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Will Rogers Quotes

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Will Rogers Quotes: "Learning of all kinds goes on best, lasts best, and tends to lead itself on more when it grows out of a real focus of interest in the learner."

Learning of all kinds goes on best, lasts best, and tends to lead itself on more when it grows out of a real focus of interest in the learner.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Satan can't keep God from answering our prayers, but he will keep us from asking."

Satan can't keep God from answering our prayers, but he will keep us from asking.

Will Rogers Quotes: "God is never in a hurry, but God is never late"

God is never in a hurry, but God is never late

Will Rogers Quotes: "The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it."

The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his money."

I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his money.

Will Rogers Quotes: "A marriage is not primarily a duet but a holy trio."

A marriage is not primarily a duet but a holy trio.

Will Rogers Quotes: "A president just can't make much showing against congress. They lay awake nights, thinking up things to be against the president on."

A president just can't make much showing against congress. They lay awake nights, thinking up things to be against the president on.

Will Rogers Quotes: "The problem in America isn't so much what people don't know; the problem is what people think they know that just ain't so."

The problem in America isn't so much what people don't know; the problem is what people think they know that just ain't so.

Will Rogers Quotes: "If you make your decisions based on comfort, before long you will be uncomfortable."

If you make your decisions based on comfort, before long you will be uncomfortable.

Will Rogers Quotes: "The world changed. Hollywood changed. I think we've lost something, and we don't know how to get it back."

The world changed. Hollywood changed. I think we've lost something, and we don't know how to get it back.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I do ballads that say what every man wants to say and that every woman wants to hear, or I do songs about social issues."

I do ballads that say what every man wants to say and that every woman wants to hear, or I do songs about social issues.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Am I living in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me?"

Am I living in a way which is deeply satisfying to me, and which truly expresses me?

Will Rogers Quotes: "The fun, joy, and humor dry up in a relationship when one of the partners is swimming in gin. To my way of thinking, it is selfishness personified to see life through the bottom of a liquor bottle."

The fun, joy, and humor dry up in a relationship when one of the partners is swimming in gin. To my way of thinking, it is selfishness personified to see life through the bottom of a liquor bottle.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I feel the greatest gift we can give to anybody is the gift of our honest self."

I feel the greatest gift we can give to anybody is the gift of our honest self.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Adults who think that children must be manipulated for their own good have developed the attitude of a controlling parent who lacks faith in himself, the child, or humanity or himself."

Adults who think that children must be manipulated for their own good have developed the attitude of a controlling parent who lacks faith in himself, the child, or humanity or himself.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Experience is, for me, the highest authority."

Experience is, for me, the highest authority.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I'm fairly convinced that the Kingdom of God is for the broken-hearted. You write of 'powerlessness.' Join the club, we are not in control. God is."

I'm fairly convinced that the Kingdom of God is for the broken-hearted. You write of 'powerlessness.' Join the club, we are not in control. God is.

Will Rogers Quotes: "In a person who is open to experience each stimulus is freely relayed through the nervous system, without being distorted by any process of defensiveness."

In a person who is open to experience each stimulus is freely relayed through the nervous system, without being distorted by any process of defensiveness.

Will Rogers Quotes: "There has to be chemistry in a duet, but if you go beyond the point of friendship and attraction, you lose something."

There has to be chemistry in a duet, but if you go beyond the point of friendship and attraction, you lose something.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Every time you say no to Jesus Christ, it makes it that much harder for you to say yes to Jesus Christ."

Every time you say no to Jesus Christ, it makes it that much harder for you to say yes to Jesus Christ.

Will Rogers Quotes: "There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works."

There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works.

Will Rogers Quotes: "We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately, he never runs."

We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately, he never runs.

Will Rogers Quotes: "People are always asking me why they don't make Westerns like they used to."

People are always asking me why they don't make Westerns like they used to.

Will Rogers Quotes: "As architects we have a responsibility to society"

As architects we have a responsibility to society

Will Rogers Quotes: "It's about time we stopped buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like."

It's about time we stopped buying things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.

Will Rogers Quotes: "History shows that people who save and invest grown and prosper, and the others deteriorate and collapse."

History shows that people who save and invest grown and prosper, and the others deteriorate and collapse.

Will Rogers Quotes: "It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do!"

It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do!

Will Rogers Quotes: "What's a butterfly garden without butterflies?"

What's a butterfly garden without butterflies?

Will Rogers Quotes: "My hunch is that if we allow ourselves to give who we really are to the children in our care, we will in some way inspire cartwheels in their hearts."

My hunch is that if we allow ourselves to give who we really are to the children in our care, we will in some way inspire cartwheels in their hearts.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Growing older is not upsetting; being perceived as old is."

Growing older is not upsetting; being perceived as old is.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Much of God's will for your life is already found in the Bible."

Much of God's will for your life is already found in the Bible.

Will Rogers Quotes: "People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument."

People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument.

Will Rogers Quotes: "It's easy being a humorist when you've got the whole government working for you."

It's easy being a humorist when you've got the whole government working for you.

Will Rogers Quotes: "The connections we make in the course of a life--maybe that's what heaven is."

The connections we make in the course of a life--maybe that's what heaven is.

Will Rogers Quotes: "You know, you don't have to look like everybody else to be acceptable and to feel acceptable."

You know, you don't have to look like everybody else to be acceptable and to feel acceptable.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf."

Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf.

Will Rogers Quotes: "There is in every organism, at whatever level, an underlying flow of movement toward constructive fulfillment of its inherent possibilities."

There is in every organism, at whatever level, an underlying flow of movement toward constructive fulfillment of its inherent possibilities.

Will Rogers Quotes: "God doesn't need us to give Him our money. He owns everything. Tithing is God's way to grow Christians."

God doesn't need us to give Him our money. He owns everything. Tithing is God's way to grow Christians.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Government is the only enterprise in the world which expands in size when its failures increase."

Government is the only enterprise in the world which expands in size when its failures increase.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I was forced to stretch my thinking, to realize that sincere and honest people could believe in very divergent religious doctrines."

I was forced to stretch my thinking, to realize that sincere and honest people could believe in very divergent religious doctrines.

Will Rogers Quotes: "What Jesus will do with you is determined on what you will do with him."

What Jesus will do with you is determined on what you will do with him.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I did everything he did but backwards & in high heels."

I did everything he did but backwards & in high heels.

Will Rogers Quotes: "The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer."

The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer.

Will Rogers Quotes: "A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries."

A difference of opinion is what makes horse racing and missionaries.

Will Rogers Quotes: "I never expected to see the day when girls would get sunburned in the places they now do."

I never expected to see the day when girls would get sunburned in the places they now do.

Will Rogers Quotes: "Here's what I've learned about raising boys... if you keep 'em busy, they're fine. You let 'em get bored, they'll dismantle your house board by board."

Here's what I've learned about raising boys... if you keep 'em busy, they're fine. You let 'em get bored, they'll dismantle your house board by board.

Will Rogers Quotes: "You can be too big for God to use, but you can never be too small for God to use."

You can be too big for God to use, but you can never be too small for God to use.

Will Rogers Quotes: "That's what a Congressman or a Senator is for -- to see that too much money don't accumulate in the national Treasury."

That's what a Congressman or a Senator is for -- to see that too much money don't accumulate in the national Treasury.