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O. Henry Quotes

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O. Henry Quotes: "Every house where love abides And friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home sweet home For there the heart can rest."

Every house where love abides And friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home sweet home For there the heart can rest.

O. Henry Quotes: "The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become."

The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.

O. Henry Quotes: "Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand."

Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.

O. Henry Quotes: "Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns Its fragrant lamps, and turns Into a royal court with green festoons The banks of dark lagoons."

Out in the lonely woods the jasmine burns Its fragrant lamps, and turns Into a royal court with green festoons The banks of dark lagoons.

O. Henry Quotes: "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

O. Henry Quotes: "All things are ready, if our mind be so."

All things are ready, if our mind be so.

O. Henry Quotes: "Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars."

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars.

O. Henry Quotes: "The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time."

The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.

O. Henry Quotes: "Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people."

Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.

O. Henry Quotes: "We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.

O. Henry Quotes: "It is with the soul that we grasp the essence of another human being, not with the mind, nor even with the heart."

It is with the soul that we grasp the essence of another human being, not with the mind, nor even with the heart.

O. Henry Quotes: "Strategy-making is an immensely complex process involving the most sophisticated, subtle, and at times subconscious of human cognitive and social processes."

Strategy-making is an immensely complex process involving the most sophisticated, subtle, and at times subconscious of human cognitive and social processes.

O. Henry Quotes: "The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind."

The secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind.

O. Henry Quotes: "You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.

O. Henry Quotes: "Genius is seldom recognized for what it is: a great capacity for hard work."

Genius is seldom recognized for what it is: a great capacity for hard work.

O. Henry Quotes: "A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning."

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.

O. Henry Quotes: "Management is a curious phenomenon. It is generously paid, enormously influential, and significantly devoid of common sense"

Management is a curious phenomenon. It is generously paid, enormously influential, and significantly devoid of common sense

O. Henry Quotes: "The words which express our faith and piety are not definite; yet they are significant and fragrant like frankincense to superior natures."

The words which express our faith and piety are not definite; yet they are significant and fragrant like frankincense to superior natures.

O. Henry Quotes: "He has a chance to make somebody move over on Mount Rushmore. He's working for his place on the coins and the postage stamps."

He has a chance to make somebody move over on Mount Rushmore. He's working for his place on the coins and the postage stamps.

O. Henry Quotes: "Sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness."

Sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness.

O. Henry Quotes: "The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital . . . if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the Government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today."

The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital . . . if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the Government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today.

O. Henry Quotes: "Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all."

Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all.

O. Henry Quotes: "The early church didn’t say, ‘Look what the world is coming to!’ They said, ‘Look what has come into the world’!"

The early church didn’t say, ‘Look what the world is coming to!’ They said, ‘Look what has come into the world’!

O. Henry Quotes: "A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child."

A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child.

O. Henry Quotes: "It is not worth while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar."

It is not worth while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar.

O. Henry Quotes: "I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook."

I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.

O. Henry Quotes: "It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew."

It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.

O. Henry Quotes: "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.

O. Henry Quotes: "It was the greatest honor God did to man that he made man in the image of God; but it is the greatest dishonor man has done to God that he has made God in the image of man."

It was the greatest honor God did to man that he made man in the image of God; but it is the greatest dishonor man has done to God that he has made God in the image of man.

O. Henry Quotes: "He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has."

He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.

O. Henry Quotes: "I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees."

I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.

O. Henry Quotes: "As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind."

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.

O. Henry Quotes: "What protectionism teaches us, is to do to ourselves in time of peace what enemies seek to do to us in time of war."

What protectionism teaches us, is to do to ourselves in time of peace what enemies seek to do to us in time of war.

O. Henry Quotes: "I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone."

I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.

O. Henry Quotes: "Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind."

Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.

O. Henry Quotes: "The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend."

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.

O. Henry Quotes: "If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."

If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.

O. Henry Quotes: "Greenwich Village... the village of low rents and high arts."

Greenwich Village... the village of low rents and high arts.

O. Henry Quotes: "Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice"

Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice

O. Henry Quotes: "Life passes, riches fly away, popularity is fickle, the senses decay, the world changes. One alone is true to us; One alone can be all things to us; One alone can supply our need."

Life passes, riches fly away, popularity is fickle, the senses decay, the world changes. One alone is true to us; One alone can be all things to us; One alone can supply our need.

O. Henry Quotes: "Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water."

Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water.

O. Henry Quotes: "Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition"

Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition

O. Henry Quotes: "How you live your life is a testimony of what you believe about God."

How you live your life is a testimony of what you believe about God.

O. Henry Quotes: "The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate."

The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.

O. Henry Quotes: "The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time."

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time.

O. Henry Quotes: "Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith."

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.

O. Henry Quotes: "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind."

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.

O. Henry Quotes: "Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea."

Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.

O. Henry Quotes: "I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.