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Thanksgiving Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 12, 2022


Thanksgiving Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best Thanksgiving Day quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about Thanksgiving Day.

Introduction of Thanksgiving Day

The United States of America and Canada dedicate a special day to express gratitude for the first harvest. It is the fourth Thursday of every November. It is a day for a feast and a family gathering.  

History of Thanksgiving Day

It is on the fourth Thursday of November. People gather with friends, family and relatives.

A Protestant religious group arrived in the new world on board the ship in the year 1620, Mayflower and settled in Massachusetts. Their first winter in America was full of hardship and trauma. They arrived too late to farm the land. So they starved. Half of the colony died from the disease. The following spring, the local tribe of native Americans taught them how to grow corn, hunt and fish. In the Autumn of 1621, the pilgrims got a rich harvest of corn, barley, beans, pumpkin and other vegetables.

The first three days giving was a three-day feast. Before dining, they all praised the Lord and thanked him for all the food and wealth he gave them.

Significance of Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day is to enjoy the first harvest of American citizens. It is in the US and Canada. Harvest along with various delicacies especially, roasted Turkeys, pies, bread dishes. It is an opportunity to spend time with friends and family.

Thanksgiving Day 2022 Date

  • When is Thanksgiving Day 2022?

Thanksgiving Day for the year 2022 is celebrated/observed on Thursday, 24 November.

  • Thanksgiving Day dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026

Year Weekday Date Name Holiday Type
2022 Thu 24 Nov Thanksgiving Day State holiday
2022 Thu 24 Nov Thanksgiving Day Federal Holiday
2023 Thu 23 Nov Thanksgiving Day Federal Holiday
2023 Thu 23 Nov Thanksgiving Day State holiday
2024 Thu 28 Nov Thanksgiving Day State holiday
2024 Thu 28 Nov Thanksgiving Day Federal Holiday
2025 Thu 27 Nov Thanksgiving Day State holiday
2025 Thu 27 Nov Thanksgiving Day Federal Holiday
2026 Thu 26 Nov Thanksgiving Day State holiday
2026 Thu 26 Nov Thanksgiving Day Federal Holiday

