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T.L. Manning Quotes

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T.L. Manning Quotes: "Malcolm X already envisioning the N.O.I. playing a role cooperatively with integrationist organizations."

Malcolm X already envisioning the N.O.I. playing a role cooperatively with integrationist organizations.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Malcolm X felt that if he could make a public - a prominent public statement to show his fidelity to the Honorable Elijah Mohammad that that might win him back in the good graces of the organization."

Malcolm X felt that if he could make a public - a prominent public statement to show his fidelity to the Honorable Elijah Mohammad that that might win him back in the good graces of the organization.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Malcolm X was the national spokesperson of the N.O.I., and he wasn't represented in their own newspaper for over a year."

Malcolm X was the national spokesperson of the N.O.I., and he wasn't represented in their own newspaper for over a year.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "[Alex] Haley's objective was quite different. Haley was a republican. He was an integrationist. He was very opposed to black nationalism."

[Alex] Haley's objective was quite different. Haley was a republican. He was an integrationist. He was very opposed to black nationalism.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "In these flashes of insight, I understand for a moment that one of the great dividends of darkness is an increased sensitivity to the light."

In these flashes of insight, I understand for a moment that one of the great dividends of darkness is an increased sensitivity to the light.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "The infinity of this vacancy, the pervasive pain, the longing for some spirit, some lightness, some joy - that's all that is left."

The infinity of this vacancy, the pervasive pain, the longing for some spirit, some lightness, some joy - that's all that is left.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Psychologists call it "free-floating" anxiety. What contradictory words. Anxiety doesn't free-float. It stalks. It attacks. It lands on you with a thud."

Psychologists call it "free-floating" anxiety. What contradictory words. Anxiety doesn't free-float. It stalks. It attacks. It lands on you with a thud.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Some struggles are so solitary that they drown in words."

Some struggles are so solitary that they drown in words.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Sometimes hell has no words."

Sometimes hell has no words.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I always feel bad laughing at people who act crazy. But sometimes the things they do are so damned funny. I wonder what I'd look like if I slipped a few notches on the mental-health index."

I always feel bad laughing at people who act crazy. But sometimes the things they do are so damned funny. I wonder what I'd look like if I slipped a few notches on the mental-health index.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Anyone who waits for someone else to make a change automatically becomes the follower."

Anyone who waits for someone else to make a change automatically becomes the follower.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Canada has had populist movements in the past, virtually since its inception. I don't think the central Canadian elites have ever understood populism at all, particularly the Western version of it."

Canada has had populist movements in the past, virtually since its inception. I don't think the central Canadian elites have ever understood populism at all, particularly the Western version of it.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "In Canada, what I find what people are afraid of or worried about is politicians who denigrate the importance of the resource sectors, which are the basis of our trading capacity."

In Canada, what I find what people are afraid of or worried about is politicians who denigrate the importance of the resource sectors, which are the basis of our trading capacity.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "My first official consulting job, therefore, was for a scrap metal dealer (he resented the term "junk dealer") in East Edmonton named Benny Sugarman."

My first official consulting job, therefore, was for a scrap metal dealer (he resented the term "junk dealer") in East Edmonton named Benny Sugarman.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "As a result of listening to Aberhart, my father decided to leave the farm in 1927 to study at Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute, Aberhart's training school."

As a result of listening to Aberhart, my father decided to leave the farm in 1927 to study at Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute, Aberhart's training school.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "New Canada must be workable without Quebec, but it must be open and attractive enough to include a New Quebec."

New Canada must be workable without Quebec, but it must be open and attractive enough to include a New Quebec.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "My religious training told me that in times of personal uncertainty one should seek God's direction through personal prayer and study of the Christian scriptures."

My religious training told me that in times of personal uncertainty one should seek God's direction through personal prayer and study of the Christian scriptures.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I did get lost but I wanted someone to find me."

I did get lost but I wanted someone to find me.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I suppose the things that you always take for granted, that you don't even notice, are what you miss the most."

I suppose the things that you always take for granted, that you don't even notice, are what you miss the most.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "What you look like is just one part of who you are - but it's not all you are."

What you look like is just one part of who you are - but it's not all you are.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "People don't want you to be yourself, they just want you to be the person that they've decided you should be."

People don't want you to be yourself, they just want you to be the person that they've decided you should be.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I've had ups and downs but always maintained I was a working actor, which is a beautiful thing."

I've had ups and downs but always maintained I was a working actor, which is a beautiful thing.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I'm definitely the worker. My brother is the jokester."

I'm definitely the worker. My brother is the jokester.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I'm not a part of any organized practices, but I believe heavily on love and the universe and what you give is what you get."

