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Acquire Quotes

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Acquire Quotes: "People who wish to salute the free and independent side of their evolutionary character acquire cats. People who wish to pay homage to their servile and salivating roots own dogs."

People who wish to salute the free and independent side of their evolutionary character acquire cats. People who wish to pay homage to their servile and salivating roots own dogs.

Acquire Quotes: "Boys and young men acquire readily the moral sentiments of their social milieu, whatever these sentiments may be."

Boys and young men acquire readily the moral sentiments of their social milieu, whatever these sentiments may be.

Acquire Quotes: "What we're really after is simply that people acquire a legal license for Windows for each computer they own before they move on to Linux or Sun Solaris or BSD or OS/2 or whatever."

What we're really after is simply that people acquire a legal license for Windows for each computer they own before they move on to Linux or Sun Solaris or BSD or OS/2 or whatever.

Acquire Quotes: "If a person has enough desire, he will acquire the talent, he will build his skills."

If a person has enough desire, he will acquire the talent, he will build his skills.

Acquire Quotes: "In every artist we can perceive a man with both a message and a method. His message may be innate in him, but his method he has to acquire from others."

In every artist we can perceive a man with both a message and a method. His message may be innate in him, but his method he has to acquire from others.

Acquire Quotes: "I suppose we acquire most of our feelings about our bodies too early, and in ways too complicated, to make them easy to account for."

I suppose we acquire most of our feelings about our bodies too early, and in ways too complicated, to make them easy to account for.

Acquire Quotes: "But anyone with the time and the inclination can acquire technical proficiency. To achieve greatness, though, that requires artistry. That requires imagination and thoughtfulness."

But anyone with the time and the inclination can acquire technical proficiency. To achieve greatness, though, that requires artistry. That requires imagination and thoughtfulness.

Acquire Quotes: "We do know, with absolute certainty, that Saddam Hussein is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon."

We do know, with absolute certainty, that Saddam Hussein is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon.

Acquire Quotes: "Nothing has value in itself. The consumer confers value on it by seeking to acquire it. Hence, the value of a thing is never objective, but always subjective."

Nothing has value in itself. The consumer confers value on it by seeking to acquire it. Hence, the value of a thing is never objective, but always subjective.

Acquire Quotes: "[On her troubled relationships with her daughters:] You can acquire enemies. Why give birth to them?"

[On her troubled relationships with her daughters:] You can acquire enemies. Why give birth to them?

Acquire Quotes: "The most important skill to acquire now is learning how to learn."

The most important skill to acquire now is learning how to learn.

Acquire Quotes: "Climbing is one of the few sports in which the arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual athletes."

Climbing is one of the few sports in which the arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual athletes.

Acquire Quotes: "The metal of economic theory is in Marx's pages immersed in such a wealth of steaming phrases as to acquire a temperature not naturally its own."

The metal of economic theory is in Marx's pages immersed in such a wealth of steaming phrases as to acquire a temperature not naturally its own.

Acquire Quotes: "If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it."

If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it.

Acquire Quotes: "You acquire a new kind of intelligence when you stay away from instant news."

You acquire a new kind of intelligence when you stay away from instant news.

Acquire Quotes: "I'm not a great inventor from scratch. What I do is to use, steal, acquire, reproduce or re-cycle music from other musicians."

I'm not a great inventor from scratch. What I do is to use, steal, acquire, reproduce or re-cycle music from other musicians.

Acquire Quotes: "[My father and his friends] believed in equality for women without troubling to acquire the basic domestic skills which would have made that equality possible."

[My father and his friends] believed in equality for women without troubling to acquire the basic domestic skills which would have made that equality possible.

Acquire Quotes: "But when you get into a situation where you can acquire a proven leader, a proven quality player, an unselfish player, a guy who taken a team to the Super Bowl, I think you do it."

But when you get into a situation where you can acquire a proven leader, a proven quality player, an unselfish player, a guy who taken a team to the Super Bowl, I think you do it.

Acquire Quotes: "You can't ignore the system and the power you acquire as an actor if you're in films that are successful."

You can't ignore the system and the power you acquire as an actor if you're in films that are successful.

Acquire Quotes: "The Negroes have little invention, but strong powers of imitation, so that they readily acquire mechanic arts. They have a great talent for music, and all their external senses are remarkably acute."

The Negroes have little invention, but strong powers of imitation, so that they readily acquire mechanic arts. They have a great talent for music, and all their external senses are remarkably acute.

Acquire Quotes: "You have to acquire a personal peace of mind which comes with understanding."

You have to acquire a personal peace of mind which comes with understanding.

Acquire Quotes: "How essential it is in youth to acquire some intellectual or artistic tastes, in order to furnish the mind, to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls."

How essential it is in youth to acquire some intellectual or artistic tastes, in order to furnish the mind, to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls.

Acquire Quotes: "If you have the character to hang in there when its tough, you will develop or acquire every other characteristic necessary to WIN in the game of life."

If you have the character to hang in there when its tough, you will develop or acquire every other characteristic necessary to WIN in the game of life.

Acquire Quotes: "The nature of power is such that even those who have not sought it, but have had it forced upon them, tend to acquire a taste for more."

The nature of power is such that even those who have not sought it, but have had it forced upon them, tend to acquire a taste for more.

