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Best Peace Quotes of All Time to Bring Calmness

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: December 20, 2020


Best Peace Quotes of All Time to Bring Calmness

This article is a compilation of some of the best Peace Quotes with meaning. Read through the quotes and feel an inner peace touching your soul and mind.

Nobody can hurt me without my permission. – Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhiji has always lived on the principles of non-violence and peace, teaching us the great power of these two, which is way beyond any nuclear catastrophe. He has emphasised the integrity we attain by reaching a state of inner peace. This helps us in overcoming little conflicts if daily life and accepting that it is our soul which cannot be hurt by the trivial actions of others until we grant permission. Thus, the only way to stay happy is to enable yourself to do so. 

Nobody can bring you peace but yourself. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The late philosopher of Transcendentalism, Ralph Emerson, says that the search for peace is futile if not conducted inside one's heart. It can be compared to the ancient quest for God or treasure in the world, that keen people ultimately find inside themselves. Similarly, after searching the whole universe, the circle completes and at last end in the search for inner peace which dwells inside everyone. 

To seek out your own peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence. – Norman Vincent Peale 

Author of' the power of positive thinking' has served as a great advocate of optimism. It is often seen that we are lost in the search for outer peace, looking for something to calm us, and in the process, we end up being all the more agitated by the chaos around. Instead, the actual harmony we need to look for exists inside us. It is this we need to find and cherish. If we're able to attain the peace inside our soul, we will live devoid of stress and anxiety, making life merciful.

Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. – Albert Einstein

Einstein, the great physicist and survivor of the political upheaval, has illustrated that no one can impose peace on anyone. This would only establish more violence and rage. To create a peaceful environment, the one in power need to understand the requirements and demands of people. They need to work on building a better atmosphere that encourages progress and prosperity of all. 

To seek out your inner peace is the greatest gift you could ever hope to give to this world. – Eric Walton 

In this world, everyone is striving hard to attain satisfaction, which has lead to undue destruction of nature. Mr Walton says that if each one of us tries to discover the peace in our soul itself, then they can live the life of a minimalist, satisfied by whatever little we have and leaving the resources for the use by other organisms and future generations. This can help in evading the mass wreckage on earth and would be our biggest possible gift to this world. 

Once you have accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. – George R.R. Martin

The idea of acceptance is closely linked to peace. There is a lot of instability in our mind, and we keep on making conscious endeavours to hide our flaws and gain acceptance from others. Instead, we need to keep in mind that everyone has flaws, and we need to accept the ones we have and find peace with it. 

No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for 'we' are the only thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. - Louise L. Hay

Louise elucidated the fact that only when we have found peace in our mind can we find peace in our surroundings. Since time immemorial, we have been told to find a truce in places or by doing something or meeting someone, when we only need to discover the tranquillity and stability inside the brain, resolve the inner conflicts and create a peaceful aura. 

Peace brings with it so many positive emotions that it is worth aiming for in all circumstances. – Estella Eliot 

Peace brings happiness, contentment and satisfaction. It imparts a huge amount of positive energy, producing an optimistic attitude apart from talking away the feelings of jealousy, inferiority and greed. This creates a stabilising effect in mind, keeping the soul calm, bringing more integrity as well as dignity. Therefore, aiming for mental peace prevails as an unopposed notion in every situation. 

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.- Lao Tzu

The great Chinese philosopher and writer Laozi, who is an eminent deity of the religion of Taoism has very beautifully explained that the more we try to resist the life changes, the more we suffer from suffering and despair. He brings into the world the idea of going with the spontaneous and natural bends, accepting whatever that comes in your path with pleasure and ultimately living life blissfully. The more we restrict, the greater is our loss of mental peace. 

I just want to find some inner peace, and I think I am getting there slowly but surely. – Toni Collette 

While Toni was suffering from panic attacks for months, she used to drench herself with sweating and flushing, making it difficult for her to cope with the situation. She was drawn towards the idea of spirituality and Buddhism to discover peace. She used to make small bits of effort every day and every time, over months to years, eventually gaining resilience and composure in her brain. She has correctly shown that the destiny of inner peace cannot be achieved in a day or two, it requires regular practise, moreover, it is the journey towards it which matters. 

