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International Day of Action for Rivers: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 12, 2022


International Day of Action for Rivers: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best International Day of Action for Rivers quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about International Day of Action for Rivers.

Every living being deserves respect and protection. Does living beings mean only humans, animals, microorganisms? What about the natural bodies that offer shelter and natural resources? Every entity that offers shelter and natural resources is a living entity too. United Nations declared a day for the rights of a natural body, i.e., river. The declared day is the International day of action for rivers. March 14th has been declared for recognition of rights as well as conservation of rivers.

History of International Day of Action for Rivers

The day was first adopted in 1997 in the first international meeting, which included people affected by the construction of dams from different countries. The meeting was held in Curitiba, Brazil. March 14th was chosen to raise voice and awareness regarding the implementation of destructive water development projects and freshwater conservation. Therefore, every year March 14th is observed for the conservation of water and promotion of healthy practices. 

Significance of International Day of Action for Rivers

Identification of causes of polluted and damaged rivers, implementation of possible solutions to cure the injuries is the main purpose of the International day of action for rivers. Rivers are to be protected from various kinds of pollution, which affect the water bodies and the life outside them. The harmful chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides used for the protection of farms can run into the water through rains and cause harm to life underwater and also the organisms that consume water.

Nutrient pollution can be another reason for contaminated water. When nutrients from various sources are indirectly disposed of in rivers, the rapid growth of algae may take place and block the penetration of oxygen into the underground, which creates oxygen depletion and affects the aquatic flora and fauna that require oxygen. Disposed waste materials from factories and households settle at the bottom of the waterbeds and kill the progress of algae, and in a few cases, lightweight non-degradable wastes float on the water surface and cause oxygen depletion and affect the health of animals and humans when used for drinking purpose. The oils released from factories and vehicles causes oil pollution and thereby interfere with the health of rivers. 

The other main cause of contamination of water is the sewage systems mixed with water. Human waste contains multiple types of bacteria, viruses and parasites, which, when mixed in water, make water impure and unfit for drinking and cooking purposes. Apart from these, people in the village wash dishes, clothes, pets and take baths in rivers that increase the chances of spreading infections at a higher rate if any washed sources contain disease-related bacteria and viruses and cause harmful ecosystems.

Another cause of damage to the water bodies and aquatic life is the construction of dams. The construction of dams includes deepening of upper surfaces, making it difficult for plants, animals, and human beings to use it for food and survival. Also, a layer of certain nutrient monuments from the upper surface may be lost. Top surfaces of water that contain important nutrients are lost with the deepening of a surface, along with the fauna that resides on the top surface. This may lead to a decline in the population of certain species of flora and fauna. Also, a reservoir is a typical environment created post reengineering of natural habitat, due to which few organisms that fail to adjust get extinct. There are certain migratory aquatic species that live in different locations and mate in different locations, such migratory creatures may be stuck at one place and lose their purpose of existence. There are few dams that have fish ladders to support the migratory fishes. However, all fish may not be smart enough to find ladders and reach desired locations. Dams that have been designed with loopholes lead to rupture and damage of corners which may lead to sudden flow into roads and disturb the peace of individuals living on the ground surface. 

Also, in certain regions, people of the local area are forcibly moved for the construction of hydro plant constructions. These forcible movements result in losing the source of earnings for groups that rely on fishing and hunting aquatic beings. It is also observed that dams emit greenhouse gases that are harmful to the life of aquatic flora and fauna.

International Day of Action for Rivers 2023 Date

  • When is International Day of Action for Rivers 2023?

International Day of Action for Rivers for the year 2023 is celebrated/observed on Tuesday, 14 March.

  • International Day of Action for Rivers dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026






14 Mar



14 Mar



14 Mar



14 Mar

2026 Sat 14 Mar

International Day of Action for Rivers Quotes

  • Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time? That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future. – Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
  • The river is one of my favorite metaphors, the symbol of the great flow of Life Itself. The river begins at Source, and returns to Source, unerringly. This happens every single time, without exception. We are no different. – Jeffrey R. Anderson
  • Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away. – Marcus Aurelius
  • No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. – Heraclitus
  • The river was beautiful and wise. There were the two of them being happy in a new way. For here, there was no man, no woman, no master, no yellow, no black, no white. We, we who were, we are the same no longer – David Paul Kirkpatrick
  • You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it. – Paulo Coelho
  • Just as a drop of water in the ocean cannot avail much; but if a great river runneth into it, that maketh a great commotion. – Jakob

