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Find the best Search quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Search quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver.

Search Quotes: "Real? What is real? And tell me, what importance does reality have anyway? Did you learn from the experience? Now, that is important!"

Real? What is real? And tell me, what importance does reality have anyway? Did you learn from the experience? Now, that is important!

Search Quotes: "Welcome to the real world, Mother Robot, a beautiful and dangerous place. Now you can truly begin to live."

Welcome to the real world, Mother Robot, a beautiful and dangerous place. Now you can truly begin to live.

Search Quotes: "The war we must must win is fought within."

The war we must must win is fought within.

Search Quotes: "You can either feed negative thoughts or you can starve the suckers."

You can either feed negative thoughts or you can starve the suckers.

Search Quotes: "People who are afraid of death are afraid of lif"

People who are afraid of death are afraid of lif

Search Quotes: "I have found contentment and joy in being exactly where God wants me to be, and that is what makes me happy."

I have found contentment and joy in being exactly where God wants me to be, and that is what makes me happy.

Search Quotes: "Exciting happiness is joy, celebration, travelling, being in bed with a woman you desire."

Exciting happiness is joy, celebration, travelling, being in bed with a woman you desire.

Search Quotes: "No book on this planet can give you the description of terms like religion, spirituality, divinity unless you discover it within the realm of your own mind."

No book on this planet can give you the description of terms like religion, spirituality, divinity unless you discover it within the realm of your own mind.

Search Quotes: "I wuz bad. I did not meen to be. I wanted to see the litle peeple who lives in the radio. I could see the lits on. The radio fel on the flor. The lites won't even werk an thos peeple is ded."

I wuz bad. I did not meen to be. I wanted to see the litle peeple who lives in the radio. I could see the lits on. The radio fel on the flor. The lites won't even werk an thos peeple is ded.

Search Quotes: "Children read their favorite books to death, she said. They are careless in their devotions. They rip the pages, scribble, and spill things on them. And they are demon book thieves."

Children read their favorite books to death, she said. They are careless in their devotions. They rip the pages, scribble, and spill things on them. And they are demon book thieves.

Search Quotes: "Because they know that people will be kinder to a child who smiles."

Because they know that people will be kinder to a child who smiles.

Search Quotes: "I think the truth is that finding ourselves brings more excitement and well-being than anything romance has to offer, and somewhere we know that."

I think the truth is that finding ourselves brings more excitement and well-being than anything romance has to offer, and somewhere we know that.

Search Quotes: "The feminist call was for women to embrace ways of seeing beauty and adorning ourselves that are healthy, life-affirming, and not overly time-time consuming."

The feminist call was for women to embrace ways of seeing beauty and adorning ourselves that are healthy, life-affirming, and not overly time-time consuming.

Search Quotes: "Your religion is whatever makes you a better human being."

Your religion is whatever makes you a better human being.

Search Quotes: "The book from which to learn religion, is your own mind."

The book from which to learn religion, is your own mind.

Search Quotes: "You don't have to become what you already are, which is a relief."

You don't have to become what you already are, which is a relief.

Search Quotes: "Jack, " said Charles, "he's making up words again.""Yes, " Jack replied, "but he's getting better at it, don't you think?"

Jack, " said Charles, "he's making up words again.""Yes, " Jack replied, "but he's getting better at it, don't you think?

Search Quotes: "All genuinely creative ideas are initially met with rejection, since they necessarily threaten the status quo. An enthusiastic reception for a new idea is a sure sign that it is not original."

All genuinely creative ideas are initially met with rejection, since they necessarily threaten the status quo. An enthusiastic reception for a new idea is a sure sign that it is not original.

Search Quotes: "Knowing isn't always believing."

Knowing isn't always believing.

Search Quotes: "Literature suffers because writers give their books to colleagues who will then write glowing reviews or saccharine introductions."

Literature suffers because writers give their books to colleagues who will then write glowing reviews or saccharine introductions.

Search Quotes: "Even if there were no ear for them but the void, our prayers would still be the only things that sanctify our existence."

Even if there were no ear for them but the void, our prayers would still be the only things that sanctify our existence.

Search Quotes: "In teaching the young you have to satisfy the schoolchild in yourself and enter the region where all meanings start. That is where, in any case, the philosopher has perpetually to start."

