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Will Nolan Quotes

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Will Nolan Quotes: "I feel very fortunate that I played for the four organizations I did."

I feel very fortunate that I played for the four organizations I did.

Will Nolan Quotes: "Film is the best way to capture an image and project that image. It just is, hands down."

Film is the best way to capture an image and project that image. It just is, hands down.

Will Nolan Quotes: "By the time I was 10 or 11, I knew I wanted to make films."

By the time I was 10 or 11, I knew I wanted to make films.

Will Nolan Quotes: "It's difficult to keep anything fresh for an audience these days. With technology being what it is people seem to know everything there is to know about a film before you've even made it."

It's difficult to keep anything fresh for an audience these days. With technology being what it is people seem to know everything there is to know about a film before you've even made it.

Will Nolan Quotes: "Every Great Story deserves a Great Ending and 'The Dark Knight Rises' is our Attempt to give that GREAT story, a GREAT ENDING."

Every Great Story deserves a Great Ending and 'The Dark Knight Rises' is our Attempt to give that GREAT story, a GREAT ENDING.

Will Nolan Quotes: "It's certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience."

It's certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I thought it was safer and easier to be one my own. But I don’t think I was to be invisible anymore because-because it’s lonely, and I don’t want to be lonely. I don’t want to be alone."

I thought it was safer and easier to be one my own. But I don’t think I was to be invisible anymore because-because it’s lonely, and I don’t want to be lonely. I don’t want to be alone.

Will Nolan Quotes: "And I was afraid because I knew I had outgrown my past before I could see a path to my future."

And I was afraid because I knew I had outgrown my past before I could see a path to my future.

Will Nolan Quotes: "None of us like violence in the real world, but we're fascinated with it onscreen."

None of us like violence in the real world, but we're fascinated with it onscreen.

Will Nolan Quotes: "Typically with HBO shows, the ninth episode often winds up being a big one and when lots of exciting stuff happens. And then the tenth one is the more placid, character-based one."

Typically with HBO shows, the ninth episode often winds up being a big one and when lots of exciting stuff happens. And then the tenth one is the more placid, character-based one.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I'm a big believer in pose some questions and then answer a few of them before you move onto the next set of questions."

I'm a big believer in pose some questions and then answer a few of them before you move onto the next set of questions.

Will Nolan Quotes: "To a certain degree, with a TV show, people are looking for a certain amount of familiarity. You don't want to pull the rug out, but you also want to keep things fresh and keep changing it up."

To a certain degree, with a TV show, people are looking for a certain amount of familiarity. You don't want to pull the rug out, but you also want to keep things fresh and keep changing it up.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I think in terms of businesses, in terms of things that are really big and marry technology with entertainment. That's where I like to spend my time."

I think in terms of businesses, in terms of things that are really big and marry technology with entertainment. That's where I like to spend my time.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I still am very afraid to Google myself. There are some embarrassing roaming photos that I wish weren't on Google. But I intend to not Google myself."

I still am very afraid to Google myself. There are some embarrassing roaming photos that I wish weren't on Google. But I intend to not Google myself.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I do an improv show on Sunday where we have a class, and then afterwards we go and do a live performance in front of an audience."

I do an improv show on Sunday where we have a class, and then afterwards we go and do a live performance in front of an audience.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I am a person who believes in the good of people and who may have had things influence them to a certain degree, but deep down I think most people are good and would like to be good."

I am a person who believes in the good of people and who may have had things influence them to a certain degree, but deep down I think most people are good and would like to be good.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I can't imagine Joe DiMaggio was a better all-around player than Dale Murphy."

I can't imagine Joe DiMaggio was a better all-around player than Dale Murphy.

Will Nolan Quotes: "My sweet spot is figuring out how to make a product that people love and how to refine it to make them love it more. All the rest is business noise."

My sweet spot is figuring out how to make a product that people love and how to refine it to make them love it more. All the rest is business noise.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I always love it best when you have a project where there is this commingling of the subject matter and the way in which you're recording that subject matter."

I always love it best when you have a project where there is this commingling of the subject matter and the way in which you're recording that subject matter.

Will Nolan Quotes: "One cardinal rule of American journalism is that The New York Times Sunday Magazine is a chore, a bore, and a penance to be endured."

One cardinal rule of American journalism is that The New York Times Sunday Magazine is a chore, a bore, and a penance to be endured.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I guess I'd like to be known for being an innovator, fostering creativity, thinking outside the box. You know, keeping people playful."

I guess I'd like to be known for being an innovator, fostering creativity, thinking outside the box. You know, keeping people playful.

Will Nolan Quotes: "You wanna build your IQ higher in the next two years? Be uncomfortable. That means, learn something where you have a beginner's mind."

You wanna build your IQ higher in the next two years? Be uncomfortable. That means, learn something where you have a beginner's mind.

Will Nolan Quotes: "Video games in some ways are too powerful, they have too much resonance with kids. And it's very easy to overdose on video games and to let the outside world go by."

Video games in some ways are too powerful, they have too much resonance with kids. And it's very easy to overdose on video games and to let the outside world go by.

