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Activism Quotes

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Activism Quotes: "If a fight looks like a lot of fun, you should be suspicious. 'If you ain't scared of standing up for what's right, you ain't standing up for much."

If a fight looks like a lot of fun, you should be suspicious. 'If you ain't scared of standing up for what's right, you ain't standing up for much.

Activism Quotes: "Please your mother: just lie around upstairs and smoke some pot. Be a revolutionary."

Please your mother: just lie around upstairs and smoke some pot. Be a revolutionary.

Activism Quotes: "One of the most important skills we can develop for collapse is thecapacity to listen."

One of the most important skills we can develop for collapse is thecapacity to listen.

Activism Quotes: "Gratitude is a state of mind that inherently recognizes interdependence with the external world, whether it be other humans, nature, the sacred, or a combination of these."

Gratitude is a state of mind that inherently recognizes interdependence with the external world, whether it be other humans, nature, the sacred, or a combination of these.

Activism Quotes: "Fundamentally, what all forms of positive thinking about collapse come down to is our own fear of death."

Fundamentally, what all forms of positive thinking about collapse come down to is our own fear of death.

Activism Quotes: "Until you find a cause you can die for, you are not worthy to live."

Until you find a cause you can die for, you are not worthy to live.

Activism Quotes: "The Earth was singing her revolution. She was calling her brave men and women to her defense."

The Earth was singing her revolution. She was calling her brave men and women to her defense.

Activism Quotes: "This isn't about keeping mountains looking pretty. Ending mountaintop removal is about keeping humanity alive."

This isn't about keeping mountains looking pretty. Ending mountaintop removal is about keeping humanity alive.

Activism Quotes: "Activism begins with you, Democracy begins with you, get out there, get active! Tag, you're it"

Activism begins with you, Democracy begins with you, get out there, get active! Tag, you're it

Activism Quotes: "Love is active, not passive. It is our love for one another, for Mother Earth, for our fellow creatures that compels us to act on their behalf."

Love is active, not passive. It is our love for one another, for Mother Earth, for our fellow creatures that compels us to act on their behalf.

Activism Quotes: "Our minds must be as ready to move as capital is, to trace its paths and to imagine alternative destinations."

Our minds must be as ready to move as capital is, to trace its paths and to imagine alternative destinations.

Activism Quotes: "Your worst enemy is not the person in opposition to you. It is the person occupying the spot you would be fighting from and doing nothing."

Your worst enemy is not the person in opposition to you. It is the person occupying the spot you would be fighting from and doing nothing.

Activism Quotes: "I am saying that there is a time to do, and a time not to do, and that when we are slave to the habit of doing we are unable to distinguish between them."

I am saying that there is a time to do, and a time not to do, and that when we are slave to the habit of doing we are unable to distinguish between them.

Activism Quotes: "Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don't yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it's actually going to be possible."

Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don't yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it's actually going to be possible.

Activism Quotes: "When the last tree is cut and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can't eat money."

When the last tree is cut and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can't eat money.

Activism Quotes: "It's going to take all of us, gathering our voices and acting together. Saying, "Not on our watch" to create a future for humans, animals and the environment."

It's going to take all of us, gathering our voices and acting together. Saying, "Not on our watch" to create a future for humans, animals and the environment.

Activism Quotes: "Save this gift given to us."

Save this gift given to us.

Activism Quotes: "If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own."

If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own.

Activism Quotes: "Giving back is so important. Give back to your communities in whatever way you can. With donations, items or with your time. The Universe blesses a generous heart."

Giving back is so important. Give back to your communities in whatever way you can. With donations, items or with your time. The Universe blesses a generous heart.

Activism Quotes: "A true patriot never abandons his country at the hour of need."

A true patriot never abandons his country at the hour of need.

Activism Quotes: "I try to live my life every day in the present, and try not to turn a blind eye to injustice and"

I try to live my life every day in the present, and try not to turn a blind eye to injustice and

Activism Quotes: "The ultimate truth is mystical truth, the ultimate reality is sacred chaos. - Muzwot"

The ultimate truth is mystical truth, the ultimate reality is sacred chaos. - Muzwot

Activism Quotes: "The ultimate truth is mystical truth, the ultimate reality is sacred chaos."

The ultimate truth is mystical truth, the ultimate reality is sacred chaos.

Activism Quotes: "We should refrain from adopting laws that would allow countries with poor scorecard on human rights to exploit backdoors on techs for silencing dissent."

