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Aphorism Quotes

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Aphorism Quotes: "Unrequited love is a billion times less intolerable than unrequited hate."

Unrequited love is a billion times less intolerable than unrequited hate.

Aphorism Quotes: "Death would not surprise us as often as it does, if we let go of the misbelief that newborns are less mortal than the elderly."

Death would not surprise us as often as it does, if we let go of the misbelief that newborns are less mortal than the elderly.

Aphorism Quotes: "He with the cleanest clothes isn’t necessarily the cleanest."

He with the cleanest clothes isn’t necessarily the cleanest.

Aphorism Quotes: "Because he has finally realized that it is it and not him that is loved by the woman he loves, many a man is jealous of his own car, house, wardrobe, or salary."

Because he has finally realized that it is it and not him that is loved by the woman he loves, many a man is jealous of his own car, house, wardrobe, or salary.

Aphorism Quotes: "Attending a funeral would leave the average person insane, if they truly believed that sooner or later they are also going to die."

Attending a funeral would leave the average person insane, if they truly believed that sooner or later they are also going to die.

Aphorism Quotes: "We are sometimes depressed by our failure to convince people who strongly believe that we are that we are definitely not depressed."

We are sometimes depressed by our failure to convince people who strongly believe that we are that we are definitely not depressed.

Aphorism Quotes: "We are sometimes dragged into a pit of unhappiness by someone else’s opinion that we do not look happy."

We are sometimes dragged into a pit of unhappiness by someone else’s opinion that we do not look happy.

Aphorism Quotes: "Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl."

Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl.

Aphorism Quotes: "Marketing is so powerful that it can make even an extremely untalented musician a one-hundred-hits wonder."

Marketing is so powerful that it can make even an extremely untalented musician a one-hundred-hits wonder.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some women have kissed—and some are kissing—a lot of frogs, even though the very first man that they have each kissed was and is still a prince."

Some women have kissed—and some are kissing—a lot of frogs, even though the very first man that they have each kissed was and is still a prince.

Aphorism Quotes: "The least we each ought to do for someone who treats us like a king or a queen is to treat them like a prince or a princess."

The least we each ought to do for someone who treats us like a king or a queen is to treat them like a prince or a princess.

Aphorism Quotes: "Saying that you do not remember something or someone is a less embarrassing or hurtful way of saying that you do not know it or them anymore."

Saying that you do not remember something or someone is a less embarrassing or hurtful way of saying that you do not know it or them anymore.

Aphorism Quotes: "Many a man was caused to perish by something that he and many men cherish."

Many a man was caused to perish by something that he and many men cherish.

Aphorism Quotes: "Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet."

Whenever He answers prayers, God usually prioritizes those by people who, instead of their mouths, have prayed with their hands and/or feet.

Aphorism Quotes: "Most priests wish they were as righteous as they seem to most members of their congregations."

Most priests wish they were as righteous as they seem to most members of their congregations.

Aphorism Quotes: "There probably was a time when the idea of having a toilet inside a house was repulsive."

There probably was a time when the idea of having a toilet inside a house was repulsive.

Aphorism Quotes: "A tie is what you get after ice cubes have wrestled with hot water."

A tie is what you get after ice cubes have wrestled with hot water.

Aphorism Quotes: "An arrogant man whose arrogance we see from his own behaviour is more tolerable than a humble man whose humility we hear of from his own mouth."

An arrogant man whose arrogance we see from his own behaviour is more tolerable than a humble man whose humility we hear of from his own mouth.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people ate less food less often when they each had a home than they now do as hobos."

Some people ate less food less often when they each had a home than they now do as hobos.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for."

Some people would not be dead if they have not gotten the things or people they had prayed for.

Aphorism Quotes: "Life sometimes confuses us by making us discover in someone we hate a quality or qualities we love."

Life sometimes confuses us by making us discover in someone we hate a quality or qualities we love.

Aphorism Quotes: "Passing their toilet training is the very last thing that some adults did that has made their parents proud of them."

Passing their toilet training is the very last thing that some adults did that has made their parents proud of them.

Aphorism Quotes: "Thanks to bad graphic design, some readers love only the electronic version of some books."

Thanks to bad graphic design, some readers love only the electronic version of some books.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people are each envious of the person they used to be."

Some people are each envious of the person they used to be.

Aphorism Quotes: "We the living are to blame for the painfulness of being dead."

We the living are to blame for the painfulness of being dead.

