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Agreement Quotes

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Agreement Quotes: "Propositions on which all men are in agreement are true: if they are not true we have no truth at all."

Propositions on which all men are in agreement are true: if they are not true we have no truth at all.

Agreement Quotes: "Two sparrows on one Ear of Corn make an ill agreement."

Two sparrows on one Ear of Corn make an ill agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "I think [Republicans] would really like to rip up that [Iran nuclear agreement] and get a new one, but that's going to be very difficult. You, of course, have Russia involved in that."

I think [Republicans] would really like to rip up that [Iran nuclear agreement] and get a new one, but that's going to be very difficult. You, of course, have Russia involved in that.

Agreement Quotes: "Without agreement you just have people arguing."

Without agreement you just have people arguing.

Agreement Quotes: "I'm pretty sure the world is in solid agreement that "The Wire" is worth watching all the way through."

I'm pretty sure the world is in solid agreement that "The Wire" is worth watching all the way through.

Agreement Quotes: "By getting your customers to agree with you in small steps along the way, you have a better chance of reaching agreement when it's time to do business."

By getting your customers to agree with you in small steps along the way, you have a better chance of reaching agreement when it's time to do business.

Agreement Quotes: "In a litigation-happy society, clear agreements often prevent small disagreements from becoming big ones."

In a litigation-happy society, clear agreements often prevent small disagreements from becoming big ones.

Agreement Quotes: "Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement, my assent, my loving understanding; then all is well with me and nothing can harm me."

Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement, my assent, my loving understanding; then all is well with me and nothing can harm me.

Agreement Quotes: "There is still work to be done, but that remains a crucial lesson, you cannot bring peace and security to people just by signing an agreement. In fact, most peace agreements don't last."

There is still work to be done, but that remains a crucial lesson, you cannot bring peace and security to people just by signing an agreement. In fact, most peace agreements don't last.

Agreement Quotes: "Over the years, we have lost millions of decent paying jobs. These trade agreements have forced wages down in America so the average worker in America today is working longer hours for lower wages."

Over the years, we have lost millions of decent paying jobs. These trade agreements have forced wages down in America so the average worker in America today is working longer hours for lower wages.

Agreement Quotes: "We do have the nuclear weapons agreement with Iran, that's an enforcement consequence, action for action, follow on. We have a plan, we will watch them, we will be vigilant."

We do have the nuclear weapons agreement with Iran, that's an enforcement consequence, action for action, follow on. We have a plan, we will watch them, we will be vigilant.

Agreement Quotes: "The only way that American troops could have stayed in Iraq is to get an agreement from the then-Iraqi government that would have protected our troops, and the Iraqi government would not give that."

The only way that American troops could have stayed in Iraq is to get an agreement from the then-Iraqi government that would have protected our troops, and the Iraqi government would not give that.

Agreement Quotes: "George W. Bush made the agreement about when American troops would leave Iraq, not Barack Obama."

George W. Bush made the agreement about when American troops would leave Iraq, not Barack Obama.

Agreement Quotes: "Arthur Clarke says that I am first in science and second in science fiction in accordance with an agreement we have made. I say he is first in science fiction and second in science."

Arthur Clarke says that I am first in science and second in science fiction in accordance with an agreement we have made. I say he is first in science fiction and second in science.

Agreement Quotes: "A final and long-lasting solution to the Kosovo issue cannot be achieved without an agreement with Serbia, especially in regard to the U.N."

A final and long-lasting solution to the Kosovo issue cannot be achieved without an agreement with Serbia, especially in regard to the U.N.

Agreement Quotes: "It was an agreement between Saddam (Hussein) and the shah of Iran and not between Iraq and Iran."

It was an agreement between Saddam (Hussein) and the shah of Iran and not between Iraq and Iran.

Agreement Quotes: "The people = government doctrine is equivalent to political infantilism -- an agreement to pretend that the citizen's wishes animate each restriction or exaction inflicted upon him."

The people = government doctrine is equivalent to political infantilism -- an agreement to pretend that the citizen's wishes animate each restriction or exaction inflicted upon him.

Agreement Quotes: "Any cause that requires mockery and abuse to advance itself isn't one I need to engage with, regardless of my basic beliefs or agreement with the underlying goals."

Any cause that requires mockery and abuse to advance itself isn't one I need to engage with, regardless of my basic beliefs or agreement with the underlying goals.

Agreement Quotes: "To honor the people that died, we need to stop the Iran agreement, for sure, because the Iranian mullahs have their blood on their hands, and we need to take out ISIS with every tool at our disposal."

To honor the people that died, we need to stop the Iran agreement, for sure, because the Iranian mullahs have their blood on their hands, and we need to take out ISIS with every tool at our disposal.

Agreement Quotes: "Donald Trump believed that the whole history of trade agreements, most of which I've supported over the years, have not been effective, and I've come to believe he's right."

Donald Trump believed that the whole history of trade agreements, most of which I've supported over the years, have not been effective, and I've come to believe he's right.

Agreement Quotes: "Is political discourse still just shouting opinions about subjective, hot-button issues based on poor understanding and outright ignorance about which agreements can never be reached?"

Is political discourse still just shouting opinions about subjective, hot-button issues based on poor understanding and outright ignorance about which agreements can never be reached?

Agreement Quotes: "Israel's continued control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land."

Israel's continued control and colonization of Palestinian land have been the primary obstacles to a comprehensive peace agreement in the Holy Land.

Agreement Quotes: "If any agreement between two nations is to last, it must serve the best interests of both nations."

