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William Butler Quotes

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William Butler Quotes: "There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings."

There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet's wings.

William Butler Quotes: "Hearts with one purpose alone/Through summer and winter seem/Enchanted to a stone/To trouble the living stream."

Hearts with one purpose alone/Through summer and winter seem/Enchanted to a stone/To trouble the living stream.

William Butler Quotes: "Everything that man esteems Endures a moment or a day."

Everything that man esteems Endures a moment or a day.

William Butler Quotes: "I broke my heart in two So hard I struck. What matter? for I know That out of rock, Out of a desolate source, Love leaps upon its course."

I broke my heart in two So hard I struck. What matter? for I know That out of rock, Out of a desolate source, Love leaps upon its course.

William Butler Quotes: "Everything we look upon is blest."

Everything we look upon is blest.

William Butler Quotes: "All that could run or leap or swim Whether in wood, water or cloud, Acclaiming, proclaiming, declaiming Him."

All that could run or leap or swim Whether in wood, water or cloud, Acclaiming, proclaiming, declaiming Him.

William Butler Quotes: "Time drops in decay Like a candle burnt out. And the mountains and woods Have their day, have their day; But, kindly old rout Of the fire-born moods, You pass not away."

Time drops in decay Like a candle burnt out. And the mountains and woods Have their day, have their day; But, kindly old rout Of the fire-born moods, You pass not away.

William Butler Quotes: "Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet."

Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet.

William Butler Quotes: "Many times man lives and dies Betweeen his two eternities, That of race and that of soul, And ancient Ireland knew it all. Whether man die in his bed Or the rifle knocks him dead"

Many times man lives and dies Betweeen his two eternities, That of race and that of soul, And ancient Ireland knew it all. Whether man die in his bed Or the rifle knocks him dead

William Butler Quotes: "He Who is wrapped in purple robes, With planets in His care, Had pity on the least of things Asleep upon a chair."

He Who is wrapped in purple robes, With planets in His care, Had pity on the least of things Asleep upon a chair.

William Butler Quotes: "There is only one romance the Soul's."

There is only one romance the Soul's.

William Butler Quotes: "And God stands winding His lonely horn, And time and the world are ever in flight."

And God stands winding His lonely horn, And time and the world are ever in flight.

William Butler Quotes: "A drunkard is a dead man And all dead men are drunk."

A drunkard is a dead man And all dead men are drunk.

William Butler Quotes: "Shakespearean fish swam the sea, far away from land; Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand."

Shakespearean fish swam the sea, far away from land; Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand.

William Butler Quotes: "I agree about Shaw - he is haunted by the mystery he flouts. He is an atheist who trembles in the haunted corridor."

I agree about Shaw - he is haunted by the mystery he flouts. He is an atheist who trembles in the haunted corridor.

William Butler Quotes: "I have mummy truths to tell Whereat the living mock, Though not for sober ear, For maybe all that hear Should laugh and weep an hour upon the clock."

I have mummy truths to tell Whereat the living mock, Though not for sober ear, For maybe all that hear Should laugh and weep an hour upon the clock.

William Butler Quotes: "Eyes spiritualised by death can judge, I cannot, but I am not content."

Eyes spiritualised by death can judge, I cannot, but I am not content.

William Butler Quotes: "A living man is blind and drinks his drop. What matter if the ditches are impure? What matter if I live it all once more?"

A living man is blind and drinks his drop. What matter if the ditches are impure? What matter if I live it all once more?

William Butler Quotes: "Nor bird nor beast Could make me wish for anything this day, Being old, but that the old alone might die, And that would be against God's Providence."

Nor bird nor beast Could make me wish for anything this day, Being old, but that the old alone might die, And that would be against God's Providence.

William Butler Quotes: "I know of the leafy paths that the witches take Who come with their crowns of pearl and their spindles of wool, And their secret smile, out of the depths of the lake."

I know of the leafy paths that the witches take Who come with their crowns of pearl and their spindles of wool, And their secret smile, out of the depths of the lake.

William Butler Quotes: "to be choked with hate May well be of all evil chances chief."

to be choked with hate May well be of all evil chances chief.

William Butler Quotes: "Bodily decrepitude is wisdom; young We loved each other and were ignorant."

Bodily decrepitude is wisdom; young We loved each other and were ignorant.

William Butler Quotes: "Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?"

Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?

William Butler Quotes: "Only the wasteful virtues earn the sun."

Only the wasteful virtues earn the sun.

William Butler Quotes: "The friends that have it I do wrong Whenever I remake a song, Should know what issue is at stake: It is myself that I remake."

