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Animal Quotes

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Animal Quotes: "Anybody who witnesses the suffering of animals and has a glimmer of hope of reducing that suffering can't take the position that it's all or nothing. We have to be pragmatic. Screw the principle."

Anybody who witnesses the suffering of animals and has a glimmer of hope of reducing that suffering can't take the position that it's all or nothing. We have to be pragmatic. Screw the principle.

Animal Quotes: "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals"

The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals

Animal Quotes: "Fear is feeling, is not what do you think. That feeling keeps your body in every way to 100% and makes you react like a wild animal. It gives you that extra than you have in a normal"

Fear is feeling, is not what do you think. That feeling keeps your body in every way to 100% and makes you react like a wild animal. It gives you that extra than you have in a normal

Animal Quotes: "There cannot be perfect civilization until Man realizes that the rights of every living creature are as sacred as his own."

There cannot be perfect civilization until Man realizes that the rights of every living creature are as sacred as his own.

Animal Quotes: "I call animals "guardians of Being," especially animals that live with humans. Because, for many humans, it's through their contact with animals they get in touch with that level of being."

I call animals "guardians of Being," especially animals that live with humans. Because, for many humans, it's through their contact with animals they get in touch with that level of being.

Animal Quotes: "In a perfect world, we would not keep animals for our benefit, including pets."

In a perfect world, we would not keep animals for our benefit, including pets.

Animal Quotes: "The pedigree of honey does not concern the bee; A clover, any time, to him is aristocracy."

The pedigree of honey does not concern the bee; A clover, any time, to him is aristocracy.

Animal Quotes: "I like all these little animals that run and eat and hide all the time. I like their faces, They seem to be scared and curious at the same time."

I like all these little animals that run and eat and hide all the time. I like their faces, They seem to be scared and curious at the same time.

Animal Quotes: "Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race."

Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race.

Animal Quotes: "Physical bravery is an animal instinct; moral bravery is much higher and truer courage."

Physical bravery is an animal instinct; moral bravery is much higher and truer courage.

Animal Quotes: "Human beings are social animals and nearly all of us are driven by the need to be loved and the desire to successfully sustain meaningful romantic relationships for life."

Human beings are social animals and nearly all of us are driven by the need to be loved and the desire to successfully sustain meaningful romantic relationships for life.

Animal Quotes: "The Utopians feel that slaughtering our fellow creatures gradually destroys the sense of compassion, which is the finest sentiment of which our human nature is capable."

The Utopians feel that slaughtering our fellow creatures gradually destroys the sense of compassion, which is the finest sentiment of which our human nature is capable.

Animal Quotes: "When we kill animals to eat them they end up killing us because their flesh...was never intended for human beings, who are naturally herbivores."

When we kill animals to eat them they end up killing us because their flesh...was never intended for human beings, who are naturally herbivores.

Animal Quotes: "Is there a more mysterious idea than to imagine how nature is reflected in the eyes of animals?"

Is there a more mysterious idea than to imagine how nature is reflected in the eyes of animals?

Animal Quotes: "What is it like to be a bat? What is it like for a bat to be a bat?"

What is it like to be a bat? What is it like for a bat to be a bat?

Animal Quotes: "There is not in the universe a more ridiculous, nor a more contemptible animal, than a proud clergyman."

There is not in the universe a more ridiculous, nor a more contemptible animal, than a proud clergyman.

Animal Quotes: "I am not a person and I am not an animal. There is something I am here for something I must do before I can go."

I am not a person and I am not an animal. There is something I am here for something I must do before I can go.

Animal Quotes: "I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons."

I love a dog. He does nothing for political reasons.

Animal Quotes: "I had rather be an oyster than a man, the most stupid and senseless of animals."

I had rather be an oyster than a man, the most stupid and senseless of animals.

Animal Quotes: "In Yellowstone National Park there are more ‘do not feed the animals’ signs than there are animals you might wish to feed."

In Yellowstone National Park there are more ‘do not feed the animals’ signs than there are animals you might wish to feed.

Animal Quotes: "Surely there will be some nonhuman animals whose lives, by any standards, are more valuable than the lives of some humans."

Surely there will be some nonhuman animals whose lives, by any standards, are more valuable than the lives of some humans.

Animal Quotes: "I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs. It's a pretty dumb animal, mind you."

I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs. It's a pretty dumb animal, mind you.

Animal Quotes: "The human body has absolutely no requirement for animal flesh. Nobody has ever been found face-down 20 yards from Burger King because they couldn't get their Whopper in time."

The human body has absolutely no requirement for animal flesh. Nobody has ever been found face-down 20 yards from Burger King because they couldn't get their Whopper in time.

