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Agreement Quotes

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Agreement Quotes: "We always thought we had to follow a certain theme but I don't agree with that anymore. I think the fans deserve a wider variety of music."

We always thought we had to follow a certain theme but I don't agree with that anymore. I think the fans deserve a wider variety of music.

Agreement Quotes: "We don't necessarily always agree, but hopefully we make each other think, and that's what matters."

We don't necessarily always agree, but hopefully we make each other think, and that's what matters.

Agreement Quotes: "We agree that man was not created to survive in space."

We agree that man was not created to survive in space.

Agreement Quotes: "Finally, in 1954 [Ho Chi Minh] agreed to the Geneva Agreement, which divided the country temporarily into two zones, in the hope that national elections might unify the country under his leadership."

Finally, in 1954 [Ho Chi Minh] agreed to the Geneva Agreement, which divided the country temporarily into two zones, in the hope that national elections might unify the country under his leadership.

Agreement Quotes: "Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their agreement, as falsity means their disagreement, with reality."

Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their agreement, as falsity means their disagreement, with reality.

Agreement Quotes: "That little word 'we' I mistrust and here's why: No man of another can say, 'He is I.' Behind all agreement lies something amiss All seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss."

That little word 'we' I mistrust and here's why: No man of another can say, 'He is I.' Behind all agreement lies something amiss All seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss.

Agreement Quotes: "The task must be to banish from mankind's thought the idea that anybody has the right to use force against righteousness, against justice, against mutual agreements."

The task must be to banish from mankind's thought the idea that anybody has the right to use force against righteousness, against justice, against mutual agreements.

Agreement Quotes: "The goal of #BDS is the full restoration of Palestinian rights, not an agreement to create an artificial mini-state in order to save Zionism"

The goal of #BDS is the full restoration of Palestinian rights, not an agreement to create an artificial mini-state in order to save Zionism

Agreement Quotes: "Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means."

Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means.

Agreement Quotes: "Sanity - a trick of agreement"

Sanity - a trick of agreement

Agreement Quotes: "I believe that Jews and Arabs can live together. It's not an easy thing but I believe we can reach an agreement."

I believe that Jews and Arabs can live together. It's not an easy thing but I believe we can reach an agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "Donald Trump has been rejecting the idea of trade agreements like NAFTA, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

Donald Trump has been rejecting the idea of trade agreements like NAFTA, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Agreement Quotes: "Of course, trade agreements can be beneficial, but of course they need to avoid infringing on certain areas and respect diversity."

Of course, trade agreements can be beneficial, but of course they need to avoid infringing on certain areas and respect diversity.

Agreement Quotes: "I think the word of the United States has been as good as gold in its international dealings and its agreements."

I think the word of the United States has been as good as gold in its international dealings and its agreements.

Agreement Quotes: "Beneficial in theory, so-called free trade agreements far too often have been detrimental to the United States economy and the manufacturing sector that forms its central pillar."

Beneficial in theory, so-called free trade agreements far too often have been detrimental to the United States economy and the manufacturing sector that forms its central pillar.

Agreement Quotes: "We're not in agreement on all topics. I had a conversation with Mr. [Donald] Trump that was open and constructive."

We're not in agreement on all topics. I had a conversation with Mr. [Donald] Trump that was open and constructive.

Agreement Quotes: "That which corrodes the souls of the persecuted is the monstrous inner agreement with the prevailing prejudice against them."

That which corrodes the souls of the persecuted is the monstrous inner agreement with the prevailing prejudice against them.

Agreement Quotes: "Yugoslavia and Serbia will fight against terrorists regardless of whether a political agreement is reached or not."

Yugoslavia and Serbia will fight against terrorists regardless of whether a political agreement is reached or not.

Agreement Quotes: "There's a tacit agreement today that the white male is the only legitimate target for any and all satire, criticism, and so forth. And we pretty much just accept it."

There's a tacit agreement today that the white male is the only legitimate target for any and all satire, criticism, and so forth. And we pretty much just accept it.

Agreement Quotes: "You fight to win; you argue to achieve agreement."

You fight to win; you argue to achieve agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "Morally and philosophically I find myself in agreement with virtually the whole of it: and not only in agreement with it, but in deeply moved agreement."

Morally and philosophically I find myself in agreement with virtually the whole of it: and not only in agreement with it, but in deeply moved agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "The illusion is an agreement between the reader and writer that this [story] will be like life. The emotional temperature drops when you have footnotes."

The illusion is an agreement between the reader and writer that this [story] will be like life. The emotional temperature drops when you have footnotes.

Agreement Quotes: "The best way to begin disarming is to begin-and the United States is ready to conclude firm agreements in these areas and to consider any other reasonable proposal."

The best way to begin disarming is to begin-and the United States is ready to conclude firm agreements in these areas and to consider any other reasonable proposal.

Agreement Quotes: "Crowd action is the outcome of agreement based on concurrence of emotion rather than of thought."

Crowd action is the outcome of agreement based on concurrence of emotion rather than of thought.

Agreement Quotes: "We have one of those conversations where every thing clicks, meshes, corresponds, locks, where even our pauses, even our punctuation marks, seem to be nodding in agreement."