Thanksgiving Day Quotes

  • I’m from Canada, so Thanksgiving to me is just Thursday with more food. And I’m thankful for that. - Howie Mandel
  • If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. - Gerald Good
  • I like football. I find its an exciting strategic game. It’s a great way to avoid conversation with your family at Thanksgiving. - Craig Ferguson
  • After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.
  • Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action. – W. J. Cameron
  • And though I ebb in worth, I’ll flow in thanks. - John Taylor
  • The funny thing about Thanksgiving ,or any big meal, is that you spend 12 hours shopping for it then go home and cook, chop, braise and blanch. Then it’s gone in 20 minutes and everybody lies around sort of in a sugar coma and then it takes 4 hours to clean it up.
  • Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go baste the turkey and hide the kitchen knives.
  • Kevin James quote Thanksgiving, man, Not a good day to be my pants
  • My fondest memories are generally the day after Thanksgiving. I get the total decorating Christmas itch. - Katharine McPhee
  • Thanksgiving creates abundance. – Ann Voskamp,One Thousand Gifts
  • Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey
  • The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. - H. U. Westermayer
  • America has developed a pie tradition unequivocally and unapologetically at the sweet end of the scale, and at no time is this better demonstrated than at Thanksgiving.
  • Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have. - Catherine Pulsifer
  • Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. - Henry Van Dyke
  • I love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me. - Marcus Samuelsson
  • Good mashed potato is one of the great luxuries in life
  • Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Thanksgiving just gets me all warm and tingly and all kinds of wonderful inside. - Willard Scott
  • The more we express thanks, the more gratitude we feel. The more gratitude we feel, the more we express thanks. It’s circular, and it leads to a happier life.- Steve Goodier
  • Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. - W. T. Purkiser
  • Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. - E. P. Powell
  • A lot of Thanksgiving days have been ruined by not carving the turkey in the kitchen. - Kin Hubbard
  • We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
  • There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. - O. Henry, Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen
  • Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are. - Joyce Giraud
  • Be present in all things and thankful for all things
  • The most thankful person is the most fully human. – Thomas Goodwin,What Happens When I Pray
  • Erma Bombeck quote I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage
  • Preparing and serving food had always been a joy, for it made her appreciate the abundance of the world.
  • It has been an unchallengeable American doctrine that cranberry sauce, a pink goo with overtones of sugared tomatoes, is a delectable necessity of the Thanksgiving board and that turkey is uneatable without it. - Alistair Cooke
  • Thanksgiving is a magical time of year when families across the country join together to raise America’s obesity statistics. - Stephen Colbert
  • We all can ‘act’ a certain way for a brief period of time, for instance, on Thanksgiving, who of us hasn’t had to ‘act’ like we just loved everyone at the table? This brief show of good behavior is not true character. Our character is who we are when no one is looking.
  • A thought about Thanksgiving Day: Once, there was this day… this one day when… everyone realized they needed each other.
  • It took me three weeks to stuff the turkey. I stuffed it through the beak. - Phyllis Diller
  • Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. – William Shakespeare,The Comedy of Errors
  • On Thanksgiving I will stop to give thanks that my family is safe and healthy, especially because I realize that, following the tragedies of this year, it is all too real a possibility that they might not have been. - Bobby Jindal
  • Most turkeys taste better the day after; my mother’s tasted better the day before. - Rita Rudner
  • When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup. - Sam Lefkowitz
  • Drink and be thankful to the host! What seems insignificant when you have it, is important when you need it. - Franz Grillparzer
  • Once you start practicing being grateful and thankful for things, people, and events, you may notice that you start to attract more positive things, people, and events in your life.
  • Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. - Jim Davis
  • Overeating at Thanksgiving is a case in point. It’s a national tradition.
  • Thanksgiving comes to us out of the prehistoric dimness, universal to all ages and all faiths. At whatever straws we must grasp, there is always a time for gratitude and new beginnings. - J. Robert Moskin
  • My Thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite — only a sense of existence. - Henry David Thoreau
  • What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? - Erma Bombeck
  • We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count. - Neal A. Maxwell
  • In November, people are good to each other. They carry pies to each other’s homes and talk by crackling woodstoves, sipping mellow cider. They travel very far on a special November day just to share a meal with one another and to give thanks for their many blessings. - Cynthia Rylant
  • I can’t cook a Thanksgiving dinner. All I can make is cold cereal and maybe toast.
  • Thanksgiving is the meal we aspire for other meals to resemble. - Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Coexistence: what the farmer does with the turkey — until Thanksgiving.- Mike Connolly
  • Ann Voskamp Thanksgiving quote Thanksgiving creates abundance
  • It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring. – Kevin Rahm, Friends
  • Turkey: A large bird whose flesh, when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude.
  • Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. -
  • Thanksgiving is so called because we are all so thankful that it only comes once a year. - P. J. O’Rourke
  • I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage. – Erma Bombeck
  • Jefferson Bethke quote Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy
  • Laurie Anderson Thanksgiving dinner quote Pie makes everybody happy
  • When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around. - Willie Nelson
  • Thanksgiving is America’s national chow-down feast, the one occasion each year when gluttony becomes a patriotic duty. - Michael Dresser
  • You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out. - Jay Leno
  • Family gathers to share good noise and good food. Gratitude abounds.
  • If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan
  • On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence. – William Jennings Bryan
  • Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year
  • If you think about a Thanksgiving dinner, it’s really like making a large chicken. - Ina Garten
  • It’s not too much food. This is what we’ve been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny, this is our finest hour.
  • The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. – William Blake
  • Thanksgiving was nothing more than a pilgrim-created obstacle in the way of Christmas; a dead bird in the street that forced a brief detour.
  • I suppose I will die never knowing what pumpkin pie tastes like when you have room for it. - Robert Brault
  • If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. - W. Clement Stone
  • It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring
  • Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude. - Nigel Hamilton
  • The turkey. The sweet potatoes. The stuffing. The pumpkin pie. Is there anything else we all can agree so vehemently about? - Nora Ephron
  • The most thankful person is the most fully human
  • What I love about Thanksgiving is that it’s purely about getting together with friends or family and enjoying food. It’s really for everybody, and it doesn’t matter where you’re from. - Daniel Humm
  • An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. - Irv Kupcinet
  • You shouldn’t just give during Christmas and Thanksgiving you should be giving all the time. - Alcurtis Turner
  • Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence. - Erma Bombeck
  • Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day. – Robert Caspar Lintner
  • Remember God’s bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude! - Henry Ward Beecher

