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Swami Vivekananda Quotes

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Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "This craving for health, wealth, long life, and the like - the so - called good - is nothing but an illusion."

This craving for health, wealth, long life, and the like - the so - called good - is nothing but an illusion.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance."

Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "No more materialism, no more this egoism, I must become spiritual."

No more materialism, no more this egoism, I must become spiritual.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "The best guide in life is strength."

The best guide in life is strength.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Each nation has a main current in life; in India it is religion. Make it strong and the waters on either side must move along with it."

Each nation has a main current in life; in India it is religion. Make it strong and the waters on either side must move along with it.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Have faith in your destiny"

Have faith in your destiny

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "The Tapas and the other hard Yogas that were practiced in other Yugas do not work now. What is needed in this Yuga is giving, helping others."

The Tapas and the other hard Yogas that were practiced in other Yugas do not work now. What is needed in this Yuga is giving, helping others.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Do you have the belief in you to move on, even when the whole world is against you, with swords in their hands?"

Do you have the belief in you to move on, even when the whole world is against you, with swords in their hands?

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "If the poor boy cannot come to education, education must go to him"

If the poor boy cannot come to education, education must go to him

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "We must get out of materialism."

We must get out of materialism.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "This is the line of life, this is the line of growth, and this is the line of well-being in India - to follow the track of religion."

This is the line of life, this is the line of growth, and this is the line of well-being in India - to follow the track of religion.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Know it for certain that without steady devotion for the Guru and unflinching patience and perseverance, nothing is to be achieved. You must have strict morality."

Know it for certain that without steady devotion for the Guru and unflinching patience and perseverance, nothing is to be achieved. You must have strict morality.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Desire can be eradicated from the roots by firmly imbibing the four attributes of: Jnan, Atmanishtha, Vairagya, Dharma and the full fledged devotion to God."

Desire can be eradicated from the roots by firmly imbibing the four attributes of: Jnan, Atmanishtha, Vairagya, Dharma and the full fledged devotion to God.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Even the lowest of the low have the Atman (Soul) inside, which never dies and never is born, immortal, without beginning or end, the all pure, omnipotent and omnipresent Atman!"

Even the lowest of the low have the Atman (Soul) inside, which never dies and never is born, immortal, without beginning or end, the all pure, omnipotent and omnipresent Atman!

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "In all our Yogas this renunciation is necessary. This is the stepping-stone and the real centre and the real heart of all spiritual culture - renunciation. This is religion - renunciation."

In all our Yogas this renunciation is necessary. This is the stepping-stone and the real centre and the real heart of all spiritual culture - renunciation. This is religion - renunciation.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Charity never faileth."

Charity never faileth.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Neither idealists nor materialists are right; we must take both idea and expression."

Neither idealists nor materialists are right; we must take both idea and expression.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Renunciation is the very basis upon which ethics stands."

Renunciation is the very basis upon which ethics stands.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Form and formless are intertwined in this world. The formless can only be expressed in form and form can only be thought with the formless."

Form and formless are intertwined in this world. The formless can only be expressed in form and form can only be thought with the formless.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "To believe that mind is all, that thought is all is only a higher materialism."

To believe that mind is all, that thought is all is only a higher materialism.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "According to the Hindu way of thinking, marriage is rather a duty than a privilege."

According to the Hindu way of thinking, marriage is rather a duty than a privilege.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. Those who have no faith in themselves can never have faith in God."

Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. Those who have no faith in themselves can never have faith in God.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Infinite strength is religion and God."

Infinite strength is religion and God.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "The idea of God grew side by side with the idea of materialism."

The idea of God grew side by side with the idea of materialism.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Marriage is not for individual happiness, but for the welfare of the nation and the caste."

Marriage is not for individual happiness, but for the welfare of the nation and the caste.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "You must all pay attention to your health first."

You must all pay attention to your health first.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Expansion is life. Love is expansion. Love is therefore the only law of life."