Animal Quotes: "Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade."

Man is a military animal, glories in gunpowder, and loves parade.

Animal Quotes: "Animal personalities have always intrigued me, the desire to find out more about them made a reader out of me."

Animal personalities have always intrigued me, the desire to find out more about them made a reader out of me.

Animal Quotes: "Mental differences between the lowest men and the animals are less than those between the lowest and the highest man."

Mental differences between the lowest men and the animals are less than those between the lowest and the highest man.

Animal Quotes: "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel."

Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.

Animal Quotes: "The way animals are carted around reminds me of the slavery of my people... The slavery of animals has to be ended too."

The way animals are carted around reminds me of the slavery of my people... The slavery of animals has to be ended too.

Animal Quotes: "Man is a political animal by nature; he is a scientist by chance or choice; he is a moralist because he is a man."

Man is a political animal by nature; he is a scientist by chance or choice; he is a moralist because he is a man.

Animal Quotes: "Instinct guides the animal better than the man. In the animal it is pure, in man it is led astray by his reason and intelligence."

Instinct guides the animal better than the man. In the animal it is pure, in man it is led astray by his reason and intelligence.

Animal Quotes: "I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants."

I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants.

Animal Quotes: "All things are connected like the blood which unites one family."

All things are connected like the blood which unites one family.

Animal Quotes: "Now don't get me wrong, I love animals, but I like eatin' 'em more... fun to pet, better to chew."

Now don't get me wrong, I love animals, but I like eatin' 'em more... fun to pet, better to chew.

Animal Quotes: "Running is for animals. You need a brain and a ball for football."

Running is for animals. You need a brain and a ball for football.

Animal Quotes: "It is more important to prevent animal suffering, rather than sit to contemplate the evils of the universe praying in the company of priests."

It is more important to prevent animal suffering, rather than sit to contemplate the evils of the universe praying in the company of priests.

Animal Quotes: "We should give the same respect to the lives of animals as we do to the lives of humans."

We should give the same respect to the lives of animals as we do to the lives of humans.

Animal Quotes: "Although man has included meat in his diet for thousands of years, his anatomy and physiology, and the chemistry of his digestive juices, are still unmistakably those of a frugivorous animal."

Although man has included meat in his diet for thousands of years, his anatomy and physiology, and the chemistry of his digestive juices, are still unmistakably those of a frugivorous animal.

Animal Quotes: "Human beings are the only creatures who are able to behave irrationally in the name of reason."

Human beings are the only creatures who are able to behave irrationally in the name of reason.

Animal Quotes: "The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists."

The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists.

Animal Quotes: "We're always on the side of the animal that's being chased. We always seem to be on the side of the rabbit or the fox and not on the side of the hounds."

We're always on the side of the animal that's being chased. We always seem to be on the side of the rabbit or the fox and not on the side of the hounds.

Animal Quotes: "Anyone who cares about the Earth - really cares - must stop eating animals."

Anyone who cares about the Earth - really cares - must stop eating animals.

Animal Quotes: "Denial,they say, stands for"Don't even notice I am lying." Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us."

Denial,they say, stands for"Don't even notice I am lying." Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us.

Animal Quotes: "I became a vegetarian at 15. I was always an animal lover and, as a teenager, became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat. It was then that I started to research vegetarianism."

I became a vegetarian at 15. I was always an animal lover and, as a teenager, became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat. It was then that I started to research vegetarianism.

Animal Quotes: "Permaculture creates a cultivated ecology, which is designed to produce more human and animal food than is generally found in nature."

Permaculture creates a cultivated ecology, which is designed to produce more human and animal food than is generally found in nature.

Animal Quotes: "In design man becomes what he is. Animals have language and perception as well, but they do not design."

In design man becomes what he is. Animals have language and perception as well, but they do not design.

Animal Quotes: "America is new to instrumental dance tracks on the radio, we were all so surprised "Animals" did so well on the radio."

America is new to instrumental dance tracks on the radio, we were all so surprised "Animals" did so well on the radio.

Animal Quotes: "I could do terrible things to people who dump unwanted animals by the roadside."

I could do terrible things to people who dump unwanted animals by the roadside.

Animal Quotes: "The difference between humans and wild animals is that humans pray before they commit murder."

The difference between humans and wild animals is that humans pray before they commit murder.

Animal Quotes: "And do not change. Do not divert your love from visible things. But go on loving what is good, simple and ordinary; animals and things and flowers, and keep the balance true."

And do not change. Do not divert your love from visible things. But go on loving what is good, simple and ordinary; animals and things and flowers, and keep the balance true.