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Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes

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Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Uh-huh. You know with that sinister tone you should look into working for the IRS. I’m sure they’re desperate for people who can cow others with a single growl. (Susan)"

Uh-huh. You know with that sinister tone you should look into working for the IRS. I’m sure they’re desperate for people who can cow others with a single growl. (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "What? Had a dry spell of killing people lately? (Susan) As a matter of fact, yes. If it doesn’t end soon, I might get out of practice. (Otto)"

What? Had a dry spell of killing people lately? (Susan) As a matter of fact, yes. If it doesn’t end soon, I might get out of practice. (Otto)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "A Court of equity knows its own province."

A Court of equity knows its own province.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Looks like I’m going to ruin your day, Big Boy. I choose to live my crappy life a little longer. (Susan)"

Looks like I’m going to ruin your day, Big Boy. I choose to live my crappy life a little longer. (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "In essence, we’re their servants who help them and who guard them from the public. (Leo) Oh gee, golly, goodie, Mr. Leo! Can I have my eyes gouged out, too? (Susan)"

In essence, we’re their servants who help them and who guard them from the public. (Leo) Oh gee, golly, goodie, Mr. Leo! Can I have my eyes gouged out, too? (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "These are used solely for Blood Rites. (Leo) Is that like special ed? (Susan)"

These are used solely for Blood Rites. (Leo) Is that like special ed? (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You are incredibly wise. (Kat) Only when it comes to other people. It’s easy to see how to fix their lives. It’s much harder to see the cracks in your own house. (Acheron)"

You are incredibly wise. (Kat) Only when it comes to other people. It’s easy to see how to fix their lives. It’s much harder to see the cracks in your own house. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "A man may publish anything which twelve of his countrymen think not blamable."

A man may publish anything which twelve of his countrymen think not blamable.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Don’t be stupid, Katra. Never speak in anger and never try to force your will onto someone else. You’ll never find peace in that. (Acheron)"

Don’t be stupid, Katra. Never speak in anger and never try to force your will onto someone else. You’ll never find peace in that. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I’m assuming those are Daimons. (Susan) No, they’re Avon ladies. (Ravyn)"

I’m assuming those are Daimons. (Susan) No, they’re Avon ladies. (Ravyn)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Apprentices and servants are characters perfectly distinct: the one receives instruction, the other a stipulated price for his labour."

Apprentices and servants are characters perfectly distinct: the one receives instruction, the other a stipulated price for his labour.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Yes, and for the record, he thinks you’re insane, too. (Otto) Oh, goodie. But I guess that’s only fair since I think he’s psychotic. (Susan)"

Yes, and for the record, he thinks you’re insane, too. (Otto) Oh, goodie. But I guess that’s only fair since I think he’s psychotic. (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "What do you do when Mom leaves you alone like this? (Kat) I write romance novels. (Acheron)"

What do you do when Mom leaves you alone like this? (Kat) I write romance novels. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Kitten, when did you get so tall? (Ravyn) I grew while you were in the bathroom. (Erika)"

Kitten, when did you get so tall? (Ravyn) I grew while you were in the bathroom. (Erika)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "And they choose our mates. (Ravyn) So what do they do? Jump here on earth, tap you on the shoulder, and say, ‘Hey, bub, marry her’? (Susan)"

And they choose our mates. (Ravyn) So what do they do? Jump here on earth, tap you on the shoulder, and say, ‘Hey, bub, marry her’? (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (Acheron) Both! (Kat) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (Acheron)"

Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (Acheron) Both! (Kat) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Sitting in a Court of law, I can receive no evidence but what comes under the sanction of an oath."

Sitting in a Court of law, I can receive no evidence but what comes under the sanction of an oath.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "But you’re human, aren’t you? (Kat) I’m human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don’t want to be around myself then. (Kish)"

But you’re human, aren’t you? (Kat) I’m human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don’t want to be around myself then. (Kish)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There is no magic in words."

There is no magic in words.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Is the life you seek to take worth the one you could one day create? (Savitar)"

Is the life you seek to take worth the one you could one day create? (Savitar)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone. (Acheron)"

You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "So eager to die are you? (Zakar) Not particularly, but I’d rather go down clubbing Kessar than from boredom. (Kat)"

So eager to die are you? (Zakar) Not particularly, but I’d rather go down clubbing Kessar than from boredom. (Kat)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "It is a rule that those who come into a Court of justice to seek redress, must come with clean hands, and must disclose a transaction warranted by law."

It is a rule that those who come into a Court of justice to seek redress, must come with clean hands, and must disclose a transaction warranted by law.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "When a cow lives with the butcher, sooner or later he gets eaten unless he helps the other cows off to their slaughter. (Nick)"

When a cow lives with the butcher, sooner or later he gets eaten unless he helps the other cows off to their slaughter. (Nick)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I hate you! (Artemis) Don’t keep saying that, Artie. It’s cruel to get my hopes up. (Acheron)"

I hate you! (Artemis) Don’t keep saying that, Artie. It’s cruel to get my hopes up. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Now you know I’m a reporter, so you might as well answer my question truthfully, or I’ll just keep asking it until you lose your mind. (Susan)"

Now you know I’m a reporter, so you might as well answer my question truthfully, or I’ll just keep asking it until you lose your mind. (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There are certain irregularities which are not the subject of criminal law. But when the criminal law happens to be auxiliary to the law of morality, I do not feel any inclination to explain it away."

