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W. W. Jacobs Quotes

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W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I've always found it very important to do your homework first and then talk."

I've always found it very important to do your homework first and then talk.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think it is fatal to specialize. And all kinds of things show us that and that the more diverse we are in what we can do, the better."

I think it is fatal to specialize. And all kinds of things show us that and that the more diverse we are in what we can do, the better.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "You don't get new products and services out of sameness."

You don't get new products and services out of sameness.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The best thing is not to think about [separatism]. [People in Alberta] don't even want to engage in talking pros and cons and why people feel this way."

The best thing is not to think about [separatism]. [People in Alberta] don't even want to engage in talking pros and cons and why people feel this way.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The successful men of action are not sufficiently self-observant to know exactly on what their success depends."

The successful men of action are not sufficiently self-observant to know exactly on what their success depends.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Cigarettes and chocolate milk shakes are two amazing things."

Cigarettes and chocolate milk shakes are two amazing things.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I don’t throw cell phones. I don’t hurt people, I only hurt myself."

I don’t throw cell phones. I don’t hurt people, I only hurt myself.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I always wanted to be a fashion designer so I just have to remember that as long as I'm doing it I'm living the dream."

I always wanted to be a fashion designer so I just have to remember that as long as I'm doing it I'm living the dream.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My reading list grows exponentially. Every time I read a book, it'll mention three other books I feel I have to read. It's like a particularly relentless series of pop-up ads."

My reading list grows exponentially. Every time I read a book, it'll mention three other books I feel I have to read. It's like a particularly relentless series of pop-up ads.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Women do amazing, creative, wonderful things."

Women do amazing, creative, wonderful things.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I find placebos uplifting and exhilarating. It means that taking action--no matter what the action is--might help you feel better."

I find placebos uplifting and exhilarating. It means that taking action--no matter what the action is--might help you feel better.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Things work out better when you're straight up."

Things work out better when you're straight up.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Southern women often marry a man knowing that he is the father of many little slaves. They do not trouble themselves about it."

Southern women often marry a man knowing that he is the father of many little slaves. They do not trouble themselves about it.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Boy, you know, it's amazing how your brain can turn into a sieve, and you can literally forget episodes that you have shot."

Boy, you know, it's amazing how your brain can turn into a sieve, and you can literally forget episodes that you have shot.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "NBC gives comedies a chance to find their legs."

NBC gives comedies a chance to find their legs.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "When you can impress your mom by saying you've been to someone's concert, you know you're pretty lame."

When you can impress your mom by saying you've been to someone's concert, you know you're pretty lame.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My mom wouldn't let me buy clothes she didn't like, so I dressed like a middle-aged woman in high school."

My mom wouldn't let me buy clothes she didn't like, so I dressed like a middle-aged woman in high school.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My mom wouldn't know Tom Cruise if he punched her in the face."

My mom wouldn't know Tom Cruise if he punched her in the face.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My mom always said fighting with me as a kid was like going to court. I'm trying to realize that being right is not the most important thing."

My mom always said fighting with me as a kid was like going to court. I'm trying to realize that being right is not the most important thing.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Grunge is a hippied romantic version of punk."

Grunge is a hippied romantic version of punk.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Med students panic their first year when they learn all the diseases. It's not until the second year that they learn the cures."

Med students panic their first year when they learn all the diseases. It's not until the second year that they learn the cures.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I've never before been so aware of the thousands of little good things, the thousands of things that go right every day."

I've never before been so aware of the thousands of little good things, the thousands of things that go right every day.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "There's a beauty to forgiveness, especially forgiveness that goes beyond rationality. Unconditional love is an illogical notion, but such a great & powerful one"

There's a beauty to forgiveness, especially forgiveness that goes beyond rationality. Unconditional love is an illogical notion, but such a great & powerful one

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It comes back to the old question: How can the Bible be so wise in some places and so barbaric in others? And why should we put any faith in a book that includes such brutality?"

It comes back to the old question: How can the Bible be so wise in some places and so barbaric in others? And why should we put any faith in a book that includes such brutality?

