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W. W. Jacobs Quotes

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W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot."

I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "While I love film and want to continue to pursue it 100 percent, my home is TV."

While I love film and want to continue to pursue it 100 percent, my home is TV.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I feel like so often I'm just, like, running around and eating in the car, which is, like, not good, or eating as I'm walking down the street."

I feel like so often I'm just, like, running around and eating in the car, which is, like, not good, or eating as I'm walking down the street.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "College is expensive; I always knew that, and I wanted to make money, partially to spend a little of it here and there, but primarily for a college savings fund."

College is expensive; I always knew that, and I wanted to make money, partially to spend a little of it here and there, but primarily for a college savings fund.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think when you have some success as a kid, your notion of being a good actor is pleasing the director, doing exactly what they tell you to do."

I think when you have some success as a kid, your notion of being a good actor is pleasing the director, doing exactly what they tell you to do.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I'm a very law-abiding citizen, and I've never consciously broken any law. I get nervous just jaywalking in Los Angeles!"

I'm a very law-abiding citizen, and I've never consciously broken any law. I get nervous just jaywalking in Los Angeles!

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "No actor wants to choose - they just want all of the options available to them all the time; we tend to be pretty greedy."

No actor wants to choose - they just want all of the options available to them all the time; we tend to be pretty greedy.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "When you're shooting at 9 A.M. at a club, you have to use all of your acting skills."

When you're shooting at 9 A.M. at a club, you have to use all of your acting skills.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It really does mean so much when your cast mates, who you respect so much, tell you that you made them laugh."

It really does mean so much when your cast mates, who you respect so much, tell you that you made them laugh.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I don't like yelling insults at someone who's never done anything to me."

I don't like yelling insults at someone who's never done anything to me.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think if I was in over 250 films, the world would get pretty sick of me. I would probably never get put in anything ever again."

I think if I was in over 250 films, the world would get pretty sick of me. I would probably never get put in anything ever again.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "There are these important things in some people's lives that can make you laugh even when you're going through a tough time or a stressful week."

There are these important things in some people's lives that can make you laugh even when you're going through a tough time or a stressful week.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs."

My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "My poor, problematic feet don't let me wear anything much over a three- or four-inch heel."

My poor, problematic feet don't let me wear anything much over a three- or four-inch heel.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Thinking back about throwing myself at certain gentlemen that had no interest in me, that'll bring a blush to my face if I think about it too often."

Thinking back about throwing myself at certain gentlemen that had no interest in me, that'll bring a blush to my face if I think about it too often.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "There is a great degree of comfort with your family when you're on a TV show."

There is a great degree of comfort with your family when you're on a TV show.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I've definitely run from the cops in the New York City subways."

I've definitely run from the cops in the New York City subways.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "As you become an adult and start to make your way in life, you realize how much your friends are your family - though you get to make fun of your friends, too."

As you become an adult and start to make your way in life, you realize how much your friends are your family - though you get to make fun of your friends, too.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think we've probably all read a word that we've never heard pronounced out loud, and we try it out in a sentence and fall on our face."

I think we've probably all read a word that we've never heard pronounced out loud, and we try it out in a sentence and fall on our face.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "A lot of people I went to college with felt like they wanted to pursue theater exclusively, so I don't think that I really was in competition with people that I went to school with."

A lot of people I went to college with felt like they wanted to pursue theater exclusively, so I don't think that I really was in competition with people that I went to school with.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "They didn't really encourage my goofy, comedic side at Juilliard."

They didn't really encourage my goofy, comedic side at Juilliard.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The secrets of slavery are concealed like those of the Inquisition."

The secrets of slavery are concealed like those of the Inquisition.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Dr. Flint had sworn that he would make me suffer, to my last day, for this new crime against him, as he called it; and as long as he had me in his power he kept his word"

Dr. Flint had sworn that he would make me suffer, to my last day, for this new crime against him, as he called it; and as long as he had me in his power he kept his word

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "the higher the flame shoots the quicker it blacks out."

the higher the flame shoots the quicker it blacks out.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "you can die of the wrong thought as quick as of a bullet."

you can die of the wrong thought as quick as of a bullet.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The only way I can endure the future is to ignore it."

The only way I can endure the future is to ignore it.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The hinge is distinctly different, so when you look at it carefully, you recognize that it is its own unique design."

The hinge is distinctly different, so when you look at it carefully, you recognize that it is its own unique design.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "At Linkabit, we put little effort and energy into patenting things."

At Linkabit, we put little effort and energy into patenting things.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think that intelligent people to a great extent are captives of their time or place."

