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Sharon Salzberg Quotes

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Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "To celebrate someone else’s life, we need to find a way to look at it straight on, not from above with judgment or from below with envy."

To celebrate someone else’s life, we need to find a way to look at it straight on, not from above with judgment or from below with envy.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "There is no conflict between loving others deeply and living mindfully."

There is no conflict between loving others deeply and living mindfully.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Even when we do our very best to treat those close to us with utmost respect and understanding, conflict happens. That’s life. That’s human nature."

Even when we do our very best to treat those close to us with utmost respect and understanding, conflict happens. That’s life. That’s human nature.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Love is defined by difficult acts of human compassion & generosity."

Love is defined by difficult acts of human compassion & generosity.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Love simply, perpetually exists and that it’s a matter of psychic housekeeping to make room for it."

Love simply, perpetually exists and that it’s a matter of psychic housekeeping to make room for it.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Everyone we interact with has the capacity to surprise us in an infinite number of ways. What can first open us up to each of our innate capacities for love is merely to recognize that."

Everyone we interact with has the capacity to surprise us in an infinite number of ways. What can first open us up to each of our innate capacities for love is merely to recognize that.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "When we identify the thoughts that keep us from seeing others as they truly are we prepare the ground for real love."

When we identify the thoughts that keep us from seeing others as they truly are we prepare the ground for real love.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "It's tough to have an authentic relationship with awe in the age of awesome, a word that has become so overused as to be drained of its meaning."

It's tough to have an authentic relationship with awe in the age of awesome, a word that has become so overused as to be drained of its meaning.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Setting the intention to practice kindness toward one’s partner or family members or friends does not preclude getting angry or upset."

Setting the intention to practice kindness toward one’s partner or family members or friends does not preclude getting angry or upset.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "We exercise kindness in any moment when we recognize our shared humanity—with all the hopes, dreams, joys, disappointments, vulnerability, and suffering that implies."

We exercise kindness in any moment when we recognize our shared humanity—with all the hopes, dreams, joys, disappointments, vulnerability, and suffering that implies.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "All of our actions can signify self-love or self-sabotage"

All of our actions can signify self-love or self-sabotage

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "We are born ready to love and be loved. It is our birthright."

We are born ready to love and be loved. It is our birthright.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "With a clear intention and a willing spirit, sooner or later we experience the joy and freedom that arises when we recognize our common humanity with others and see that real love excludes no one."

With a clear intention and a willing spirit, sooner or later we experience the joy and freedom that arises when we recognize our common humanity with others and see that real love excludes no one.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "What happens in our hearts is our field of freedom. As long as we carry old wounds and anger in our hearts, we continue to suffer. Forgiveness allows us to move on."

What happens in our hearts is our field of freedom. As long as we carry old wounds and anger in our hearts, we continue to suffer. Forgiveness allows us to move on.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Though it may sound paradoxical, identifying our thoughts, emotions, and habitual patterns of behavior is the key to freedom & transformation."

Though it may sound paradoxical, identifying our thoughts, emotions, and habitual patterns of behavior is the key to freedom & transformation.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Awareness levels the playing field. We are all humans doing the best we can."

Awareness levels the playing field. We are all humans doing the best we can.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "If we stretch ourselves to open our minds, to see our shared humanity with others, we allow ourselves to see the existence of community and generosity in unexpected places."

If we stretch ourselves to open our minds, to see our shared humanity with others, we allow ourselves to see the existence of community and generosity in unexpected places.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "When we open our hearts to the breadth of our experiences, we learn to tune into our needs, unique perceptions, thoughts & feelings"

When we open our hearts to the breadth of our experiences, we learn to tune into our needs, unique perceptions, thoughts & feelings

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "You are a person worthy of love. You don’t have to do anything to prove that."

You are a person worthy of love. You don’t have to do anything to prove that.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "In order to free ourselves from our assumptions about love, we must ask ourselves what long-held, often buried assumptions are and then face them, which takes courage, humility, and kindness."

In order to free ourselves from our assumptions about love, we must ask ourselves what long-held, often buried assumptions are and then face them, which takes courage, humility, and kindness.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "It takes a special courage to challenge the rigid confines of our accustomed story. It’s not easy to radically alter our views about where happiness comes from but it’s eminently possible."

It takes a special courage to challenge the rigid confines of our accustomed story. It’s not easy to radically alter our views about where happiness comes from but it’s eminently possible.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Taking in another’s criticism, even when it’s offered out of love, requires courage."

Taking in another’s criticism, even when it’s offered out of love, requires courage.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The good news is that opportunities for love enter our lives unpredictably, whether or not we’ve perfected self-compassion or befriended our inner critic."

The good news is that opportunities for love enter our lives unpredictably, whether or not we’ve perfected self-compassion or befriended our inner critic.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The simple act of being completely attentive & present to another person is an act of love, and it fosters unshakeable well-being."

