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Happy Durga Puja: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 18, 2022


Happy Durga Puja: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best Happy Durga Puja quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about Durga Puja.

India celebrates innumerable festivals throughout the year. Festivals are a kind of rejuvenation after the mundane and busy lifestyle that people live throughout the year. It allows people to forget their hardships and differences and come together with their friends and family to have fun. 

Introduction of Durga Puja

Durga Puja is one of the most important festivals celebrated in the Indian subcontinent. It basically marks the victory of good and the defeat of evil. It commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the notorious demon king Mahishasura. It lasts for ten days and is celebrated at the same time as Navaratri. The Goddess has ten arms carrying deadly weapons and is seated on a lion. Kolkata is the most famous place for Durga Puja celebrations. 

History of Durga Puja

According to Hindu Mythology, Mahishasura was determined to destroy the world and take over the heavens from the Gods. So, the Gods turned to Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and asked them to stop him. At this point, the Trimurti, along with some other important Gods, created Goddess Durga with their energies, and she set out to kill the demon king, seated on a ferocious lion. Their fight lasted for about ten days, and on the final day, the Goddess finally killed Mahishasura. Since then, the Mother Goddess is worshipped to free the world from all evils. It is believed that Goddess Durga is a form of Goddess Parvati. 

It is also believed that Lord Rama turned to Goddess Durga and asked for her help to rescue Mother Sita from the hands of the mighty demon king, Ravana. After days of penance, Goddess Durga appeared and guided Him. She said that if His monkey army writes His name on stones, it will make them unsinkable, and this would help them to build a bridge across the ocean and reach Lanka. Lord Rama and his army did so and rescued Mother Sita and defeated Ravana. The worshipping of Goddess Durga by Lord Rama is known as Akaal Badhan because that wasn’t the correct time when the Goddess was usually worshipped. Since then, Goddess Durga was worshipped during this time. 

Folklores state that Durga Puja is being celebrated since the 16th century by the zamindars or landlords in Bengal. The zamindar of Malda first started this celebration. Bhabananda Majumdar, the zamindar of Nadia, started the Sharadiya Utsav or the celebration of this festival in Autumn. 

The tradition of the Baroyari Pujo or the community puja was originated by twelve friends in Hooghly who collected funds from the people to celebrate the festival. It was brought to Kolkata by Raja Harinath. 

Durga Puja 2023 Date

  • When is Durga Puja 2023?

Durga Puja for the year 2023 is celebrated/observed from 20 Oct to 24 Oct.

  • Durga Puja dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027

Year Date Name
2022 1 Oct to 5 Oct Durga Puja
2023 20 Oct to 24 Oct Durga Puja
2024 9 Oct to 13 Oct Durga Puja
2025 28 Sept to 2 Oct Durga Puja

Durga Puja Quotes

  • You are the Goddess of Victory, You are the Goddess of Divinity, You embody the Power of destraction, You are the harbinger of prosperity, You save us from misery, You obtain our consciousness on kind and tolerant one the savior of the Gods
  • On this occasion, I am grateful to Maa for sending you into my life. May Maa protect you from the evil one and shower you with her blessings.
  • May Maa Durga Shower her Choicest Blessing on you and your family on Durga Pooja & Always
  • Here's wishing you a very Happy Durga Puja 2023, from our family to yours!
  • Let us find peace through absolute devotion to the goddess of power and strength. Let this Durga Puja be the occasion to come closer to each other.
  • May This Durga Puja, Light Up For You. The Hopes of Happy Times, and Dreams For A Year Full Of Smiles! Wish You Happy Durga Puja
  • Wishing that Maa Durga gives you the courage and strength to fight all evil forces that come your way. Happy Durga Puja

Durga Puja Wishes

  • I'm wishing that you have the most wonderful celebration of Durga Puja. Treasure the moments and have fun with your family. I'm sending my heartiest wishes to everyone in the family. Happy Durga Puja
  • On Durga Puja I Wish That Maa protects you from all evils and blesses you with Peace, Prosperity and Happiness!
  • May Maa Durga EMPOWERS you with her 9 BLESSINGS of Name, Fame, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Humanity, Knowledge, Devotion and Power! Happy & Blessed Durga Puja
  • Here's wishing you and your family good health, wealth, and happiness. May Maa Durga bless us all. Happy Durga Puja 2023
  • May Goddess Durga grant you the fortitude to repel all your adversaries and the patience to live a serene life.

