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Unlocking the Power of Prayer

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: December 15, 2020


Unlocking the Power of Prayer

The topic as diverse as this, bound to have complications and misconceptions. The style of prayer, the context of prayer even the method of it varies from person to person according to their religion, belief system, culture, nationality etc. However, there are a few fundamental aspects of prayer that can make your life easier, peaceful and your prayers more effective.

There has been a long-existing debate between Freewill and Determinism. It has generated a lot of interest since it’s a universal concept and poses a fray of existential questions. So, the arguments are- we live in a deterministic universe, i.e., everything that happens around us or to us has a cause. Even our behaviour and actions are governed not by our choice but by other factors that are not in our control. On the other side, we have people who believe in free will. They believe we do have some say in our decisions and hence can control our life to an extent and bear responsibility for our actions.

Now, this is a never-ending, ever-evolving discussion which generally ends up in an impasse. Where does prayer come in all of this? Well, on both sides.

If you are inclined towards the deterministic view and do not think you have control over events that occur in your life, including your actions. Then prayer can be your last resort. 

If you are a free will proponent and take full responsibility for your actions, you will need prayer as much as others just so you take the right decision and choose the correct path. 

This article will provide insights into the following topics:

  • How do you get power in prayer?
  • How do you Pray for success?
  • How can you Unlock the Power of Prayer
  • How to Pray effectively?

The Perfect Time & Place for Prayer

Prayer is not restricted to a specific place and a particular time. You do not have to be in a temple or church or any other such places for your confessions and other religious utterances. You do not have to be dressed a certain way or perform a certain rite to call out for divine favour. 

However, there is a particular setting that can make an effective prayer session. 

Pray when you are truly in need, when you are hopeless and dejected, when you find yourself surrounded by insurmountable problems. When you are in darkness and can’t find a single ray of light, pray when it is your last shot at happiness. This is when the most meaningful prayers are created.

The Mechanics of Prayer

If we lived in a perfect world, we would have ATMs all around us, dispensing whatever we prayed for with some in very strategic locations like hospitals and airports. Just punch in details of your desire and wishes and voila! You are standing with a fistful of your much-craved dreams. 

Alas, that’s not the reality we live in. We live in a complex world, riddled with mysteries that might never be understood, let alone solved. Prayer can be one such mystery. There is not a concrete, correct way to explain how prayer works or even if it works. However, thanks to science and spirituality advances, we can explain how humans work. And perhaps through this, we can attempt to explain the working of prayer. 

Humans work on a very strong principle of self-preservation like other living entities. This fundamental theme works on different levels within us. Our thinking, values, emotions, aspirations and even relationships are created and promoted to further our existence. When we use the same logic for prayers, what we get is- our beliefs power the whole system of prayers.

When we pray for something and truly believe in it, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are hordes of psychological studies that imply- a mere belief that your prayer will be answered and it can give positive results. Self-preservation is not just about our body and mind, but our whole identity of which beliefs are an integral part. So, when you start believing in something, it has to come true for your very existence. And this becomes a driving force, goading you to make your prayer come true. 

The Waiting Period Till Your Prayer Gets Answered 

Do you know how long you have to wait before your prayer gets answered? Well, you need to wait exactly 10-43 second before your prayer starts showing its effect. This is the smallest unit of time that exists in this universe. 

Or in other words, you don’t have to wait at all! 

You have said your prayers and asked what you wanted. Now the world has already started changing around you to accommodate your wishes. All you need to do is believe it and start doing your bit to fulfil your dreams. 

What is the Right Usage of Prayer?

The right usage of prayer is when it is used as a means to an end. You are thinking- Isn’t each prayer a means to an end. Yes, but in a superficial way. We ask for things that are going to make us happier, contented, feel secure. What if prayer itself provides us with this state of mind we are craving for.

When we pray, it’s not just that we are asking for something. It becomes a therapy with a less vocal shrink. We lay down all our fears and worries. We talk about the deep-rooted desires and wishes that we have never told anyone. We bare our soul. And once that’s done there is nothing left to hold on to, it gives a strange, miraculous feeling that since the problems are no longer within you, they are no longer yours. When you confess that you are dealing with something and no matter how much you tried, you just can’t solve it, in a way you hand it over. It is no longer your responsibility to make it happen; forces are working now, which will start making things happen for you or through you. 

Pray Even if He is Not Listening

You might be wondering by now if all the hype about prayer is a just psychological working? Are there no divine forces at work here? 

No one can say for sure. 

An interesting survey was carried out in 2010 by the National Gallup Poll. According to it, 83% of people believe there is a God who answers prayers. However, in another similar kind of survey by National Pew, 55% says they have received a definite answer to their prayers while 42% have not.

From both the surveys if we make a rough generalization, most of us believe that God exists and that he answers prayers, but only half of us believe our prayers were answered. In short, most of us will go on believing in the existence of God and his ability to answer prayer even if he hasn’t answered ours.

Maybe there is a universal power, an omniscient entity that is present around us and influences our lives. Or maybe not. Either way, prayers can do wonders even if God is not listening. You don’t have to be religious to pray. You don’t even have to believe in God to pray. 

If not God, you are praying to anything greater, more powerful than you. It might be people, situations or even your own mood that is beyond your control. You are praying to the entire universe and believing in its inexplicable ways to help you through tough times. And most often than not, your prayer does get heard. 

Co-author:  Shreya Arya

A digital marketing enthusiast with experience in HR and hospital management, Shreya has wide interests ranging from philosophy, psychology to latest trends in automation. She is also a freelance content writer and loves lending beautiful words to ideas and feeling.


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