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It's Positive ! Quotes

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It's Positive ! Quotes: "Manners Matter. Courteous behavior is the hallmark of healthy relations and human interaction. Manners ensure you will be more respected, admired, and appreciated. Thank you!"

Manners Matter. Courteous behavior is the hallmark of healthy relations and human interaction. Manners ensure you will be more respected, admired, and appreciated. Thank you!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Take the Initiative. Be proactive. If you want to rock your relationship results, it is going to take action, effort, initiative, and choosing to get in the game—so, step up, step out, and show up!"

Take the Initiative. Be proactive. If you want to rock your relationship results, it is going to take action, effort, initiative, and choosing to get in the game—so, step up, step out, and show up!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Begin to take the initiative when you want to meet someone new. Be the one who steps forward first. Simply say hello and begin a conversation."

Begin to take the initiative when you want to meet someone new. Be the one who steps forward first. Simply say hello and begin a conversation.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Imagine how many new friends you would make, how much new business you could create, and how much fun you could have by simply taking the initiative to be the inviter."

Imagine how many new friends you would make, how much new business you could create, and how much fun you could have by simply taking the initiative to be the inviter.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Polishing the gold in others is easy to do and a valuable habit to develop to transform your relationship results. People will usually rise to the occasion and live up to your positive expectations."

Polishing the gold in others is easy to do and a valuable habit to develop to transform your relationship results. People will usually rise to the occasion and live up to your positive expectations.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "You already know the difference between being a gracious person versus a rude one."

You already know the difference between being a gracious person versus a rude one.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Impeccable manners and courteous behavior are the hallmarks for healthy relations and human interaction."

Impeccable manners and courteous behavior are the hallmarks for healthy relations and human interaction.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Polite people tend to be more respected, admired, and appreciated than their rude counterparts."

Polite people tend to be more respected, admired, and appreciated than their rude counterparts.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your manners are critical for both making a positive first impression and creating success in life, love, and business."

Your manners are critical for both making a positive first impression and creating success in life, love, and business.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Without civilized social graces, not only is life more difficult, but a positive first impression can be destroyed as fast as it is made."

Without civilized social graces, not only is life more difficult, but a positive first impression can be destroyed as fast as it is made.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "All manners are not created equal and can conjure different interpretations based on the environment in which they are being displayed."

All manners are not created equal and can conjure different interpretations based on the environment in which they are being displayed.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "ASK YOURSELF: Are you presenting yourself in the best of all lights, online and off, and demonstrating the dignity of good manners? Make sure of it! If not, it may come back to haunt you."

ASK YOURSELF: Are you presenting yourself in the best of all lights, online and off, and demonstrating the dignity of good manners? Make sure of it! If not, it may come back to haunt you.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Ernest Hemingway was a champion of the common man. He once said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self."

Ernest Hemingway was a champion of the common man. He once said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "When it comes to meeting new people, playing well with others, and connecting on deeper levels, there are inherent gaps which can be closed only by being brave. When is bravery needed?"

When it comes to meeting new people, playing well with others, and connecting on deeper levels, there are inherent gaps which can be closed only by being brave. When is bravery needed?

It's Positive ! Quotes: "It’s not bravery unless you are doing something which causes you to feel afraid. Unless there is some degree of fear or apprehension involved, bravery is not even needed."

It’s not bravery unless you are doing something which causes you to feel afraid. Unless there is some degree of fear or apprehension involved, bravery is not even needed.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Being brave requires taking deliberate action and doing something new that stretches you beyond your comfort zone."

Being brave requires taking deliberate action and doing something new that stretches you beyond your comfort zone.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Any time you put yourself on the line, you risk (and maybe fear) failing, falling, being embarrassed, or looking stupid—none of which are comfortable."

Any time you put yourself on the line, you risk (and maybe fear) failing, falling, being embarrassed, or looking stupid—none of which are comfortable.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Being brave is not for the light-hearted. Bravery takes fortitude—the very act of bravery prevents anyone from knowing you were ever afraid in the first place."

Being brave is not for the light-hearted. Bravery takes fortitude—the very act of bravery prevents anyone from knowing you were ever afraid in the first place.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "To cultivate bravery and courage, ground yourself in your character values:Building a solid foundation of integrity and character will fortify your confidence to face down fears and take bold action."

To cultivate bravery and courage, ground yourself in your character values:Building a solid foundation of integrity and character will fortify your confidence to face down fears and take bold action.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "To cultivate bravery and courage, take a deep breath & relax:When you feel fear, your body tenses up and your thoughts lead you down an anxiety-ridden path. Stop, breathe, relax."

To cultivate bravery and courage, take a deep breath & relax:When you feel fear, your body tenses up and your thoughts lead you down an anxiety-ridden path. Stop, breathe, relax.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "To cultivate bravery and courage, avoid the bystander effect.Rather than standing on the sidelines watching other people achieve their goals, jump in with both feet and get involved."

To cultivate bravery and courage, avoid the bystander effect.Rather than standing on the sidelines watching other people achieve their goals, jump in with both feet and get involved.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Approachability. Being warm and inviting demonstrates comfort, care, and emotional safety all of which encourages engagement. Your openness says, “I’m happy to meet you and am glad you’re here."

Approachability. Being warm and inviting demonstrates comfort, care, and emotional safety all of which encourages engagement. Your openness says, “I’m happy to meet you and am glad you’re here.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Handshakes, Hugs & Other Touching. Learning how to touch appropriately can elevate your presentation, demonstrate respect, and convey confidence."