Expansion is life. Love is expansion. Love is therefore the only law of life.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "If you can think that infinite power, infinite knowledge and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, you also can become like me."

If you can think that infinite power, infinite knowledge and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, you also can become like me.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Give love, give help, give service, and give any little thing you can, but keep out barter."

Give love, give help, give service, and give any little thing you can, but keep out barter.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "The ideal of womanhood in India is motherhood - that marvellous, unselfish, all - suffering, ever - forgiving mother."

The ideal of womanhood in India is motherhood - that marvellous, unselfish, all - suffering, ever - forgiving mother.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Perfect life is a contradiction in terms. Therefore we must always expect to find things not up to our highest ideal. Knowing this, we are bound to make the best of everything."

Perfect life is a contradiction in terms. Therefore we must always expect to find things not up to our highest ideal. Knowing this, we are bound to make the best of everything.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "As soon as extreme attachment comes, a man loses himself, he is no more master of himself, he is a slave."

As soon as extreme attachment comes, a man loses himself, he is no more master of himself, he is a slave.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Cowards only sin, brave men never, no, not even in mind."

Cowards only sin, brave men never, no, not even in mind.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Each soul is potentially divine."

Each soul is potentially divine.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind"

Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Man stands in materialism; you and I are materialists. Our talking about God and Spirit is good; but it is simply the vogue in our society to talk thus: we have learnt it parrot-like and repeat it."

Man stands in materialism; you and I are materialists. Our talking about God and Spirit is good; but it is simply the vogue in our society to talk thus: we have learnt it parrot-like and repeat it.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Immediately you will be perfect, you will become God."

Immediately you will be perfect, you will become God.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be."

Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Renunciation, and renunciation alone, is the real secret, the Mulamantra, of all Realisation."

Renunciation, and renunciation alone, is the real secret, the Mulamantra, of all Realisation.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Renunciation is always the ideal of every race; only other races do not know what they are made to do by nature unconsciously."

Renunciation is always the ideal of every race; only other races do not know what they are made to do by nature unconsciously.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Renunciation is in our blood."

Renunciation is in our blood.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "The greatest help to spiritual life is meditation. In meditation we divest ourselves of all material condition and feel our divine nature."

The greatest help to spiritual life is meditation. In meditation we divest ourselves of all material condition and feel our divine nature.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "One point of difference between Hinduism and other religions is that in Hinduism we pass from truth to truth-from a lower truth to a higher truth-and never from error to truth."

One point of difference between Hinduism and other religions is that in Hinduism we pass from truth to truth-from a lower truth to a higher truth-and never from error to truth.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Superstitions are all materialism, because they are all based on the consciousness of body, body, body. No spirit there. Spirit has no superstitions - it is beyond the vain desires of the body."

Superstitions are all materialism, because they are all based on the consciousness of body, body, body. No spirit there. Spirit has no superstitions - it is beyond the vain desires of the body.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "When I asked God for Brains and Brawn, He gave me Puzzles in life to Solve."

When I asked God for Brains and Brawn, He gave me Puzzles in life to Solve.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "This is the great lesson that we are here to learn through myriads of births and heavens and hells - that there is nothing to be asked for, desired for, beyond one's spiritual Self (atman)."

This is the great lesson that we are here to learn through myriads of births and heavens and hells - that there is nothing to be asked for, desired for, beyond one's spiritual Self (atman).

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Materialism prevails in Europe today. You may pray for the salvation of the modern sceptics, but they do not yield, they want reason."

Materialism prevails in Europe today. You may pray for the salvation of the modern sceptics, but they do not yield, they want reason.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by materialism."

Materialism and all its miseries can never be conquered by materialism.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes: "Are you unselfish? That is the question. If you are, you will be perfect without reading a single religious book, without going into a single church or temple."

Are you unselfish? That is the question. If you are, you will be perfect without reading a single religious book, without going into a single church or temple.