Having inner peace means committing to letting go of self-criticism and self-doubt. – Sanaya Roman 

Sanaya has been teaching about spirituality and the art of living with joy for over twenty-five years. She has been reminding people of inner joy and peace. In one of her teachings, she has explained how self-criticism and self-doubt only create negative emotions. They give birth to the unwanted inferiority complex, creating a lot of turbulence inside the mind as well as destabilising the soul. A better way to deal with life is to accept the flaws we have and nurture the goodness inside. 

Love and peace of mind do protect us. They allow us to overcome the problems that life hands us. They teach us to survive, to live now and to have the courage to confront each day. – Bernie Siegel 

Bernie Siegel is an eminent paediatric surgeon who has focussed his life on the process of healing of the patient and not just the cure of disease. He has rightly said about the qualities of love and peace. In the world full of turmoil, peace provides us protection, by giving us the strength to face the enigma day in and day out. It also tells us how to withstand whatever that is going on as well as gives the ability to face the problems of life with bravery and dignity.

 Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be. – Sonia Ricotti

These are some particularly useful lines by Ricotti. Through this, she has reiterated the facts that we can't change the past; all we can do is learn from the wrongdoing. Then we need to grant ourselves to the present, submitting to the turns of life gracefully and happily. Finally, the future is unseen, so just have faith that whatever happens, it will be for the greater good and move in life with no tension and attain solace. 

Healthy emotional flow is the key to inner peace. – Jessica Moore

Jessica had comprehended that inner peace is not a single entity; instead, it is a combination of a huge deal of positivity. It requires the desire to be happy and content, the art of finding comfort even in the most demanding conditions, being content with whatever little or big you achieve likewise and getting rid of the emotions of hatred, anger, envy, avarice and gloom. 

Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real has to be unaffected by outside circumstances. – Mahatma Gandhi 

Even after attaining inner peace, peace must be unshaken by the undulating outer circumstances. Gandhiji, in his experiments with the truth and non-violence, realised that the finding peace is not a one-step process, it requires endless endeavours to stop the environmental influences from affecting the mind and soul. 

Mindset is everything. Like the eye if a storm, find the sunshine and calm within you, even if there is chaos outside you. – Brittany Burgunder

Our brain is full of hurricanes; these can be related to some emotional, personal or professional conflicts. But just like each storm has a central calm place, similarly each of this conflict inside the head has some central calmness associated with it. Burgunder who had suffered from bulimia had found this central, quiet place in her head dealing evading the urges to eat and strengthening weight control. Just like that, we need to find the centre of chaos and rest there with stillness. 

When there is peace in the self, there is peace in the world. – Abhijit Naskar 

During his campaign for global harmony and peace, Abhijit came to terms with the fact that to those with inner peace, a world full of struggles would appear peaceful but for those with multiple internal battles, even still snow-capped mountains can not bring peace. So the way we look at the world is just a reflection of our deep-seated equilibrium or reactions. 

The greatest misfortune that can come to a human being is to lose his inner peace. No outer force can rob him of it. It is his own thoughts, his own actions that rob him of it. – Sri Chinmoy

Sir Chinmoy is a great Indian spiritual leader, during one of his teachings, he illustrated how humans become their own enemies. Lord Ravana had lost his serenity even after living in the beautiful, peaceful kingdom of Lanka, due to his unfair actions. Likewise, we also tend to lose the balance in our head by our own deeds and not by what somebody else has done. So, the whole act of blaming others for taking our comfort is redundant; rather we need to act and think more carefully. 

Keep scrolling to continue reading some of the best Peace Quotes of all time....

Learn to calm down the winds of your mind, and you will enjoy great inner peace.- Remez Sasson 

There exist a lot of winds in our minds; they create turbulence to the extent that we develop feelings of fear, anguish, sorrow and many more. And as we know, the more of the turbulence, the greater is the clogging of channels. This blocks the path of peace and contentment, making it imperative to slow down and maybe remove these winds to create balance and integrity within ourselves, culminating in a clear thought process. 

Listen to the inner light; it will guide you. Listen to inner peace; it will feed you. Listen to inner love; it will transform you, it will divinise you, it will immortalise you. – Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy exemplified that one with great deeds become immortal, by literature or in memory of people. A simple way to do so is by following the path laid by conscience. This path is full of love and peace. It renders the person pious and divine. 

Choose your thoughts carefully. Keep what brings you peace, release what brings you suffering, and know that happiness is just a thought away. – Nishan Panwar

Our thoughts contribute much more to our emotions and happiness than we can imagine. If we have positive and serene thoughts, the harmony follows, and we feel satisfied. Beautiful thinkings are a way to stride away from hardship and misery. 

Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as one of the biggest peacemakers in the world. He has highlighted the importance of the journey by which one attains peace rather than longing for the goal. The process of calming the mind, body and soul is worth cherishing, it teaches us a lot like patience, respecting oneself and others as well as staying elated even in the most uncomfortable moments. 

For peace to reign on earth, humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first. – Immanuel Kant

It has been observed that agony or grief arise whenever we look only at a part of the picture. The mere portion of knowledge or situation us not sufficient to take decisions, instead we should take a look at the bigger picture. The complete information helps us in understanding what good had occurred and as we know, whatever happens, it is for the betterment. So, we need to revolutionise our way of peeking at stuff which would benefit us and the whole earth by bringing peace. 

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace. – Dalai Lama

The great Buddhist sage, Dalai lama has been preaching about peace for decades. He has said that ignorance brings in the sense of irrationality, fear of unknown and anger. The mind stays empty as we keep dismissing knowledge. Thus, to bring out peace, we should focus on gaining knowledge and accepting truth willingly than overlooking everything. 

Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. —John F. Kennedy

As we are well aware, nothing is easy, leave alone the task of staying peaceful. Numerous hurdles come in our; these can be in the form of some familial conflict, some disease that hits us or our closed ones or maybe some financial or career-related crisis. Nevertheless, one must remember that composure has to be cultivated in each situation, especially the most difficult ones, then only can we cherish life fully. Henceforth, the cycle of finding and maintaining peace is eternal and has to be followed throughout life. 

You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory. —J. Donald Walters

We all face countless problems in our life, one stops, and the other begins. Some claim that by just ignoring or avoiding these problems, going to a forest or ancient times will be peaceful. That's not quite accurate, the real peace is attained when we deal with these issues ourselves, and not just by denying their presence. 

Never worry what others say when you walk away from all the drama. Be grateful you had the strength and courage to stay out of the conflict and be at peace with your choices.- Elle Summer 

During a fight, most believe that one who wins the argument is the champion. But at times, it is just as good to leave a futile conflict and go back to our own mental peace. No one can change who people look at others or you, they just gossip as much as they want. Moreover, they don't realise how much courage it takes to leave the fight, knowing that you are correct and just accepting the counter-arguments as somebody's ideology. 

Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.- Thomas Jefferson

The most arduous task in the world is to maintain composite in all potential inconveniences. It required a whole lot of strength apart from, training the mind to stay cool and unmoved. Yet, once we obtain this kind of discipline, we are a bigger advantage than others as we can work the same or more even in the hardest times, not getting shaken by emotions. 

Smiling is very important. If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. – Thich Nhat Hanh

As we know, a smile goes a long way. A simple curve like a smile can supplement our deeds and actions, just like a cherry on top. It is shown to spread an enormous amount of happiness around us, making even the difficult tasks easy and enriching every social gathering. The number of positive vibes and peace we bring to the world by smiling is nothing but encouraging. 

Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace. – Buddha 

Buddha has given this world pious techniques that enrich the lives of humans with love and elation. He once mentioned how it is necessary to leave the thoughts of bitterness and hostility. Such thoughts just depict the inner disputes and lack of equilibrium. They are of no good either to self or others. Indeed they hamper our quest for solace. 

It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.—Eleanor Roosevelt

Only by talking about peace, one can't achieve it. Peace is not a showpiece that can be bought and kept at home. It has to be practised, day in and out, for years and maybe for throughout life. 

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace. – John Lennon

Lennon has accurately brought out how the world has turned so materialistic. Everyone from a child to elder urges to have tv or mobile or money and so on. The way this world is turning, there is little demand for relaxation and peace. In fact, some just turn into a workaholic. Nonetheless, even we all take a minute to introspect what we really desire, the answer would be stillness and serenity. 

If we do not work for individual transformation, talking about world peace is just entertainment. – Anonymous 

We often see people talking about his the world is a mess and the wars are about to commence and many more, lecturing about the deficiency of world peace. As said above these arguments and redundant. In fact, if everyone world in the direction of transforming oneself into a calm and composed person, the need for transforming the world would diminish. 

 When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others. – Anonymous 

Very correctly put forward, this quote tells how our thought processes determine our relationships with others. At times, we tend to make presumptions and prejudices, tarnishing the relations. So, only when we find peace in our head and accept that there is nothing but positivity surrounding us, can we maintain healthy, peaceful alliances with those around. 

