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Agreement Quotes

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Agreement Quotes: "It is not worth the paper it is written on unless it is backed by the kind of force that will make the other side consider the penalties too heavy to break the agreement."

It is not worth the paper it is written on unless it is backed by the kind of force that will make the other side consider the penalties too heavy to break the agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "Fiction is love and hate and agreement and conflict and common adventure, not lonely musings on have-beens and might-have-beens."

Fiction is love and hate and agreement and conflict and common adventure, not lonely musings on have-beens and might-have-beens.

Agreement Quotes: "I was perhaps the worst student you have ever seen. You know, I thought I was stupid, all my classmates thought I was stupid, so there was general agreement."

I was perhaps the worst student you have ever seen. You know, I thought I was stupid, all my classmates thought I was stupid, so there was general agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "It's very nice to be able to write something you don't have to get four other people to agree with before it can become authoritative."

It's very nice to be able to write something you don't have to get four other people to agree with before it can become authoritative.

Agreement Quotes: "A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God."

A covenant is an agreement between God and man, an accord whose terms are set by God.

Agreement Quotes: "The establishment of free trade agreements can be a critical and progressive step towards greater economic integration, and continues to become more valuable in an increasingly global world."

The establishment of free trade agreements can be a critical and progressive step towards greater economic integration, and continues to become more valuable in an increasingly global world.

Agreement Quotes: "In an open adoption agreement, you agree to a minimum number of visits - a floor, not a ceiling. It's enforceable."

In an open adoption agreement, you agree to a minimum number of visits - a floor, not a ceiling. It's enforceable.

Agreement Quotes: "Secretary Powell and I agree on every single issue that has ever been before this administration except for those instances where Colin's still learning."

Secretary Powell and I agree on every single issue that has ever been before this administration except for those instances where Colin's still learning.

Agreement Quotes: "The United States has some people in Europe with whom we disagree on this matter and a large number of people in Europe, including governments in Europe, with whom we agree."

The United States has some people in Europe with whom we disagree on this matter and a large number of people in Europe, including governments in Europe, with whom we agree.

Agreement Quotes: "I try to keep all my novels in print. Sometimes publishers don't agree with me as to their worth."

I try to keep all my novels in print. Sometimes publishers don't agree with me as to their worth.

Agreement Quotes: "Army life don't agree with me."

Army life don't agree with me.

Agreement Quotes: "We seldom find any person of good sense, except those who share our opinions."

We seldom find any person of good sense, except those who share our opinions.

Agreement Quotes: "The people of America are in agreement in defending their liberties at any cost, and the first line of that defense lies in the protection of economic security."

The people of America are in agreement in defending their liberties at any cost, and the first line of that defense lies in the protection of economic security.

Agreement Quotes: "We must agree to live in this world, with all that is unfair about it, without knowing why, if we wish to have a God in our lives."

We must agree to live in this world, with all that is unfair about it, without knowing why, if we wish to have a God in our lives.

Agreement Quotes: "At any given moment, there is a sort of all pervading orthodoxy, a general tacit agreement not to discuss large and uncomfortable facts."

At any given moment, there is a sort of all pervading orthodoxy, a general tacit agreement not to discuss large and uncomfortable facts.

Agreement Quotes: "Agreement reached by the negotiators?usually starts to collapse in the hands of those who implement it, no matter how carefully cleared at the top."

Agreement reached by the negotiators?usually starts to collapse in the hands of those who implement it, no matter how carefully cleared at the top.

Agreement Quotes: "Men are mad and gods are madder, she told the grass, and the grass murmured its agreement."

Men are mad and gods are madder, she told the grass, and the grass murmured its agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "This is one of the gravest crises Europe has ever experienced... An agreement failed because of the completely stubborn attitudes of the UK and the Netherlands."

This is one of the gravest crises Europe has ever experienced... An agreement failed because of the completely stubborn attitudes of the UK and the Netherlands.

Agreement Quotes: "What is gained by debt relief and aid can be lost if we don't get a proper trade agreement in Hong Kong."

What is gained by debt relief and aid can be lost if we don't get a proper trade agreement in Hong Kong.

Agreement Quotes: "My job is to come up with something that you like and you agree with that you would play wholeheartedly. If we disagree, I may not be doing my job correctly."

My job is to come up with something that you like and you agree with that you would play wholeheartedly. If we disagree, I may not be doing my job correctly.

Agreement Quotes: "I even agree with the new digital ways of filmmaking, where you don't even have physical film in the camera, but to be honest, I wouldn't want to use it."

I even agree with the new digital ways of filmmaking, where you don't even have physical film in the camera, but to be honest, I wouldn't want to use it.

Agreement Quotes: "Insofar as it represents a genuine reconciliation of differences, a consensus is a fine thing; insofar as it represents a concealment of differences, it is a miscarriage of democratic procedure."

Insofar as it represents a genuine reconciliation of differences, a consensus is a fine thing; insofar as it represents a concealment of differences, it is a miscarriage of democratic procedure.

Agreement Quotes: "However, I believe that it would be difficult to have legitimate scientists agree to participate."

However, I believe that it would be difficult to have legitimate scientists agree to participate.

Agreement Quotes: "Any Congressional agreement of an arbitrary time table to bring our troops home before we have accomplished our mission is unacceptable and could potentially increase the risk to our soldiers."

