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National Consumers Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 14, 2022


National Consumers Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best National Consumers Day quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about National Consumers Day.

A consumer is a person or a group of people who pay the price to purchase the goods or services available in the market, which are produced or manufactured by the seller. Consumers play a significant role in increasing the economy of a country. If the consumers are not active, then the selling company or organization would lose the motivation to produce. Any selling company or organization must study, analyze, and understand the consumers' behaviour to make sure that their product does well in the market. 

Introduction of National Consumers Day

24th December is celebrated as National Consumers Day all over India every year. This day is commemorated to highlight the importance of consumers and the need to educate them about their rights and duties as a consumer. It aims to make the consumer informed and aware bout their rights and responsibilities. In the year of 1986, the Consumer Protection Act was passed and came into force after being agreed upon by the President of India. The main purpose of the Consumer Protection Act is to provide safety to the consumers and protect them against the various treachery or violations of laws or justice prevalent in the market

History of National Consumers Day

National Consumers Day is celebrated on 24th December every year. This day commemorates the importance of consumers and the need to be educated about their various rights, duties, and responsibilities. 

This day celebrates the establishment of the Consumer Protection Act in the year of 1986. This measure was taken by the Indian government to protect the consumers from being exploited in the market. Some of the points present in the Consumer Protection Act in order to safeguard the consumers are:

  1. The right of being protected against any kind of goods in the market that may cause some kind of damage to a person's life or well-being.
  2. The right to receive every information about the product that is the purity, potency, quality, quantity, price and standard of the product.
  3. To be reassured that the consumers' opinions and concerns will be heard and presented in the appropriate forums. 
  4. The right to receive justice and redressal against exploitation or unfair trade practices. 
  5. The right to be educated about the rights and duties of a consumer. 

The Consumer Protection Act is defined as the Magna Carta in the field of consumer protection and awareness. It helps to keep a check on the malpractices present in the country. Keeping this in mind, several courts and institutions and consumer forums dedicated to the welfare of the consumers were established in the country. These courts and consumer forums enabled the inexpensive and quick settlements of the disputes or problems faced by the consumer. It helped and empowered the consumers to a great extent. 

National Consumers Day 2022 Date

  • When is National Consumers Day 2022?

National Consumers Day for the year 2022 is celebrated/observed on Saturday, 24 December.

  • National Consumers Day dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027

Year Weekday Date Name  
2022 Sat 24 Dec National Consumers Day  
2023 Sun 24 Dec National Consumers Day  
2024 Tue 24 Dec National Consumers Day  
2025 Wed 24 Dec National Consumers Day  
2026 Thu 24 Dec National Consumers Day  
2027 Fri 24 Dec National Consumers Day  

National Consumers Day Quotes

  • Customers don’t expect you to be perfect but they expect you to fix things when they go wrong – Donald Porter.
  • You are serving a customer not a life sentence; learn how to enjoy your work – Laurie McIntosh.
  • For us our most important stakeholder is not our stockholders it is our customers. We are in business to serve the needs and desires of our core customer base. – John Mackey
  • Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need before they realize it themselves – Steve Jobs
  • Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care – Damon Richards
  • Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you – Chip Bell
  • You customer’s perception is your reality – Kate Zabriskie
  • Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning – Bill Gates
  • Do not compromise on the quality and your customers will not negotiate on the price.
  • We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts, it’s our Job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better – Jeff Bezos.
  • A satisfied customer is the best strategy of all – Micheal Le Boeuf.
  • Customers through their devices are leaving vast footprints of customer data for marketers to leverage – Srividya Sridharan.
  • A brand is nothing but an expression of the customer’s loyalty and trust – Phil Dusenberry.
  • Customers are the most important visitor on our premises, they are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not outsiders in our business. They are part of it; we are not doing them a favour by serving them. They are doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. – Mahatma Gandhi
  • You customer’s perception is your reality – Kate Zabriskie

National Consumers Day Wishes

  • Know your powers and take no wrong from any business. Shop with purpose on this world consumer rights day
  • On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day, we must always remember that consumers are the ones who are responsible for the success of any business. Happy World Consumer Rights Day.
  • On this world consumer rights day, make it a point to delight every customer of yours with all that makes them feel good, they are the kings!
  • Always make sure that you make your consumers happy because they are the ones who will take your business to new heights. Wishing a very Happy World Consumer Rights Day to you.
  • Consumers are the kings and hence they need to be always served with the best. Enjoy your rights on this world consumer rights day
  • Every business can do wonders if they abide by the laws and wish of the customers. Happy world consumer rights day
  • If the marketplace is the nervous system then consumer is the heart to it. Treat them right and it will serve you better.
  • If you will value your consumers then your consumers are going to value you. Warm wishes on World Consumer Rights Day.
  • Always stay close to your consumers to know what they need even before they realize their need. Warm wishes on World Consumer Rights Day.
  • You need to get closer to the customers, so much so that you tell them what they need before they even realise. Happy world consumer rights day
  • With the world consumer rights day, it is imperative for the customers to be aware of their rights so that they cannot be cheated by the fraud businesses ever.
  • It takes honesty and gentleness to make a consumer happy. Practice it harder every time for greater success. Happy world consumer rights day
  • You always grow better and faster when you have your happy consumers by your side. Happy World Consumer Rights Day.
  • The more a person enjoys his work, the better they serve their customers. Take an oath to give them the best service every time
  • Honesty and attention are some things that always make a consumer happy. Warm wishes on World Consumer Rights Day.