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Behavior shapes emotions."

Behavior shapes emotions.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Behavior shapes beliefs."

Behavior shapes beliefs.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Giulia Melucci has written a wonderfully funny and moving book. It's like Eat, Pray, Love, with recipes."

Giulia Melucci has written a wonderfully funny and moving book. It's like Eat, Pray, Love, with recipes.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The best we can do, to paraphrase Pollan, is to eat whole foods, mostly plants, and not too much."

The best we can do, to paraphrase Pollan, is to eat whole foods, mostly plants, and not too much.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I’d recommend learning to accept rejection. Become friends with rejection. Be nice to rejection, because it’s a huge part of being a writer, no matter where you are in your career."

I’d recommend learning to accept rejection. Become friends with rejection. Be nice to rejection, because it’s a huge part of being a writer, no matter where you are in your career.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "When I went to Israel, it was a little disorienting, because there are so many people who look crazy and were dressed like me. There, I was just one of the apocalyptic crowd."

When I went to Israel, it was a little disorienting, because there are so many people who look crazy and were dressed like me. There, I was just one of the apocalyptic crowd.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're walking around looking like you're about to play the semifinals at Wimbledon."

It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're walking around looking like you're about to play the semifinals at Wimbledon.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I grew up in a very secular home with no religion at all, so I was starting from zero."

I grew up in a very secular home with no religion at all, so I was starting from zero.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I know that you should always say yes to adventures or you'll lead a very dull life."

I know that you should always say yes to adventures or you'll lead a very dull life.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Taking the Bible too literally is a mistake. It should be read as a guidebook of wisdom and insight."

Taking the Bible too literally is a mistake. It should be read as a guidebook of wisdom and insight.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I love it when the Bible gives Emily Post-like tips that are both wise and easy to follow."

I love it when the Bible gives Emily Post-like tips that are both wise and easy to follow.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Its sort of my job to feel good."

Its sort of my job to feel good.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I found there were things about religion that I really loved; things like the sense of gratefulness that it brings."

I found there were things about religion that I really loved; things like the sense of gratefulness that it brings.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It's a different way of looking at the world. Your life isn't about rights. It's about responsibilities."--Mr Bill Berkowitz"

It's a different way of looking at the world. Your life isn't about rights. It's about responsibilities."--Mr Bill Berkowitz

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Since I was relatively new to the Bible, I was surprised by the Old Testament God. He's wrathful, but at other times, He's incredibly compassionate. He's not a one-dimensional figure at all."

Since I was relatively new to the Bible, I was surprised by the Old Testament God. He's wrathful, but at other times, He's incredibly compassionate. He's not a one-dimensional figure at all.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage."

A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I've rarely said the word "Lord," unless it's followed by "of the Rings."

I've rarely said the word "Lord," unless it's followed by "of the Rings.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Sometimes miracles occur only when you jump in."

Sometimes miracles occur only when you jump in.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "When I was with the serpent-handlers in Tennessee, it was the most bizarre method of worship I could think of. Yet when you sit with these people, you can kind of see how it makes sense."

When I was with the serpent-handlers in Tennessee, it was the most bizarre method of worship I could think of. Yet when you sit with these people, you can kind of see how it makes sense.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I have little shame, no dignity – all in the name of a better cause."

I have little shame, no dignity – all in the name of a better cause.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "In trying to avoid one sin I've committed another."

In trying to avoid one sin I've committed another.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Jealousy is a useless, time-wasting emotion that's eating me alive."

Jealousy is a useless, time-wasting emotion that's eating me alive.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I thought religion would eventually wither away and we'd all be worshiping at the altar of science."

I thought religion would eventually wither away and we'd all be worshiping at the altar of science.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "One of the interesting things to me is that God grows throughout the Old Testament. He evolves, sort of matures, and becomes kinder."

One of the interesting things to me is that God grows throughout the Old Testament. He evolves, sort of matures, and becomes kinder.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Nicklaus at the 86 Masters. At his age, with his game at the time."

Nicklaus at the 86 Masters. At his age, with his game at the time.