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International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 12, 2022


International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People.

Introduction of International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People

International day of solidarity with Palestinian people is a day declared by the UN general assembly to address the pending partition of Palestine and promote its inalienable rights. 

History of International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People

The UN general assembly declared 29th Nov as the international day of solidarity with Palestinian people in 1977. The date, 19th Nov, has been chosen as the UN general assembly passed a resolution 181(II) on 29th Nov 1947 for the partition of Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish state. In 1948, Israel was established as a country. It also started occupying parts of Palestine.  

Millions of Palestinians currently live as refugees in its territory occupied by Israel. So, this day is observed every year to remind everyone that Palestine is yet to execute its rights, i.e., right of self-determination without external interference, right to national independence and sovereignty, right to return to their homes and property, from which they have been dislodged.

International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People 2022 Date

  • When is International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People 2022?

International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People for the year 2022 is celebrated/observed on Tuesday, 29 November.

  • International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026

Year Weekday Date Name Holiday Type
2022 Tue 29 Nov World Solidarity Day with Palestinian People United Nations observance
2023 Wed 29 Nov World Solidarity Day with Palestinian People United Nations observance
2024 Fri 29 Nov World Solidarity Day with Palestinian People United Nations observance
2025 Sat 29 Nov World Solidarity Day with Palestinian People United Nations observance
2026 Sun 29 Nov World Solidarity Day with Palestinian People United Nations observance

International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People Quotes, Wishes and Messages

  • Palestine is not a country, so there should be no embassy here. - Jair Bolsonaro
  • The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine. - Yasser Arafat
  • Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. - Mahatma Gandhi
  • The Zionists have no right to the land of Palestine. There is no place for them on the land of Palestine. - Mohammed Morsi
  • California is a tragic country - like Palestine, like every Promised Land. - Christopher Isherwood
  • I would like to see real peace and a state of Israel living peacefully alongside a state of Palestine. - Elie Wiesel

Significance of International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People

This day is marked to highlight the existing issue of Palestinians and their rights through various programmes for promotion. Several initiatives and movements have been brought into motion for the same. Let's look at two of them.

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): It is a global movement started in 2005 for Palestinians' freedom, justice, and security. It states that Palestinians have equal rights as every human being across the globe. Israel violated the international law; restricted Palestinians from returning to their homes with inspiration from the anti-apartheid movement.

Several unions, academic associations, churches and grassroots movements are a part of Israel's movement. Israel's autocrats hold Palestinian citizens of Israel from the complete exercise of the fundamental rights; they occupied and colonized Palestinian land along with the imposition of restrictions on refugees from returning to their homes. International support to Israel has been an obstacle from holding Israel accountable for non-compliance with the law.

Israel has occupied the West Bank along with East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Syrian Golan Heights. It has also captured Palestinians in ghettos and treated them with inadequate resources. It is also observed that Gaza has been a constant victim of assaults, which reflect Israel uncivil acts. The Israeli government openly declares and implements laws that discriminate against and displace Palestinians from their land. The Israelis force Palestinians for displacement and restrict them to remaining refugees.

The BDS movement intends to change policies of international institutions that support Israel's acts of non-compliance. This movement promotes an agenda that states the policies, including Israel, must be suppressed so that it leads to the isolation of Israel. The expectation is that Israel will lose its power when isolated and will adhere to the international law for Palestine's equality and security.

Palestine legal: Palestine Legal is an organization that promotes the suppression of supportive groups of Israel for condemnation of the laws and rights of Palestinians. Students and activists from the United States who support and encourage the rights of Palestine have been disciplined and punished to carry peaceful protests to avoid backlash. The organization also represents, advises and provides legal education to activists and communities to stand up for the rights of Palestine.

Many people from the US keep quiet to avoid unemployment and threats. However, Palestine Legal has responded to around 1700 suppression incidents in the period between 2014 and 2020. These incidents include discrimination, baseless legal threats, disciplinary investigations, censorship, and false accusations of anti-Semitism as a result of standing up for Palestine.

False accusations: Students and activists who oppose the violations of Israel are often accused of promoting anti-Semitism and terrorism. Such false accusations lead to undue law enforcement under scrutiny upon the activists. According to an article published by Palestine Legal, a student group supporting Palestinian human rights was falsely accused of having ties with a terrorist group, 'Hamas', despite lack of evidence.

Official denunciation: Institutional actors, due to the pressure from outside, often disapprove views supporting Palestinian rights by the mischaracterization of Palestine activism, particularly support for BDS, as improperly "delegitimizing" Israel.

Bureaucratic Barriers: Universities have bureaucratic measures which hinder students' attempts to organize events. Students who have difficulty in reserving rooms, attaining approval for events are informed to pay for or accept extensive security measures at their events. Else, ordered to discuss details of the events with administrators and are forced to expend resources to defend their activities instead of the conduct of events.

Cancellation and alteration of cultural events: Institutions have pressure from Israel advocacy groups to cancel or alter cultural programs that promote the rights of Palestine. Few institutions even withdrew their support in response to the advocacy groups' pressure. For example, the University of California backed off from supporting a conference entitled "Litigating Palestine". There have been incidents where cultural events were cancelled as a result of the registration of complaints from Israeli advocacy groups.

For example, the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Francisco cancelled a show of Palestinian children's artwork about the 2008-9 war on Gaza.   

Way of Celebration of International Day of Solidarity With Palestinian People

The day as known, a reminder for recognition of the rights of Palestinians is celebrated by the UN through message-oriented meetings, distribution of publications, film screenings in New York. Similar events are carried out by Palestinians as well for the promotion of their rights. One, who is passionate about uplifting Palestine, can sign petitions, donate, find out the history of the war through literature or movies. 

Some Interesting Facts

  1. Israel has two types of McDonald's; dual coloured, one in red, another in blue. Red serves a regular menu, whereas blue serves Kosher food. 
  2. The statistics of the Food and Agricultural organization of the United Nations states that a whole population of 2 million Palestinians are food secure, which includes 0.6 million from the West Bank and 1.4 million from Gaza. 
  3. 7 Lakh Palestinians have been displaced after the 1948 war, which led to the refugee crisis, which is still prevalent. This eviction is termed "Nakba" by Palestinians. 
  4. Zionism is a religious system in Israel that believes that Jews deserve a separate state. The people who follow Zionism are called Zionists. 
  5. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an organization that comprises numerous bodies of the resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations, and independent personalities from all sectors of life. It was established in 1964. 
  6. As per the fact sheet of the United Nations, 85% of the schools run in double shifts. 
  7. As per the fact sheet of the United Nations, 50% of the total population of Gaza are under the age of 18. The whole population of Gaza is 1.6 million.
  8. The Qatar Fund For Development(QFFD) is an organization that helps Arab and other countries for economies. It has supported health programs in Syria by donating US$5 million to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East(UNRWA). 
  9. UNRWA provides different medical services related to pregnancy, including pre-conception care, antenatal care, intra-natal care, postnatal care, and family planning.
  10. Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Mundubat, The Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services(ACCESS), Palestinian Children Relief Fund(PCRF), Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC), United Palestinian Appeal (UPA), Palestine Advocacy Project, Sadaka- The Ireland Palestine Alliance, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights(USCPR), Palestine Legal, Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA) are advocating for the Palestinian cause.


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