We have one of those conversations where every thing clicks, meshes, corresponds, locks, where even our pauses, even our punctuation marks, seem to be nodding in agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "Those of different faiths and no faith should seek areas of common agreement based on their different perspectives."

Those of different faiths and no faith should seek areas of common agreement based on their different perspectives.

Agreement Quotes: "I had to get back to work... NBC has me under contract; the baby and I only have a verbal agreement."

I had to get back to work... NBC has me under contract; the baby and I only have a verbal agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "I welcome the signing by the presidential candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani of an agreement on the formation of a government of national unity in Afghanistan."

I welcome the signing by the presidential candidates Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani of an agreement on the formation of a government of national unity in Afghanistan.

Agreement Quotes: "What the Paris agreement now does is say to China and India and other countries that are potentially polluting, come on board. Let's work together so you guys do the same thing."

What the Paris agreement now does is say to China and India and other countries that are potentially polluting, come on board. Let's work together so you guys do the same thing.

Agreement Quotes: "I understood that these trade agreements were going to destroy the middle class of this country. I led the fight against us. That is one of the major differences that we have."

I understood that these trade agreements were going to destroy the middle class of this country. I led the fight against us. That is one of the major differences that we have.

Agreement Quotes: "Your story is for - voting for every disastrous trade agreement, and voting for corporate America. Did I vote against the Wall Street bailout?"

Your story is for - voting for every disastrous trade agreement, and voting for corporate America. Did I vote against the Wall Street bailout?

Agreement Quotes: "I'm proud of my record of negotiating agreements, representing people and making sure that both employers and employees could get the best out of going to work every day."

I'm proud of my record of negotiating agreements, representing people and making sure that both employers and employees could get the best out of going to work every day.

Agreement Quotes: "Let's liquidate all the atomic bases in Cuba and in the U.S. and we are in complete agreement with that."

Let's liquidate all the atomic bases in Cuba and in the U.S. and we are in complete agreement with that.

Agreement Quotes: "Denmark and the UK are in agreement that our future prosperity depends on stimulating green growth, and getting off the oil hook."

Denmark and the UK are in agreement that our future prosperity depends on stimulating green growth, and getting off the oil hook.

Agreement Quotes: "Do you think I would enter into a contract with that mob? Absolutely no chance. I would not sell them a virus. That is a 'No' by the way. There is no agreement whatsoever between the clubs."

Do you think I would enter into a contract with that mob? Absolutely no chance. I would not sell them a virus. That is a 'No' by the way. There is no agreement whatsoever between the clubs.

Agreement Quotes: "There is general agreement among researchers that nearly all stock pickers, whether they know it or not-and few of them do-are playing a game of chance."

There is general agreement among researchers that nearly all stock pickers, whether they know it or not-and few of them do-are playing a game of chance.

Agreement Quotes: "I prefer clarity over agreement"

I prefer clarity over agreement

Agreement Quotes: "An honourable agreement among men as to their conduct toward women, and it was devised by women."

An honourable agreement among men as to their conduct toward women, and it was devised by women.

Agreement Quotes: "Many share my views with me. But I don't share them with them."

Many share my views with me. But I don't share them with them.

Agreement Quotes: "We need to deport these criminals and negotiate agreements requiring that they do their time in their own countries."

We need to deport these criminals and negotiate agreements requiring that they do their time in their own countries.

Agreement Quotes: "An agreement of rash men (a conspiracy)."

An agreement of rash men (a conspiracy).

Agreement Quotes: "You’re going to have to learn to ride a horse on your own, Phaedra', he said. 'It will make the journey faster.' 'The mule and I have an agreement.' 'The mule and you have similar traits."

You’re going to have to learn to ride a horse on your own, Phaedra', he said. 'It will make the journey faster.' 'The mule and I have an agreement.' 'The mule and you have similar traits.

Agreement Quotes: "Globalization exists but we shouldn't conflate globalization with trade agreements. Trade agreements is how we can shape globalization."

Globalization exists but we shouldn't conflate globalization with trade agreements. Trade agreements is how we can shape globalization.

Agreement Quotes: "...the Rule of Agreement reminds you to “respect what your partner has created” and to at least start from an open-minded place. Start with a YES and see where that takes you."

...the Rule of Agreement reminds you to “respect what your partner has created” and to at least start from an open-minded place. Start with a YES and see where that takes you.

Agreement Quotes: "Where the waters do agree, it is quite wonderful the relief they give."

Where the waters do agree, it is quite wonderful the relief they give.

Agreement Quotes: "That was excellently observed’, say I, when I read a passage in an author, where his opinion agrees with mine. When we differ, there I pronounce him to be mistaken."

That was excellently observed’, say I, when I read a passage in an author, where his opinion agrees with mine. When we differ, there I pronounce him to be mistaken.

Agreement Quotes: "I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it."

I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.

Agreement Quotes: "Man, an animal that makes bargains."

Man, an animal that makes bargains.

Agreement Quotes: "German equality of rights is the prerequisite for any participation on Germany's part in international conventions and agreements."

German equality of rights is the prerequisite for any participation on Germany's part in international conventions and agreements.