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Famous Elmer Davis Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: November 22, 2021


Famous Elmer Davis Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Elmer Davis Quotes with their meaning.

Considered to be one of the best news reporters of the mid 20th century Elmer Davis was a radio newscaster. During World War II, Elmer reported to the people what they most needed to know. He continually had contact with the U.S military because of his job. Elmer was born in a house that deeply believed in gaining knowledge and education. His father, Elmar, was a cashier at the first national bank of Aurora. Since the beginning, Elmer was interested in reading and would read many books as a school going, boy. He first began working at a newspaper press when he was just a freshman in college. Elmer later graduated from Franklin college and got a scholarship from Oxford University, thereby in Oxford, he slowly began to be recognized.

In his professional life, after doing a few random jobs, Elmer landed a Times reporter job. However, Elmer left the job, started working as a freelance writer, and filled in for the radio newscaster's post. As a freelance writer, Elmer wrote fiction as well as non-fiction and meanwhile, he got a job offer from CBS studios. Elmer grew quite popular, and millions of people would tune in regularly to hear from Elmer. His work in reporting to people about the World War is what made him truly brave. While there were numerous fake news channels, then Elmer took on the responsibility of doing his job righteously as a risk of his life. He gave people hope when people had none after the war. During the Cold war he fought against nuclear weapon proliferation. And defended the constitutional rights of his country. Below are some of the famous Elmer Davis Quotes.

When a middle-aged man says in a moment of weariness that he is half dead, he is telling the literal truth.

As we grow older, our bodies grow tired of things which we easily used to do in our youth. We cannot as swiftly do that kind of work in our mid ages or later quite easily, and the feeling of being tired then is quite tiresome. Therefore Elmer conveys the message that when a mid aged man says he's tired he ain't lying!

One of the things that is wrong with America is that everybody who has done anything at all in his own field is expected to be an authority on every subject under the sun.

It is a simple logic that a person who is a writer and has the knowledge of arts shouldn't be expected to know sciences. But this isn't the case. Somehow the world wants one man to know everything. And this isn't quite reasonable. This kind of thinking is wrong today and was even in Elmer's time!

The first and great commandment is: Don't let them scare you.

Elmer was a very brave man in the corrupt and mercenary America of World war II. But he was very patriotic and courageously did his job the best he could. He said that the first rule of the game is not letting the opponent win over by inflicting fear. When we're emotionally weak, doubtful or weak, it becomes easier for our opponent to win over us.

This republic was not established by cowards; and cowards will not preserve it.

A free country is made and maintained by brave men who are willing to do their best to protect the dignity and democracy of their country. The cowards have only sent out negative energy, doubt and criticism for these brave men. The cowards aren't brave enough to fight against the enemies, they do not have enough love to offer, and thus they won't be protectors of the nation.

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.

To be free is a privilege. It is out of some people's constant work and diligence that we are people who can enjoy their freedom. And to maintain this freedom of the nation, brave people must emerge. These people should question their rights and wrongdoings. If this isn't done, sooner or later, the nation will be captured.

Freedom of ideas and communications is one of the things we are fighting for, and our enemies are fighting against.

Elmer had to take sides in the war, and it is obvious that Elmer would take part with his country. For the American people at that time, winning the war meant true freedom. Without winning, they will lose their right to speak out their ideas and communicate necessary things. And the opponent countries are fighting to take away these rights was the thinking of the American people in a war-stricken world.

Continue reading some of the best Elmer Davis Quotes...

You may not like Mr. Roosevelt, but if he loss the war, we all lose it with him.

Mr Roosevelt was hated quite by a lot by many people because of the economic crash that occurred in America at that time. But he represented America as America was about to join the war. Back then, Elmer informed people that even if they hated Franklin, they had to support him because he represented India.

We are going to use the truth, and we are going to use it toward the end of winning the war; and we know what would happen to the American people if we lose it.

A war lost can lead to loss of freedom of people, loss of human resources, loss of some basic rights and overall economic loss. And at this time, Elmer urges people to fight with truth and honesty for the people of their nation.

This is a people's war, and to win it, the people should know as much about it as they can.

Elmer was a person of a very patriotic mindset. At that winning the war was the idea of freedom and nationalism for the people of the world. Elmer was of the thinking that people should be up to date with the war information to support the war to actually win it.

It is better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all.

Youth is a time of transformation; it is also a time for various plot twists! And to be fearful of the outcomes and not doing anything in one's youthful days is an absolute waste. To even keep trying something and fail in it is ever better than doing nothing at all!

We have got to defeat this attack on the freedom of the mind...But it takes courage for a young man with a family to stand up to it; all the more obligation on those of us who have nothing left to lose. At any age it is better to be a dead lion than a living dog - though better still, of course, to be a living and victorious lion - but it is easier to run the risk of being killed (or fired) in action if before long you are going to be dead anyway. This freedom seems to me the chief consolation of old age.

Elmer lived in a time when the world was struck with the second world war. He was a patriotic man, and here he urges people to fight against the attack on them and the people of the countries. Their defeat will lead to fractured minds. And it takes real courage to stand up and fight when there's a family waiting for us at home, and thus people without a family must take charge. It is better to live with dignity rather than lose everyday by being a coward. It might be easier living cowardly, but either way, death is close for these cowardly people too. 


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