We should refrain from adopting laws that would allow countries with poor scorecard on human rights to exploit backdoors on techs for silencing dissent.

Activism Quotes: "And to those who would choose the safety of inaction over the danger of taking a stand, I have this to say:You bloody cowards. May you have the world that you deserve."

And to those who would choose the safety of inaction over the danger of taking a stand, I have this to say:You bloody cowards. May you have the world that you deserve.

Activism Quotes: "I'm all for fighting tyranny and oppression."

I'm all for fighting tyranny and oppression.

Activism Quotes: "Stay awake. Spread awareness. Take action."

Stay awake. Spread awareness. Take action.

Activism Quotes: "Calling the earth activists, lightworkers, spiritual warriors. Stay awake. Take action. Spread awareness."

Calling the earth activists, lightworkers, spiritual warriors. Stay awake. Take action. Spread awareness.

Activism Quotes: "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

Activism Quotes: "It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."

It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

Activism Quotes: "Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, 'She doesn't have what it takes." ~ ' They will say, 'Women don't have what it takes." -"

Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, 'She doesn't have what it takes." ~ ' They will say, 'Women don't have what it takes." -

Activism Quotes: "Never explain, never retract, never apologize. Just get the thing done and let them howl."

Never explain, never retract, never apologize. Just get the thing done and let them howl.

Activism Quotes: "You cannot change people but you can change the system so that people are not pushed into doing evil things."

You cannot change people but you can change the system so that people are not pushed into doing evil things.

Activism Quotes: "What lies between where you are and where you want to be sometimes requires traveling through the Twilight Zone."

What lies between where you are and where you want to be sometimes requires traveling through the Twilight Zone.

Activism Quotes: "We felt as though we had a responsibility to do something about it. So, we did."

We felt as though we had a responsibility to do something about it. So, we did.

Activism Quotes: "Where there is poverty, there will be destruction and exploitation by the corporations and governments benefitting from destroying our rainforests and trafficking wildlife."

Where there is poverty, there will be destruction and exploitation by the corporations and governments benefitting from destroying our rainforests and trafficking wildlife.

Activism Quotes: "It's not an effective protest if it's not pissing people off."

It's not an effective protest if it's not pissing people off.

Activism Quotes: "This is the world as it is. This is where you start."

This is the world as it is. This is where you start.

Activism Quotes: "16 days of activism? I don't know about you folks, but I'm an activist every single day."

16 days of activism? I don't know about you folks, but I'm an activist every single day.

Activism Quotes: "I was born for this moment in Earth's history and if you believe you are a lightworker, so were you."

I was born for this moment in Earth's history and if you believe you are a lightworker, so were you.

Activism Quotes: "As far as we could tell, the face of the revolution was a sea of embroidering women, patiently waiting the resignation of their repressive governor."

As far as we could tell, the face of the revolution was a sea of embroidering women, patiently waiting the resignation of their repressive governor.

Activism Quotes: "Extract and expel implicit biases from your work life. Don't taint our visitors with your bias and views. Allow them to form their own conclusions where it's developmentally appropriate."

Extract and expel implicit biases from your work life. Don't taint our visitors with your bias and views. Allow them to form their own conclusions where it's developmentally appropriate.

Activism Quotes: "A single whisper can be quite a disturbance when the rest of the audience is silent."

A single whisper can be quite a disturbance when the rest of the audience is silent.

Activism Quotes: "You never do any good until you get into some trouble."

You never do any good until you get into some trouble.

Activism Quotes: "There is nothing like the whites of someone’s eyes to convince you how very true what you believe is, how very much you must act on it."

There is nothing like the whites of someone’s eyes to convince you how very true what you believe is, how very much you must act on it.

Activism Quotes: "There is no politically neutral fence available for us to sit on, and our attempts to do so have the consequence (intended or not) of supporting the existing political system."

There is no politically neutral fence available for us to sit on, and our attempts to do so have the consequence (intended or not) of supporting the existing political system.

Activism Quotes: "Reuse is the original green collar job."

Reuse is the original green collar job.

Activism Quotes: "We can't achieve zero waste without reuse."

We can't achieve zero waste without reuse.

Activism Quotes: "Why is it that the people who seem to have the most to say aren’t doing anything at all?"

Why is it that the people who seem to have the most to say aren’t doing anything at all?