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Argument Quotes

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Argument Quotes: "To paint is always to start at the beginning again, yet being unable to avoid the familiar arguments about what you see yourself painting."

To paint is always to start at the beginning again, yet being unable to avoid the familiar arguments about what you see yourself painting.

Argument Quotes: "Notwithstanding these major arguments the wave theory initially did not meet with complete acceptance."

Notwithstanding these major arguments the wave theory initially did not meet with complete acceptance.

Argument Quotes: "A man with an experience of God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument."

A man with an experience of God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Argument Quotes: "I am very cautious of people who are absolutely right, especially when they are vehemently so."

I am very cautious of people who are absolutely right, especially when they are vehemently so.

Argument Quotes: "An argument in a couple: 2 people attempting to introduce each other to important truths - by panicked shouting."

An argument in a couple: 2 people attempting to introduce each other to important truths - by panicked shouting.

Argument Quotes: "The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism."

The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism.

Argument Quotes: "One of the best ways of keeping your temper in an argument, as most of us know only too well, is not to listen to anything the other person has to say."

One of the best ways of keeping your temper in an argument, as most of us know only too well, is not to listen to anything the other person has to say.

Argument Quotes: "However, if you do start crying in an argument and someone asks why, you can always say, 'I'm just crying because of how wrong you are.'"

However, if you do start crying in an argument and someone asks why, you can always say, 'I'm just crying because of how wrong you are.'

Argument Quotes: "Argument, as usually managed, is the worst sort of conversation, as it is generally in books the worst sort of reading."

Argument, as usually managed, is the worst sort of conversation, as it is generally in books the worst sort of reading.

Argument Quotes: "Behind every argument is someone's ignorance."

Behind every argument is someone's ignorance.

Argument Quotes: "Sir, I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."

Sir, I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.

Argument Quotes: "One of the great commandments of science is: 'Mistrust arguments from authority.'"

One of the great commandments of science is: 'Mistrust arguments from authority.'

Argument Quotes: "Surely: the adverb of a man without an argument."

Surely: the adverb of a man without an argument.

Argument Quotes: "There is nothing like instances to grow hair on a bald-headed argument."

There is nothing like instances to grow hair on a bald-headed argument.

Argument Quotes: "After an argument, silence may mean acceptance or the continuation of resistance by other means."

After an argument, silence may mean acceptance or the continuation of resistance by other means.

Argument Quotes: "Infidelity is seated in the heart; its origin is not in the head. It is the wish that Christianity might not be true, that leads to an argument to prove it."

Infidelity is seated in the heart; its origin is not in the head. It is the wish that Christianity might not be true, that leads to an argument to prove it.

Argument Quotes: "Truth does not need argument, agreement, theories or beliefs. There is only one test for it and that is to ask yourself 'Is the statement true or false in my experience?'"

Truth does not need argument, agreement, theories or beliefs. There is only one test for it and that is to ask yourself 'Is the statement true or false in my experience?'

Argument Quotes: "I got in an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because I tried to walk out, and had to slam the flap."

I got in an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because I tried to walk out, and had to slam the flap.

Argument Quotes: "The writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity."

The writings of leading ID proponents reveal that the designer postulated by their argument is the God of Christianity.

Argument Quotes: "A man sometimes wins an argument, but a woman always wins a silence."

A man sometimes wins an argument, but a woman always wins a silence.

Argument Quotes: "The dominance of conclusions over arguments is most pronounced where emotions are involved."

The dominance of conclusions over arguments is most pronounced where emotions are involved.

Argument Quotes: "Hence our verdict on these reformulated versions of St. Anselm's argument must be as follows. They cannot, perhaps, be said to prove or establish their conclusion."

Hence our verdict on these reformulated versions of St. Anselm's argument must be as follows. They cannot, perhaps, be said to prove or establish their conclusion.

Argument Quotes: "You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree."

You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

Argument Quotes: "If we carry this line of argument to its logical conclusion, the meaning of life consists of the flaws in one's conceptions and what one does about them. Life can be seen as a fertile fallacy."

If we carry this line of argument to its logical conclusion, the meaning of life consists of the flaws in one's conceptions and what one does about them. Life can be seen as a fertile fallacy.

Argument Quotes: "You can't talk about peace nor agreement while terror is used as the main argument."

You can't talk about peace nor agreement while terror is used as the main argument.

Argument Quotes: "The power of large corporations is still a scourge on the earth, but at least the arguments supporting them are undermined now."

