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Find the best Search quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Search quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Search Quotes: "No one has the right to do wrong, even if wrong has been done to them."

No one has the right to do wrong, even if wrong has been done to them.

Search Quotes: "I don't ever drink alone. It's not much fun. And I don't think I will until I am an alcoholic."

I don't ever drink alone. It's not much fun. And I don't think I will until I am an alcoholic.

Search Quotes: "Companies that cannot successfully answer what they do fail to then understand how they can continue to do it in the face of change."

Companies that cannot successfully answer what they do fail to then understand how they can continue to do it in the face of change.

Search Quotes: "It is not wrong to think that the traditional buying of a product has been replaced with an unwritten contract of shared values between a business and its customers."

It is not wrong to think that the traditional buying of a product has been replaced with an unwritten contract of shared values between a business and its customers.

Search Quotes: "To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balancedlife."

To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balancedlife.

Search Quotes: "Philosophy is like wine. There are good years and bad years but, in general, the older the better."

Philosophy is like wine. There are good years and bad years but, in general, the older the better.

Search Quotes: "Deep-rooted happiness may require a sense of purpose. If I don't feel that I am in some small way contributing to the greater good, holding on to happiness is like carrying water in my hands."

Deep-rooted happiness may require a sense of purpose. If I don't feel that I am in some small way contributing to the greater good, holding on to happiness is like carrying water in my hands.

Search Quotes: "I dreamt about you last night and woke up with such a great feeling because I know that you are not just a dream but the reality of my life. -Anonymous#romanceweek"

I dreamt about you last night and woke up with such a great feeling because I know that you are not just a dream but the reality of my life. -Anonymous#romanceweek

Search Quotes: "First visualize your goal in your mind. Then have a leap of faith, and let your passion guide you throughout the process."

First visualize your goal in your mind. Then have a leap of faith, and let your passion guide you throughout the process.

Search Quotes: "Know yourself as you are – particles of start-dust moving through the eternal ocean of time, trying to make whatever little difference you can."

Know yourself as you are – particles of start-dust moving through the eternal ocean of time, trying to make whatever little difference you can.

Search Quotes: "Any human action that goes against what is ordinary, is deemed as an anomaly."

Any human action that goes against what is ordinary, is deemed as an anomaly.

Search Quotes: "The scriptures are just books. It all depends on you, whether you are going to learn goodness and compassion from them, or use them to destroy your environment."

The scriptures are just books. It all depends on you, whether you are going to learn goodness and compassion from them, or use them to destroy your environment.

Search Quotes: "Human brain is structured to avoid any kind of refutation of one's religious beliefs."

Human brain is structured to avoid any kind of refutation of one's religious beliefs.

Search Quotes: "From the tiniest experience of your daily life to your grand perception of the universe, in various situations, the human brain tends to create its own myth and stories."

From the tiniest experience of your daily life to your grand perception of the universe, in various situations, the human brain tends to create its own myth and stories.

Search Quotes: "I am the bridge that connects these two ever- separated banks of human understanding."

I am the bridge that connects these two ever- separated banks of human understanding.

Search Quotes: "From all aspects of human perception, you truly are your brain."

From all aspects of human perception, you truly are your brain.

Search Quotes: "A rational human being of the civilized world would be like the swan that can draw the milk from a mixture of milk and water, leaving aside the water."

A rational human being of the civilized world would be like the swan that can draw the milk from a mixture of milk and water, leaving aside the water.

Search Quotes: "Realization of your inner divinity is the scientific religion of thinking humanity."

Realization of your inner divinity is the scientific religion of thinking humanity.

Search Quotes: "Moms are so hard to understand! They'll never allow us to go on diet for fitness but forcefully make us fast in the name of God!~Swapna Rajput~"

Moms are so hard to understand! They'll never allow us to go on diet for fitness but forcefully make us fast in the name of God!~Swapna Rajput~

Search Quotes: "At its most fundamental, language is an act of shared attention, and without the fundamentally human willingness to listen to what another person is saying, language would not work."