Neither seek nor avoid that what comes. – Swami Vivekanand 

Anything that comes is our path is great, and we truly deserve that. This can be looked upon as a law of karma; we should accept whatever is given to us, not long for something that is not ours, and should kindle joy and amusement. This is a strategy that can help us is avoiding bitter feelings and regretful wrongdoings. 

I think it's naive to pray for world peace if we're not going to change the form in which we live.-Godfrey Reggio

Godfrey has reiterated the message that precisely like multiple miniature drops of water form a sea, this world is also formed by a zillion of human beings. And if everybody tries to transform into a better and peaceful person, peace would prevail on Earth. 

Peace only comes from accepting the inevitable and taming our desires. – Anonymous 

It has been shown that our desires just span for a few seconds or minutes, like cravings, and once we ride over that period of intense longing, we go back to the previous calm self. Thus, taming our desires and accepting that the most if the life situations are not in our hands, we can uncover peace. 

Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power. – Joyce Meyer

Meyer is rightly equated peace with power and strength. Even in the most demanding situations, when we maintain our composure, no one can defeat us. 

Don't hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace. – Epictetus

The extraordinary philosopher, Epictetus, has told the world how futile it is to keep expectations. The more we except or wish for something to happen, the greater irritation and pain it brings when the events don't unfold as desired. Hereafter, it is better to let life be the way it is and just keep working towards the greater good. This is how we can walk on the road of peace. 

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. – Anonymous 

This quote is reflecting on the fact that if you compare love and power on a balancing beam, you will discern that the side of love is heavier. Love is a true emotion that guides us to the path of peace, while power brings arrogance and a false sense of superiority that culminated in destruction. 

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be. —Wayne W. Dyer

Humans have evolved with a brain that can think beyond limits. Occasionally, we end up building the whole frame of our life in our mind; this gives momentary satisfaction but adds up to long term grief and despair. Hence, acceptance is the key to peace. 

Raindrops make rivers and ocean - our deep intention and positive actions will make the world free from nuclear weapons and wars. – Anonymous 

With the advancement in science and technology, we have constructed means of large scale destruction and demolition. However, when it comes to signing a peace treaty, it takes a huge deal of efforts. With our positive actions, we can curb the use of hazardous weapons and let peace prevail. 

Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace." —Dalai Lama

Often, we let others actions control our lives and decisions. This might initially feel easy, but in the long term, it hampers our growth and truce. The more we depend on somebody else's deeds, the more will be the turbulence. So, we need to nurture the art of not letting others affect us to that extent. 

Organisations can't bring peace, for peace begins with the individual - it begins with you. And so long as you rely on these organisations to bring peace in your surroundings, peace shall remain merely an issue for the celebrities to exploit as a means to attract more followers." ― Abhijit Naskar

The simple act of finding peace commences with the individual. It is we ourselves who can find integrity and not some outer association that can gift it to us. 

You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart." —George Michael

Our heart is the mirror of who we are; at times rationalising everything can be overwhelming but dangerous. Sometimes, just go with your heart, and it will lead you to a journey that ends in solace. 

Peace can become a lens through which you see the world. Be it. Live it. Radiate it out. Peace is an inside job. - Wayne Dyer

Yet again, peace acts as a screen through which we look at our surroundings, the more we accomplish inner peace, the more beautiful is the outer world. So, discover the peace inside you and abide with it. 

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. —Ronald Reagan

A conflict exists everywhere; whenever there are two utensils, they will clatter. The peace is not the absence of these struggles; it is a means of addressing them maturely and practically. 

Not one of us can rest, be happy, be at home, be at peace with ourselves, until we end hatred and division. —John Lewis

Hatred and distinction of people just create additional boundaries and reasons for war. With such bitterness inside, no one can be happy or even rest in stillness. Henceforth, it is critical to get rid of these emotions. 

To solve the problem of organising world peace we must establish world law and order. – Arthur Henderson

For obtaining calmness of all, it is crucial to formulate law and order at a universal level. When we unify the diverse range of people, including everyone under a single umbrella of love and care, the whole world will gain peace.

Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.- Dr A P J Abdul Kalam 

When the person has morality and righteousness in heart, they develop an elegant and lovely character, which builds peace in their houses, and harmony and symmetry in their country ultimately making a peaceful work to live in.

Co-author:  Paridhi Singhal

 Paridhi is a budding doctor. Apart from studying medicine, she is a keen writer who believes in the thought that pen is mightier than the sword. 


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