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Aggressive Quotes

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Aggressive Quotes: "Men must be aggressive for what is right if government is to be saved from men who are aggressive for what is wrong."

Men must be aggressive for what is right if government is to be saved from men who are aggressive for what is wrong.

Aggressive Quotes: "You can play hard. You can play aggressive. You can give 120% but if one guy is out of position then someone is running through the line of scrimmage and he is going to gain a bunch of yards."

You can play hard. You can play aggressive. You can give 120% but if one guy is out of position then someone is running through the line of scrimmage and he is going to gain a bunch of yards.

Aggressive Quotes: "No one is more arrogant toward women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious about his virility."

No one is more arrogant toward women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious about his virility.

Aggressive Quotes: "There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity."

There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.

Aggressive Quotes: "Science is competitive, aggressive, demanding. It is also imaginative, inspiring, uplifting."

Science is competitive, aggressive, demanding. It is also imaginative, inspiring, uplifting.

Aggressive Quotes: "Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure, and still more pressure through broad organized aggressive mass action."

Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure, and still more pressure through broad organized aggressive mass action.

Aggressive Quotes: "The aggressive, unprovoked acts of violence against Israel by Hezbollah and Hamas are revealing. It is clear they don't want peace, but rather seek the ultimate destruction of Israel."

The aggressive, unprovoked acts of violence against Israel by Hezbollah and Hamas are revealing. It is clear they don't want peace, but rather seek the ultimate destruction of Israel.

Aggressive Quotes: "The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others."

The basic difference between being assertive and being aggressive is how our words and behavior affect the rights and well being of others.

Aggressive Quotes: "I thought we were aggressive across the board defensively, and you could just see it grow. As the game went along, you could see the confidence grow. It showed in the fourth quarter."

I thought we were aggressive across the board defensively, and you could just see it grow. As the game went along, you could see the confidence grow. It showed in the fourth quarter.

Aggressive Quotes: "Everyone gets frustrated and aggressive, and I'd sooner take my aggression out on a guitar than on a person."

Everyone gets frustrated and aggressive, and I'd sooner take my aggression out on a guitar than on a person.

Aggressive Quotes: "I am very aggressive and very physical. On the field, I guess I am just plain mean."

I am very aggressive and very physical. On the field, I guess I am just plain mean.

Aggressive Quotes: "I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well."

I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well.

Aggressive Quotes: "An aggressive drug-testing program would cut down on certain abuses, but its never going to catch everyone - or even close to everyone."

An aggressive drug-testing program would cut down on certain abuses, but its never going to catch everyone - or even close to everyone.

Aggressive Quotes: "Every time we speak, we choose and use one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive."

Every time we speak, we choose and use one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "I have definitely noticed I am very passionate. So if I'm fighting with someone I'll be SO super loud and aggressive, and make sure that my point is heard."

I have definitely noticed I am very passionate. So if I'm fighting with someone I'll be SO super loud and aggressive, and make sure that my point is heard.

Aggressive Quotes: "Women comedy is different than men comedy. Guy comedy is very aggressive, it's about insulting each other, name-calling, and kind of busting each other's chops, and that's not what women's comedy is."

Women comedy is different than men comedy. Guy comedy is very aggressive, it's about insulting each other, name-calling, and kind of busting each other's chops, and that's not what women's comedy is.

Aggressive Quotes: "Aggressive Christianity is the world's greatest need."

Aggressive Christianity is the world's greatest need.

Aggressive Quotes: "Playing well or playing bad, I have to play aggressive. I must play aggressive."

Playing well or playing bad, I have to play aggressive. I must play aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "It’s a shameful moment for U.S. media when it insists on being subservient to the grotesque propaganda agencies of a violent, aggressive state."

It’s a shameful moment for U.S. media when it insists on being subservient to the grotesque propaganda agencies of a violent, aggressive state.

Aggressive Quotes: "I’ve started thinking about pure electronic music again. Something very melodic, very aggressive."

I’ve started thinking about pure electronic music again. Something very melodic, very aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "I'd like to see a more aggressive attitude on the part of the United States. That doesn't mean launching an immediate preventive war."

I'd like to see a more aggressive attitude on the part of the United States. That doesn't mean launching an immediate preventive war.

Aggressive Quotes: "I think you just have to keep knocking down doors, you have to keep being aggressive, and even if somebody says 'No', then you have to knock on the next door."

I think you just have to keep knocking down doors, you have to keep being aggressive, and even if somebody says 'No', then you have to knock on the next door.

Aggressive Quotes: "In Europe, it's more common to hear aggressive dance tracks on the radio."

In Europe, it's more common to hear aggressive dance tracks on the radio.

Aggressive Quotes: "Boxing brings out my aggressive instinct, not necessarily a killer instinct."