There are certain irregularities which are not the subject of criminal law. But when the criminal law happens to be auxiliary to the law of morality, I do not feel any inclination to explain it away.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Call me Buffy. I’m even blond, but don’t ask me to wear a halter top. Or corset."

Call me Buffy. I’m even blond, but don’t ask me to wear a halter top. Or corset.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "No one should have to pay for love in flesh or blood. (Acheron)"

No one should have to pay for love in flesh or blood. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Can you believe our Ash is getting laid? Our baby is growing up. I'm so proud!"

Can you believe our Ash is getting laid? Our baby is growing up. I'm so proud!

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "We ought not to decide hastily against the words of an Act of Parliament."

We ought not to decide hastily against the words of an Act of Parliament.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Let’s just say I understand betrayal. And having been where he is, I know the explosion to come. Trust me. ‘Duck’ won’t quite cover it. (Sin)"

Let’s just say I understand betrayal. And having been where he is, I know the explosion to come. Trust me. ‘Duck’ won’t quite cover it. (Sin)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "We just need some faith."

We just need some faith.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "There is more than one kind of death? (Kat) Yes. Cowards aren’t the only ones who die a thousand deaths. Sometimes heroes do, too. (Sin)"

There is more than one kind of death? (Kat) Yes. Cowards aren’t the only ones who die a thousand deaths. Sometimes heroes do, too. (Sin)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I follow after my father, who likes to protect mankind, and I really don’t want to see a bunch of demons eating people. Call me sentimental. (Kat)"

I follow after my father, who likes to protect mankind, and I really don’t want to see a bunch of demons eating people. Call me sentimental. (Kat)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "The point is, Sin is now going to try to overthrow me again and take my place. Do you know what that means? (Artemis) There will be much rejoicing? (Kat)"

The point is, Sin is now going to try to overthrow me again and take my place. Do you know what that means? (Artemis) There will be much rejoicing? (Kat)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Aren’t you ever satisfied? I swear if I were mortal, I’d be limping from our last go-round. If not dead. We really need to find you a hobby other than jumping on top of me. (Acheron)"

Aren’t you ever satisfied? I swear if I were mortal, I’d be limping from our last go-round. If not dead. We really need to find you a hobby other than jumping on top of me. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Thank you, Geary. (Arik) For what? (Geary) For giving me a life that is the best dream I’ve ever had. (Arik)"

Thank you, Geary. (Arik) For what? (Geary) For giving me a life that is the best dream I’ve ever had. (Arik)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "A conviction is in the nature of a verdict and judgment, and therefore it must be precise and certain."

A conviction is in the nature of a verdict and judgment, and therefore it must be precise and certain.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "You’ve no idea...my tongue has been known to let blood on four continents. (Geary)"

You’ve no idea...my tongue has been known to let blood on four continents. (Geary)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I take it that the judgment is an essential point in every conviction, let the punishment be fixed or not."

I take it that the judgment is an essential point in every conviction, let the punishment be fixed or not.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "I should be extremely sorry to find that in a fictitious proceeding, instituted for the more easy attaining of justice, different rules were to obtain in the different Courts."

I should be extremely sorry to find that in a fictitious proceeding, instituted for the more easy attaining of justice, different rules were to obtain in the different Courts.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "A plaintiff who comes into a Court of justice must show that he is in a condition to maintain his action."

A plaintiff who comes into a Court of justice must show that he is in a condition to maintain his action.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Precedent goes in support of justice."

Precedent goes in support of justice.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Notwithstanding all the care and anxiety of the persons who frame Acts of Parliament to guard against every event, it frequently turns out that certain cases were not foreseen."

Notwithstanding all the care and anxiety of the persons who frame Acts of Parliament to guard against every event, it frequently turns out that certain cases were not foreseen.

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Sweetie, in our world, fair’s got nothing to do with anything. He who has the greatest power wins. It’s why we’re all willing to kill each other off without flinching. (Solin)"

Sweetie, in our world, fair’s got nothing to do with anything. He who has the greatest power wins. It’s why we’re all willing to kill each other off without flinching. (Solin)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Whoa, what is this? Battle of the Sarcastic and Pissed? Should I make popcorn? Forget American Idol, man. This is much more entertaining. (Kish)"

Whoa, what is this? Battle of the Sarcastic and Pissed? Should I make popcorn? Forget American Idol, man. This is much more entertaining. (Kish)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "Is there a point to your latest irritation, Kish? (Sin) Had a sudden death wish. Felt the deep need to come up here and have you freeze me. (Kish)"

Is there a point to your latest irritation, Kish? (Sin) Had a sudden death wish. Felt the deep need to come up here and have you freeze me. (Kish)

Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes: "So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary) Is this one of those questions that if I don’t answer it correctly, you get angry at me? (Arik)"

So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary) Is this one of those questions that if I don’t answer it correctly, you get angry at me? (Arik)