If any agreement between two nations is to last, it must serve the best interests of both nations.

Agreement Quotes: "I think the world is safer without Iran with a nuclear weapon. The world has got the potential to be safer if we fully implement the Paris agreement."

I think the world is safer without Iran with a nuclear weapon. The world has got the potential to be safer if we fully implement the Paris agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "The Internet is not a thing, a place, a single technology, or a mode of governance. It is an agreement."

The Internet is not a thing, a place, a single technology, or a mode of governance. It is an agreement.

Agreement Quotes: "In every age and clime we see Two of a trade can never agree."

In every age and clime we see Two of a trade can never agree.

Agreement Quotes: "People intuitively know that trade is good for our country. We just have to get the right trade agreements."

People intuitively know that trade is good for our country. We just have to get the right trade agreements.

Agreement Quotes: "You watch people run for president, and a large part of what they say, they don't ever follow through on. But I don't think you can afford to wait on this [trade agreements]."

You watch people run for president, and a large part of what they say, they don't ever follow through on. But I don't think you can afford to wait on this [trade agreements].

Agreement Quotes: "I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement. It's not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies."

I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement. It's not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.

Agreement Quotes: "Morality is your agreement with yourself to abide by your own rules."

Morality is your agreement with yourself to abide by your own rules.

Agreement Quotes: "With other people, Hilly hands out lies like the Presbyterians hand out guilt, but it's our own silent agreement, this strict honesty, perhaps the one thing that has kept us friends"

With other people, Hilly hands out lies like the Presbyterians hand out guilt, but it's our own silent agreement, this strict honesty, perhaps the one thing that has kept us friends

Agreement Quotes: "Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary."

Negotiating sugar trade in bilateral free trade agreements is a recipe for disaster for the U.S. sugar industry, and it is unnecessary.

Agreement Quotes: "Perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date has been the Montreal Protocol."

Perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date has been the Montreal Protocol.

Agreement Quotes: "Though few would admit it, most of the time, when people are upset they don't actually want to feel differently, they want agreement and ways to make a situation, condition, or person change."

Though few would admit it, most of the time, when people are upset they don't actually want to feel differently, they want agreement and ways to make a situation, condition, or person change.

Agreement Quotes: "No. Not really. A weapon didn't come to an agreement with the hand that held it."

No. Not really. A weapon didn't come to an agreement with the hand that held it.

Agreement Quotes: "No agreement between the British and Muslims can affect me. An agreement between Hindus and Muslims alone will affect me."

No agreement between the British and Muslims can affect me. An agreement between Hindus and Muslims alone will affect me.

Agreement Quotes: "But who knows, some years from now if there's a global emissions trading scheme agreement, as many have hoped for, then I'm sure Australia would be part of it."

But who knows, some years from now if there's a global emissions trading scheme agreement, as many have hoped for, then I'm sure Australia would be part of it.

Agreement Quotes: "When you break an agreement in a relationship, you must offer an amendment first, or it is meaningless."

When you break an agreement in a relationship, you must offer an amendment first, or it is meaningless.

Agreement Quotes: "Happiness is the maximum agreement of reality and desire."

Happiness is the maximum agreement of reality and desire.

Agreement Quotes: "The gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm."

The gospel is one of harmony, unity, and agreement. It must be presented in love, and with glad tidings, by those who are calm.

Agreement Quotes: "I have trouble with some books because I'm so much in agreement with them I'd rather just sit in the grass myself."

I have trouble with some books because I'm so much in agreement with them I'd rather just sit in the grass myself.

Agreement Quotes: "Washington is a place where people have always been suspect of style and overt sexuality. Too much preening signals that you're not up late studying cap-and-trade agreements."

Washington is a place where people have always been suspect of style and overt sexuality. Too much preening signals that you're not up late studying cap-and-trade agreements.

Agreement Quotes: "I have long believed these types of collaborative agreements are a far better approach to federal land management than the contentious battles that too often sidetrack proper resource management."

I have long believed these types of collaborative agreements are a far better approach to federal land management than the contentious battles that too often sidetrack proper resource management.

Agreement Quotes: "Men ... are not agreed about any one thing, not even that heaven is over our heads."

Men ... are not agreed about any one thing, not even that heaven is over our heads.

Agreement Quotes: "Every prayer is an agreement with yourself."

Every prayer is an agreement with yourself.

Agreement Quotes: "Words and prayers are powerful agreements, and you need to see what kind you are using every day."

Words and prayers are powerful agreements, and you need to see what kind you are using every day.

Agreement Quotes: "Every prayer is an agreement with yourself. The mind is asking the real you, which is life, to guide your decisions for every single choice that you make."

Every prayer is an agreement with yourself. The mind is asking the real you, which is life, to guide your decisions for every single choice that you make.

Agreement Quotes: "Donald Trump made it clear in that very interview that America will stand by our allies. We will uphold up our treaty obligations, including the mutual defense agreement that is NATO."

Donald Trump made it clear in that very interview that America will stand by our allies. We will uphold up our treaty obligations, including the mutual defense agreement that is NATO.

Agreement Quotes: "Hong Kong is the bellwether. If the Chinese stick to their agreement to let Hong Kong go its own path, then China will also go that way. If they don't, that is a very bad sign. I'm optimistic."

Hong Kong is the bellwether. If the Chinese stick to their agreement to let Hong Kong go its own path, then China will also go that way. If they don't, that is a very bad sign. I'm optimistic.