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Famous Ovid Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: November 19, 2021


Famous Ovid Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Ovid Quotes on Love, Death and More with their meaning.

Publius Ovidius Naso was born on 20 March 43 BC in Sulmona in Italy. He was a Roman poet. He is popularly known as Ovid. He is known for his verse's technical accomplishment. Ovid was educated in rhetoric in Rome under the teachers Arellius Fuscus and Porcius Latro. He lived during the reign of Augustus. His genres were Elegy, epic and drama.

Ovid is today best known for the Metamorphoses, a 15-book continuous mythological narrative. The Metamorphoses is comprehensive in its chronology recounting the creation of the world to the death of Julius Caesar, which had occurred only a year before Ovid's birth. It has been compared to works of universal history that became important in the 1st century BC. The Imperial scholar Quintilian considered him as the last of the Latin love elegists. Contrary to other Roman poets, Ovid talks more about his own life. He has very elaborately discussed himself in his works.

Augustus put Ovid in exile because he publicly claimed the poet encouraged female adultery. Later, his works were also banned from the Roman public libraries. Some of his notable works are as follows:

1. "Ars amatoria"

2. "Tristia"

3. "Fasti"

4. "The Loves"

5. "Epistles of the Heroines"

6. "Remedies for Love"

7. "Epistulae ex Ponto"

He died in 17 or 18 AD (age 60–61) in Tomis in Scythia Minor in the Roman Empire. Below are some of the famous Ovid Quotes.

Fortune and love favour the brave.

Ovid explains the context of fortune and love. He wants to tell us that both fortune and love favour the person who is the bravest. A person who has the capability of being fearless will only get the blessings of the almighty and will flourish in his career.

A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.

He tells us to be smart in different situations. By quoting the example of the horse, he tries to elucidate his context that a horse never runs very fast when other horses are trying to catch him, but he waits for the opportunity for the other horses to move ahead and later hehe very wisely outpaces them.

If you want to be loved, be lovable.

We, the humans, have the nature of being loved by someone. But very few understand that to be loved by someone, we must have the quality and character of being loved. Being compassionate is very essential to be loved by someone.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.

Ovid was a very wise man. He very wisely tells us to give rest to our bodies when we are tired. By doing the task or when we want to conquer something, we usually give up but at that point of time when we must never lose our hope but rather take some rest and wait for the best time when we can thrive hard and achieve what we want.

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be fish.

Ovid tells the importance of chance in life. Chances are rare to find. We must be aware of them and strive very hard to avail ourselves of those chances and achieve what we want in our field.

The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses.

Ovid explains the value of being hard in nature. The sharp thorn will always produce delicate roses similarly, by working hard tirelessly towards the work will bear great fruits.

Continue reading some more Ovid Quotes...

First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, 'I believe,' three times.

Belief is great power in itself. When we rise in the morning, we must believe in ourselves and strive ahead with that belief to make our day joyful and full of purpose.

Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these.

Ovid praises the importance of ancient times. He is very happy and regards ancient times as the best time. He is very glad that he was born in such an era glorified in books and among the people.

In our leisure we reveal what kind of people we are.

We should be very aware of their surroundings. Often when we are in a moment of pleasure, we come to the true reality of the people who surround us. In leisure, we usually notice what kind of person they are and what kind of nature they possess.

Beauty is a fragile gift.

Ovid considers beauty as a fragile gift. He considers it not a very powerful weapon but regards it as a sensitive aspect of life.

Happy is the man who has broken the chains which hurt the mind and has given up worrying once and for all.

A person must be free from the chains of mind that surround him. The chains that surround the mind hurts very much and often binds a person in a confused state. So a person must be cheerful and joyful so that he can be free from the chains of mind.

Ah me! Love can not be cured by herbs.

Love is the most delicate thing in the world. It cannot be easily understood by everyone. We can cure every disease or problem in life, usually with herbs, but love is a problem that does not have any remedy and cannot be cured by any type of herb.

There is no such thing as pure pleasure; some anxiety always goes with it.

There is no pure pleasure in this world. A human being is bound to feel some kind of anxiety with that pleasure. When anxiety mixes with pleasure, it is not a pure form of pleasure because a pure form of pleasure is full of bliss.

Time is generally the best doctor.

Ovid tells the importance of time in the lives of the people. Time can heal every wound, and it is generally regarded as the best doctor. Time gives the lessons of life to everyone, irrespective of whoever the person is.

Few more Ovid Quotes....

Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish.

Ovid tells us to keep wandering for one's dream. One must be patient and kind. To chase one's dream, one has to keep on moving forward and expect less.

Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by.

Ovid tells how to deal with life. In life, different forms of pain will surround us. We must have the capability to endure it and should know how to tackle it. Only then the pain will turn into good fortune.

You can learn from anyone even your enemy.

Knowledge is spread all over the world. Knowledge can be found in every aspect of life. Only the human being has to open his eyes wide so that he can see the truth and gain knowledge wherever he goes. A person can gain knowledge even from the enemy, so this is the importance of knowledge.

Happy are those who dare courageously to defend what they love.

Ovid explains the fearless nature of those lovers who have fought for their love. It is very difficult to get what we desire in our life. Those people are really happy good dare courageously defend what they love and desire in their life.

The cause is hidden; the effect is visible to all.

Ovid says that life is difficult to understand. Usually, the cause of a problem is hidden, but its effect is really visible to everyone. This is how life works. Whenever we are in a problem, we cannot understand its cause as it is hidden, but its effect can be easily seen as it's visible.

Bear and endure: This sorrow will one day prove to be for your good.

To endure a problem and then working on it. This is the solution to a problem. By focusing on the nature of the problem, we can solve your problem.


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