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World Environment Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 15, 2022


World Environment Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best Happy World Environment Day quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about World Environment Day.

Introduction of World Environment Day

The United Nations declared June 5 as World Environment Day to emphasize that environmental conservation and health are significant issues impacting people's well-being and economic expansion. This day gives a chance to widen the ground for informed thinking and personal accountability by individuals, businesses, and society in conserving and protecting the natural environment.

History of World Environment Day

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) established World Environment Day (WED) in 1972, on the opening day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Indeed, it was first noticed in the United States in 1974 under the theme 'Only one earth.' It is one of the United Nation's largest and most influential gatherings, with new and pertinent concerns annually. Every year, different nations commemorate and sponsor the event. And although Environment Day has been celebrated yearly since 1974, the notion of alternating the hub of these events by bringing in new host nations such as the United States, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, South Africa, Spain, Japan, and others which emerged in 1987.

World Environment Day 2023 Date

  • When is World Environment Day 2023?

World Environment Day for the year 2023 is celebrated/observed on Monday, 5 June.

  • World Environment Day dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027

Year Weekday Date Name Holiday Type
2022 Sun 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance
2023 Mon 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance
2024 Wed 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance
2025 Thu 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance
2026 Fri 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance
2027 Sat 5 Jun World Environment Day United Nations observance

World Environment Day Quotes

  • Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we'll soon be in trouble -Roger Tory Peterson
  • Our planet's alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action! — Leonardo DiCaprio
  • A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself. — Franklin D Roosevelt
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. —Margaret Mead
  • Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. -Mahatma Gandhi
  • The environment is no one's property to destroy; it's everyone's responsibility to protect.-Mohith Agadi
  • He that plants trees loves others besides himself - Thomas Fuller
  • The Earth is what we all have in common. —Wendell Berry
  • Time spent among trees is never time wasted —Anonymous
  • He that plants trees loves others besides himself. —Thomas Fuller

World Environment Day Wishes

  • Don’t just brood over having a better environment. Start taking control and make a change.
  • Prevent pollution, protect nature.
  • Save the environment. The future is in your hands.
  • The world can not afford another pandemic, This world environment day let’s pledge to lend a hand towards saving the environment.
  • This is the only home we have. Stop destroying. Start protecting our environment.
  • Our environment should not be clean, it should be Monica clean.
  • This World Environment Day, Let’s heal what we have broken!
  • The Earth is yours. Save it.
  • Remember it’s Us vs Pollution, not Us vs Environment!
  • Run towards saving the environment before we have to run towards survival battle.
  • Stop polluting and start living.
  • Plant trees to make our environment pollution-free.
  • Be it big or small, your actions matter. Save the environment.

World Environment Day Messages

  • Let us hold hands and walk together towards a safe and healthy environment. Save our planet.
  • What do you want to pass on to your children? Cleaner air or masks from the day they are born on.
  • The environment is our soulmate and we need to take care of her.
  • Let’s connect over to save plants & not for Instagram selfies!
  • Our earth is in desperate need of a therapeutic spa day.
  • Eradicate pollution, Save the environment
  • Let’s preserve the most beautiful thing in the entire galaxy, Our Environment!
  • What the best therapy? Planting a tree is the best therapy for us & our environment.
  • Pollution is not pretty. Even if you think you are safe, know that you are not. Make people aware.

Significance of World Environment Day

The topic of World Environment Day was "Only One Earth" to serve as a reminder of people's duties and obligations towards the earth. Every year, this day is marked to celebrate what the environment has done for us while also reminding us of how pollution, ecological degradation, and ecological degradation are increasing due to human actions. This day allows individuals to pause, think, and take appropriate remedial to conserve and improve the environment. The fundamental idea behind marking World Environment Day is to emphasize the significance of the ecosystem and to encourage everybody that it should not be taken for granted. According to the UN, this day provides a chance to widen the foundation for educated opinion and appropriate behaviour by regions, businesses, and citizens in conserving and improving the environment. Thus, this day is observed from across the globe in order to recognize and celebrate all that the environment has offered humankind and to undertake the vow to safeguard it.

