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World Tuberculosis Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: October 10, 2022


World Tuberculosis Day: Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Date, and More

This article presents the best World Tuberculosis Day quotes, wishes, messages, images, dates, history, significance, interesting facts, theme, and everything you want to know about World Tuberculosis Day.

Introduction of World Tuberculosis Day

The world has millions of people so are the viruses and bacteria. Tuberculosis(TB) is one such bacteria that has affected mankind and caused the loss of lives in a few cases. 24 March is observed as "World Tuberculosis day", to address the presence of Tuberculosis bacteria and promote awareness to deal with it.   

History of World Tuberculosis Day

The Discovery of bacteria that causes TB by Robert Koch in 1882 led to a declaration of March 24 as World Tuberculosis day. It is a day observed to spread awareness about its infection, its causes, prevention and consequences. 

World Tuberculosis Day 2023 Date

  • When is World Tuberculosis Day 2023?

World Tuberculosis Day for the year 2023 is celebrated/observed on Friday, 24 March.

  • World Tuberculosis Day dates for the years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026

Year Weekday Date Name Holiday Type
2022 Thu 24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day United Nations observance
2023 Fri 24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day United Nations observance
2024 Sun 24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day United Nations observance
2025 Mon 24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day United Nations observance
2026 Tue 24 Mar World Tuberculosis Day United Nations observance

World Tuberculosis Day Quotes

  • Find TB and cure TB. Being safe is always better than being sorry
  • We need to develop our immunity systems with the right diet so that when the time
  • Life is for living and living isn’t for smoking. Spread the work and be aware of the deadly tuberculosis
  • Diseases take away our loved ones and hence let’s take an oath to remove this disease from everyone else
  • If we shake hands with healthy living, nothing can stop us from kicking away diseases like Tuberculosis
  • Tuberculosis isn’t the end; it is the beginning of a life in which you fight it off like a true warrior
  • Let us reach out to every corner of earth and help all those with TB to overcome and fight harder
  • Separation is a pain but separation with TB is a dream that not all can live
  • We need to reduce pollution and we need to adopt healthy habits. If we have TB, only we have the power to get rid of it
  • It is only us who can take the onus of our lives in our hands. Let’s not take diseases easy, we need to beat them hard
  • Live free and live young! Live without TB and live forever
  • Love your lungs and hate the smoke. Spread awareness on this world tuberculosis day
  • We need a program from the government that works 365 days to fight off the disease and this isn’t really possible in all the parts of world
  • TB is yet pervasive after serious efforts, I think we should try a bit harder now! Let’s eradicate Tuberculosis completely
  • Early detection and treatment can cure the biggest of diseases without any fuss
  • Health systems around the globe is challenged time and again with diseases such as tuberculosis, can’t we be together and fight it off?
  • Do you smoke? Be ready for a death that is painful and tiring! Stop today and let us drive away tuberculosis
  • Tuberculosis is curable and hence it is further important to treat it at the right time. Delayed treatment is denied treatment
  • World tuberculosis day marks the fact that every patient of TB is with support from people around the world and they aren’t alone
  • 1500000+ people die of tuberculosis every year. It is a threat that needs attention globally
  • Our lives are controlled by us and hence the diseases we have are reflective of the habits that we hold in our lives
  • The shyness in people about diseases is what makes these diseases even more powerful. Let’s open up about Tuberculosis and try to educate people
  • Numerous dreams come to a coughing end with the coming of tuberculosis. Keep dreaming and fight with all that you have
  • Tuberculosis is a threat to existence but we can join hands and kick it right off the block!
  • Out lives aren’t ruled by diseases, it is ruled by the desire to live healthy and live longer
  • Is TB worth a fight? Yes, it is, only if you trust and believe!
  • Humans are intelligent and let us act smart to ensure that the world is free from diseases such as tuberculosis
  • Nothing in life is more peaceful than being able to breathe in the fresh air without thinking of anything else. Keep TB out and good lungs IN
  • Every person wants to live healthy and the key to being healthy is to live a life that is free from any unhealthy habits
  • Tomorrow is going to be too late, let’s take steps today and treat the diseases rightly