In teaching the young you have to satisfy the schoolchild in yourself and enter the region where all meanings start. That is where, in any case, the philosopher has perpetually to start.

Search Quotes: "If there is a God you must see it (literally), even clearer than you see this page, otherwise it is better not to believe. It is better to be an outspoken atheist, than a hypocrite."

If there is a God you must see it (literally), even clearer than you see this page, otherwise it is better not to believe. It is better to be an outspoken atheist, than a hypocrite.

Search Quotes: "All of life is a trust fall, and I'm awakening to the thrill, rather than the fear, of being suspended midair."

All of life is a trust fall, and I'm awakening to the thrill, rather than the fear, of being suspended midair.

Search Quotes: "Marketing effectively, in a semantic web, revolves around those three ‘little’ requirements: Trust, Authority, Reputation."

Marketing effectively, in a semantic web, revolves around those three ‘little’ requirements: Trust, Authority, Reputation.

Search Quotes: "Funny how an absence can feel like a presence, like that space practically glows with her outline and make me notice how she's not here."

Funny how an absence can feel like a presence, like that space practically glows with her outline and make me notice how she's not here.

Search Quotes: "In the domain of true religion, mere book-learning has no right to enter."

In the domain of true religion, mere book-learning has no right to enter.

Search Quotes: "She was a pixie, a fairy, full of imagination and in another world."

She was a pixie, a fairy, full of imagination and in another world.

Search Quotes: "You are my star in this dark, dark world that we inhabit."

You are my star in this dark, dark world that we inhabit.

Search Quotes: "It was an awkward moment. We were burning down our host's house, a situation which any guest seeks to avoid."

It was an awkward moment. We were burning down our host's house, a situation which any guest seeks to avoid.

Search Quotes: "As anyone who's ever taken an Ethiopian bus knows, there is an unwritten rule that the windows must remain firmly closed."

As anyone who's ever taken an Ethiopian bus knows, there is an unwritten rule that the windows must remain firmly closed.

Search Quotes: "I had learned years ago never to give original documents to anyone if I could help it."

I had learned years ago never to give original documents to anyone if I could help it.

Search Quotes: "Foolish acts and bold adventures almost always appear, especially in the beginning, to be the absolute same thing."

Foolish acts and bold adventures almost always appear, especially in the beginning, to be the absolute same thing.

Search Quotes: "That's what "meaning" is—a special additive like salt or garlic that could make even the most fetid piece of meat seem palpable, even delicious."

That's what "meaning" is—a special additive like salt or garlic that could make even the most fetid piece of meat seem palpable, even delicious.

Search Quotes: "The happiness of mankind, if it ever should come to pass, would still leave men asking: Why? What point to it? To what end?"

The happiness of mankind, if it ever should come to pass, would still leave men asking: Why? What point to it? To what end?

Search Quotes: "Sometimes the imagination could be even crueler than the bone saw."

Sometimes the imagination could be even crueler than the bone saw.

Search Quotes: "Those who believe their suffering has been valuable love more readily than those who see no meaning in their pain. Suffering does not necessarily imply love, but love implies suffering"

Those who believe their suffering has been valuable love more readily than those who see no meaning in their pain. Suffering does not necessarily imply love, but love implies suffering

Search Quotes: "Yes, failure is part of the mix, he says, but it is a means, not an end. If you fail repeatedly, and in the same manner, you're an idiot, not a genius."

Yes, failure is part of the mix, he says, but it is a means, not an end. If you fail repeatedly, and in the same manner, you're an idiot, not a genius.

Search Quotes: "Spirituality is about what we do about the fire inside of us, about how we channel our eros."

Spirituality is about what we do about the fire inside of us, about how we channel our eros.

Search Quotes: "If this was mental illness, or even just a particularly clinical case of adolescence, I was bearing up pretty well."

If this was mental illness, or even just a particularly clinical case of adolescence, I was bearing up pretty well.

Search Quotes: "Charity is appeased when some rich person gives money to the poor while justice asks why one person can be that rich when so many are poor."

Charity is appeased when some rich person gives money to the poor while justice asks why one person can be that rich when so many are poor.

Search Quotes: "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.-Ian Fleming"

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.-Ian Fleming