Thanksgiving Day Wishes

  • Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. - Edward Sandford Martin
  • Appreciation can change a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. -
  • About 94 percent of Americans prepare and serve turkey at home and most people stick to a traditional menu for the main meal: turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed white potatoes with giblet gravy, candied sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, a cooked green vegetable dish, relishes, and a pumpkin pie with whipped cream for dessert.
  • Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple life… a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year — and the deep, deep connection of all these things with God. - Ray Stannard Baker
  • Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy. – Jefferson Bethke
  • WJ Cameron quote Thanksgiving after all is a word of action
  • We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what may be the burden of our wants, or the special subject of our petitions. - Albert Barnes
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. - Henry Ward Beecher
  • Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants. – Kevin James
  • But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie; Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie! - Margaret Junkin Preston
  • Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude. - Amy Leigh Mercree
  • Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often. - Johnny Carson
  • My most memorable meal is every Thanksgiving. I love the food: the turkey and stuffing; the sweet potatoes and rice, which come from my mother’s Southern heritage; the mashed potatoes, which come from my wife’s Midwestern roots; the Campbell’s green-bean casserole; and of course, pumpkin pie. - Douglas Conant
  • Pie makes everybody happy. – Laurie Halsie Anderson
  • As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. - John F. Kennedy
  • Turkey for the girls and Turkey for the boys. My favorite kind of pants are corduroys. Gobble gobble goo and Gobble gobble gickel. I wish turkey only cost a nickel. Oh I love turkey on Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  • A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • Real ballplayers pass the stuffing by rolling it up in a ball and batting it across the table with a turkey leg. - Tom Swyers
  • William Blake thanksgiving quote The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest
  • Shakespeare quote Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast
  • Good mashed potato is one of the great luxuries in life. – Lindsey Bareham
  • Here I am, 5 o’clock in the morning, stuffing bread crumbs up a dead bird’s butt.
  • For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag. - Andy Borowitz

Thanksgiving Day Messages

  • Thanksgiving is the holiday that encompasses all others. All of them, from Martin Luther King Day to Arbor Day to Christmas to Valentine’s Day, are in one way or another about being thankful.
  • He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart. - J. A. Shedd
  • Be present in all things and thankful for all things. – Maya Angelou
  • Robert Lintner quote Thanksgiving was never meant to be a single day
  • The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. - Dalai Lama
  • Forever on Thanksgiving Day the heart will find the pathway home. - Wilbur D. Nesbit
  • Stand up, on this Thanksgiving Day, stand upon your feet. Believe in man. Soberly and with clear eyes, believe in your own time and place. There is not, and there never has been a better time, or a better place to live in. - Phillips Brooks
  • Our rural ancestors, with little blest, Patient of labour when the end was rest, Indulged the day that housed their annual grain, With feasts, and off’rings, and a thankful strain. - Alexander Pope
  • In November, people are good to each other. They carry pies to each other’s homes and talk by crackling woodstoves, sipping mellow cider. They travel very far on a special November day just to share a meal with one another and to give thanks for their many blessings – for the food on their tables and the babies in their arms.
  • Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
  • We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. - John F. Kennedy
  • Thanksgiving is America’s favorite holiday because it’s a time when we put aside our cares, much as the struggling Pilgrims did nearly four centuries ago, and eat a gut-busting meal without worrying about the ‘out years.’ - David Ignatius
  • If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. - Meister Eckhart
  • Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie
  • William Jennings Bryan Quote On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence
  • Thanksgiving, our eminent moral holiday, doesn’t have much for children. At its heart are conversation, food, drink, and fellowship – all perks of adulthood. - Rosecrans Baldwin
  • All across America, we gather this week with the people we love to give thanks to God for the blessings in our lives. - George W. Bush
  • So what do we do? We do what all families do. Grin, bear it, and pass the mashed potatoes.
  • Thanksgiving – fall’s finale. Best damn holiday of the year in my worldly estimation.
  • Give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. - Brian Tracy
  • Although Thanksgiving comes but once a year, every day should be a day of Thanks. - Monique Hammond
  • Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter what befalls us in life, we can take the charred remnants and we can reconstruct a life unimaginably richer than that from which the shards and pieces fell. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
  • Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, one by one, as each relative goes home. - Melanie White
  • Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving. - Amy Grant