I think that intelligent people to a great extent are captives of their time or place.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "People who try to predict the future by extrapolating in a line of more of what exists - they are always wrong."

People who try to predict the future by extrapolating in a line of more of what exists - they are always wrong.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I was so grateful to be independent of the academic establishment. I thought, how awful it would be to have my future hinge on such people and such decisions."

I was so grateful to be independent of the academic establishment. I thought, how awful it would be to have my future hinge on such people and such decisions.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Cities never flourish alone. They have to be trading with other cities."

Cities never flourish alone. They have to be trading with other cities.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The notion that you could discard the old world and now make a new one. This is what was so bad about Modernism."

The notion that you could discard the old world and now make a new one. This is what was so bad about Modernism.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "One of our troubles is that we try to make municipalities that are totally different from each other all act as if they were the same kind of creature, with the same kinds of possibilities."

One of our troubles is that we try to make municipalities that are totally different from each other all act as if they were the same kind of creature, with the same kinds of possibilities.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Beneficent spirals, operating by benign feedback, mean that everything needful is not required at once: each individual improvement is beneficial for the whole"

Beneficent spirals, operating by benign feedback, mean that everything needful is not required at once: each individual improvement is beneficial for the whole

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "People who think of themselves as exiles, I find, can never really put their lives together, really."

People who think of themselves as exiles, I find, can never really put their lives together, really.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "All my life I have been hearing that the oil was going to run out. It never happens. They keep discovering new oil fields. The world is apparently floating in oil fields."

All my life I have been hearing that the oil was going to run out. It never happens. They keep discovering new oil fields. The world is apparently floating in oil fields.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Empires want [cities] only to trade with the empire, which doesn't help them at all. It's just a way of exploiting them."

Empires want [cities] only to trade with the empire, which doesn't help them at all. It's just a way of exploiting them.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It may be romantic to search for the salves of society's ills in slow-moving rustic surroundings, or among innocent, unspoiled provincials, if such exist, but it is a waste of time."

It may be romantic to search for the salves of society's ills in slow-moving rustic surroundings, or among innocent, unspoiled provincials, if such exist, but it is a waste of time.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Americans don't really think that other places are as real as America."

Americans don't really think that other places are as real as America.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "[If Quebec became sovereign] there would be one level of government that would be missing, one less level of government. The municipality would become the second level."

[If Quebec became sovereign] there would be one level of government that would be missing, one less level of government. The municipality would become the second level.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Reactions [on my 1979 Massey lectures] were from Anglophones. I'm one. But I'm terrible at French. In fact, there was practically no reaction."

Reactions [on my 1979 Massey lectures] were from Anglophones. I'm one. But I'm terrible at French. In fact, there was practically no reaction.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Backward cities, or younger cities, or newly forming cities in supply regions, have to develop to a great extent on one another's shoulders. This is one of the terrible things about empires."

Backward cities, or younger cities, or newly forming cities in supply regions, have to develop to a great extent on one another's shoulders. This is one of the terrible things about empires.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "That was the fear that there would be no identity anymore, for Canada. It was foolish, because there are so many examples of separatism, and nothing has disintegrated, unless they went to war."

That was the fear that there would be no identity anymore, for Canada. It was foolish, because there are so many examples of separatism, and nothing has disintegrated, unless they went to war.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Maybe part of my animus against the English is the way they have always treated the Irish and they way they still think about the Irish."

Maybe part of my animus against the English is the way they have always treated the Irish and they way they still think about the Irish.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Unfortunately [René] Lévesque had so little self confidence in Quebec and in the people themselves, that he fell for that and, yes, he'd say, you know, it might be ruinous for us economically."

Unfortunately [René] Lévesque had so little self confidence in Quebec and in the people themselves, that he fell for that and, yes, he'd say, you know, it might be ruinous for us economically.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "[ René Lévesque] didn't understand why things do collapse. It's usually a very banal reason why things do collapse. It's not a grand reason, why they collapse economically, at least in the West."

[ René Lévesque] didn't understand why things do collapse. It's usually a very banal reason why things do collapse. It's not a grand reason, why they collapse economically, at least in the West.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Americans have got it so dinged into them that they are the most fortunate people on Earth, and that the rest of the world - the sooner it copies what America is like, the better."

Americans have got it so dinged into them that they are the most fortunate people on Earth, and that the rest of the world - the sooner it copies what America is like, the better.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I get absolutely ruthless in my own way about not doing anything else when I am trying to concentrate on writing a book. I have to stick to it and concentrate."

I get absolutely ruthless in my own way about not doing anything else when I am trying to concentrate on writing a book. I have to stick to it and concentrate.