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W. W. Jacobs Quotes

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W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The Victorian house and lots of other buildings weren't oppressive in themselves. They were often very airy and gingerbready and fancy. But they were associated with all this [Victorian] stuffiness."

The Victorian house and lots of other buildings weren't oppressive in themselves. They were often very airy and gingerbready and fancy. But they were associated with all this [Victorian] stuffiness.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The best part of a Reg Hartt presentation is what he has to say."

The best part of a Reg Hartt presentation is what he has to say.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Privately run jails are a mark of American "reinvented government" that has been picked up by neoconcervatives in Canada."

Privately run jails are a mark of American "reinvented government" that has been picked up by neoconcervatives in Canada.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Advanced cultures are usually sophisticated enough, or have been sophisticated enough at some point in their pasts, to realize that foxes shouldn't be relied on to guard henhouses."

Advanced cultures are usually sophisticated enough, or have been sophisticated enough at some point in their pasts, to realize that foxes shouldn't be relied on to guard henhouses.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Throughout the world Dark Ages have scrawled finis to successions of cultures receding far into the past."

Throughout the world Dark Ages have scrawled finis to successions of cultures receding far into the past.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Detroit is largely composed, today, of seemingly endless square miles of low-density failure."

Detroit is largely composed, today, of seemingly endless square miles of low-density failure.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "...An honest conversation with anyone is a form of praying."

...An honest conversation with anyone is a form of praying.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Whether a person is physically in front of you or not, the love remains."

Whether a person is physically in front of you or not, the love remains.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It's a scary thing, when a person you admire is suddenly revealed to be absolutely, truly human."

It's a scary thing, when a person you admire is suddenly revealed to be absolutely, truly human.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It gave her a feeling of her own power, to make something practical and beautiful just by using her own skill and creativity. It inspired her."

It gave her a feeling of her own power, to make something practical and beautiful just by using her own skill and creativity. It inspired her.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "... everyone has to knit when they're here. ... But not every person has to use yarn."

... everyone has to knit when they're here. ... But not every person has to use yarn.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "We don't always get what we deserve," she replied, patting James over his heart. "Sometimes we get more; sometimes we get less. At least we get something."

We don't always get what we deserve," she replied, patting James over his heart. "Sometimes we get more; sometimes we get less. At least we get something.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "And there's always a better time than right now and there always will be. But right now is what we've got."

And there's always a better time than right now and there always will be. But right now is what we've got.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "There's the life we dream, the life we deserve, and the life we get. I'll take what I got over what I deserve any day."

There's the life we dream, the life we deserve, and the life we get. I'll take what I got over what I deserve any day.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think it's an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable."

I think it's an old fashioned notion that fashion needs to be exclusive to be fashionable.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Awkwardness gives me great comfort."

Awkwardness gives me great comfort.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Without any kind of real ego on my part, I just thought, I'm going to approach the people I admire and see if they want to do something together."

Without any kind of real ego on my part, I just thought, I'm going to approach the people I admire and see if they want to do something together.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer."

A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I don't find clothes sexy at all. I find people sexy."

I don't find clothes sexy at all. I find people sexy.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "For people that don't have any interest in the psychology of nuance, who need everything to be in their face, who don't want to analyze... those aren't the people I romanticize about dressing."

For people that don't have any interest in the psychology of nuance, who need everything to be in their face, who don't want to analyze... those aren't the people I romanticize about dressing.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Part of the talent of any company is to surround yourself with people who have good spirit and help you do more and more things."

Part of the talent of any company is to surround yourself with people who have good spirit and help you do more and more things.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I always say I lived my life with my grandmother. She was emotionally stable, and she was very encouraging to me."

I always say I lived my life with my grandmother. She was emotionally stable, and she was very encouraging to me.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I think beauty is youth; it's energy. I'm attracted to imperfection, style, confidence, and experimentation. So beauty, to me, is really a lot of things. It's kind of unexpected-what surprises you."

I think beauty is youth; it's energy. I'm attracted to imperfection, style, confidence, and experimentation. So beauty, to me, is really a lot of things. It's kind of unexpected-what surprises you.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "When I started working, the big models were people like Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss. It was a time when there were models who had real personalities and individuality."

When I started working, the big models were people like Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss. It was a time when there were models who had real personalities and individuality.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "To be useful to others and to be useful to myself is definitely a better place to be."

To be useful to others and to be useful to myself is definitely a better place to be.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "We live in a world where people are really hungry for information, and they're not hungry for information on subjects that they're not interested in."