Will Nolan Quotes: "The idea is to become a best-selling author first and then the rest of my books will be slam dunks."

The idea is to become a best-selling author first and then the rest of my books will be slam dunks.

Will Nolan Quotes: "People hate to and will not read instructions."

People hate to and will not read instructions.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I've been in navigation systems, robotics, restaurants, communications systems, touch screens, and now I'm back in games. I like to say I have five-year A.D.D."

I've been in navigation systems, robotics, restaurants, communications systems, touch screens, and now I'm back in games. I like to say I have five-year A.D.D.

Will Nolan Quotes: "My goal has been to be a great character actor."

My goal has been to be a great character actor.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I'm taking a bit of a wait-and-see attitude towards 3D."

I'm taking a bit of a wait-and-see attitude towards 3D.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I've been interested in dreams since I as a kid and I've wanted to do a film about them for a long time."

I've been interested in dreams since I as a kid and I've wanted to do a film about them for a long time.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I'd love to design a school."

I'd love to design a school.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I don't particularly enjoy watching films in 3D because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film has a very three-dimensional quality to it, so I'm somewhat sceptical of the technology."

I don't particularly enjoy watching films in 3D because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film has a very three-dimensional quality to it, so I'm somewhat sceptical of the technology.

Will Nolan Quotes: "One of the finest magicians you can see is David Oliver."

One of the finest magicians you can see is David Oliver.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I've done really well so far in my career by trusting the audience to be as dissatisfied with convention as I am, as a film-goer. You want to go see a film that surprises you in some way."

I've done really well so far in my career by trusting the audience to be as dissatisfied with convention as I am, as a film-goer. You want to go see a film that surprises you in some way.

Will Nolan Quotes: "When you're dealing with the world of dreams, the psyche, and potential of a human mind, there has to be emotional stakes. You have to deal with issues of memory and desire."

When you're dealing with the world of dreams, the psyche, and potential of a human mind, there has to be emotional stakes. You have to deal with issues of memory and desire.

Will Nolan Quotes: "To be honest, I don't enjoy watching movies much when I'm working. They tend to fall apart on me a bit."

To be honest, I don't enjoy watching movies much when I'm working. They tend to fall apart on me a bit.

Will Nolan Quotes: "The problem with big films is they snowball very rapidly and you can never pull back. It's a pipeline that needs to be fed."

The problem with big films is they snowball very rapidly and you can never pull back. It's a pipeline that needs to be fed.

Will Nolan Quotes: "If I could steal someone's dream myself, I'd have to go for one of Orson Welles."

If I could steal someone's dream myself, I'd have to go for one of Orson Welles.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I'm very happy where 3-D is going, which is that it's becoming a choice - and thankfully, most people are still choosing 2-D."

I'm very happy where 3-D is going, which is that it's becoming a choice - and thankfully, most people are still choosing 2-D.

Will Nolan Quotes: "The quality of racing continues to excel with starters increasing to 1496,."

The quality of racing continues to excel with starters increasing to 1496,.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I've never read Joseph Campbell, and I don't know all that much about story archetypes."

I've never read Joseph Campbell, and I don't know all that much about story archetypes.

Will Nolan Quotes: "When I look at a digitally acquired and projected image, it looks inferior against an original negative anamorphic print or an IMAX one."

When I look at a digitally acquired and projected image, it looks inferior against an original negative anamorphic print or an IMAX one.

Will Nolan Quotes: "It's not that often that you get to have a large commercial success and then have something that you want to do that you can excite people about."

It's not that often that you get to have a large commercial success and then have something that you want to do that you can excite people about.

Will Nolan Quotes: "TV is, as I'm discovering now, a marathon. You have to keep going and going and going."

TV is, as I'm discovering now, a marathon. You have to keep going and going and going.

Will Nolan Quotes: "For a few minutes of every day, every man becomes a genius. This is the tragedy of life."

For a few minutes of every day, every man becomes a genius. This is the tragedy of life.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I think that we, as human beings, always need to conquer our fears and reach beyond our grasp and I think it's very important that we don't become complacent or stagnant."

I think that we, as human beings, always need to conquer our fears and reach beyond our grasp and I think it's very important that we don't become complacent or stagnant.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I don't think anyone really understands why a show works or why it doesn't."

I don't think anyone really understands why a show works or why it doesn't.

Will Nolan Quotes: "For me, the attraction of TV is that you continue to get to tell those stories and refine those characters. The other thing is that TV, in the last years, got really, really, really good."

For me, the attraction of TV is that you continue to get to tell those stories and refine those characters. The other thing is that TV, in the last years, got really, really, really good.

Will Nolan Quotes: "I don't think you can guess what people will really like. You have to come at it from a more natural place and then kind of hope that your taste is shared by enough people to keep going."

I don't think you can guess what people will really like. You have to come at it from a more natural place and then kind of hope that your taste is shared by enough people to keep going.

Will Nolan Quotes: "The thing about working on a TV show is that it becomes, very quickly, all consuming."

The thing about working on a TV show is that it becomes, very quickly, all consuming.