Any Congressional agreement of an arbitrary time table to bring our troops home before we have accomplished our mission is unacceptable and could potentially increase the risk to our soldiers.

Agreement Quotes: "There's no way to have a peace agreement unless the mediator or negotiator looks at both sides from an equal basis."

There's no way to have a peace agreement unless the mediator or negotiator looks at both sides from an equal basis.

Agreement Quotes: "When the E.U. and the U.S. agree, other countries follow."

When the E.U. and the U.S. agree, other countries follow.

Agreement Quotes: "That's where my job comes in. Getting the E.U. and U.S. to agree."

That's where my job comes in. Getting the E.U. and U.S. to agree.

Agreement Quotes: "I don't want you to misunderstand me. You might get up and state what you believe to be Seventh-day Adventism, and I might not agree with everything you said."

I don't want you to misunderstand me. You might get up and state what you believe to be Seventh-day Adventism, and I might not agree with everything you said.

Agreement Quotes: "Thus Belial, with words clothed in reason's garb, counseled ignoble ease, and peaceful sloth, not peace."

Thus Belial, with words clothed in reason's garb, counseled ignoble ease, and peaceful sloth, not peace.

Agreement Quotes: "Do we have to talk in order to agree or agree in order to talk?"

Do we have to talk in order to agree or agree in order to talk?

Agreement Quotes: "If I were to agree to write the music for your beautiful poem, it would tie your poem up for some years as I have agreements and obligations which I must respect."

If I were to agree to write the music for your beautiful poem, it would tie your poem up for some years as I have agreements and obligations which I must respect.

Agreement Quotes: "Whether we are New Dealer, Old Dealer, Liberty Leaguer or Red, whether we agree or not, we still have the right to think and speak how we feel."

Whether we are New Dealer, Old Dealer, Liberty Leaguer or Red, whether we agree or not, we still have the right to think and speak how we feel.

Agreement Quotes: "The only way we know we love ourselves and the people in our life is by the agreements we are willing to make and keep"

The only way we know we love ourselves and the people in our life is by the agreements we are willing to make and keep

Agreement Quotes: "The end of nonviolent 'war' is always an agreement, never dictation, much less humiliation of the opponent."

The end of nonviolent 'war' is always an agreement, never dictation, much less humiliation of the opponent.

Agreement Quotes: "There's a difference between silence meaning agreement and being silenced."

There's a difference between silence meaning agreement and being silenced.

Agreement Quotes: "Most people I know I think agree and even many theists agree with this. We don't want government involved."

Most people I know I think agree and even many theists agree with this. We don't want government involved.

Agreement Quotes: "Those who seek consolation in existing churches often pay for their peace of mind with a tacit agreement to ignore a great deal of what is known about the way the world works."

Those who seek consolation in existing churches often pay for their peace of mind with a tacit agreement to ignore a great deal of what is known about the way the world works.

Agreement Quotes: "I think there is universal agreement within the economics profession that the decline - the sharp decline in the quantity of money played a very major role in producing the Great Depression."

I think there is universal agreement within the economics profession that the decline - the sharp decline in the quantity of money played a very major role in producing the Great Depression.

Agreement Quotes: "If there's one thing that everyone can agree on, it's that, right or wrong, they hate the press."

If there's one thing that everyone can agree on, it's that, right or wrong, they hate the press.

Agreement Quotes: "Most of us see Justice O'Connor as something of an icon, although we do not agree with all of her decisions."

Most of us see Justice O'Connor as something of an icon, although we do not agree with all of her decisions.

Agreement Quotes: "You could say that clinical depression is an incapacity to aesthetic response. It's like there's a constant agreement within ourselves, a kind of mutual understanding between ourselves and the world."

You could say that clinical depression is an incapacity to aesthetic response. It's like there's a constant agreement within ourselves, a kind of mutual understanding between ourselves and the world.

Agreement Quotes: "One of the things Wall Street does not like is ambiguity. Now that the agreement is there, it begins to make the future look a little less cloudy, and that's positively received by Wall Street."

One of the things Wall Street does not like is ambiguity. Now that the agreement is there, it begins to make the future look a little less cloudy, and that's positively received by Wall Street.

Agreement Quotes: "I agree to, or rather aspire to, my doom."

I agree to, or rather aspire to, my doom.

Agreement Quotes: "You know, it is very clear that the Israelis, they don't want this plan and they don't agree."

You know, it is very clear that the Israelis, they don't want this plan and they don't agree.

Agreement Quotes: "Hardly anyone still reads nowadays. People make use of the writer only in order to work off their own excess energy on him in a perverse manner, in the form of agreement or disagreement."

Hardly anyone still reads nowadays. People make use of the writer only in order to work off their own excess energy on him in a perverse manner, in the form of agreement or disagreement.

Agreement Quotes: "Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product."

Because of the Korean free trade agreement, South Koreans who want Oregon blueberries are gonna see their prices go down because we will be getting rid of a 45 percent tariff on this Oregon product.

Agreement Quotes: "Agreement is brought about by changing people's minds - other people's."

Agreement is brought about by changing people's minds - other people's.

Agreement Quotes: "By perfecting this legislative machinery and by participating in the various international agreements we intend to contribute to the wholesome development of world trade."

By perfecting this legislative machinery and by participating in the various international agreements we intend to contribute to the wholesome development of world trade.

Agreement Quotes: "Men keep agreements when it is to the advantage of neither to break them."

Men keep agreements when it is to the advantage of neither to break them.