I'm not a part of any organized practices, but I believe heavily on love and the universe and what you give is what you get.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "There are likable characters in prison. Sometimes the worst criminals are also some of the most charming people."

There are likable characters in prison. Sometimes the worst criminals are also some of the most charming people.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "The Wreckoning is a darker song. But the record is positive"

The Wreckoning is a darker song. But the record is positive

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I'm pretty hard on myself. Every now and again I'll go on my IMDB or update my resume and I'm like, "man, I've done a lot of work.""

I'm pretty hard on myself. Every now and again I'll go on my IMDB or update my resume and I'm like, "man, I've done a lot of work."

T.L. Manning Quotes: "My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew"

My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew

T.L. Manning Quotes: "It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now"

It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I went through the process of auditioning like every other struggling actress in this town."

I went through the process of auditioning like every other struggling actress in this town.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Alison Lohman is an amazing actress. I was so proud to work with her."

Alison Lohman is an amazing actress. I was so proud to work with her.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Pride is the community coming together and showing that love is real."

Pride is the community coming together and showing that love is real.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I have played some very kind and loving character. I don't know why I'm so good at playing bad. I really don't."

I have played some very kind and loving character. I don't know why I'm so good at playing bad. I really don't.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "My dad died when I was 14. It was very sudden, traumatic, and confusing. I always felt I could have gone down a bad road at that point, but I made a choice to be a winner."

My dad died when I was 14. It was very sudden, traumatic, and confusing. I always felt I could have gone down a bad road at that point, but I made a choice to be a winner.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I just had to find something else to fulfill me. Always being a singer and writing, it was a blessing. My brother started making music that was the kind of music I always saw myself singing."

I just had to find something else to fulfill me. Always being a singer and writing, it was a blessing. My brother started making music that was the kind of music I always saw myself singing.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up."

I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I have so many songs, it's ridiculous. I love so many different types of music and tend to write all over the map, style-wise. R&B, rock 'n' roll, screamers, pop, good-time songs."

I have so many songs, it's ridiculous. I love so many different types of music and tend to write all over the map, style-wise. R&B, rock 'n' roll, screamers, pop, good-time songs.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I've had an interesting time adjusting to New York. I'm from California and I'm very much a California girl. I feel lucky to officially say I'm bi-coastal."

I've had an interesting time adjusting to New York. I'm from California and I'm very much a California girl. I feel lucky to officially say I'm bi-coastal.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "As far as making a living, acting has been much more lucrative. Music's been tough."

As far as making a living, acting has been much more lucrative. Music's been tough.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I won't even take jobs where you get paid to sit with a group of friends and party. That's never been my vibe."

I won't even take jobs where you get paid to sit with a group of friends and party. That's never been my vibe.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I like to contribute. Even in my bands, I can't really just be the singer."

I like to contribute. Even in my bands, I can't really just be the singer.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Watching people party is cool, but I don't love watching people get super-duper trashed and annoying. I feel protected behind my booth - away from the madness, but a part of it too."

Watching people party is cool, but I don't love watching people get super-duper trashed and annoying. I feel protected behind my booth - away from the madness, but a part of it too.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Every time I'm not on a project, I'm writing or in the studio or doing gigs DJing."

Every time I'm not on a project, I'm writing or in the studio or doing gigs DJing.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I've seen a lot in my life. My dad was pretty gnarly but I loved him and I wouldn't change it for the world. My mom's a survivor."

I've seen a lot in my life. My dad was pretty gnarly but I loved him and I wouldn't change it for the world. My mom's a survivor.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I meditate twice a day. I chant. I lean more towards Buddhist practices."

I meditate twice a day. I chant. I lean more towards Buddhist practices.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Everybody thinks because of my character that I'm this wild girl and I am, I'm an actor, and I have that in me - but I'm actually very calm and mellow."

Everybody thinks because of my character that I'm this wild girl and I am, I'm an actor, and I have that in me - but I'm actually very calm and mellow.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "As soon as you put an actor to a person who is real, that person comes to life through another person."

As soon as you put an actor to a person who is real, that person comes to life through another person.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "I DJ very often. I'll probably do it more. I'm not available during the week because of the show but I travel most weekends to DJ. I've been doing it for about six years."

I DJ very often. I'll probably do it more. I'm not available during the week because of the show but I travel most weekends to DJ. I've been doing it for about six years.

T.L. Manning Quotes: "Everyone thinks I'm some big drug addict and loser because of the parts I play - quite the opposite. I decided to be a winner."

Everyone thinks I'm some big drug addict and loser because of the parts I play - quite the opposite. I decided to be a winner.