World Tuberculosis Day Messages

  • Let’s celebrate world tuberculosis day in a way that every patient becomes positive and sees life positively unlike before
  • Do not forget the ones suffering from TB. They need you to be their side and help them come up
  • The right treatment at the right time is a dream for many and we need to turn it into reality
  • Preventing tuberculosis is a thing of the past, it is high time that we aim to eliminate diseases from its root
  • We can join hands and eliminate TB. Nothing can stand in front of the determination of the human population
  • Breathing is a human right and breathing healthy is a choice that we humans make
  • Stop bad habits and start living a life you would want your children to live, you will become healthier and happier
  • Life with TB is painful but the good news is that we can get rid of the disease!
  • Every breath of yours is worth a million-dollar smile of your loved ones. Keep TB away and live healthy
  • Get rid of your smoking habits, your family needs your presence more than anything else
  • World Tuberculosis day asks every person to come together and reduce the possibilities of this deadly disease
  • World Tuberculosis day marks the efforts made by every government to come up with ways to beat this deadline diseases forever
  • Nothing can stop us if we have the determination to go the distance and live healthy
  • We cannot be ever pulled down by the harshest disease. All we need is determination to fight it off with grit

World Tuberculosis Day Wishes

  • Let us celebrate the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day by helping people recover from this disease and embrace a healthy life. Happy World Tuberculosis Day 2022.
  • Tuberculosis is one disease that can take away so many good things from our lives. Let us make everyone aware of it. Happy World Tuberculosis Day.
  • Warm greetings on World Tuberculosis Day to everyone. Let us not take TB easy and let us come together to put a fight against it.
  • TB must never be taken lightly as it has the power to break a person’s physical as well as mental health. Warm wishes on the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day.
  • On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day, we must wake up and work together to make this world free from TB. Wishing a very Happy World Tuberculosis Day.
  • Wishing a very Happy World Tuberculosis Day to all of us. There are still so many people suffering from tuberculosis that need our attention.
  • Together we can fight against TB and make this world free from its clutches. Wishing everyone a very Happy World Tuberculosis Day 2022.

Significance of World Tuberculosis Day

The purpose of the day is the promotion of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the disease among people to protect many. It is also a way to educate people about the available therapies and tests that help save their loved ones and fellow human beings. 

Types of TB 

Tuberculosis is of two types depending on the activity of the bacteria in the human body. 

  1. Active TB 
  2. Latent TB

Active TB: It is a condition where the bacteria is active in the patient's body. The bacteria infect other organs in the patient's body and is transmittable. It spreads through coughing. Bacteria are carried by air to other individuals. 

Latent TB: It is a condition where bacteria is inactive in individual's body. Bacteria is inactivated by the immune system of the body. However, there are chances of reactivation of the bacteria. 

Types of Active TB

Based on the target organ of the body, two subcategories of active tuberculosis are existent. They are

a)     Pulmonary Tuberculosis: This is a kind of TB, where the lungs and related tissues of patient are affected. 

b)     Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis: This is a kind of TB affects organs except lungs. tuberculous lymphadenitis, pleural tuberculosis, skeletal tuberculosis, central nervous system tuberculosis, gastrointestinal tuberculosis, tuberculous peritonitis, genitourinary tuberculosis, miliary tuberculosis, tuberculous pericarditis, TNF-α inhibitor–associated tuberculosis are some of the identified types

Causes of Tuberculosis

The causes of the infection are to be identified to prevent the spread of infection. Infection can affect those who are.

1. Contact with a loved one, who is infected, 

2. Work in areas where there is a high risk of infection; Health care and nursing homes

3. Travelled to or live in continents where TB is common

4. Poor lifestyle and diet structure; drug addicts, derelicts

5. Weak immune system

6. HIV infected people

Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Every disease has symptoms before casing serious harm to the body. Let's look at symptoms for Latent and Active TB.

