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20 20 Mindset Quotes

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20 20 Mindset Quotes: "The organization will always mirror the behavior, habits, attitude, mindset and pace of the leader."

The organization will always mirror the behavior, habits, attitude, mindset and pace of the leader.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "The October Crisis was not just a crisis of the financial sector, but one arising from an ill-informed and erroneous mindset that still infects businesses in general and requires correction."

The October Crisis was not just a crisis of the financial sector, but one arising from an ill-informed and erroneous mindset that still infects businesses in general and requires correction.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Everybody's got the mindset that everything should be measurable."

Everybody's got the mindset that everything should be measurable.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I think playing the way I played, and knowing the game the way I know it, I think I'm going to have a better idea as to what the mindset of each player was."

I think playing the way I played, and knowing the game the way I know it, I think I'm going to have a better idea as to what the mindset of each player was.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Today we're full of liquidity in money. And what you have to do is to convince big money to change the mindset and reinvest in these new activities to accelerate this change and create new jobs."

Today we're full of liquidity in money. And what you have to do is to convince big money to change the mindset and reinvest in these new activities to accelerate this change and create new jobs.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "People we are emotionally open to and close to affect us more than most people realize. If you are emotionally open to people, you will find yourself experiencing the mindset of others."

People we are emotionally open to and close to affect us more than most people realize. If you are emotionally open to people, you will find yourself experiencing the mindset of others.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I started out as an actor but now I act to fund my own productions. I've managed to separate my mindset."

I started out as an actor but now I act to fund my own productions. I've managed to separate my mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Elvis may have fueled rock & roll's imagery, but Chuck Berry was its heartbeat and original mindset."

Elvis may have fueled rock & roll's imagery, but Chuck Berry was its heartbeat and original mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I'm very much of the mindset that if you've made the record you wanted to make and there's nothing about it that you would change, then you should just be proud and happy with what you've done."

I'm very much of the mindset that if you've made the record you wanted to make and there's nothing about it that you would change, then you should just be proud and happy with what you've done.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "In a comedy, after the day is done, you can figure out ways of how to make it even funnier for the next day. In dramas, it's very different - the mindset that you're in."

In a comedy, after the day is done, you can figure out ways of how to make it even funnier for the next day. In dramas, it's very different - the mindset that you're in.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I always save a few special outfits for the final rounds of a tournament, because they put me in a more positive mindset and I then make better decisions."

I always save a few special outfits for the final rounds of a tournament, because they put me in a more positive mindset and I then make better decisions.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Due to our consumer mindset, people are prone to jump from church to church, which weakens the church overall."

Due to our consumer mindset, people are prone to jump from church to church, which weakens the church overall.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Suburbia is all about private ownership and not having to share, and it leads to a paranoid, defensive mindset. I know this, having grown up in Essex."

Suburbia is all about private ownership and not having to share, and it leads to a paranoid, defensive mindset. I know this, having grown up in Essex.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "My whole mindset in training is to be explosive and fast, and I try not to get too big and bulky."

My whole mindset in training is to be explosive and fast, and I try not to get too big and bulky.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "'Never give in' was my mindset."

'Never give in' was my mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "When I said "the pocket of the banks," it is not necessarily a mercenary relationship. It is a mindset."

When I said "the pocket of the banks," it is not necessarily a mercenary relationship. It is a mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Computer science really involves the same mindset, particularly artificial intelligence."

Computer science really involves the same mindset, particularly artificial intelligence.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "To understand the mindset of the connected consumer, one must realize that everything begins with search and intent."

To understand the mindset of the connected consumer, one must realize that everything begins with search and intent.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Whitney Houston, one of my biggest inspirations, also had that same mindset because her songs vary from R&B, hip hop, pop, and gospel."

Whitney Houston, one of my biggest inspirations, also had that same mindset because her songs vary from R&B, hip hop, pop, and gospel.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "So I feel that lack of qualification. And I'm scared. And I have a tendency to think things may not/probably won't work out. That's my basic mindset."

So I feel that lack of qualification. And I'm scared. And I have a tendency to think things may not/probably won't work out. That's my basic mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "The ends justify the means mindset has been the impetus behind many a cruel medical or social experiment."

