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Abundant Quotes

Find the best Abundant quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Abundant quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Abundant quote of the day.

Abundant Quotes: "Lord I thank you for the wise-words and grace to write."

Lord I thank you for the wise-words and grace to write.

Abundant Quotes: "A joyful soul is the choice to dwell on amazing gift of life than the challenges."

A joyful soul is the choice to dwell on amazing gift of life than the challenges.

Abundant Quotes: "Praise the Creator while you have grace to sing."

Praise the Creator while you have grace to sing.

Abundant Quotes: "Without a regular pay for two years, I appreciate the timeless provisions of God."

Without a regular pay for two years, I appreciate the timeless provisions of God.

Abundant Quotes: "A glorious life is a spark of divinity."

A glorious life is a spark of divinity.

Abundant Quotes: "A glorious life is a life live with gratitude."

A glorious life is a life live with gratitude.

Abundant Quotes: "Your blessings far outnumber your bitterness."

Your blessings far outnumber your bitterness.

Abundant Quotes: "God has given every man, 120 years of life on earth. It yours to possess."

God has given every man, 120 years of life on earth. It yours to possess.

Abundant Quotes: "God has given every man, 120 years of life on earth. It is yours to possess."

God has given every man, 120 years of life on earth. It is yours to possess.

Abundant Quotes: "May my children, fear, know and walk with God."

May my children, fear, know and walk with God.

Abundant Quotes: "God has infinite blessing for all mankind."

God has infinite blessing for all mankind.

Abundant Quotes: "It is a blessed bliss to live to be old."

It is a blessed bliss to live to be old.

Abundant Quotes: "Affirm and acclaim 120 years of blessed life from the Creator."

Affirm and acclaim 120 years of blessed life from the Creator.

Abundant Quotes: "Lord I thank you for the grace to live through every day."

Lord I thank you for the grace to live through every day.

Abundant Quotes: "Be glad for your sacred days on earth."

Be glad for your sacred days on earth.

Abundant Quotes: "If you have life, you have everything."

If you have life, you have everything.

Abundant Quotes: "We rise up every morning and go to bed in the night by grace."

We rise up every morning and go to bed in the night by grace.

Abundant Quotes: "God’s has limitless resources to meet all your needs."

God’s has limitless resources to meet all your needs.

Abundant Quotes: "Glory to God, He has done marvellous deeds."

Glory to God, He has done marvellous deeds.

Abundant Quotes: "The gift of life is the most valuable wealth."

The gift of life is the most valuable wealth.

Abundant Quotes: "Faith in God gives us joy. It is a certainty of His glorious blessings."

Faith in God gives us joy. It is a certainty of His glorious blessings.

Abundant Quotes: "The Lord has unlimited resources to meet your every need."

The Lord has unlimited resources to meet your every need.

Abundant Quotes: "Your wish has be granted by God. Time will make it manifest."

Your wish has be granted by God. Time will make it manifest.

Abundant Quotes: "A healthy happy life is a sacred bliss!"

A healthy happy life is a sacred bliss!

Abundant Quotes: "The miraculous wonder of this blessed day is beyond my comprehension."

The miraculous wonder of this blessed day is beyond my comprehension.

Abundant Quotes: "God of great mercy!God of great compassion!"

God of great mercy!God of great compassion!

Abundant Quotes: "My heart is filled with thankfulness to God."

My heart is filled with thankfulness to God.

Abundant Quotes: "May God illuminate your path with great favours"

May God illuminate your path with great favours

Abundant Quotes: "Lord I thank you for the gift of life."

Lord I thank you for the gift of life.

Abundant Quotes: "We live not by the money we possess but by the goodness of the Creator."

We live not by the money we possess but by the goodness of the Creator.

Abundant Quotes: "Heavenly blessings are life, grace, hope, faith, love, inner peace, nature, family, friends….!"

Heavenly blessings are life, grace, hope, faith, love, inner peace, nature, family, friends….!

Abundant Quotes: "My greatest blessings are my life, my children and my family."

My greatest blessings are my life, my children and my family.

Abundant Quotes: "The Word of God gives power, authority and abundant life to a man."

The Word of God gives power, authority and abundant life to a man.

Abundant Quotes: "What do you have that the Lord didn’t provide?What do you need that the Lord can’t provide?"

What do you have that the Lord didn’t provide?What do you need that the Lord can’t provide?

Abundant Quotes: "Life holds timeless fortunes for you."

Life holds timeless fortunes for you.

Abundant Quotes: "Thankfulness is the life of contentment."

Thankfulness is the life of contentment.

Abundant Quotes: "When I count my blessings, it is immeasurable"

When I count my blessings, it is immeasurable

Abundant Quotes: "It takes grace to stop working and go to bed. When in bed, more grace is needed to rise up and begin work again."

It takes grace to stop working and go to bed. When in bed, more grace is needed to rise up and begin work again.

Abundant Quotes: "Be positive, be happy and be thankful."

Be positive, be happy and be thankful.

Abundant Quotes: "God is calling you to relinquish your old habits and beliefs that are holding you back from being all He called you to be. To trust that He has something bigger and better in store for you."

God is calling you to relinquish your old habits and beliefs that are holding you back from being all He called you to be. To trust that He has something bigger and better in store for you.

Abundant Quotes: "Abundant living is realizing that life is a privilege whether it’s adhering to our scripts or not."

Abundant living is realizing that life is a privilege whether it’s adhering to our scripts or not.

Abundant Quotes: "Give glory to God. Great is the goodness of God."

Give glory to God. Great is the goodness of God.

Abundant Quotes: "Without an enthusiasm of existence, the fullness of life is missed."

Without an enthusiasm of existence, the fullness of life is missed.

Abundant Quotes: "If I have nothing but life and books, I have everything."

If I have nothing but life and books, I have everything.