Latent TB: As the body develops antigens and fights against the bacteria. The patient is not affected; doesn't feel sick, ineligible to spread the disease. However, blood tests reveal the presence of bacteria 

Active TB: People with Active TB are affected by the growing bacteria. The usual symptoms of TB are weakness, chills, sweats, loss of appetite, cough that lasts 3 or more weeks, coughing up blood or mucus, chest pain, weight loss

Diagnosis of Tuberculosis

Once a healthcare professional suspects TB infection, various tests are prescribed to the patient to provide a final confirmation of the diagnosis. Below are a few common tests used for validation. 

Skin test: Tuberculin, a fluid is injected into the skin of the arm to check the presence of bacteria. If swelling develops on the injected area, it's considered as a sign of infection, else absence of Tuberculosis. However, this test is not 100% accurate. It can even depict false results. 

blood test is one common way for detection of bacteria. Positive results indicate the presence, whereas negative indicates absence. In case of positive results in skin and blood tests, another test may be required to identify the severity of infection; chest x-ray scan or CT scan. The chest x-ray is to recognize the effect of bacteria on the lungs. coughed up mucus can also be checked for finding a trace of infection. 

Treatment of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is curable with proper medication as prescribed by a doctor. In the case of Latent bacteria presence, the treatment professional prescribes medications to prevent bacteria from becoming active.  For a patient with active bacteria, medicinal drugs are prescribed to kill the bacteria. The usual prescription includes Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol. Regular intake of medicine as prescribed eradicates the bacteria from the system. On the other hand, if there is a break, the bacteria may become resistant to drugs and fatal.

Side Effects of Tuberculosis

There may be rare side effects on the individuals based on their medical history and lifestyle. The common side effects are 

1. Vomiting

2. Nausea

3. Jaundice

4. Bruising and bleeding

5. Loss of appetite

6. Eyesight issues; blurred vision

However, informing the doctor about the effects can put things back in place. Based on body resistance, the health care professional prescribes additional or alternative medicine. 

Prevention of Tuberculosis

As it is rightly said, "Prevention is better than cure" strictly follow up of precautionary measures helps stop the infection from further spreading. Latent TB patients are not at risk of transferring infection. However, there is the possibility that the bacteria to become active and infect. Therefore, Latent TB patients must follow the prescribed medicine to kill or prevent bacteria from transforming into active bacteria. 

People with active TB are capable of spreading the disease at a faster pace. Therefore, it is advised to avoid and reduce the duration of contact with TB patients. Also, HIV patients are at risk of being infected with TB. It is suggested to have regular doctor checkups. 

According to the "TB alert" organization, BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) vaccine can prevent TB from further spreading, depending on the age and the existing ailments of the persons considering the vaccine.

Celebration of World Tuberculosis Day

The day promotes awareness about symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis all over the world. The promotion is carried out through activities such as campaigns, fundraising programs, educational activities at academic institutions. Talk shows and social media posts are the easiest way to address the day. 

Some Interesting Facts

  1. The 2020 year Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) reflect that 1.5 million people died from TB (214 000 HIV patients included). 
  2. The statistics also state that TB stands in 13th position in the list of the leading cause of death.  
  3. Sixty-six million lives were saved with the treatment of TB between 2000 to 2020. 
  4. Latent TB patients reflect negative results in chest x-ray and sputum smears. 
  5. Diabetic patients who have Latent TB are at risk of developing TB infection. 
  6. Directly observed therapy (DOT) is a therapy where a medical professional will guide the patient to take medicine in his presence. This therapy takes place in a clinic or a place as per the agreed terms. Treatment may take a few weeks or months, depending on the degree of infection. 
  7. Resistant bacteria are bacteria that can no longer be killed as it has developed resistance to drugs. 
  8. Bollywood star Amitabh Bachan was diagnosed with TB after eight years of Tuberculosis infected blood transfusion. However, he survived it with regular checkups. Now he promotes awareness to deal with it.   

Knowledge and the right action at the right time save people from infections and diseases. Therefore, it is imperative for society to educate themselves and contribute to the welfare of society.


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