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It's Positive ! Quotes

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It's Positive ! Quotes: "A positive attitude will help you be more inspiring and motivating to others."

A positive attitude will help you be more inspiring and motivating to others.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Celebrate the success of others and they will be happy to see you succeed."

Celebrate the success of others and they will be happy to see you succeed.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Be mindful of the words in your mind and in your mouth. Choose to use an affirming and positive vocabulary because your actions and outcomes will follow suit."

Be mindful of the words in your mind and in your mouth. Choose to use an affirming and positive vocabulary because your actions and outcomes will follow suit.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Remember that your attitude towards life determines life’s attitude toward you. At any moment, you can choose to change everything for the better."

Remember that your attitude towards life determines life’s attitude toward you. At any moment, you can choose to change everything for the better.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Exercise and get moving to pump up your endorphins and elevate your mood. Take an adult recess."

Exercise and get moving to pump up your endorphins and elevate your mood. Take an adult recess.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others."

Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Emotional intelligence will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas which you may wish to improve."

Emotional intelligence will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas which you may wish to improve.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "All the elements of greater emotional awareness can weave together to ensure you make a more positive impact."

All the elements of greater emotional awareness can weave together to ensure you make a more positive impact.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Emotional intelligence marks one’s ability to perceive, understand, control, and evaluate his or her emotions."

Emotional intelligence marks one’s ability to perceive, understand, control, and evaluate his or her emotions.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your EQ (emotional quotient) is your capacity to recognize, discriminate, and label emotions accurately and interpret them to help guide your thinking and behavior."

Your EQ (emotional quotient) is your capacity to recognize, discriminate, and label emotions accurately and interpret them to help guide your thinking and behavior.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you."

Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic— forgiving rather than a grudge holder."

Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic— forgiving rather than a grudge holder.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Strive to be a possibility thinker rather than an impossibility thinker."

Strive to be a possibility thinker rather than an impossibility thinker.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Strive to be happy rather than downhearted or miserable—hopeful rather than resigned and doubtful."

Strive to be happy rather than downhearted or miserable—hopeful rather than resigned and doubtful.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Strive to be a proactive participant rather than a passive procrastinator."

Strive to be a proactive participant rather than a passive procrastinator.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Strive to be active rather than lethargic—determined rather than wavering or lazy."

Strive to be active rather than lethargic—determined rather than wavering or lazy.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "When you make a deliberate effort to keep your thoughts positive, and authentically feel that way, more positive outcomes are inevitable."

When you make a deliberate effort to keep your thoughts positive, and authentically feel that way, more positive outcomes are inevitable.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your mindset buffet is filled with possibilities that can feed your heart, mind, and soul if you will simply serve yourself and go for it! Choose wisely, my friends, choose wisely."

Your mindset buffet is filled with possibilities that can feed your heart, mind, and soul if you will simply serve yourself and go for it! Choose wisely, my friends, choose wisely.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations filter how you see everything in your world—and here is the clincher—you get to choose!"

Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations filter how you see everything in your world—and here is the clincher—you get to choose!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations initiate and largely determine how you experience your reality."

Your thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations initiate and largely determine how you experience your reality.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "You wear your attitude. It is highly visible to every person you meet and shows up in the way act, live, and love."

You wear your attitude. It is highly visible to every person you meet and shows up in the way act, live, and love.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your attitude is the outward expression of your internal perceptions, self-esteem, and current thoughts."

Your attitude is the outward expression of your internal perceptions, self-esteem, and current thoughts.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Mindset and attitude are so tightly intertwined they almost mean the same thing!"

Mindset and attitude are so tightly intertwined they almost mean the same thing!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your attitude is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. You have full command. As empowering as that truth can be, there are some days we let down and give in to a bad attitude."

Your attitude is the one thing in this world you have complete control over. You have full command. As empowering as that truth can be, there are some days we let down and give in to a bad attitude.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "When you wake each day, it is your choice if you are going to use your attitude to your advantage or allow it to work against you."

When you wake each day, it is your choice if you are going to use your attitude to your advantage or allow it to work against you.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "If you want to fly high and go amazing places, your attitude is crucial."

If you want to fly high and go amazing places, your attitude is crucial.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Put yourself in the driver seat by designing the best attitude possible to help you get where you need and want to go."

Put yourself in the driver seat by designing the best attitude possible to help you get where you need and want to go.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "At times, maintaining a positive attitude and outlook takes great risk, courage, toughness, and flexibility. It is not easy to stay positive in a cynical and negative world."

At times, maintaining a positive attitude and outlook takes great risk, courage, toughness, and flexibility. It is not easy to stay positive in a cynical and negative world.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Remain vigilant and try diligently not to succumb to the soul-sucking, mind-numbing, ill-mannered attitudes that seem so prevalent in the world today."

Remain vigilant and try diligently not to succumb to the soul-sucking, mind-numbing, ill-mannered attitudes that seem so prevalent in the world today.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Developing a positive attitude is one of the most transformational things you can do to shift your mindset, improve your disposition, manifest good things, and attract quality people into your life."

Developing a positive attitude is one of the most transformational things you can do to shift your mindset, improve your disposition, manifest good things, and attract quality people into your life.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "The benefits you will enjoy with a positive attitude have a multiplier effect and exponentially impact your personal well-being."

The benefits you will enjoy with a positive attitude have a multiplier effect and exponentially impact your personal well-being.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "A positive attitude will not only make you more fun to be around, but it will bring more happiness and joy both into your life and the lives of those around you."

A positive attitude will not only make you more fun to be around, but it will bring more happiness and joy both into your life and the lives of those around you.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Surround yourself with positive people who ignite your energy and spirit."

Surround yourself with positive people who ignite your energy and spirit.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Believe in your power to make happiness a choice—do so every day, until it becomes a lifelong habit."

Believe in your power to make happiness a choice—do so every day, until it becomes a lifelong habit.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "A positive attitude feels a heck of a lot better than a negative one."

A positive attitude feels a heck of a lot better than a negative one.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Learn to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage in positive ways!"

Learn to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage in positive ways!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Many people go through life complaining, whining, and obsessing so much about what they don’t have that they are doing exactly what it takes to block it."

Many people go through life complaining, whining, and obsessing so much about what they don’t have that they are doing exactly what it takes to block it.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Would you like to feel a calm confidence when you walk into a room full of strangers, knowing that you can start new a conversation with anyone?"

Would you like to feel a calm confidence when you walk into a room full of strangers, knowing that you can start new a conversation with anyone?

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your mindset brings together your attitude, perceptions, experience, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, values, and understanding to determine how you think, act, walk, talk, behave, and engage."

Your mindset brings together your attitude, perceptions, experience, interpretations, opinions, beliefs, values, and understanding to determine how you think, act, walk, talk, behave, and engage.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "To say your mindset is critical to your success is a gross understatement—it is the underpinning!"

To say your mindset is critical to your success is a gross understatement—it is the underpinning!

It's Positive ! Quotes: "Your mindset serves as the operating system for your entire life’s experience."

Your mindset serves as the operating system for your entire life’s experience.

It's Positive ! Quotes: "One would think that if people truly wanted to live incredible lives, they would do everything in their power to create a mindset which helped them get there. Right?"

One would think that if people truly wanted to live incredible lives, they would do everything in their power to create a mindset which helped them get there. Right?