Acquire Quotes: "It is therefore an excellent device to acquire knowledge from everybody."

It is therefore an excellent device to acquire knowledge from everybody.

Acquire Quotes: "It is important early in life to acquire the power of reading sense wherever you happen to be."

It is important early in life to acquire the power of reading sense wherever you happen to be.

Acquire Quotes: "All the necessary elements of a room should not arrive on installation day. Room should always be left for the things we will acquire...the objects we cannot live without."

All the necessary elements of a room should not arrive on installation day. Room should always be left for the things we will acquire...the objects we cannot live without.

Acquire Quotes: "It would be about as easy for an American to become a Chinaman or a Hindoo as for him to acquire an Englishness or a Frenchness or a European-ness that is more than half skin deep."

It would be about as easy for an American to become a Chinaman or a Hindoo as for him to acquire an Englishness or a Frenchness or a European-ness that is more than half skin deep.

Acquire Quotes: "The measure of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it."

The measure of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.

Acquire Quotes: "In order to acquire intellect one must need it. One loses it when it is no longer necessary."

In order to acquire intellect one must need it. One loses it when it is no longer necessary.

Acquire Quotes: "The works of nature first acquire a meaning in the commentaries they provoke."

The works of nature first acquire a meaning in the commentaries they provoke.

Acquire Quotes: "To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it is more difficult, but to spend it wisely, most difficult of all."

To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it is more difficult, but to spend it wisely, most difficult of all.

Acquire Quotes: "If you believe you can do something, then you can acquire the ability to do it even if you didn't have it in the beginning."

If you believe you can do something, then you can acquire the ability to do it even if you didn't have it in the beginning.

Acquire Quotes: "My readers think that I write for the day because my writings are based on the day. So I shall have to wait until my writings are obsolete. Then they may acquire timeliness."

My readers think that I write for the day because my writings are based on the day. So I shall have to wait until my writings are obsolete. Then they may acquire timeliness.

Acquire Quotes: "Bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness; for those of its members who work, acquire nothing, and those who acquire anything, do not work."

Bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness; for those of its members who work, acquire nothing, and those who acquire anything, do not work.

Acquire Quotes: "A disease of the mind, [whose] germ is the idea that one may learn that which is valuable, or in any way acquire virtue, by the process of being shown things."

A disease of the mind, [whose] germ is the idea that one may learn that which is valuable, or in any way acquire virtue, by the process of being shown things.

Acquire Quotes: "Things that are separate shall be united and acquire such virtue that they will restore to man his lost memory."

Things that are separate shall be united and acquire such virtue that they will restore to man his lost memory.

Acquire Quotes: "It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest ideals."

It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest ideals.

Acquire Quotes: "Eddie Murphy is just so off-the-cuff and can make anything funny. You hope that someday you'll acquire that skill, but maybe you're born with that."

Eddie Murphy is just so off-the-cuff and can make anything funny. You hope that someday you'll acquire that skill, but maybe you're born with that.

Acquire Quotes: "The man abandoned by his friends, one after another, without just cause, will acquire, the reputation of being hard to please, changeable, ungrateful, unsociable."

The man abandoned by his friends, one after another, without just cause, will acquire, the reputation of being hard to please, changeable, ungrateful, unsociable.

Acquire Quotes: "Academic work is one of those fields which contain a pearl so precious that it is worth while to sell all our possessions, keeping nothing for ourselves, in order to be able to acquire it."

Academic work is one of those fields which contain a pearl so precious that it is worth while to sell all our possessions, keeping nothing for ourselves, in order to be able to acquire it.

Acquire Quotes: "Man can become like God and acquire control over the whole universe if he multiplies infinitely his centre of self-consciousness."

Man can become like God and acquire control over the whole universe if he multiplies infinitely his centre of self-consciousness.

Acquire Quotes: "The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless. The houses are all gone under the sea. The dancers are all gone under the hill."

The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless. The houses are all gone under the sea. The dancers are all gone under the hill.

Acquire Quotes: "Index-learning turns no student pale, Yet holds the eel of Science by the tail. Index-learning is a term used to mock pretenders who acquire superficial knowledge merely by consulting indexes."

Index-learning turns no student pale, Yet holds the eel of Science by the tail. Index-learning is a term used to mock pretenders who acquire superficial knowledge merely by consulting indexes.

Acquire Quotes: "In order to acquire learning, we must first shake ourselves free of it."

In order to acquire learning, we must first shake ourselves free of it.

Acquire Quotes: "You cannot be wise without some basis of knowledge, but you may easily acquire knowledge and remain bare of wisdom."

You cannot be wise without some basis of knowledge, but you may easily acquire knowledge and remain bare of wisdom.

Acquire Quotes: "My job in my work is not to acquire power; it's to question power."

My job in my work is not to acquire power; it's to question power.

Acquire Quotes: "You can only acquire really useful general ideas by first acquiring particular ideas . . . You cannot make bricks without straw."

You can only acquire really useful general ideas by first acquiring particular ideas . . . You cannot make bricks without straw.

Acquire Quotes: "One must never allow oneself to acquire an exaggerated sense of one's own importance. There's no necessity to burden oneself with absolutes"

One must never allow oneself to acquire an exaggerated sense of one's own importance. There's no necessity to burden oneself with absolutes