International Day of Action for Rivers Messages, Slogans and Greetings

  • God created rivers to give humans life and they are to be saved, they are to looked after. Warm wishes on World Rivers Day.
  • Rivers are the ones which make civilizations happen, they are the ones which nourish and nurture…. Worship them, respect them and save them!!!
  • Even the whole of ocean cannot do which one river can. Rivers need to be saved and protected for a better life. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • Smallest of the gesture to save rivers can bring about a big change….. Let us save the beautiful rivers for a beautiful tomorrow!!!
  • Rivers are the lifelines for all of us as they give us life, they give us a reason to live and they must be protected…. Wishing a very Happy World Rivers Day.
  • God created rivers to give humans life and they are to be saved, they are to looked after…. Warm wishes on World Rivers Day.
  • Rivers are the lifelines for all of us as they give us life, they give us a reason to live and they must be protected…. Wishing a very Happy World Rivers Day.
  • The occasion of World Rivers Day is a reminder that the onus of saving rivers lies on us and we must fulfil our responsibility…. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • River is like a treasure given to us by God…. We must work together to protect this treasure which is the reason for our existence.
  • The occasion of World Rivers Day is a reminder that the onus of saving rivers lies on us and we must fulfil our responsibility…. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • River is pure magic…. It has the power to give life, the power to nurture and the power to help everyone flourish…. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • River is sort of a treasure given to U.S.A. by God…. we have a tendency to should work along to guard this treasure that is that the reason for our existence.
  • The occasion of World Rivers Day is a reminder that the onus of saving rivers lies on us and we must fulfil our responsibility. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • Warm wishes on World Rivers Day to you…. Rivers are our present and they are also our future…. Save them before its too late.
  • Even the whole of ocean cannot do which one river can…. Rivers need to be saved and protected for a better life…. Happy World Rivers Day.
  • Even the whole of ocean cannot do which one river can…. Rivers need to be saved and protected for a better life
  • River is like a treasure given to us by God…. We must work together to protect this treasure which is the reason for our existence.
  • God created rivers to give humans life and they are to be saved, they are to looked after…. Warm wishes on World Rivers Day.
  • The beautiful occasion of World Rivers Day will come every year to remind us that we must save our rivers because they give us life.
  • River is pure magic…. It has the power to give life, the power to nurture and the power to help everyone flourish…. Happy World Rivers Day.

Can We Reduce the Level of Contamination?

Everything has a solution. Even water pollution can be controlled byways that reduce the disposal of chemicals levels and achieve better results.  

Reduction in direct disposal of chemicals in sinks or on the ground can improve the poor quality of water. Also, direct disposal causes diseases and the death of aquatic beings. When the quality of water is improved, it also reduces the risk of infections in animals or plants. 

Replacement of harmful fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides with environmentally friendly ones reduce the level of toxicity. Google is our friend, search for eco-friendly fertilizers and it returns with millions of results. Being smart and responsible also increases possibilities for faster recovery of natural resources. 

Proper sewage treatment methods that have structured sub-processes to filter solid and liquid waste reduce the layers of toxic content. Also, a proactive approach to plan a clean-up mission with friends and family helps in cleaning water and strengthens social connections. 

Usage of necessary levels of water for cleaning materials at home leads to a reduction in the release of less wastewater that causes contamination. 

Disposal of non-recyclable materials must be reduced as it contaminates water as well as causes the death of animals when consumed. Contacting and alerting local authorities on spotting bad disposal practices can make us better citizens as well as heal nature.

Rights of Rivers

The government declared rights to Rivers, considering their role in ecological balance and for maintenance of their good health. Below are the rights of Rivers. 

  1. Right to flow
  2. The right to perform essential functions within its ecosystem.
  3. The right to be free from pollution. 
  4. The right to feed and be fed by sustainable aquifers.
  5. The right to native biodiversity and
  6. The right to regeneration and restoration. 


Every year, the importance of rivers and clean water is promoted at a national level in almost all countries through campaigns and social media posts. Children, adults, and retired citizens engage in community-level activities, educational programs and promote information about cleaning water and maintaining healthy practices to prevent water pollution. Few groups take the initiative and clean local water bodies as an indication of support to the International day of action for rivers. 

Some Interesting Facts about Rivers

  1. Indonesia has the most polluted river, the Citarum river, whereas the Thames river in London is considered the cleanest river globally. 
  2. There is a ritual in Hinduism called "Asthi Visarjan", in which people mix the ashes of the deceased in any of the pious rivers such as the Ganga. It is believed that the deceased will remain happy for thousands of years after death. 
  3. There is another belief that the deceased will reach heaven after dipping the ashes in a river. 
  4. River Nile is considered the longest river. It extends approximately 6800 kilometres in length. 
  5. Roe River in the USA is believed to be the shortest river in length. 

Rivers that can flow independently and which are less prone to the effects of floods must be led free, whereas for rivers that cannot tackle the floods, support by the construction of dams must be provided.  Also, a reduction in recreation activities in small waterbeds would prevent contamination and add to the good health of the river. 

Let's take the opportunity to arrange get-togethers at rivers to clean them; fulfil social responsibility, and give strength to mother nature.


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