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Thomas Berry Quotes

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Thomas Berry Quotes: "The divine communicates to us primarily through the language of the natural world. Not to hear the natural world is not to hear the divine."

The divine communicates to us primarily through the language of the natural world. Not to hear the natural world is not to hear the divine.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We lose our souls if we lose the experience of the forest, the butterflies, the song of the birds, if we can't see the stars at night."

We lose our souls if we lose the experience of the forest, the butterflies, the song of the birds, if we can't see the stars at night.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of earth."

The destiny of humans cannot be separated from the destiny of earth.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Gardening is an active participation in The deepest mysteries of the universe."

Gardening is an active participation in The deepest mysteries of the universe.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We are not lacking in the dynamic forces needed to create the future. We live immersed in a sea of energy beyond all comprehension."

We are not lacking in the dynamic forces needed to create the future. We live immersed in a sea of energy beyond all comprehension.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects."

The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "As humans we are born of the Earth, nourished by the Earth, healed by the Earth."

As humans we are born of the Earth, nourished by the Earth, healed by the Earth.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The environmental crisis is fundamentally a spiritual crisis."

The environmental crisis is fundamentally a spiritual crisis.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection."

The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The universe is the primary revelation of the divine, the primary scripture, the primary locus of divine-human communication."

The universe is the primary revelation of the divine, the primary scripture, the primary locus of divine-human communication.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Our fulfillment is not in our isolated human grandeur, but in our intimacy with the larger earth community, for this is also the larger dimension of our being."

Our fulfillment is not in our isolated human grandeur, but in our intimacy with the larger earth community, for this is also the larger dimension of our being.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Diversity is the magic. It is the first manifestation, the first beginning of the differentiation of a thing and of simple identity. The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection."

Diversity is the magic. It is the first manifestation, the first beginning of the differentiation of a thing and of simple identity. The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "If the earth does grow inhospitable toward human presence, it is primarily because we have lost our sense of courtesy toward the earth and its inhabitants."

If the earth does grow inhospitable toward human presence, it is primarily because we have lost our sense of courtesy toward the earth and its inhabitants.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We will go into the future as a single sacred community, or we will all perish in the desert."

We will go into the future as a single sacred community, or we will all perish in the desert.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Vegetarianism is a way of life that we should all move toward for economic survival, physical well-being and spiritual integrity."

Vegetarianism is a way of life that we should all move toward for economic survival, physical well-being and spiritual integrity.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "All human activities, professions, programs, and institutions must henceforth be judged primarily by the extent to which they inhibit, ignore, or foster a mutually enhancing human/Earth relationship."

All human activities, professions, programs, and institutions must henceforth be judged primarily by the extent to which they inhibit, ignore, or foster a mutually enhancing human/Earth relationship.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The Great Work - the work of ensuring a just, healthy, beautiful, and sustainably life-giving world for future generations of all species."

The Great Work - the work of ensuring a just, healthy, beautiful, and sustainably life-giving world for future generations of all species.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "In our totality we are born of the Earth. Our spirituality itself is earth-derived... If there is no spirituality in the earth, then there is no spirituality in ourselves"

In our totality we are born of the Earth. Our spirituality itself is earth-derived... If there is no spirituality in the earth, then there is no spirituality in ourselves

Thomas Berry Quotes: "You cannot have well people on a sick planet."

You cannot have well people on a sick planet.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The real skill is to raise the sails and to catch the power of the wind as it passes by."

The real skill is to raise the sails and to catch the power of the wind as it passes by.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Once you adopt and communicate a quality policy, stick with it, live it, and protect it. You get only one chance!"

Once you adopt and communicate a quality policy, stick with it, live it, and protect it. You get only one chance!

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Everything is integral and interacts with everything else. This means that nothing is itself without everything else. There is a commonality, an integrity, an intimacy of the universe with itself."

Everything is integral and interacts with everything else. This means that nothing is itself without everything else. There is a commonality, an integrity, an intimacy of the universe with itself.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We see quite clearly that what happens to the nonhuman, happens to the human. What happens to the outer world, happens to the inner world."

We see quite clearly that what happens to the nonhuman, happens to the human. What happens to the outer world, happens to the inner world.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The present urgency is to begin thinking within the context of the whole planet, the integral earth community with all its human and other-than-human components."

The present urgency is to begin thinking within the context of the whole planet, the integral earth community with all its human and other-than-human components.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We must now understand that our own well-being can be achieved only through the well-being of the entire natural world around us."

We must now understand that our own well-being can be achieved only through the well-being of the entire natural world around us.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Survival in any meaningful sense is the key issue of our time"

Survival in any meaningful sense is the key issue of our time

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Scientists have suddenly become aware of the magic quality of the Earth and the entire universe."

Scientists have suddenly become aware of the magic quality of the Earth and the entire universe.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Even as regards Earth we are more committed to history than to geography, more committed to time than to space. History is endless. Place is limited."

Even as regards Earth we are more committed to history than to geography, more committed to time than to space. History is endless. Place is limited.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The success or failure of any historical age is the extent to which those living at that time have fulfilled the special role that history has imposed upon them."

The success or failure of any historical age is the extent to which those living at that time have fulfilled the special role that history has imposed upon them.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Because of this erotic bond, the earth becomes luxuriant in its every aspect."

Because of this erotic bond, the earth becomes luxuriant in its every aspect.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "The earth will solve its problems, and possibly our own, if we will let the earth function in its own ways. We need only listen to what the earth is telling us."

The earth will solve its problems, and possibly our own, if we will let the earth function in its own ways. We need only listen to what the earth is telling us.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "It is false to say that humanity is the most excellent being in the universe. The most excellent being in the universe is the universe itself."

It is false to say that humanity is the most excellent being in the universe. The most excellent being in the universe is the universe itself.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "Of all the issues we are concerned with at present, the most basic issue, in my estimation, is that of human-earth relations."

Of all the issues we are concerned with at present, the most basic issue, in my estimation, is that of human-earth relations.

Thomas Berry Quotes: "In these writings, and in all my teaching work, I continue to ask the question, “What about the children?"

In these writings, and in all my teaching work, I continue to ask the question, “What about the children?

Thomas Berry Quotes: "We lose our souls if we lose the experience of the forest the butterflies the song of the birds if we can't see the stars at night."

We lose our souls if we lose the experience of the forest the butterflies the song of the birds if we can't see the stars at night.