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Animal Quotes

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Animal Quotes: "The awful wrongs and sufferings forced upon the innocent, helpless, faithful animal race form the blackest chapter in the whole world's history."

The awful wrongs and sufferings forced upon the innocent, helpless, faithful animal race form the blackest chapter in the whole world's history.

Animal Quotes: "Some animals are secretive; some are shy. A cat is private."

Some animals are secretive; some are shy. A cat is private.

Animal Quotes: "A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'"

A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'

Animal Quotes: "Force is the law of animals, men are ruled by conviction."

Force is the law of animals, men are ruled by conviction.

Animal Quotes: "The only good cage is an empty cage."

The only good cage is an empty cage.

Animal Quotes: "Old Hollywood is just like a desert water in Africa. Hang around long enough and every kind of animal in the world will drift in for refreshments."

Old Hollywood is just like a desert water in Africa. Hang around long enough and every kind of animal in the world will drift in for refreshments.

Animal Quotes: "The dangerous temptation of wildlife films is that they can lull us into thinking we can get by without the original models -- that we might not need animals in the flesh."

The dangerous temptation of wildlife films is that they can lull us into thinking we can get by without the original models -- that we might not need animals in the flesh.

Animal Quotes: "In Tennessee where I grew up, there were animals, farms, wagons, mules."

In Tennessee where I grew up, there were animals, farms, wagons, mules.

Animal Quotes: "Your heart keeps jumping like a kangaroo, floating like an onion in a bowl of stew."

Your heart keeps jumping like a kangaroo, floating like an onion in a bowl of stew.

Animal Quotes: "Indians and animals know better how to live than white man; nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time fresh air, sunshine, and good water."

Indians and animals know better how to live than white man; nobody can be in good health if he does not have all the time fresh air, sunshine, and good water.

Animal Quotes: "I maintain that we ought to abolish the institution and stop causing or facilitating the existence of more 'companion' animals."

I maintain that we ought to abolish the institution and stop causing or facilitating the existence of more 'companion' animals.

Animal Quotes: "It’s a small thing to help one animal, but to that one animal it’s a big thing"

It’s a small thing to help one animal, but to that one animal it’s a big thing

Animal Quotes: "I think a human animal is far more wild and unpredictable and dangerous and destructive than any other animal."

I think a human animal is far more wild and unpredictable and dangerous and destructive than any other animal.

Animal Quotes: "I shoot the Hippopotamus with bullets made of platinum, because if I use the leaden one his hide is sure to flatten em."

I shoot the Hippopotamus with bullets made of platinum, because if I use the leaden one his hide is sure to flatten em.

Animal Quotes: "MUMMY, n. - an ancient Egyptian handy, too, in museums in gratifying the vulgar curiosity that serves to distinguish man from the lower animals."

MUMMY, n. - an ancient Egyptian handy, too, in museums in gratifying the vulgar curiosity that serves to distinguish man from the lower animals.

Animal Quotes: "Cruelty to animals is one of the most significant vices of a low and ignoble people."

Cruelty to animals is one of the most significant vices of a low and ignoble people.

Animal Quotes: "Often extinctions in the ocean occur at the same time as those on land. Then again, the ice age extinctions lost many big animals, but not many sea faring ones."

Often extinctions in the ocean occur at the same time as those on land. Then again, the ice age extinctions lost many big animals, but not many sea faring ones.

Animal Quotes: "The only thing I ever really care about is animals - animal causes. I don't really care about people that much, but animals I feel like they always need to be protected."

The only thing I ever really care about is animals - animal causes. I don't really care about people that much, but animals I feel like they always need to be protected.

Animal Quotes: "I've always been an animal lover. People should be made aware of all the issues. Some people think that the whole wearing-fur thing is glamorous, but you can look good without it."

I've always been an animal lover. People should be made aware of all the issues. Some people think that the whole wearing-fur thing is glamorous, but you can look good without it.

Animal Quotes: "If you want to be a party animal, you have to learn to live in the jungle."

If you want to be a party animal, you have to learn to live in the jungle.

Animal Quotes: "Becoming a vegan is a sure way of completely avoiding participation in the abuse of farmed animals. Vegans are a living demonstration of the fact that we do not need to exploit animals for food."