Unique Ways of Celebration 

Thanksgiving day is one of the national holidays in the US and Canada. Therefore, the citizens treat it as a festival to remark the first crop harvested by pilgrims back in 1621. The traditional way of remembering the incidents that led to Thanksgiving day is to arrange a family gathering and have a feast.  The feast includes Turkey dishes, pies, wine, bread. With the evolving trends, the addition of other delicacies has made the celebrations colourful. Not just the addition of dishes, but many have come up with creative ways to share gratitude. Below are a few unique ideas for you. 

  • Clean campaign

What can be a better idea than cleaning the house and taking a shower? Relax! We are just pulling your leg. The list starts from float a feather. Happy exploring ;)

  • Float a feather

What can we do with the Turkey feathers? If you are confused. Let’s help you. Arrange a competition between groups and reward a prize to those who keep the feather in the air for a longer time. It not just kills time but also adds fun as the feather doesn’t move in one direction alone and creates funny movements of people trying to hold it with air.

  • Unleash the artist within

Get your colour pencils and paints out and reveal the artist by creating a theme turkey picture. It showcases the hidden talents as well as creates fun from the weird paintings made. Sounds fun? Go for it!!

  • Gratitude Jar

Take the opportunity to write things and people you are grateful for and put them in jars. Place these jars in your favourite place and have a look at these notes on a bad day. Noting the things makes one realize the blessings in one’s life. Also lightens the mood on a bad day.

  • Be a giver

Everyone is not fortunate enough to have family, friends, health and bread. Prepare a care package containing positive notes, cookies, roasted turkey dish and an essential they need. This gesture not just makes their day better but also gives them an assurance that humanity still exists.

  • Fitness fun

Gather family members and participate in Turkey Trot. This strengthens connections as well as keeps up with the tradition. Nominate a few to be runners, a few to be an audience, and a few to be judges and photographers. In short, conduct your own Marathon free of cost and full of joy!

  • Organize an event night

Get dressed in funky and funny clothes and bump into your crazy fam, and have a crazy show. Choose a room to conduct events like flash mobs, dancing, singing, speeches. Turn on the disco lights. Let everyone loosen up themselves and be themselves. Dance, eat, sing, share experiences and perform skits and make the most of Thanksgiving night.  

  • Watch a movie

There are introverts and are not interested in spending time with the crowd. Call your pals and watch a movie together on any online platform. Arrange a room to screen. We believe thrillers would grab everyone’s attention, find the best thrillers online and get ready for an adrenaline rush!!

  • Become a baker

Showcase your baking and eating skills on Thanksgiving day. Arrange a baking competition and give the freedom to prepare variety and creative pies and cakes. Reward the ones for preparation of the most delicious pie and consumption of the highest number of pies. We can’t wait to try and fill stuff our bellies with unique pies and cakes!! We are sure, even you can’t resist!

  • Macy’s Parade

Join the parade, click pictures and create memories. One does not want to miss the giant helium balloons, the live band performances and what not. Don’t forget to be trendy and funky at the parade.

  • Shower love on flora and fauna

If you’ve got any flora and fauna at home, decorate them, include them in the party by presenting gifts that nourish and cheer them up. Everyone is important. Don’t worry if there isn’t a pet at home. Visit an animal shelter to spend time with speechless beings. Take the opportunity and become a donator.

Some Interesting Facts

  1. According to Farmprogress organization, the average American ate 17.75 pounds of turkey in the year 2000. 
  2. It was believed that Turkeys could not fly. However, wild Turkeys can fly. 
  3. Wild turkeys though they feed on the ground, they sleep on trees at night. They sleep on trees to protect themselves from predators. 
  4. Male turkeys make “gobble” sounds in mating season. Therefore, they are referred to as gobblers. 
  5. There is a country called “Turkey” that connects the continents of Europe and Asia. 
  6. Meleagris Gallopavo is the scientific name of wild turkey.
  7. Baisakhi, Bihu, Sankranti, Lohri are the cultural names of festivals to celebrate the first harvest in India. 


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