The power of large corporations is still a scourge on the earth, but at least the arguments supporting them are undermined now.

Argument Quotes: "I'd say honesty is always the best policy. There are always a lot of arguments - but even if honesty starts some, it avoids bigger ones."

I'd say honesty is always the best policy. There are always a lot of arguments - but even if honesty starts some, it avoids bigger ones.

Argument Quotes: "I was born to argue... I don't know why. I mean, from arguing with my teachers and, on occasions, my parents. I think I've mastered the art of argument at a fairly young age."

I was born to argue... I don't know why. I mean, from arguing with my teachers and, on occasions, my parents. I think I've mastered the art of argument at a fairly young age.

Argument Quotes: "Any argument that asserts that 'God did it' is a sign of a lazy mind."

Any argument that asserts that 'God did it' is a sign of a lazy mind.

Argument Quotes: "The art of arguing is the art of living. We argue because we must, because life emends it, because, in the end, life itself is but an argument."

The art of arguing is the art of living. We argue because we must, because life emends it, because, in the end, life itself is but an argument.

Argument Quotes: "A man's opinions are generally of much more value than his arguments."

A man's opinions are generally of much more value than his arguments.

Argument Quotes: "The argument of the strongest is always the best."

The argument of the strongest is always the best.

Argument Quotes: "The best argument is that which seems merely an explanation."

The best argument is that which seems merely an explanation.

Argument Quotes: "A real pleasure is a pleasure that one enjoys by one's self, without a companion, and without a single argument."

A real pleasure is a pleasure that one enjoys by one's self, without a companion, and without a single argument.

Argument Quotes: "Neither irony nor sarcasm is argument."

Neither irony nor sarcasm is argument.

Argument Quotes: "We are pleased with one who instantly assents to our opinions, but we love a proselyte."

We are pleased with one who instantly assents to our opinions, but we love a proselyte.

Argument Quotes: "Neither irony or sarcasm is argument."

Neither irony or sarcasm is argument.

Argument Quotes: "There is one thing I know about creative conflict: once my argument is exhausted, I am not going to be unhappy whether it moves in my direction or away."

There is one thing I know about creative conflict: once my argument is exhausted, I am not going to be unhappy whether it moves in my direction or away.

Argument Quotes: "Affect not little shifts and subterfuges to avoid the force of an argument."

Affect not little shifts and subterfuges to avoid the force of an argument.

Argument Quotes: "Many times what cannot be refuted by arguments can be parried by laughter."

Many times what cannot be refuted by arguments can be parried by laughter.

Argument Quotes: "In a debate, rather pull to pieces the argument of thy antagonists than offer him any of thy own; for thus thou wilt fight him in his own country."

In a debate, rather pull to pieces the argument of thy antagonists than offer him any of thy own; for thus thou wilt fight him in his own country.

Argument Quotes: "By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient's reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result?"

By the very act of arguing, you awake the patient's reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result?

Argument Quotes: "No argument can persuade me to like oysters if I do not like them. In other words, the disturbing thing about matters of taste is that they are not communicable."

No argument can persuade me to like oysters if I do not like them. In other words, the disturbing thing about matters of taste is that they are not communicable.

Argument Quotes: "Any argument where one supposes an arbitrary choice to be made an uncountably infinite number of times ...[is] outside the domain of mathematics."

Any argument where one supposes an arbitrary choice to be made an uncountably infinite number of times ...[is] outside the domain of mathematics.

Argument Quotes: "Where they couldn't pick holes in our arguments they would drive horses and carriages through my character."

Where they couldn't pick holes in our arguments they would drive horses and carriages through my character.

Argument Quotes: "Faith is not uprooted by dialectic proof; it must already be deeply shaken by other causes to be unable to withstand the shock of argument."

Faith is not uprooted by dialectic proof; it must already be deeply shaken by other causes to be unable to withstand the shock of argument.

Argument Quotes: "It is difficult to be emphatic when no one is emphatic on the other side."

It is difficult to be emphatic when no one is emphatic on the other side.

Argument Quotes: "For I had often said that the best argument I knew for an immortal life was the existence of a man who deserved one as well as Child did."

For I had often said that the best argument I knew for an immortal life was the existence of a man who deserved one as well as Child did.

Argument Quotes: "A companion is but another self; wherefore it is an argument that a man is wicked if he keep company with the wicked."

A companion is but another self; wherefore it is an argument that a man is wicked if he keep company with the wicked.