The simple act of being completely attentive & present to another person is an act of love, and it fosters unshakeable well-being.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Like water poured from one vessel to another, metta flows freely, taking the shape of each situation without changing its essence."

Like water poured from one vessel to another, metta flows freely, taking the shape of each situation without changing its essence.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "We can understand the inherent radiance & purity of our minds by understanding metta. Like the mind, metta is not distorted by what it encounters."

We can understand the inherent radiance & purity of our minds by understanding metta. Like the mind, metta is not distorted by what it encounters.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "When emotions are long held and extremely complex, it sometimes takes years for them to enter fully into awareness."

When emotions are long held and extremely complex, it sometimes takes years for them to enter fully into awareness.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The practice of loving-kindness is about cultivating love as a trans-formative strength, "

The practice of loving-kindness is about cultivating love as a trans-formative strength,

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Kindness is not a fixed trait that we either have or lack, but more like a muscle that can be developed and strengthened."

Kindness is not a fixed trait that we either have or lack, but more like a muscle that can be developed and strengthened.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "When we learn to respond to disappointments with acceptance, we give ourselves the space to realize that all our experiences—good and bad alike—are opportunities to learn and grow."

When we learn to respond to disappointments with acceptance, we give ourselves the space to realize that all our experiences—good and bad alike—are opportunities to learn and grow.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Loving ourselves calls us to give up the illusion that we can control everything and focuses us on building our inner resource of resilience."

Loving ourselves calls us to give up the illusion that we can control everything and focuses us on building our inner resource of resilience.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Loving-kindness challenges those states that tend to arise when we think of ourselves as isolated from everyone else—fear, a sense of deficiency, alienation, loneliness."

Loving-kindness challenges those states that tend to arise when we think of ourselves as isolated from everyone else—fear, a sense of deficiency, alienation, loneliness.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Asking questions is an opportunity for creativity and personal expression, both for the person asking and the person answering."

Asking questions is an opportunity for creativity and personal expression, both for the person asking and the person answering.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Buddha first taught metta meditation as an antidote: as a way of surmounting terrible fear when it arises."

Buddha first taught metta meditation as an antidote: as a way of surmounting terrible fear when it arises.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "There’s no denying that it takes effort to set the intention to see our fundamental connected-ness with others."

There’s no denying that it takes effort to set the intention to see our fundamental connected-ness with others.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "If we have nothing material to give, we can offer our attention, our energy, our appreciation. The world needs us. It doesn’t deplete us to give."

If we have nothing material to give, we can offer our attention, our energy, our appreciation. The world needs us. It doesn’t deplete us to give.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "We’re in charge of our own forgiveness, and the process takes time, patience, and intention."

We’re in charge of our own forgiveness, and the process takes time, patience, and intention.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Kindness is really at the core of what it means to be and feel alive."

Kindness is really at the core of what it means to be and feel alive.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "If we truly loved ourselves, we’d never harm another. That is a truly revolutionary, celebratory mode of self-care."

If we truly loved ourselves, we’d never harm another. That is a truly revolutionary, celebratory mode of self-care.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The more we practice mindfulness, the more alert we become to the cost of keeping secrets."

The more we practice mindfulness, the more alert we become to the cost of keeping secrets.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "We’re capable of much more than mediocrity, much more than merely getting by in this world."

We’re capable of much more than mediocrity, much more than merely getting by in this world.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "As human beings, we’re capable of greatness of spirit, an ability to go beyond the circumstances we find ourselves in, to experience a vast sense of connection to all of life."

As human beings, we’re capable of greatness of spirit, an ability to go beyond the circumstances we find ourselves in, to experience a vast sense of connection to all of life.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Our minds tend to race ahead into the future or replay the past, but our bodies are always in the present moment."

Our minds tend to race ahead into the future or replay the past, but our bodies are always in the present moment.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The skills available to us through mindfulness make it possible to bring love to our connections with others."

The skills available to us through mindfulness make it possible to bring love to our connections with others.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "What we learn in meditation, we can apply to all other realms of our lives."

What we learn in meditation, we can apply to all other realms of our lives.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Keeping secrets is a consequential act for all involved."

Keeping secrets is a consequential act for all involved.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "The environment we create can help heal us or fracture us. This is true not just for buildings and landscapes but also for interactions and relationships."

The environment we create can help heal us or fracture us. This is true not just for buildings and landscapes but also for interactions and relationships.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "So often, fear keeps us from being able to say yes to love—perhaps our greatest challenge as human beings."

So often, fear keeps us from being able to say yes to love—perhaps our greatest challenge as human beings.

Sharon Salzberg Quotes: "Learning to treat ourselves lovingly may at first feel like a dangerous experiment."

Learning to treat ourselves lovingly may at first feel like a dangerous experiment.