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Best Bill Nye Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: November 14, 2021


Best Bill Nye Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Bill Nye Quotes on Religion, Learning, Life, Science and More with their meaning.

Bill Nye was famously known as the "Science guy", originally a mechanical engineer; Bill is popular for his children's show "Bill Nye, the science guy". One of the major works of Bill as a scientist is building and comedy. He performed some of his standups on T.V. This earned Bill a strong career, and later on, he started his own show. The show attracted children as well as adults, and ultimately, Jim won 19 Emmys for this show!

But even after the success of his show, Bill continued to work in the field of science, contributed to Mars Rover sundial missions, and was CEO of Planetary Society. Along with this, he has written books on science, namely, Undeniable and Unstoppable. Also, Netflix now has made a documentary on Bill called Bill Nye to save the world. 

However, Bill lived a very difficult life as he was alive during World War II, where he worked as a code breaker. Bill was also in a Japanese prisoner of war camp for four years. Either way, after the II World War, the world took a better turn for this man. Below are some of the famous Bill Nye Quotes.

Humour is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does.

Humans have evolved over thousands of years, and it began with the development of the first-ever embryo. Like other animals on the planet, humans were probably supposed to live, eat and survive likewise; however, humans of every generation chose a different path. There is nothing humans were "supposed" to do. And yet they feel like they're meant to be here and do something here. And from this point of view, everything we do is humourous.

The natural world is a package deal; you don't get to select which facts you like and which you don't.

Humans over the past couple of hundred years have tried to alter the way the Earth is. The industrial revolution might be a reason for it. Anyway, while doing so, humans have disturbed other creatures and plants and even caused their extinction. And this destruction of nature will eventually backfire on us, humans. Therefore, we can say the natural world is a packaged deal; options for choosing are not given.

Everyone that you'll ever meet will know someone that you won't

Every human builds his persona by various things and experiences. Everyone is a unique being. Though we might know a person since childhood, we cannot know every person that person has ever known. Sometimes we think we know everything about a person, but that's not possible; each person has known all together unique experiences.

The Earth is not 6,000 or 10,000 years old. It's not. And if that conflicts with your beliefs, I strongly feel you should question your beliefs.

There sometimes lies false information in old books and scriptures that the world is only a few thousand years old, but that is false information. Earth is billions of years old, and this is proved by scientific research. If our beliefs are divergent from these basic facts, our beliefs must be undoubtedly questioned.

What happens to other species also happens to us.

Human is the most ignorant animal above all. He is absorbed in his ego and god complex to realize that he is yet another animal like any other. Everything that other species do like hunt, mate, bear offspring, we too do it. We're like any other animal, just that animals have different skills like running, hunting, flying, etc. to help them survive while we have our brains.

Continue reading some more Bill Nye Quotes...

Science is the best idea humans have ever had.

Right from the discovery of fire, humans have made use of science. And from there itself was the origin of the evolution of a modern man. Man has built his wings, his tools, his great mansions, and comfort. All of this can be encompassed in a singular idea man has ever had: Science.

Every question leads to new answers, discoveries, and new smarter questions.

Every development that humans have witnessed is due to their habit of asking questions. Man has made his own survival simpler due to the answers to important questions. Questions had formed circles of development.

They avoid the exploration of evolution because it reminds us all that humankind may not be that special's scheme. What happens to other species also happens to us.

Once upon a time, there walked dinosaurs on the face of the Earth. But due to some natural disasters, dinosaurs no longer exist. A lot of creatures like dinosaurs have now ceased to exist. Humans, however, ignore the fact they, too, like other extinct creatures, can get extinct. And therefore, in that area of research for fear of knowing their fate.

We are killing off species at the rate of about one per day. It is estimated that humans are driving species to extinction at least a thousand times faster than the otherwise natural rate.

Humans have caused irreversible nature damage. This extinction rate keeps increasing every day, and species are being driven to their death due to our selfish actions. Climate change and pollution are causing havoc to the planet. And we must find a way to stop this.

No other organism on Earth does what humans do. Yes, yes, I understand that dolphins are very smart, but I don't think they build libraries or even contemplate such a project.

The most special survival strategy is gifted to humans; humans have been given the gift of mind. And while other creatures like dolphins might be smarter than mankind, they can't do things that humans do, possibly because of their conditions. There is no other creature like a human.

We are all aware that evolution happens because we all have parents.

When we talk of evolution, we often talk of the evolution of man from an ape or the evolution of creatures from cells. However, there exist simple proofs of evolution in the world. Ans one such proof is our evolution from our parents. We can notice that we are a bit different from our parents. We are a little more developed and smarter, and in the bigger picture, we are a little more evolved than our parents.

Few more Bill Nye Quotes...

So long as we each focus only on our individual decisions and their short-term consequences, we will act like renters, not owners of this Earth.

Humans have this god complex that they rule on this Earth and that Earth is only built for them. In history, we've seen that many rulers have wanted power to conquer the entire Earth encompassing the entire human race. But humans have often only thought about their wants and desires. Humans have not thought in cord with their entire species, and therefore, we ultimately just die after our natural existence and leave no real impact. We do not act as owners but as renters on this planet. 

We all have DNA, and it's nearly the same. In rhesus monkeys, we're close to 93 percent the same. In mice, it's closer to 90 percent overall.

We humans think that we're unique creatures. But genetically, we're all close to other animals. We might feel superior, but in reality, we're all very similar. 

Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it is consistent with the laws of nature.

There is no such thing as impossible or nothing as 'too good to be true, and that is only the thing is following the laws of nature. When rules of nature are followed, nothing is impossible. 

Scientifically speaking, there is tribalism and group bias, but there cannot be any such thing as racism. We are all one.

Racism only exists in the minds of us humans. We are all one big race. There is nothing like Black men or White men. Scientifically this is all false information. There might be other biases that exist, but racism isn't even a reason for our difference. 

Some more Bill Nye Quotes...

The most serious problem facing humankind is climate change. All of these people breathing and burning our atmosphere has led to an extraordinarily dangerous situation. I hope the next generation will emerge and produce technology, regulations, and a worldview that enable as many of us as possible to live happy healthy lives.

Climate change is real, and it is causing havoc on our planet. Our existence and survival are highly compromised due to this. Anyway, Bill hopes that the new generation will build technology and beliefs that enable people to live better lives and be free from the threat of extinction. 

The claim that we would not have morals or ethics without religion is extraordinary. Animals in nature seem to behave in moral ways without organized religion.

The idea of religion compels us, humans, to think and act in a certain way. It is said that with religion comes moral values and ethics. But if we observe keenly, animals too behave quite morally without even having a particular religion. So it is questionable if we need religion.

For me, the meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future.

While different philosophers and artists seek the meaning of life, everyone has their own set of beliefs. Some people are hedonists, while some are altruists. However, it simply might be that living is the sole purpose of life. We simply exist to pass our genes to the future generation and so on. Maybe there's no more meaning to life.

But as the cerebellum degrades with age, so does the quality of memories. The memories are there, but they're not as good.

As we age, our brains work differently or possibly turns dysfunctional. Our memories are good and youthful in our youth, but they slowly degrade as we become old. Maybe the only time to live is now when we're young.

There is no such thing as race. We all came from Africa. We are all of the same stardust. We are all going to live and die on the same planet, a Pale Blue Dot in the vastness of space. We have to work together.

Racism is a pure myth. We all once lived in Africa when the tectonic plates did not shift. Later the continents shifted, and it is funny that we humans choose to oppress people from different continents when we all originated from the same place. We all live and die on the same Earth. We are all innately similar; the pale blue dot(Earth) is where we all have to work together.


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