The ends justify the means mindset has been the impetus behind many a cruel medical or social experiment.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "An archetypal gangster is always at a remove. We can't get into his mindset."

An archetypal gangster is always at a remove. We can't get into his mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I think that 'system think' is a mindset."

I think that 'system think' is a mindset.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "It just feels like I'm on the right path musically and I'm in the right mindset to continue out my mission in music because I'm not putting myself in a box."

It just feels like I'm on the right path musically and I'm in the right mindset to continue out my mission in music because I'm not putting myself in a box.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "I think of religion as something that stains the person. It's a mindset you can never get free from, it's always in the back of your head."

I think of religion as something that stains the person. It's a mindset you can never get free from, it's always in the back of your head.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Riches begin in the form of thought! The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion. Faith removes limitations!"

Riches begin in the form of thought! The amount is limited only by the person in whose mind the thought is put into motion. Faith removes limitations!

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we desire to control them."

We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we desire to control them.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Change leads to growth. Resistance leads to rigidity. Rigidity leads to ..."

Change leads to growth. Resistance leads to rigidity. Rigidity leads to ...

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "They programmed you with the best of intentions but unfortunately their best was mediocrity."

They programmed you with the best of intentions but unfortunately their best was mediocrity.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!"

No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Make the goal huge and you cannot miss!"

Make the goal huge and you cannot miss!

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "You have a right to feel the universe is willing to provide you with blessings, but not to the point that it cannot do without you."

You have a right to feel the universe is willing to provide you with blessings, but not to the point that it cannot do without you.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "You put yourself where you are, and if you find yourself unsatisfied with how you are, then get yourself out of it."

You put yourself where you are, and if you find yourself unsatisfied with how you are, then get yourself out of it.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Your life is in your hands. Only YOU have the capacity to turn it into a rosy path or a thorn filled one. Increase your vibrational output with Cosmic Ordering and your future will be rosy."

Your life is in your hands. Only YOU have the capacity to turn it into a rosy path or a thorn filled one. Increase your vibrational output with Cosmic Ordering and your future will be rosy.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Do not avoid doing what you love because you fear that it will only result in poverty or lack. If you fear this, then this is exactly what will happen."

Do not avoid doing what you love because you fear that it will only result in poverty or lack. If you fear this, then this is exactly what will happen.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "If you want to make dough, do a bun dance."

If you want to make dough, do a bun dance.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "When a person understands the problem that vexes them, and comprehends the choices that created them, they begin a journey of the mind seeking personal liberation from suffering."

When a person understands the problem that vexes them, and comprehends the choices that created them, they begin a journey of the mind seeking personal liberation from suffering.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "MISTEND MINDSETManipulate suicidal thoughts to manufacture life-coping tools"

MISTEND MINDSETManipulate suicidal thoughts to manufacture life-coping tools

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Limiting beliefs are a virus of the mind. They decline your success and happiness."

Limiting beliefs are a virus of the mind. They decline your success and happiness.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "The failure of the church is a result of not equipping believers with mindset to extend God’s kingdom"

The failure of the church is a result of not equipping believers with mindset to extend God’s kingdom

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Thinking little of yourself is not humility."

Thinking little of yourself is not humility.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "If I say, “I am weak, ” I ensure that I stay weak. If I say, “I cannot, ” “I’m not the type to, ” “I am not able, ” then I set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. As I think of myself, so I shall be."

If I say, “I am weak, ” I ensure that I stay weak. If I say, “I cannot, ” “I’m not the type to, ” “I am not able, ” then I set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. As I think of myself, so I shall be.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Tell me your story and I will get back your life."

Tell me your story and I will get back your life.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true."

Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "Do not constantly question why your desires have not manifested, although you should keep a vibrational connection to them."

Do not constantly question why your desires have not manifested, although you should keep a vibrational connection to them.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "People who don’t know how to use their minds can’t really know how to use their hearts either."

People who don’t know how to use their minds can’t really know how to use their hearts either.

20 20 Mindset Quotes: "The universe is infinite, and the experiences and opportunities available to us are likewise."

The universe is infinite, and the experiences and opportunities available to us are likewise.