature ... you just kind of go with the flow.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I don't have to try to be perfect at everything."

I don't have to try to be perfect at everything.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I always knew I wanted to have children."

I always knew I wanted to have children.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I don't see my skin aging. I see my skin looking as good, or better, than it did ten years ago...and that makes me smile."

I don't see my skin aging. I see my skin looking as good, or better, than it did ten years ago...and that makes me smile.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I just find that each year I try something new. You can't fight the march of time. To balance that out, each year you should develop one more good habit. It levels the playing field."

I just find that each year I try something new. You can't fight the march of time. To balance that out, each year you should develop one more good habit. It levels the playing field.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Even in normal life, I'm not the skinniest model."

Even in normal life, I'm not the skinniest model.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I tried on 250 bathing suits in one afternoon and ended up havinglittle scabs up and down my thighs, probably from some of those withsequins all over them."

I tried on 250 bathing suits in one afternoon and ended up havinglittle scabs up and down my thighs, probably from some of those withsequins all over them.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I'm all-American. Sexy but not intimidating. Not the kind of woman who's going to steal someone's husband."

I'm all-American. Sexy but not intimidating. Not the kind of woman who's going to steal someone's husband.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "But some people don't appreciate my bossiness."

But some people don't appreciate my bossiness.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I don't waste as much time at work because I'd rather spend it with my kids."

I don't waste as much time at work because I'd rather spend it with my kids.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Goal training is important. If there's a 5K walk in the community, train for that."

Goal training is important. If there's a 5K walk in the community, train for that.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I used the Deep Cleansing Masque on my wedding day because I wanted everything - including my complexion - to be perfect!"

I used the Deep Cleansing Masque on my wedding day because I wanted everything - including my complexion - to be perfect!

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I am inspired by many people. First and foremost, I'm inspired by my mother. She definitely helped her children to feel unconditional love and I want to be that same kind of mother."

I am inspired by many people. First and foremost, I'm inspired by my mother. She definitely helped her children to feel unconditional love and I want to be that same kind of mother.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I married someone whom I was close friends with first. I think that was a really good move."

I married someone whom I was close friends with first. I think that was a really good move.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "As a mother, I always have something better to be doing. I love work still, but I'm less tolerant of my time being wasted."

As a mother, I always have something better to be doing. I love work still, but I'm less tolerant of my time being wasted.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Being a nice girl from the Mid-West, my inclination is always to give in and say yes because I want people to like me."

Being a nice girl from the Mid-West, my inclination is always to give in and say yes because I want people to like me.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Being on set with my daughter watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience. I am so proud of her."

Being on set with my daughter watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience. I am so proud of her.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Every sentence, every phrase, every word has to fight for its life."

Every sentence, every phrase, every word has to fight for its life.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "As a human sentiment, it's touching to behold."

As a human sentiment, it's touching to behold.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Life deals from the bottom, sometimes, doesn't it?"

Life deals from the bottom, sometimes, doesn't it?

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Choose your clothes for your way of life."

Choose your clothes for your way of life.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Check out the very best of Hollywood jokes that will make you laugh"

Check out the very best of Hollywood jokes that will make you laugh

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Sure, Daniel wears number 22 and Henrik number 33."

Sure, Daniel wears number 22 and Henrik number 33.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Each new development starts from something else. It does not come out of a blue sky. You make use of that which has already entered the mind.... That is the real reason for accumulating knowledge."

Each new development starts from something else. It does not come out of a blue sky. You make use of that which has already entered the mind.... That is the real reason for accumulating knowledge.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "There is always something rough and tumble about planting - because with our clumsy implements we must reach from our atmospheric element down into another, down into the darkness of the soil."

There is always something rough and tumble about planting - because with our clumsy implements we must reach from our atmospheric element down into another, down into the darkness of the soil.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "She looked down at her bulging veins and she remembered the most important thing that she had forgotten – she was alive."

She looked down at her bulging veins and she remembered the most important thing that she had forgotten – she was alive.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "You can t coast uphill."

You can t coast uphill.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "knowledge without application is like a book that is never read' Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead."

knowledge without application is like a book that is never read' Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I still need you. Killer, boyfriend, friend, whatever…I need you in my life…if for nothing else, to show me that it’s OK to be broken. It’s OK for things not to be OK."

I still need you. Killer, boyfriend, friend, whatever…I need you in my life…if for nothing else, to show me that it’s OK to be broken. It’s OK for things not to be OK.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Don’t you just love meeting new people in new places? It means I can be whoever I want to be. And guess what, sweet’eart? Today…I choose to be your worst nightmare."

Don’t you just love meeting new people in new places? It means I can be whoever I want to be. And guess what, sweet’eart? Today…I choose to be your worst nightmare.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "A fortress doesn’t fall unless its towers are weakened."

A fortress doesn’t fall unless its towers are weakened.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "What do you want? What do you want?...To see the world burn, and a new one be born from the ashes…"

What do you want? What do you want?...To see the world burn, and a new one be born from the ashes…

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser."

I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "His was the strong soul, gentle, but tempered with fire, fervent, heroic and good, the helper and friend of mankind. It is such as he who make progress possible."

His was the strong soul, gentle, but tempered with fire, fervent, heroic and good, the helper and friend of mankind. It is such as he who make progress possible.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Victory is forged in the heart."

Victory is forged in the heart.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I never tolerate disrespect or betrayal"

I never tolerate disrespect or betrayal

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "Then I guess we have a problem…because this man, Luhan Kane, is under arrest by decree of the Elders’ Circle. My authority outweighs yours."

Then I guess we have a problem…because this man, Luhan Kane, is under arrest by decree of the Elders’ Circle. My authority outweighs yours.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "You don’t even know me, or what I am capable of, boy."

You don’t even know me, or what I am capable of, boy.

S.R. Crawford Quotes: "I’m scared that you’ll make me love you…and then you’ll leave me."

I’m scared that you’ll make me love you…and then you’ll leave me.