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Astronaut Quotes

Find the best Astronaut quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Astronaut quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Astronaut quote of the day.

Astronaut Quotes: "My odyssey to become an astronaut kind of started in grad school, and I was working, up at MIT, in space robotics-related work; human and robot working together."

My odyssey to become an astronaut kind of started in grad school, and I was working, up at MIT, in space robotics-related work; human and robot working together.

Astronaut Quotes: "Now people need special costumes to ride bicycles. I mean, a helmet, what, are you an astronaut??"

Now people need special costumes to ride bicycles. I mean, a helmet, what, are you an astronaut??

Astronaut Quotes: "I wanted to apply to the astronaut program after the Challenger accident"

I wanted to apply to the astronaut program after the Challenger accident

Astronaut Quotes: "My parents were not pushy or anything like that. I think my mom was still expecting me to be an astronaut, but now she is very happy that I'm not doing that."

My parents were not pushy or anything like that. I think my mom was still expecting me to be an astronaut, but now she is very happy that I'm not doing that.

Astronaut Quotes: "It's like if you're an astronaut and you've been to the moon, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?"

It's like if you're an astronaut and you've been to the moon, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Astronaut Quotes: "I ran the astronaut school for six years, and I was the commandant and when I finished in '65, 26 of my guys went into space as NASA astronauts that I trained."

I ran the astronaut school for six years, and I was the commandant and when I finished in '65, 26 of my guys went into space as NASA astronauts that I trained.

Astronaut Quotes: "I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy."

I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy.

Astronaut Quotes: "Being a leading man... that's like saying I want to be astronaut. That's not going to happen."

Being a leading man... that's like saying I want to be astronaut. That's not going to happen.

Astronaut Quotes: "If my vision was good enough, I'd be an astronaut."

If my vision was good enough, I'd be an astronaut.

Astronaut Quotes: "I have gone through so many examinations of what a hero is, between the World War II stuff and the astronaut stuff."

I have gone through so many examinations of what a hero is, between the World War II stuff and the astronaut stuff.

Astronaut Quotes: "Spacemen die if they stay in one place."

Spacemen die if they stay in one place.

Astronaut Quotes: "Astronauts are the only kind of celebrity I know who can have a line of people waiting for their autograph, even if the line of people does not know in advance the astronaut's name."

Astronauts are the only kind of celebrity I know who can have a line of people waiting for their autograph, even if the line of people does not know in advance the astronaut's name.

Astronaut Quotes: "Every astronaut flew into space for a living. But while NASA has not solved the security problems, I would not put me back into a shuttle - and no other astronaut. The confidence is shaken."

Every astronaut flew into space for a living. But while NASA has not solved the security problems, I would not put me back into a shuttle - and no other astronaut. The confidence is shaken.

Astronaut Quotes: "I've been approached to do some things with astronauts and the preparation that astronauts go through."

I've been approached to do some things with astronauts and the preparation that astronauts go through.

Astronaut Quotes: "I applied to be an astronaut four times. I was rejected three times before I was accepted. So, it's about that, not - following your dream and not giving up."

I applied to be an astronaut four times. I was rejected three times before I was accepted. So, it's about that, not - following your dream and not giving up.

Astronaut Quotes: "The hardest thing for me as an astronaut was to improve my swimming skills."

The hardest thing for me as an astronaut was to improve my swimming skills.

Astronaut Quotes: "Historically, a successful life in comedy is a dream that's as equally pondered and unpursued as being an astronaut."

Historically, a successful life in comedy is a dream that's as equally pondered and unpursued as being an astronaut.

Astronaut Quotes: "Just in case God isn't dead, our astronauts carry sidearms."

Just in case God isn't dead, our astronauts carry sidearms.

Astronaut Quotes: "As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I don't even like riding in elevators."

As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I don't even like riding in elevators.

Astronaut Quotes: "I'm just a big boy, I'm still just playing cowboys and Indians and astronaut and baseball player and all that stuff that I used to play as a kid."