Ways of Celebrating World Environment Day

There are various ways in order to celebrate this day. Some of the most common and easy ways are as follows:

  1. Community clean-up: for instance, planning various community groups in order to clean up either a local water body or even a beach nearby or even collecting the garbage and litter collection from one's surrounding along with the help of various hands like friends or even family members.
  2. Awareness campaigns.
  3. Calculating one's carbon footprint is one of the ways in which this day can be celebrated.
  4. Organizing essay competitions, poster making, painting and poetry related to the theme of conserving and protecting our surrounding environment.
  5. Donating to the various non-profit organizations and pollution control boards or even other environmental protection campaigns which are working continuously for the environmental causes and safeguarding.
  6. Riding a bicycle also helps a lot in reducing the amount of CFCs emitting from the daily use of different vehicles into the atmosphere.
  7. Even carpools can also help in reducing the amount of pollution caused daily to the environment.
  8. Keeping one's surroundings clean and hygienic.
  9. Always remember not to litter everywhere and anywhere.
  10. Planting at least one tree/plant a year. 
  11. Maintaining a garden at home. 
  12. Avoid plastic as much as possible. Use jute bags instead.
  13. Practising rainwater harvesting.
  14. Saving paper by not misusing them.
  15. Switching off electric appliances when not in use.
  16. Carrying out sustainable means like walking, jogging, etc. in order to reduce the amount of Carbon emission into the environment.
  17. Volunteering for various clean up programmes and attending seminars and workshops.
  18. Practising vermin-composting.
  19. Celebrating virtually and raising awareness amongst youths by using various hashtags on environment over different social media platforms.
  20. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Themes of World Environment Day

  • 1974: "Only One Earth"
  • 1979: "Only One Future for Our Children"
  • 1986: "A Tree for Peace"
  • 1988: "When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last"
  • 1993: "Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle."
  • 1998: "For Life on Earth – Save our Seas"
  • 2000: "The Environment Millennium – Time to Act"
  • 2001: "Connect with the World Wide Web of Life"
  • 2005: "Green Cities: Plan for the Planet."
  • 2007: "Melting Ice? – A Hot Topic"
  • 2010: "Many Species. One Planet. One Future"
  • 2012: "Green Economy: Does it Include You?"
  • 2015: "Seven Billion People. One Planet. Consume with Care"
  • 2018: "Beat Plastic Pollution"
  • 2020: "Protecting Biodiversity"
  • 2021: "Ecosystem Restoration"

Host countries:

  • 1974: Spokane, USA
  • 1979: Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 1986: Ontario, Canada
  • 1988: Bangkok, Thailand
  • 1993: Beijing, China
  • 1998: Moscow
  • 2000: Adelaide, Australia
  • 2001: Italy and Cuba
  • 2005: San Francisco, USA
  • 2007: London, England
  • 2010: Rangpur, Bangladesh
  • 2012: Brazil
  • 2015: Rome, Italy
  • 2018: New Delhi, India
  • 2020: Colombia
  • 2021: Pakistan

Some Interesting Facts on World Environment Day

  • The anthem is titled "Earth Anthem." It was written in 2013 by Abbay K, a poet-diplomat. It is composed of eight distinct languages that bring together groups from all over the globe. The anthem was unveiled at an event hosted by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations in New Delhi, India. It's a powerful emblem of the WED.
  • Recent worldwide occurrences, ranging from bushfires in Brazil, the United States, and Australia to locust infestations in East Africa and the COVID-19 pandemic, have emphasized the significance of World Environment Day and the consequences of climate change on the environment.
  • The world's living coastal ecosystems coverage has been decreased by half in the last 150 years. The United Nations has cautioned that one out of every four living species faces extinction over the next decade.
  • According to NASA, if the current pace of degradation persists, the world's rainforests will be gone by 2100. Furthermore, if current trends continue, we will have depleted the world's oceans of seafood by 2050.
  • Every day, 27,000 trees are chopped down to make toilet paper.
  • Rainforests are being cleared at a pace of 100 acres per minute.
  • Landfills are made up of 35% packing materials.
  • Overall, around 160000 plastic bags are used every moment, with most of them being discarded after usage. They are eventually dumped in the seas.
  • Our earth was formed around 4.6 billion years ago, and we have destroyed 80% of its forests and 40% of its rainforests in the previous 100 years.


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