The friends that have it I do wrong Whenever I remake a song, Should know what issue is at stake: It is myself that I remake.

William Butler Quotes: "Being young you have not known The fool's triumph, nor yet Love lost as soon as won, Nor the best labourer dead And all the sheaves to bind."

Being young you have not known The fool's triumph, nor yet Love lost as soon as won, Nor the best labourer dead And all the sheaves to bind.

William Butler Quotes: "Be secret and exult, Because of all things known That is most difficult."

Be secret and exult, Because of all things known That is most difficult.

William Butler Quotes: "O sweet everlasting Voices, be still; Go to the guards of the heavenly fold And bid them wander obeying your will, Flame under flame, till Time be no more."

O sweet everlasting Voices, be still; Go to the guards of the heavenly fold And bid them wander obeying your will, Flame under flame, till Time be no more.

William Butler Quotes: "I long for truth, and yet I cannot stay from that My better self disowns, For a man's attention Brings such satisfaction To the craving in my bones."

I long for truth, and yet I cannot stay from that My better self disowns, For a man's attention Brings such satisfaction To the craving in my bones.

William Butler Quotes: "Ah, let us kiss each other's eyes,/And laugh our love away."

Ah, let us kiss each other's eyes,/And laugh our love away.

William Butler Quotes: "Great Powers of falling wave and wind and windy fire, With your harmonious choir Encircle her I love and sing her into peace, That my old care may cease."

Great Powers of falling wave and wind and windy fire, With your harmonious choir Encircle her I love and sing her into peace, That my old care may cease.

William Butler Quotes: "When I clamber to the heights of sleep, Or when I grow excited with wine, suddenly I meet your face."

When I clamber to the heights of sleep, Or when I grow excited with wine, suddenly I meet your face.

William Butler Quotes: "I have nothing more to give you than my heart. Spanish saying Hearts are not to be had as a gift hearts are to be earned."

I have nothing more to give you than my heart. Spanish saying Hearts are not to be had as a gift hearts are to be earned.

William Butler Quotes: "If soul my look and body touch, Which is the more blest?"

If soul my look and body touch, Which is the more blest?

William Butler Quotes: "Somewhere beyond the curtain Of distorting days Lives that lonely thing That shone before these eyes Targeted, trod like Spring."

Somewhere beyond the curtain Of distorting days Lives that lonely thing That shone before these eyes Targeted, trod like Spring.

William Butler Quotes: "It's certain there are trout somewhere - And maybe I shall take a trout - but I do not seem to care."

It's certain there are trout somewhere - And maybe I shall take a trout - but I do not seem to care.

William Butler Quotes: "O heart, we are old; The living beauty is for younger men: We cannot pay its tribute of wild tears."

O heart, we are old; The living beauty is for younger men: We cannot pay its tribute of wild tears.

William Butler Quotes: "rhetoric is will doing the work of imagination."

rhetoric is will doing the work of imagination.

William Butler Quotes: "All the stream that's roaring by Came out of a needle's eye."

All the stream that's roaring by Came out of a needle's eye.

William Butler Quotes: "Lionel Johnson comes the first to mind, That loved his learning better than mankind, Though courteous to the worst; much falling he Brooded upon sanctity."

Lionel Johnson comes the first to mind, That loved his learning better than mankind, Though courteous to the worst; much falling he Brooded upon sanctity.

William Butler Quotes: "What do we know but that we face one another in this place?"

What do we know but that we face one another in this place?

William Butler Quotes: "Do you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns? I have been changed to a hound with one red ear; I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns."

Do you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns? I have been changed to a hound with one red ear; I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns.

William Butler Quotes: "We had fed the heart on fantasies, The heart's grown brutal from the fare, More substance in our enmities Than in our love"

We had fed the heart on fantasies, The heart's grown brutal from the fare, More substance in our enmities Than in our love

William Butler Quotes: "The problem wiv some blokes is that wen they ain't drunk, they're sober."

The problem wiv some blokes is that wen they ain't drunk, they're sober.

William Butler Quotes: "For men were born to pray and save: Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave."

For men were born to pray and save: Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave.

William Butler Quotes: "Words alone are certain good."

Words alone are certain good.

William Butler Quotes: "Homer is my example and his unchristened heart."

Homer is my example and his unchristened heart.

William Butler Quotes: "We can only begin to live when we conceive life as Tragedy."

We can only begin to live when we conceive life as Tragedy.

William Butler Quotes: "If there's no hatred in a mind Assault and battery of the wind Can never tear the linnet from the leaf"

If there's no hatred in a mind Assault and battery of the wind Can never tear the linnet from the leaf