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Wise Alexander Trebek Quotes to Live a Splendid Life

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: August 17, 2021


Wise Alexander Trebek Quotes to Live a Splendid Life

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Alexander Trebek Quotes on Life, Love and More with their meaning.

George Alexander Trebek was born on 22nd July 1940 in Ontario, Canada. He was a popular Canadian-American game show host and a television persona. Trebek attended Sudbury High School and then went to the University of Ottawa.

Before even graduating, he started working for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. His first hosting job was at Music Hop. Then he hosted a quiz show, namely Reach for the Top. He went on to host several other game shows like Double Dare, High Rollers, The Wizard of Odds. Trebek hosted a Jeopardy Event in 2020.

In 1974, he married broadcaster Elaine Callei. In 1990, he married Jean Currivan. He ran the Olympic torch in Florida in 1996.

Trebek received the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host seven times. He also received several awards and recognitions and became a naturalized citizen of the US.

On 6th March 2019, he was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer. On 21st July, 2020, he published his memoir 'The Answer is…: Reflections on My Life'. On 8th November 2020, he passed away at his home in Los Angeles.  Below are some of the best Alexander Trebek Quotes.

We are all experts in our own little niches.

We all think we are experts; we know a lot, and we have achieved great things in life, but it is all in our own niches. We feel safe in our own spheres, our own world. We think we have done so much in our lives, and we feel confident about it. We work and specialize in things we are good at and become fulfilled in life.

Don't tell me what you believe in. I'll observe how you behave and I will make my own determination.

A person should not be judged by his words rather his actions should judge him. A lot of people say good things about themselves. They show how many high standard beliefs they have, but they show their actual beliefs and thoughts in reality.

My musical development stopped when Frank Sinatra died.

Frank Sinatra was the one who brought life to music. He was the legend of legends. His music was priceless, and his contribution can never be overlooked. The kind of music he made was very unique and one of a kind.

Don't minimize the importance of luck in determining life's course.

Hard work is very important, but we should never undermine the power of luck. Luck can destroy as well as build everything. Luck is hugely responsible for a person's success.

If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature, there's something wrong with you.

Nature is the most beautiful creation of God. Mother Nature is something everyone should be in awe of. If you don't have the time or curiosity to watch nature and its mechanisms, you are not in the right state of mind.

Continue reading some of the best Alexander Trebek Quotes...

Sex? Unfortunately, as you get older - and I shouldn't admit this - there are other things that become more important in your daily life.

There is quite a lot more to life than just physical intimacy. When you get older, you realize the emotional and mental connection and compatibility is much more important than sex. You know about your responsibilities and try to get hold of your life.

It's very important in life to know when to shut up. You should not be afraid of silence.

Silence is not always bad. One should always know when to shut up. Those who are wise know when to stop. It is a sign of strength. A fool will never shut up, and will feel that shutting up will be like losing. Wise men know the importance of shutting up.

The secret to happiness, of course, is not getting what you want; it's wanting what you get.

Those who are satisfied with what they have, are the happiest. They don't regret what they have not got in life. Rather, they try to love what they have. Those who respect and value what they have are always the happiest.

Have you ever met a successful person who wasn't restless- who was satisfied with where he or she was in life? They want new challenges. They want to get up and go...and that's one of the reasons they're successful.

Every successful person is restless. Those who get satisfied in life can never get success. Successful people always want to do better, and they never stop at a place. They want to do more and keep on searching for a lot more, and they end up doing great in life.

Few more Alexander Trebek Quotes...

My life is what it is, and I can't change it. I can change the future, but I can't do anything about the past.

Past experiences are irreversible. Once you do something, it can not be undone. You should always be aware of your past, and you can be vigilant about your future. Your future is in your hand. You cannot change the past, but you can always try to make a better future.

I'm curious about everything - even things that don't interest me.

Curiosity is the food of the mind. One should always be very curious about everything. He should always try to learn new things. He should try to know about everything around him- whether he likes it or not.

Learning something new is fun.

Learning is always very fun and unique. One should always keep on learning new things. He should be open to new ideas and information. Learning makes a person grow as an individual.

I don't gamble, because winning a hundred dollars doesn't give me great pleasure. But losing a hundred dollars pisses me off.

Losing something that you have gained through a lot of hard work and perseverance hurts the most. Winning something might excite you for some time, but it will not make you happy in the long run. There is no shortcut to success. One should always try to preserve what he has earned and then try to take a shortcut.

Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously.

One should always take their job very seriously and do their work efficiently. One should not take himself seriously and follow his dreams accordingly. One should never take his work lightly, and he should try to enhance his skills.


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