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Ability To Choose Quotes

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Ability To Choose Quotes: "Feminism is the ability to choose what you want to do."

Feminism is the ability to choose what you want to do.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The ability to choose cannot be taken away or even given away-it can only be forgotten."

The ability to choose cannot be taken away or even given away-it can only be forgotten.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The ability to choose is at the essential core of our grandeur. Even evil exists because God respects our ability to choose."

The ability to choose is at the essential core of our grandeur. Even evil exists because God respects our ability to choose.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Ultimately the way to win the game of life, is found in only one thing: Our ability to choose meaning in any life circumstance. Become the master of meaning and you master your life."

Ultimately the way to win the game of life, is found in only one thing: Our ability to choose meaning in any life circumstance. Become the master of meaning and you master your life.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "You have the ability to choose what you want to experience."

You have the ability to choose what you want to experience.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The obligation to receive reduces our ability to choose whom we wish to be indebted to and puts that power in the hands of others."

The obligation to receive reduces our ability to choose whom we wish to be indebted to and puts that power in the hands of others.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Response-ability is the ABILITY to choose our response to any circumstance or condition."

Response-ability is the ABILITY to choose our response to any circumstance or condition.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The greatest weapon we have to combat stress is the ability to choose our thoughts."

The greatest weapon we have to combat stress is the ability to choose our thoughts.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "An ability to choose is a necessity for the artist."

An ability to choose is a necessity for the artist.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "It is the ability to choose which makes us human."

It is the ability to choose which makes us human.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty, and the ability to choose against it. Or to choose to ignore it."

Cruelty depends on an understanding of cruelty, and the ability to choose against it. Or to choose to ignore it.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "No one can take from us the ability to choose our attitudes toward the circumstances in which we find ourselves. This is the last of human freedoms."

No one can take from us the ability to choose our attitudes toward the circumstances in which we find ourselves. This is the last of human freedoms.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Freedom is the awareness of alternatives and of the ability to choose. It is contingent upon consciousness, and so may be gained or lost, extended or diminished."

Freedom is the awareness of alternatives and of the ability to choose. It is contingent upon consciousness, and so may be gained or lost, extended or diminished.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The essence of greatness is the ability to choose personal fulfillment in circumstances where others choose madness."

The essence of greatness is the ability to choose personal fulfillment in circumstances where others choose madness.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Freedom's possibility is not the ability to choose the good or the evil. The possibility is to be able."

Freedom's possibility is not the ability to choose the good or the evil. The possibility is to be able.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The idea of a talent that was bigger than an artist's ability to choose to use it, that would dictate the artist's life more than the artist could dictate, was interesting to me."

The idea of a talent that was bigger than an artist's ability to choose to use it, that would dictate the artist's life more than the artist could dictate, was interesting to me.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "Liberty is the essential precondition for achieving virtue... In order to exercise virtue, we need to have the ability to choose freely."

Liberty is the essential precondition for achieving virtue... In order to exercise virtue, we need to have the ability to choose freely.

Ability To Choose Quotes: "The reason why America was built is so that we would have the ability to choose who we pray to, whether we do or don't."

The reason why America was built is so that we would have the ability to choose who we pray to, whether we do or don't.