I'm just a big boy, I'm still just playing cowboys and Indians and astronaut and baseball player and all that stuff that I used to play as a kid.

Astronaut Quotes: "Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities."

Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities.

Astronaut Quotes: "Modern neuroimaging is like asking an astronaut in the space shuttle to look out the window and judge how America is doing."

Modern neuroimaging is like asking an astronaut in the space shuttle to look out the window and judge how America is doing.

Astronaut Quotes: "I want to launch a globe into space just to mess with the astronauts."

I want to launch a globe into space just to mess with the astronauts.

Astronaut Quotes: "I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I grew up in Houston. Gordo Cooper was my favorite astronaut."

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I grew up in Houston. Gordo Cooper was my favorite astronaut.

Astronaut Quotes: "I've secretly always wanted to be an astronaut."

I've secretly always wanted to be an astronaut.

Astronaut Quotes: "I actually wanted to be an astronaut, but I don't have a mathematical brain."

I actually wanted to be an astronaut, but I don't have a mathematical brain.

Astronaut Quotes: "I've always known I'd be a bank robber. So judge all you want, ladies and gentlemen. Because you never did become an astronaut."

I've always known I'd be a bank robber. So judge all you want, ladies and gentlemen. Because you never did become an astronaut.

Astronaut Quotes: "Astronauts and teachers are much more amazing than actors."

Astronauts and teachers are much more amazing than actors.

Astronaut Quotes: "The truth is in the heart"

The truth is in the heart

Astronaut Quotes: "Also I didn't habe 20/20 vision whch you needed to be a pilot. But I said you could still want something that is very unlikely to happen."

Also I didn't habe 20/20 vision whch you needed to be a pilot. But I said you could still want something that is very unlikely to happen.

Astronaut Quotes: "Open collaboration encourages greater accountability, which in turn fosters trust."

Open collaboration encourages greater accountability, which in turn fosters trust.

Astronaut Quotes: "If we adopt the same collaborative mindset and practices that got to the moon and back, and that built the International Space Station, we can alleviate poverty—and do much more."

If we adopt the same collaborative mindset and practices that got to the moon and back, and that built the International Space Station, we can alleviate poverty—and do much more.

Astronaut Quotes: "Collaboration begins with mutual understanding and respect."

Collaboration begins with mutual understanding and respect.

Astronaut Quotes: "This was exactly what I experienced in space: immense gratitude for the opportunity to see Earth from this vantage, and for the gift of the planet we've been given."

This was exactly what I experienced in space: immense gratitude for the opportunity to see Earth from this vantage, and for the gift of the planet we've been given.

Astronaut Quotes: "Curiosity is the essence of our existence."

Curiosity is the essence of our existence.

Astronaut Quotes: "And in that moment, I was hit with the realization that this delicate layer of atmosphere is all that protects every living thing on Earth from perishing in the harshness of space."

And in that moment, I was hit with the realization that this delicate layer of atmosphere is all that protects every living thing on Earth from perishing in the harshness of space.

Astronaut Quotes: "At this point I thought 'We made it, ' by which I meant 'We survived.' I also was acutely aware that my childhood dream of flying into space had just come true."

At this point I thought 'We made it, ' by which I meant 'We survived.' I also was acutely aware that my childhood dream of flying into space had just come true.

Astronaut Quotes: "I lay on my back, surprised at how calm and focused I felt, strapped to four and a half million pounds of explosives."

I lay on my back, surprised at how calm and focused I felt, strapped to four and a half million pounds of explosives.

Astronaut Quotes: "They've said your name sounds like an astronaut, but you don't go ascend above the sky.Don't you know you are a fall from the shooting star?"

They've said your name sounds like an astronaut, but you don't go ascend above the sky.Don't you know you are a fall from the shooting star?

Astronaut Quotes: "To be healthy in modern society, you must adopt the behaviors of an astronaut!"

To be healthy in modern society, you must adopt the behaviors of an astronaut!