At its most fundamental, language is an act of shared attention, and without the fundamentally human willingness to listen to what another person is saying, language would not work.

Search Quotes: "If the business of physics is ever finished, the world will be a much less interesting place in which to live . . ."

If the business of physics is ever finished, the world will be a much less interesting place in which to live . . .

Search Quotes: "All knowledge that Science has acquired so far, has been through the concentration of the powers of the mind."

All knowledge that Science has acquired so far, has been through the concentration of the powers of the mind.

Search Quotes: "If you still believe that aliens would travel hundreds of light years to carve temporary graffiti in our wheat, then your imagination is one of the seven wonders of the world, and should be bronzed."

If you still believe that aliens would travel hundreds of light years to carve temporary graffiti in our wheat, then your imagination is one of the seven wonders of the world, and should be bronzed.

Search Quotes: "Religion helps humanity to pass through its darkest times."

Religion helps humanity to pass through its darkest times.

Search Quotes: "If a religion cannot help a human wherever he or she stands, it is not of much use."

If a religion cannot help a human wherever he or she stands, it is not of much use.

Search Quotes: "Religion doesn’t mean obeying some textual rules from books that were written hundreds or thousands of years ago. Religion means realization of the self."

Religion doesn’t mean obeying some textual rules from books that were written hundreds or thousands of years ago. Religion means realization of the self.

Search Quotes: "You should conduct a research- to study the issue or field you are interested in"

You should conduct a research- to study the issue or field you are interested in

Search Quotes: "Epic love story has only love between two people but do not have 'they lived happily ever after"

Epic love story has only love between two people but do not have 'they lived happily ever after

Search Quotes: "A person feels lost without you, is your Soulmate."

A person feels lost without you, is your Soulmate.

Search Quotes: "No matter what luxuries you have or don't have, life is always beautiful when you are around your loved ones!"

No matter what luxuries you have or don't have, life is always beautiful when you are around your loved ones!

Search Quotes: "I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain."

I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain.

Search Quotes: "She told a story of being so fixated on the beautiful features of a playmate that she collided with a tree and skinned her own face."

She told a story of being so fixated on the beautiful features of a playmate that she collided with a tree and skinned her own face.

Search Quotes: "When I am about to embark on a difficult journey, I comfort myself by reading the accounts of the great nineteenth-century travellers, men like Stanley, Burton, Speke, Burckhardt and Barth."

When I am about to embark on a difficult journey, I comfort myself by reading the accounts of the great nineteenth-century travellers, men like Stanley, Burton, Speke, Burckhardt and Barth.

Search Quotes: "The poor, the illiterate, the helpless, the distressed — let these be your God."

The poor, the illiterate, the helpless, the distressed — let these be your God.

Search Quotes: "In the hands of thinking humanity, the purpose of the tool of Divinity or Religion is not the service of bookish doctrines, but the realization of the self."

In the hands of thinking humanity, the purpose of the tool of Divinity or Religion is not the service of bookish doctrines, but the realization of the self.

Search Quotes: "[T]hrough bitter experience I have learned that it is best to promise little and then to reward hard work with generosity."

[T]hrough bitter experience I have learned that it is best to promise little and then to reward hard work with generosity.

Search Quotes: "Of what use can our labour be, when the labours we record are in themselves entirely useless?"

Of what use can our labour be, when the labours we record are in themselves entirely useless?

Search Quotes: "When you fall in love, two people are mad for each other, When these two people get married, others say that they are made for each other, After marriage, the same two people are mad at each other."

When you fall in love, two people are mad for each other, When these two people get married, others say that they are made for each other, After marriage, the same two people are mad at each other.

Search Quotes: "Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent."

Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent.

Search Quotes: "Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family. In treating his own family with dignity, a ruler learns to govern his nation with dignity"

Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family. In treating his own family with dignity, a ruler learns to govern his nation with dignity

Search Quotes: "A hint of - dare I say? - animism has entered into the scientific worldview. The physical world is no longer either dead or passively obedient to the "laws."

A hint of - dare I say? - animism has entered into the scientific worldview. The physical world is no longer either dead or passively obedient to the "laws.