Aphorism Quotes: "I do not have a problem with people killing themselves, as long as they took at least a hundred years to think about what they are about to do."

I do not have a problem with people killing themselves, as long as they took at least a hundred years to think about what they are about to do.

Aphorism Quotes: "We think we like or love some people until we see them regularly."

We think we like or love some people until we see them regularly.

Aphorism Quotes: "We sometimes try to impress people we just met by not trying to impress them."

We sometimes try to impress people we just met by not trying to impress them.

Aphorism Quotes: "You need to be greedy or ignorant to truly want to live forever."

You need to be greedy or ignorant to truly want to live forever.

Aphorism Quotes: "The fact that you have just buried your parent or parents and/or sibling or siblings does not make you less likely to die today."

The fact that you have just buried your parent or parents and/or sibling or siblings does not make you less likely to die today.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people’s self-esteem was secretly improved when they discovered that their then-lovers had killed themselves over them."

Some people’s self-esteem was secretly improved when they discovered that their then-lovers had killed themselves over them.

Aphorism Quotes: "To increase the chances of a writer trying to kill themselves, cut off their hands."

To increase the chances of a writer trying to kill themselves, cut off their hands.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people wish they were as happy as or happy like some people think they are."

Some people wish they were as happy as or happy like some people think they are.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some disabled people spend a significant amount of their energy on trying to come across as abled or as not that disabled."

Some disabled people spend a significant amount of their energy on trying to come across as abled or as not that disabled.

Aphorism Quotes: "Not every single way of saying the right thing is right."

Not every single way of saying the right thing is right.

Aphorism Quotes: "Death would be an extremely bad thing like most of us paint it, if being dead were painful."

Death would be an extremely bad thing like most of us paint it, if being dead were painful.

Aphorism Quotes: "After a certain point, all natural bodily changes are for the worst."

After a certain point, all natural bodily changes are for the worst.

Aphorism Quotes: "Some people love but will never marry each other. Some are married to but have never loved and will never love each other."

Some people love but will never marry each other. Some are married to but have never loved and will never love each other.

Aphorism Quotes: "Unless it is you, finding out who your lover’s dream lover is is a nightmare."

Unless it is you, finding out who your lover’s dream lover is is a nightmare.

Aphorism Quotes: "If we had to earn our age by thinking for ourselves at least once a year, only a handful of people would reach adulthood."

If we had to earn our age by thinking for ourselves at least once a year, only a handful of people would reach adulthood.

Aphorism Quotes: "Nothing humbles a beautiful woman better than not being wanted by a man whose girlfriend or wife is ugly (or not as beautiful as she is)."

Nothing humbles a beautiful woman better than not being wanted by a man whose girlfriend or wife is ugly (or not as beautiful as she is).

Aphorism Quotes: "To evade insanity and depression, we unconsciously limit the number of people toward whom we are sincerely sympathetic."

To evade insanity and depression, we unconsciously limit the number of people toward whom we are sincerely sympathetic.

Aphorism Quotes: "Your relationship or marriage is dead or dying, if you almost always have to remind your partner to miss you (and/or they almost always have to remind you to miss them)."

Your relationship or marriage is dead or dying, if you almost always have to remind your partner to miss you (and/or they almost always have to remind you to miss them).

Aphorism Quotes: "More people would be depressed, if parents tried to please their children as frequently and as badly as children try to please their parents."

More people would be depressed, if parents tried to please their children as frequently and as badly as children try to please their parents.

Aphorism Quotes: "Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them."

Taking good care of your husband or wife is the best way to thank their parent or parents for having taken good care of them.

Aphorism Quotes: "Many a woman is in a relationship with or married to her man not because she loves him but only because she likes men like him."

Many a woman is in a relationship with or married to her man not because she loves him but only because she likes men like him.

Aphorism Quotes: "One of the leading causes of obesity is the misbelief that, when it comes to juice, ‘100%’ means ‘sugar-free."

One of the leading causes of obesity is the misbelief that, when it comes to juice, ‘100%’ means ‘sugar-free.

Aphorism Quotes: "Death is number one on the list of things that we wish were possible to leave behind when we escaped barbarism."

Death is number one on the list of things that we wish were possible to leave behind when we escaped barbarism.

Aphorism Quotes: "Not everyone who has killed themselves because they were HIV positive would have been killed by AIDS."

Not everyone who has killed themselves because they were HIV positive would have been killed by AIDS.