Handshakes, Hugs & Other Touching. Learning how to touch appropriately can elevate your presentation, demonstrate respect, and convey confidence.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Orientation & Proximity. Be aware of the orientation between yourself and others so that you can be sensitive and responsive to their comfort zones."

Orientation & Proximity. Be aware of the orientation between yourself and others so that you can be sensitive and responsive to their comfort zones.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Smiling and Expressions of Emotion. A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, and encouraging. People do read a book by its cover and your expressions provide a glimpse for what they’ll find inside."

Smiling and Expressions of Emotion. A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, and encouraging. People do read a book by its cover and your expressions provide a glimpse for what they’ll find inside.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "The Art of Action explores specific action steps you can take for personal and professional transformation. Start by taking the initiative to be kind, courageous, and polite."

The Art of Action explores specific action steps you can take for personal and professional transformation. Start by taking the initiative to be kind, courageous, and polite.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Become a ‘good finder’ and seek to acknowledge the best you see in others."

Become a ‘good finder’ and seek to acknowledge the best you see in others.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Move beyond yourself to serve a greater purpose and vision. Learn to mix, mingle, and glow, thus helping others feel more comfortable, at ease, important, and connected."

Move beyond yourself to serve a greater purpose and vision. Learn to mix, mingle, and glow, thus helping others feel more comfortable, at ease, important, and connected.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "By being fully present and engaged you will maximize your moments to make every encounter count."

By being fully present and engaged you will maximize your moments to make every encounter count.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Being proactive and intentional will enable you to create a positive experience for yourself and others."

Being proactive and intentional will enable you to create a positive experience for yourself and others.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "It is no mystery why nice people are well-liked and get along harmoniously with others. Being nice makes people feel emotionally safe, allowing for more authentic, trusting, and happy interactions."

It is no mystery why nice people are well-liked and get along harmoniously with others. Being nice makes people feel emotionally safe, allowing for more authentic, trusting, and happy interactions.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "ASK YOURSELF: Have you found that being nice to some people is simply not effective? When might it be wise to throw down the gauntlet and get tough or confrontational?"

ASK YOURSELF: Have you found that being nice to some people is simply not effective? When might it be wise to throw down the gauntlet and get tough or confrontational?

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Smiling is one of your most powerful non-verbal behaviors. People do read a book by its cover and these expressions provide glimpses into what they will find inside."

Smiling is one of your most powerful non-verbal behaviors. People do read a book by its cover and these expressions provide glimpses into what they will find inside.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "What are you projecting? How are you showing up? Are you aware of how your expressions are impacting your communication with others?"

What are you projecting? How are you showing up? Are you aware of how your expressions are impacting your communication with others?

It's Positive ! Quotes: "At any moment, you can use your face to open doors of opportunity if it demonstrates interest, enthusiasm, respect, understanding, delight, agreement, and more."

At any moment, you can use your face to open doors of opportunity if it demonstrates interest, enthusiasm, respect, understanding, delight, agreement, and more.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Be aware, putting on a poker face can backfire during your first impressions because it can make people uncomfortable and make you more difficult to read and harder to get to know."

Be aware, putting on a poker face can backfire during your first impressions because it can make people uncomfortable and make you more difficult to read and harder to get to know.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "ASK YOURSELF: Are your facial expressions in alignment with your true personality? Are they working on your behalf to project the best impression possible?"

ASK YOURSELF: Are your facial expressions in alignment with your true personality? Are they working on your behalf to project the best impression possible?

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Since non-verbal signals have five times the impact of verbal signals, paying attention to the image you are projecting is crucial to your first impressions."

Since non-verbal signals have five times the impact of verbal signals, paying attention to the image you are projecting is crucial to your first impressions.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Proper posture conveys that you are ready to take command and master new situations. When you project this level of confidence, you will instill confidence in others."

Proper posture conveys that you are ready to take command and master new situations. When you project this level of confidence, you will instill confidence in others.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "The next time you have a high-stakes meeting, a presentation, or an important social engagement, practice power posing beforehand to potently and powerfully impact your confidence."

The next time you have a high-stakes meeting, a presentation, or an important social engagement, practice power posing beforehand to potently and powerfully impact your confidence.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Have you heard that a smile is the shortest distance between people? I love that! There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a first impression with positive impact."

Have you heard that a smile is the shortest distance between people? I love that! There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a first impression with positive impact.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, encouraging, and brings joy into the world. It instantly tells others that you are glad to see them, that they are important and you are approachable."

A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, encouraging, and brings joy into the world. It instantly tells others that you are glad to see them, that they are important and you are approachable.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Accompanied with good eye contact, a smile serves as an immediate icebreaker to warm up relations and turn a stranger into a friend."

Accompanied with good eye contact, a smile serves as an immediate icebreaker to warm up relations and turn a stranger into a friend.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "You can transform your entire physical appearance, personal experience, energy, and social success simply by smiling. And it is also good to do just for you!"

You can transform your entire physical appearance, personal experience, energy, and social success simply by smiling. And it is also good to do just for you!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your smile draws people to you as it simultaneously brings out the best in you both."

Your smile draws people to you as it simultaneously brings out the best in you both.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your smile is a kind hello and a sincere invitation that opens the gateway to engage others and begin conversations."

Your smile is a kind hello and a sincere invitation that opens the gateway to engage others and begin conversations.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your smile is a magnet for goodwill and positivity. In unison with your attitude, people gravitate to happy people!"

Your smile is a magnet for goodwill and positivity. In unison with your attitude, people gravitate to happy people!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "As the saying goes, "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.” Smiling is a universal symbol of happiness that transcends language and communication challenges."

As the saying goes, "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.” Smiling is a universal symbol of happiness that transcends language and communication challenges.