Boxing brings out my aggressive instinct, not necessarily a killer instinct.

Aggressive Quotes: "Homeopathy is a progressive and aggressive step in medicine."

Homeopathy is a progressive and aggressive step in medicine.

Aggressive Quotes: "Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive."

Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "The aggressive spirit, the offensive, is the chief thing everywhere in war, and the air is no exception."

The aggressive spirit, the offensive, is the chief thing everywhere in war, and the air is no exception.

Aggressive Quotes: "Westerners have aggressive problem-solving minds; Africans experience people."

Westerners have aggressive problem-solving minds; Africans experience people.

Aggressive Quotes: "As a general rule of biology, migratory species are less 'aggressive' than sedentary ones."

As a general rule of biology, migratory species are less 'aggressive' than sedentary ones.

Aggressive Quotes: "My best skill was that I was coachable. I was a sponge and aggressive to learn."

My best skill was that I was coachable. I was a sponge and aggressive to learn.

Aggressive Quotes: "Under crowded conditions the friendly social interactions between members of a group become reduced, and the destructive and aggressive patterns show a marked rise in frequency and intensity."

Under crowded conditions the friendly social interactions between members of a group become reduced, and the destructive and aggressive patterns show a marked rise in frequency and intensity.

Aggressive Quotes: "Cooking is actually quite aggressive and controlling and sometimes, yes, there is an element of force-feeding going on."

Cooking is actually quite aggressive and controlling and sometimes, yes, there is an element of force-feeding going on.

Aggressive Quotes: "Our only concern should be to keep the fight [for souls] aggressive and to win victory regardless of cost or sacrifice."

Our only concern should be to keep the fight [for souls] aggressive and to win victory regardless of cost or sacrifice.

Aggressive Quotes: "He who knows how to be aggressive, and yet remains patient, becomes a receptacle for all of Nature's lessons."

He who knows how to be aggressive, and yet remains patient, becomes a receptacle for all of Nature's lessons.

Aggressive Quotes: "We were very aggressive, and when we're aggressive, it's hard to stop us."

We were very aggressive, and when we're aggressive, it's hard to stop us.

Aggressive Quotes: "The failure of the United Nations - My failure is maybe, in retrospective, that I was not enough aggressive with the members of the Security Council."

The failure of the United Nations - My failure is maybe, in retrospective, that I was not enough aggressive with the members of the Security Council.

Aggressive Quotes: "I have never met an aggressive person who wasn’t a fearful person."

I have never met an aggressive person who wasn’t a fearful person.

Aggressive Quotes: "Being aggressive, you can accomplish some things, but with gentleness, you can accomplish all things."

Being aggressive, you can accomplish some things, but with gentleness, you can accomplish all things.

Aggressive Quotes: "The separation of state and church must be complemented by the separation of state and science, that most recent, most aggressive, and most dogmatic religious institution."

The separation of state and church must be complemented by the separation of state and science, that most recent, most aggressive, and most dogmatic religious institution.

Aggressive Quotes: "I believe that a sportsman should be aggressive because that is what gives him or her the power to perform even in the toughest of situations."

I believe that a sportsman should be aggressive because that is what gives him or her the power to perform even in the toughest of situations.

Aggressive Quotes: "The station was tight, aggressive ... the deejays at times sounding as if they were broadcasting at gunpoint."

The station was tight, aggressive ... the deejays at times sounding as if they were broadcasting at gunpoint.

Aggressive Quotes: "Today, 9 May, exactly forty-nine months and three days after the Fascist attack on Yugoslavia, the most powerful aggressive force in Europe, Germany, has capitulated."

Today, 9 May, exactly forty-nine months and three days after the Fascist attack on Yugoslavia, the most powerful aggressive force in Europe, Germany, has capitulated.

Aggressive Quotes: "Now how do we cultivate an aggressive response? I think the answer is indignation... Your response, if attacked, must not be fear, it must be anger."

Now how do we cultivate an aggressive response? I think the answer is indignation... Your response, if attacked, must not be fear, it must be anger.

Aggressive Quotes: "Music should be like making love. Sometimes you want it soft and tender, another time you want it hard and aggressive."

Music should be like making love. Sometimes you want it soft and tender, another time you want it hard and aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "Most people are too fretful, they worry to much. Success means being very patient, but aggressive when it's time."

Most people are too fretful, they worry to much. Success means being very patient, but aggressive when it's time.

Aggressive Quotes: "The gallantry and aggressive fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers command the American army's admiration."

The gallantry and aggressive fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers command the American army's admiration.

Aggressive Quotes: "The Situation's style is like super obnoxiously aggressive."

The Situation's style is like super obnoxiously aggressive.

Aggressive Quotes: "I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it... I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it's an illusion to me."

I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it... I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it's an illusion to me.