Durga Puja Messages

  • May all the Joys that Durga Puja brings be with you today and in all your tomorrows. Wishing you Happy Durga Puja.
  • My sincere greetings for the Durga Puja holiday. Enjoy your time with family and friends while being safe and having a good time.
  • May the generous goddess Durga brighten your life with countless blessings. I hope your prayers bring happiness and prosperity.
  • May Goddess Durga shows us the path to eternal peace and prosperity. May she bless us with the strength to defeat the evils in our life.
  • Happy Durga Puja 2022! May Maa Durga remove all evils from your life and bless you with good health, wealth, and happiness.
  • May you are blessed with Yash, Aishwarya, Dhan, and Samridhi on the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja, Wishing you happy festive times with your loved ones

Durga Puja 2023 dates

  • Mahalaya: October 14, 2023, Saturday

  • Maha Sasthi: October 20, 2023, Friday

  • Maha Saptami: October 21, 2023, Saturday

  • Maha Ashtami: October 22, 2023, Sunday 

  • Maha Navami: October 23, 2023, Monday 

  • Vijaya Dashami: October 24, 2023, Tuesday (Dussehra)

Significance of Durga Puja

Durga Puja is one of the most significant festivals in India, especially among the Bengalis. They welcome the Goddess and her children- Laxmi, Saraswati, Kartik and Ganesh to the Earth with open arms and great joy and enthusiasm. It also encourages us to be brave and courageous and discard and defeat every evil in our lives. It also celebrates femineity and reminds us that women are also as capable and strong as men are and should never be underestimated. Durga Puja officially begins from Mahalaya, which is believed to be the day when the Goddess descends from heaven to Earth, along with her children. 

How is Durga Puja Celebrated?

Durga Puja lasts for ten days, but the last four days- Saptami, Ashtami, Navami and Dashami are the most important for celebration. It is celebrated in an extravagant manner in West Bengal, especially in Kolkata. The streets are all covered in lights which makes the entire city look stunning. Durga Puja pandals are the main attractions of the festival and are set up in every community. They have a particular theme around which the pandal is constructed, which makes it look mesmerizing and sets each pandal to look apart from the other. 

People are in a mood for festivity and joy and celebrate with their friends and family. They wear new clothes and go pandal hopping. The streets are overcrowded and are filled with people every time of the day and night. Some people celebrate and worship the Goddess at their homes as well. It is a time of fun and devotion.

Durga Puja Celebration Around the World

  • Australia

Durga Puja is celebrated in Australia by the Indian population with great fun and zest. Sydney has a large number of Bengalis who celebrate the festival in a grand manner. The people dress up in traditional attire- women wear Dhakai sarees, and men wear dhoti and kurta. The idols of the Goddess are made by Indian artists and are worshipped, and the pandals are adorned with flowers and lights. They also organize cultural programs and competitions. 

Durga Puja is also celebrated in Melbourne, and it is celebrated by a large number of Indians. The celebration was kind of a community affair and is participated by everyone. 

  • Europe

Durga Puja is being celebrated in Belgium since 2006. The idol of the Goddess is made in Kumortali, in West Bengal, and then it is transported to Brussels. It is celebrated in a traditional manner for five days. The idols are then immersed in the Thames River after the celebration.

  • Nepal

Durga Puja in Nepal is known as Dashain and is the biggest festival celebrated in the country. Everyone participates in the celebration, including the King of Nepal. Everyone is in a joyous mood and worship the Goddess with great dedication. 

Durga Puja Celebration in India

  • Uttar Pradesh

Durga Puja is celebrated in UP by setting up pandals and offering prayers to the clay idol of the Goddess. Some of the famous temples and spots for celebration are- Ma Annapurna Temple in Varanasi, Ma Mundeshwari Temple in Kaura. 

  • Tamil Nadu

The people worship Goddess Durga, Laxmi and Saraswati during the last three days of the celebration. They visit their friends and relatives and enjoy themselves. Women and girls also display dolls which are a part of their family heirloom. 

  • Chhattisgarh

The tribes of Chhattisgarh celebrate the festival like no other. The celebrations continue for seventy-five days. Goddess Maoli is worshipped and this entire celebration is known as Bastar Dussehra. 

When is Durga Puja celebrated?

It is celebrated in the month of Ashwin (September to October). This year (in 2021), it will be celebrated from 6th October to 15th October.

Interesting Facts About Durga Puja

  • Durga Puja is originally celebrated in March and is also known as Chaitra Basanti Puja. 
  • It is believed that the transport chosen by Goddess Durga determines the fate of the year. The elephant is believed to be the luckiest mode of transport. The horse is believed to destroy crops, boats to bring flood, and the palanquin is believed to shake the Earth. These are actually true to some extent. 
  • The clay to make the idol is collected from the Hooghly river. 
  • The Goddess does not differentiate between her children, which is why it is also known as Sarbojanin Pujo.
  • The eyes of the clay idol are drawn during a special ritual known as the Chakshu Daan. The eyes must be drawn in complete darkness.
  • The first Durga Puja was celebrated in Malda, in Dinajpur. 
  • The wife of Lord Ganesha, or the Kola Bou also accompanies Goddess Durga and her children. 
  • The Dhanuchi Naach and the Dhaakis (the person with the drum) is a vital part of the celebration. 

Durga puja is the most anticipated festival celebrated by the Hindus, and it is a time that brings peace, joy and happiness in our lives, and people celebrate it all over the world with great joy and excitement. It also celebrates feminine energy. 


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