We live in a world where people are really hungry for information, and they're not hungry for information on subjects that they're not interested in.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The attention toward me is basically because of what we've built as a company. If we built a pile of crap then nobody would care what I ate for lunch."

The attention toward me is basically because of what we've built as a company. If we built a pile of crap then nobody would care what I ate for lunch.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "But in another, I think a woman's going to go into a shop to find a coat or a jacket and I just don't think she's not going to go into a shop because of a bad review she probably didn't even read."

But in another, I think a woman's going to go into a shop to find a coat or a jacket and I just don't think she's not going to go into a shop because of a bad review she probably didn't even read.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "A sellout is putting your name on any piece of crap and then expecting people to buy it because it's got your name on it. That's what a sellout is to me."

A sellout is putting your name on any piece of crap and then expecting people to buy it because it's got your name on it. That's what a sellout is to me.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Anyone who thinks designers don't talk to editors, and editors don't talk to stores doesn't know what's happening...It's called crossover, sampling all references in music, art and fashion."

Anyone who thinks designers don't talk to editors, and editors don't talk to stores doesn't know what's happening...It's called crossover, sampling all references in music, art and fashion.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I'd like to be invisible. To be anonymous and see things for what they really are. The truth may be painful but it's probably useful!"

I'd like to be invisible. To be anonymous and see things for what they really are. The truth may be painful but it's probably useful!

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I go to the gym every morning for a couple of hours, then I come to work, whatever is on the plate for the day, I do it. I don't ask many questions, I go where I am told to."

I go to the gym every morning for a couple of hours, then I come to work, whatever is on the plate for the day, I do it. I don't ask many questions, I go where I am told to.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Both my partner and I did not get into cooking so that we could wear ugly chef's coats and stuff. We dress sexy in the kitchen."

Both my partner and I did not get into cooking so that we could wear ugly chef's coats and stuff. We dress sexy in the kitchen.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Sephora is a mecca for cosmetics, and it supports what I enjoy: You go into the store, and touch it, and try it, and love it. I've never bought anything on the Internet. I like experience."

Sephora is a mecca for cosmetics, and it supports what I enjoy: You go into the store, and touch it, and try it, and love it. I've never bought anything on the Internet. I like experience.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I'm not good at hiding my feelings. I'm also not good at lying. I'm very open about everything."

I'm not good at hiding my feelings. I'm also not good at lying. I'm very open about everything.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I envy the people who go to Paris the first time"

I envy the people who go to Paris the first time

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I go through phases where I buy only Speed Stick and Axe, and Noxzema shaving cream."

I go through phases where I buy only Speed Stick and Axe, and Noxzema shaving cream.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I always say that I'm not the director, I'm part of the team."

I always say that I'm not the director, I'm part of the team.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I don't know the history of art, but I got over intimidation from the art world when I realized that I was allowed to feel whatever I want and like whatever I want."

I don't know the history of art, but I got over intimidation from the art world when I realized that I was allowed to feel whatever I want and like whatever I want.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Art critics are like every other critic."

Art critics are like every other critic.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I have no problem going on record with this and probably have gone on record with this before, there aren't that many people who I respect. There just aren't."

I have no problem going on record with this and probably have gone on record with this before, there aren't that many people who I respect. There just aren't.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I value very much the time before the show, when there is nothing else but to concentrate on the show, and it's just purely design."

I value very much the time before the show, when there is nothing else but to concentrate on the show, and it's just purely design.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I am really glad to be working at the profession that I love."

I am really glad to be working at the profession that I love.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Sephora's business is really smart and clever - I'm all for anything that gets people up and out and into the social experience of shopping."

Sephora's business is really smart and clever - I'm all for anything that gets people up and out and into the social experience of shopping.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "I love the gym, but I still want to look a bit awkward at it. I don't want to look too on top of it, you know?"

I love the gym, but I still want to look a bit awkward at it. I don't want to look too on top of it, you know?

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "The Virtue and unpretentiousness of the wise man, which I am talking about, goes unnoticed because of its transparent ordinariness."

The Virtue and unpretentiousness of the wise man, which I am talking about, goes unnoticed because of its transparent ordinariness.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "It is important not only to read God's Word but to interpret God's world in the light of the Word."

It is important not only to read God's Word but to interpret God's world in the light of the Word.

W. W. Jacobs Quotes: "Great books are great in part because of what they ask of their readers: they are not readily encountered, easily assessed."

Great books are great in part because of what they ask of their readers: they are not readily encountered, easily assessed.