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Remarkable Issac Newton Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: November 20, 2021


Remarkable Issac Newton Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Issac Newton Quotes on God, Gravity, Math, Life and More with their meaning.

Isaac Newton, a well-known English physicist and mathematician famous for many notable works in optics, mechanics and mathematics. He studies different subjects like light, Gravity, calculus, colour, and Planet. He was known as a culminating figure of the scientific revolution in the 17th century. He was deeply influenced by Aristotle work. He was well known for inventing calculus and for formulating the Theory of Gravity. He published one of his Publication named Principia in 1687. Newton's work and influences are mostly based on public and private Newton, and both contradict each other. No biographer or analyst can figure out the actual figure of Newton having intellectual endeavour. This is what one of Newton's biographers named James Gleick, writes for Newton, The plague year was his transfiguration. Because he discovered differential and integral calculus, he formulated the gravitational theory, explored the optics, and studied the prism and the white light. Newton's unhappy childhood is the result of shaping his beautiful and secretive personality. He was known as the father of modern science, and he was also responsible for giving a different path to our understanding in this modern world. Below are some of the famous Isaac Newton Quotes.

Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.

We are unable to find errors in the theory while errors are present when the experiment is carried out. An experiment with imperfect accuracy contains errors. Therefore, skilled artisans or builders are responsible for making errors rather than the people who are explaining the task.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

Some things in this universe are easy to calculate because they are certain; there is no evolution or changes in their ways. In the case of people, they are continuously evolving or changing according to their situation. They are exactly the slave of their emotions. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the madness of people.

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

This quote by Newton itself describes that the capability of discovering about the universe and others is only possible because he was working on the path of a different fellow scientist or great thinkers who want to make intellectual progress in their journey of life.

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.

This quote represents a very strong meaning about a tactful person. A tactful person easily makes a point with a good judgement without offending someone. 

To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.

This is the universal law that explains that if you are doing something wrong or injustice to others, you get back the same coin. No one leaves behind the justice of the universe. So, it is all a matter of time. Today what you are doing with others, the next day in your life, you will face the same.

Continue reading some more Issac Newton Quotes...

All variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, whom I call the 'Lord God.

Lord is the creator of this universe. This living planet is created by God. God has intentionally created such a universe where all the living things exist. The purpose of this is only known to God.

This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.

Based on this quote, Newton wants to explain that this whole world is controlled by strong, powerful, omnipresent God. He says that he is nobody to explain correctly about the system of planets, sun and, comets. The whole dominion is under the Lord, and he governs the whole universe. Newton is not God. By saying this, he shows his humble nature.

My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.

Newton reflects that he was not born with some superpower that led him to some great discoveries. While the main thing is that he brings out a practical application for his things. The practical application of things makes your perspective and vision clearer than taking a thought in your mind. Application of your thought leads you to great success.

Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.

This quote represents the significant meaning that truth is always found easily in the simplest of things. By making things complicated, you are unable to find the truth.

In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.

When there is any doubt in the existence of God, the only proof that convinces newton of God's existence is the evolution of humans from monkeys. This opposable thumb is a confirmation symbol. This thumb makes humans different from other primates and allows humans to use more complex tools.

Few more Issac Newton Quotes...

No great discovery was ever made with a bold guess.

The biggest discoveries are possible with the people's assumptions and curious behaviour. They need to think and guess about society for getting a change in the economic or technological structure. When someone is discovering a new continent, a new planet, it is because they are curious to think and discover.

Live your life as an exclamation rather than an explanation.

There are two types of people: one is living their life as an exclamation while others are living their lives as an explanation. The main difference is that the first one is enjoying everything. They want to see everything in this world and live their life as a celebration, while the second one is unaware of the celebration of life and doesn't know about inner beauty and divinity.

Genius is patience.

Your destiny depends on patience and self-discipline. If you can know about mastering your patience level, you are a great genius. For reaching your goal, you need to give your time and dedication with fate and patience.

We build too many walls but not enough bridges.

When we build up the walls, we stagnating our own growth. When we start building up the bridges, this represents that we start building a better life. The building of walls makes your life looks like a maze.

What we know is a drop l, what we don't know is an ocean.

This quote has a significant meaning. It explains that what we know is a tiny dot that can be hardly seen. What we don't know is more. We only learn things to clear the exam instead of learning new things to explore and know more things in this world.

What goes up must come down.

This quote explains the rise and fall. The things that rise also fall. We can compare it with happiness. Happiness doesn't last forever, not money and power. Nothing lasts forever.

Some more Issac Newton Quotes...

The more time and devotion one spends in the worship of false gods, the less he can spend in that of the True One.

Always think before giving time to things that don't mean to you. Give your time to the things that help you. Because if you are spending your valuable time on the wrong path, you are left with less time to spend on your right path to do more than good.

If others would think as hard as I did, then they would get similar results.

If other great people do work with the self-discipline, patience and hard work as I do. They will definitely get the same result as I get. I am no Lord god or born with magical powers to discover this thing. The only thing is he works with consistency.

As a blind man has no idea of colors, so have we no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things.

This beautiful quote explains the superiority of God. God is not in the range of human understanding. Neither blind man knows about colours, nor do we know about manners. But, the only thing known to us is that God is superior of all and understands all the things.

A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true,for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.

Truth is the basis of all. Man knows what is right and what is wrong. Man may think about the wrong things, but he should not follow them in their life. If he goes with the false one, he never understands the purpose of doing such things.


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