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Top Plutarch Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: August 26, 2021


Top Plutarch Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Plutarch Quotes on Education, Friendship, Love, Leadership and More with their meaning.

Plutarch was born on c.AD 46 in Chaeronea, Boeotia. He was a Greek philosopher, historian, biographer, essayist, and a priest at the Temple of Apollo. When he became a Roman citizen, he was named Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus.

His first biographical works were the Lives of the Roman Emperors. He then published his most popular work- Parallel Lives. It is about the vices and virtues of the Greeks and Romans. He makes a comparison of the physical appearance and morality, and personality. He also wrote Life of Alexander as a parallel to Julius Caesar. 

He was a Platonist. He was a staunch opposer of the theories of Stoics and Epicureans. His theories often had a pure religious connection. He died after 119 CE in Delphi, Greece. 

Some of the most famous Plutarch quotes are as follows.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.

The mind is not a vessel. Everyone's mind is full. It is a natural creation. But the mind is like fire which needs to be lighted. He should always keep that drive within himself alive.

In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker.

Words reflect the soul. Those who speak from the heart are often valued a lot more. Words show what the speaker is thinking, what he believes in, and what he tries to convey to the target audience. Those who speak often reflects their personality through their words.

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.

Whatever we achieve within us, whatever change we make within us is often showed outwardly. If we are happy from the inside, we will seem so; if we are sad, we will look sad; no matter how much we try to hide, we can never hide what we truly are inside. Goodness will be reflected in the actions of the person, and similarly, evilness will be reflected too. 

Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.

Painting is like poetry. A painting tells a thousand tales. On the other hand, poetry paints an image in our minds. It helps us to picture our thoughts. Both are interlinked and inseparable from one another. 

Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.

Listening is an art. Those who listen can benefit from even the ones who talk poorly. One should always try to listen to understand, and learn and not to answer back. When we listen to everyone, we learn a lot of things. 

Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly.

We have heard the very famous quote that – no pain, no gain. One who wants to do great things must also suffer a lot. Great works need a lot of hard work and effort too. One can never achieve heights easily.

Continue reading some of the best Plutarch quotes...

The wildest colts make the best horses.

One should always escape the ordinary. He should always be a bit wild. He should have the drive within himself to do better. Those who are wild and have the drive to do something always do wonders.

An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.

All the nations have suffered from the divide between the rich and poor. The rich often become richer, and the poor become poorer. It is a problem of every nation. It is a very serious problem for each nation.

Rest is the sweet sauce of labor.

One works hard all day all night, and rest is like a sweet sauce after such a hectic day. One considers rest as a relief. It helps them to recharge their energy and world accordingly.

No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.

Everyone is responsible for his or her own fortune. If you try, you should try till the end. Rome is not built in a day. One should put in his hard work and efforts and be consistent, and do not rely on his fortune to do something big. 

The omission of good is no less reprehensible than the commission of evil.

When someone is doing something wrong, and you stay silent and let them continue doing what they are doing, you are as evil as they are. One should cease doing evil and, at the same time, not let others do evil. We should always appreciate the good in others.

Some more Plutarch quotes...

Silence at the proper season is wisdom and better than any speech.

Silence is not always bad. One should always know when to shut up. Those who are wise know when to stop. It is a sign of strength. A fool will never shut up, they will feel that shutting up will be like losing. Wise men know the importance of shutting up. Being silent is better at times. 

Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.

We all know that a friend in need is a friend indeed. It's not about who stayed with you at your best, it is about who stayed with you at your best. When you are in trouble, those who leave everything else and comes to aid you are the real friends. 

It is indeed a desirable thing to be well-descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors.

It is a very honorable thing to be well-descended, but the honor lies with your ancestors and not you. You should also do something worth remembering to have that glory of your own. One should never be proud of his deeds and actions and not of what someone else had done in the past.

Character is simply habit long continued.

A character cannot be built in a day. It is a long process. What you do each and every day adds up to become your character. Every habit of today will, later on, build your character. You should always work hard to make yourself a better person.

Courage consists not in hazarding without fear but being resolutely minded in a just cause.

Courage is not about being fearless. It is also about taking just steps. A courageous person always stands for the betterment of everyone and what is just for everyone. He becomes fearless for a cause. 

It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything.

A good man always does the needful. He knows what needs to be done, and he always chooses the right path. He does the just and good deeds. He risks everything for taking the side of the good and justness. 

Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

Perseverance is greater than violence. Violence is not an option. When you become consistent and do things bit by bit and try harder and harder, you can accomplish whatever you wish to.

Few more Plutarch quotes...

It were better to have no opinion of God at all than such a one as is unworthy of him; for the one is only belief - the other contempt.

It's better to not have an opinion about God than to make mean comments and mock him because for some it is a belief and for some it is worthless. We should never be mean to other's beliefs and views. It is up to us whether to believe him or not but we should never make of other's beliefs. 

The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education.

Education frames the personality of the individuals. Good education imparts the knowledge of virtues and honesty in us. It makes us an ideal man. It teaches us to be honest humans and do good to others as well as society.


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