Becoming a vegan is a sure way of completely avoiding participation in the abuse of farmed animals. Vegans are a living demonstration of the fact that we do not need to exploit animals for food.

Animal Quotes: "When a stray animal crosses your path, it may be as close to God as you're going to get in this lifetime."

When a stray animal crosses your path, it may be as close to God as you're going to get in this lifetime.

Animal Quotes: "My feeling toward the animal is that he is our younger brother, and that we are our brothers keeper."

My feeling toward the animal is that he is our younger brother, and that we are our brothers keeper.

Animal Quotes: "My reason for becoming a vegetarian was simple: I loved (and love) animals"

My reason for becoming a vegetarian was simple: I loved (and love) animals

Animal Quotes: "Now, knowing better, we can act better, we can live better, and give the animals, our children and ourselves a true reason for hope and celebration."

Now, knowing better, we can act better, we can live better, and give the animals, our children and ourselves a true reason for hope and celebration.

Animal Quotes: "It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take their life away for fashion."

It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take their life away for fashion.

Animal Quotes: "Killing an animal to make a coat is sin. It wasn't meant to be, and we have no right to do it."

Killing an animal to make a coat is sin. It wasn't meant to be, and we have no right to do it.

Animal Quotes: "As a designer I like to work with fabrics that don't bleed. That's why I avoid all animal skins."

As a designer I like to work with fabrics that don't bleed. That's why I avoid all animal skins.

Animal Quotes: "I'd go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself...I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day."

I'd go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself...I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day.

Animal Quotes: "My cat speaks sign language with her tail."

My cat speaks sign language with her tail.

Animal Quotes: "Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to."

Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to.

Animal Quotes: "Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?"

Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?

Animal Quotes: "I think animals should be free. There's so much other food out there that doesn't have to involve you in that cycle of pain and death."

I think animals should be free. There's so much other food out there that doesn't have to involve you in that cycle of pain and death.

Animal Quotes: "Boldness makes even the smallest animal dangerous"

Boldness makes even the smallest animal dangerous

Animal Quotes: "Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health."

Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for animals. Do it for the environment and do it for your health.

Animal Quotes: "Every individual who eats flesh food, whether an animal is killed expressely for him or not, is supporting the trade of slaughtering and contributing to the violent deaths of harmless animals."

Every individual who eats flesh food, whether an animal is killed expressely for him or not, is supporting the trade of slaughtering and contributing to the violent deaths of harmless animals.

Animal Quotes: "In ten years [i.e., 1980] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish."

In ten years [i.e., 1980] all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.

Animal Quotes: "When a man does not admit that he is an animal, he is less than an animal. Not more but less."

When a man does not admit that he is an animal, he is less than an animal. Not more but less.

Animal Quotes: "Cruelty to animals is as if humans did not love God."

Cruelty to animals is as if humans did not love God.

Animal Quotes: "For an animal person, an animal-less home is no home at all."

For an animal person, an animal-less home is no home at all.

Animal Quotes: "Care for all the animals they need our help Care for all the children stop thinking of ourselves. And if we work together to try for harmony Someday we will live in peace"

Care for all the animals they need our help Care for all the children stop thinking of ourselves. And if we work together to try for harmony Someday we will live in peace

Animal Quotes: "Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance."

Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance.

Animal Quotes: "Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal."

Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal.

Animal Quotes: "A dog is not intelligent. Never trust an animal that's surprised by it's own farts"

A dog is not intelligent. Never trust an animal that's surprised by it's own farts

Animal Quotes: "We are here because there are things that need our help. Like the planet. Like each other. Like animals. The world is like a garden, and we are its protectors."

We are here because there are things that need our help. Like the planet. Like each other. Like animals. The world is like a garden, and we are its protectors.

Animal Quotes: "The world is not a factory and animals are not products for our use"

The world is not a factory and animals are not products for our use

Animal Quotes: "If animals could speak, mankind would weep."

If animals could speak, mankind would weep.

Animal Quotes: "In the killing of animals there is cruelty, rage, and the accustoming of oneself to the bad habit of shedding innocent blood."

In the killing of animals there is cruelty, rage, and the accustoming of oneself to the bad habit of shedding innocent blood.

Animal Quotes: "He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music."

He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music.