National Consumers Day Messages

  • The occasion of World Consumer Rights Day reminds us of the importance of consumer for the success of a business. Warm greetings on this special day to all.
  • If you give every customer their rights, they will become your loyal ones and make sure that their closed group also does business with you.
  • Consumer is the king and therefore, must be served with nothing but the best. Happy World Consumer Rights Day.
  • Every product in the market is taken up by some or the other consumer. Every consumer is important, treat them well. Happy world consumer rights day
  • Warm greetings on World Consumer Rights Day to all. If you will win a consumer today, you will win him for life and enjoy great success in your business.
  • No business can survive without consumers and therefore, consumers must be respected and valued more than anything else. A very Happy World Consumer Rights Day to you.
  • Each and every consumer is important and therefore, each and every consumer must be treated with a lot of respect. Wishing a very Happy World Consumer Rights Day to you.
  • Your brand will only be powerful when it serves to the customers in the best manner. Brand is nothing but an assemblage of the loyalty and trust of the customers
  • To make your business grow, the best thing you could do is understand the breed of your customers and cater to them accordingly.
  • Making a consumer happy is the duty of every business and those who fulfil it embrace success. Happy World Consumer Rights Day.
  • You can beat all other competition by teaming up with the customers and speaking for them. Utilise the opportunity on this world consumer rights day
  • Without consumers, all the businesses of the market would have vanished. They are the supreme and prima donna of this demand supply chain.
  • Businesses who have underestimated the power of consumers have failed badly. Wishing all the businesses a very Happy World Consumer Rights Day.

Significance of National Consumers Day 

The National Consumers Day is being celebrated since the year 1896, on 24th December every year. It marks the inauguration of the Consumers Protection Act. This event is considered to be a significant milestone for the country. 

The Consumer Protection Act makes sure that every consumer is safe from unjust treatments or exploitation in the country. The Consumer Protection Act also provides for the establishment of the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA). This organization sees to the investigations of the complaints, prosecutions, violations of the rights of the consumers, solving or redressing the problems of the consumers and punishing those who sell adulterated products or goods that can harm the welfare of the consumers or misleading advertisements. 

Under this Act, every selling organization or company is liable to give every information about the product like the return, refund, exchange, warranty and guarantee, delivery and shipment, modes of payment, grievance solving mechanism, payment methods, security of payment methods, charge-back options, etc. Also, every company has to consider the complaints of the consumer within two days after purchasing the product and has to solve the problem within a month of the date of purchasing or the date mentioned in the receipt.

If the consumers are aware of their rights and duties, it will affect the business of the sellers and the economy in the following ways:

  • If the consumers are aware, they can better understand the company's policies and offerings and take their decisions accordingly. 
  • Brand Awareness refers to the connection developed between the consumer and the company. Having good brand awareness can help the customer trust the company and increase the number of potential customers. 
  • If the customers are aware of their needs, they would only purchase products from good and reliable companies and get appropriate results from their investments.

Some malpractices in the market that the consumers should be aware of are:

  • Selling adulterated or impure products instead of the original or adding them with the actual product in order to increase the profit margin.
  • Selling products that do not meet the prescribed standards of quality. 
  • Using false or wrong measures and weights for the products.
  • Selling defective or damaged goods. 
  • Using misleading advertisements, that is, advertisements that give a totally wrong idea of a product being sold. 
  • Black marketing or hoarding of goods, which leads to the increase in the price of the products. 

Consumer awareness is very important in modern times because consumers are subjected to a lot of exploitation and unfair treatment in the market. National Consumers Day aims in making sure of the safety of the consumers. The Jaago Grahak Jaago campaign launched by the Department of Consumer Affairs makes sure that the consumers are aware of their rights and duties and are not facing any kind of injustice. 

How is National Consumers Day Celebrated?

National Consumers Day is celebrated by the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Government of India. This event is attended by the people who represent the state governments, presidents or the members of the State communities, members of the Central Council Protection Council. All these people discuss about the various constraints and challenges faced by consumers across the country. 

In the year 2020, this event was held online in the form of a webinar because of the precautions due to the ongoing pandemic. During this event, n initiative for e-filling was launched so that the consumers can file their cases regarding any problems they face, whenever or wherever they want. These cases are filed to the consumer courts and forums so that their disputes get settled quickly. 

The World Consumer Day is celebrated on 15th March every year. This day also aims in raising awareness about the rights and duties of the consumer. 

When is National Consumers Day Celebrated?

National Consumers Day is celebrated on 24th December every year in India. It was first celebrated after the inauguration of the Consumers Protection Act in the year of 1986. It will be celebrated on 24th December, in the year 2021. 

Theme of National Consumers Day 

National Consumers Day is celebrated every year on the basis of a certain theme. The theme for the year 2021 is Tackling Plastic Pollution. The main aim of this theme is to control the pollution by plastic in order to get a plastic-free and sustainable environment, by encouraging the consumers to use other materials instead of plastic. 

Some Interesting Facts about Consumer Rights

  • Consumer Protection Act passed in the year 2019 replaces the original one passed in the year 1986.
  • Consumers can file a complaint to the consumer courts from anywhere and anytime they want to.
  • The consumers have the right to settle a dispute with the help of video conferencing.
  • Consumers are entitled to know the reason why their complaint is rejected.

Consumers have the right to negotiate with a product service they have chosen

Consumer Awareness is a very important aspect of our lives, making our lives and purchasing goods easier. We should educate ourselves about the rights and duties of a consumer in order to be safe and protected from malpractices. 


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